Monthly Archives: March 2021

Barnhardt Podcast #139: Flaming Trains and Rick James

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In this abbreviated episode we discuss a little more about the Death Jab, touch briefly on the adventures of Bergoglio in Babylon, recount an anecdote that demonstrates the hysteria of mindlessly “gotta have it/get there” which explains why a lot of people will get the Death Jab, and inadvertently bring a super-freak into the context of the podcast.

Links, Reading, and Video:

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The Dam Spillway Valves Are Open: YET ANOTHER Benedict-Is-Pope article and book, with the focus on the Munus-Ministerium distinction and invalidity of Pope Benedict’s resignation

As I have said for years, all it will take is for a few people to speak out on the Bergoglian Antipapacy, and once it starts and critical mass is reached, there will be people crawling out of the woodwork to testify to the invalidity of Pope Benedict’s resignation and the subsequent Antipapacy of the wretched criminal apostate Antipope Bergoglio. I hope that the poll did just recently helped people see just how many believing Catholics have come to know this truth, per Canon 748.

Here is the latest, by Sergio Russo, published at Marco Tosatti’s website. Russo and co-author Rosanna Boccacci are set to release a book on the invalid resignation of Pope Benedict.

Please note that they make exactly the argument we have been making for almost five years: an OFFICE is a state of BEING. Pope Benedict IS the Pope. A MINISTRY is an optional contingent ACTIVITY proceeding from an Office. The Pope presides, legislates, judges, teaches, confirms the brethren. These are optional contingent activities, because a Pope in a coma, or imprisoned can’t DO the ministerial functions, but he IS still the Pope.

Office = Being

Ministry = Doing

This distinction is addressed here beginning at the 07:55 timestamp:

In order to validly resign, the Pope must resign from BEING the Pope, not merely from DOING the “active governance” and administrative functions of the Papacy, which is what Pope Benedict EXPLICITLY said he was doing.

Russo also echoes Dr. Mazza in recognizing the Pope/Papacy as the Katechon of 2 Thessalonians 2.


CoronaScam: Totalitarian Putsch, Forced Economic Collapse, Malthusian Population Reduction. Yes, but ultimately it is a Ritual Sacrifice by Voluntary Mass Suicide to satan.

We are in the midst of a suicidal mass psychosis on a scale never before seen in human history. We all know about the Jonestown cult and their mass suicide (the origin of the phrase “drink the Kool-Aid”), but the better example of an entire society falling overnight into an intransigent insistence upon committing mass suicide is the Xhosa people of Southern Africa beginning in ARSH 1856.

The thing to remember about what is happening now is that this is, beyond Big Pharma, beyond Gates, Soros and Fauci, beyond the Central Banks, beyond the government-media combine, beyond all of these dynamics, the ultimate driver of this is satan, and this is all, at its core, a ritual sacrifice to satan. Satan wants the entire human race to commit ritual suicide as a final holocaust offering to him, the total inversion of Calvary. For God so loved the world that permitted Himself to be sacrificed to redeem mankind, and mankind filled with self-loathing and hatred of God chooses to embrace satan and eternal damnation by self-immolation ritual suicide as a final sacrifice to Satan.

Now, your reading assignment for today is to read about the ENTHUSIASTIC mass suicide, pretty much out of the blue, of the Xhosa people of Southern Africa.  On the word of one young girl who claimed she had a “vision” an entire race of people slaughtered all of their livestock and burned all of their crops.  Because two girls told them it was the only way they could be saved and bring about a Utopia, and if they didn’t do this, they would be destroyed along with the entire world.

Sound familiar?  Read up.  Excerpt below.  Be warned, this author tries to blame this diabolical act on Christianity somehow, and paint is as a protest against Christian proselytism.  It was a purely pagan manifestation of evil – if any these people actually saw anything preternatural, it was demonic.  The white Christians BEGGED the Xhosa to not do this evil and insane thing.  I think you will be struck by the similarities to what is happening now – even down to the terminology… “New World” Order.

One morning in 1856, a fifteen year old Xhosa girl named Nongqawuse went with another girl to scare birds from her uncle’s crops in the fields by the sea at the Gxarha river mouth in the present day Wild Coast area of South Africa.

When she returned she said that she had seen a man, who had told her that ‘The whole community would rise from the dead; that all cattle now living must be slaughtered’. The girls returned home and told their families what had happened but they were not believed. Later, however, when Nongqawuse described one of the men, her uncle Mhalakaza, himself a diviner, recognised the description as that of his dead brother, and became convinced she was telling the truth.

As a result, between April 1856 and June 1857, the various sections of the Xhosa people of the Eastern Cape and the Transkei slaughtered almost all their enormous stocks of cattle and deliberately killed their crops. This apocalyptic event, rather than being some kind of ‘mass suicide’s described by early colonial historians, was actually the earliest example of a mass ‘passive resistance’ movement in South Africa. The themes and symbols of the Cattle-Killing can be found in the various resistance movements of South Africa right into the modern era.

Nongqawuse and Mhalakaza said that those who had appeared to them were the spirits of their dead ancestors, who had come back to life in order to bring the Xhosa nation back to its former glory and to ‘render the Xhosa the assistance they required in order to drive the white man out of the land’.

A few days later Mhalakaza met with the spirits himself, and said that all the dead of the Xhosa nation would arise again, that they would come up out of the sea, bringing with them new and uncontaminated cattle, along with ‘sheep, goats, dogs, fowls and every other animal that was wanted, and all clothes and everything they could wish for to eat. . . and all kinds of things for their houses.’ The cattle, said Nongqawuse, were at present in underground caverns waiting to arise and start a new world for the purified Xhosa people. On the day of their coming, she promised, ‘the blind would see, the deaf would hear, cripples would walk, and the whole Xhosa nation would arise from the dead’ and begin a golden age without disease, death or misfortune.

As word of the prophecies grew, the Xhosa paramount chief, Sarhili, sent emissaries to the Gxarha river mouth to investigate the prophecies. They did not actually meet the strangers, but returned home convinced of the truth of the prophecies and immediately began killing their cattle. Sarhili then sent two of his councillors to notify the chiefs under British jurisdiction that they must sacrifice their ‘bewitched’ cattle. Once Sarhili had come out in support, the movement gained enormous momentum.

But not all the Xhosa killed their cattle. Many refused to believe the truth of the prophecies and refused to waste their corn and neglect their gardens. By the end of 1856, so many cattle had been killed that the adherents of the movement had gone too far to turn back. Searching for a reason why the dead had not been resurrected as the prophecies promised, they blamed the ‘selfish’ actions of the ‘Unbelievers’ in preserving their cattle.

As the Cattle-Killing frenzy swept Xhosaland, rumours flew. The most striking of these was that the ‘New People’ foretold by Nongqawuse were in some way connected to the Russians, against whom the British were currently fighting -and being defeated -in the Crimean War. The Russians were therefore believed to be black, and coming over the sea to liberate the Xhosa and drive the whites into the sea, whereupon a new Utopia for the nation would begin. The individual magistrates who were stationed with chiefs under Governor Grey’s system tried to persuade the chiefs of the foolishness of slaughtering their cattle, but with little success.

As hunger set in, the farms of the unbelievers were plundered and rage against them mounted. Blamed for the destitution around them, and denied any help from the colonial government, they became outcasts, scarcely any better off than the Believers.

By February 1857 , starvation and destitution was widespread. No definite date had as yet been set for the beginning of the New World, and so many cattle had been killed there was no sense in keeping those that remained alive.

Sarhili visited the Gxarha river mouth, and spoke with Nongqawuse and Mhalakaza for a long time. When he returned, he announced that the New World would begin in eight days. On the eighth day the sun would rise blood-red, before setting again, there would be a huge Thunderstorm, and then “The dead would arise”. During the next eight days the Cattle- Killing rose to a climax. The Xhosa historian Gqoba reported that on the eighth day – ” The sun rose just like any other sun. The Believers withdrew into their houses all day, fastened tightly behind their doors, peeping outside occasionally through little holes in their dwellings until the sun disappeared. . . “

The estimated figure of those who died as result of the cattle-killing stands at 40,000. In addition, the Governor of the Cape instigated a massive programme of labour ‘recruitment’ which led to thousands of Xhosa being transported across the border into Cape Colony. Magistrates were instructed only to give food and relief to those who were willing to be contracted for labour in the colony. Those who agreed were obliged to sign a term of agreement whereby they expressed their willingness to work anywhere in Cape Colony for any wage that was offered.

The wicked man fleeth, when no man pursueth: but the just, bold as a lion, shall be without dread.
Proverbs 28: 1

Why, exactly, is “Immaculate Conception” in scare quotes on the Vatican website’s official Italian and English text of the Antipope’s desecration of a church in Iraq dedicated to her?

It’s a rhetorical question. We all know why. The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin points DIRECTLY to Christ’s DIVINITY, and to the reality of Original Sin, and Antipope Bergoglio’s entire satanic agenda is to deny Christ and destroy His Holy Church, ESPECIALLY in front of and to ingratiate himself to pagans and atheists.

Antipope Bergoglio’s tactic is to convince the world that “Immaculate Conception”, like “Vicar of Christ”, is an antiquated, superstitious title to be cast off. There is no place for such inanities in his One World Religion Universal Antichurch. And so, as we see, the Vatican has put scare quotes around the words “Immaculate Conception” in order to indicate that this title is NOT to be believed, but is an antiquated term that is an unfortunate relic of a soon-to-be-replaced thing that was called “the Catholic Church”.

The scare quotes are NOT in the other languages on the Vatican website. Only the Italian and the English. Interesting. Perhaps actual Catholic translators caught it and corrected it. Don’t worry. I’m sure they’ll soon be fired for this sickening display of triumphalism and for having callously offended all non-Catholic peoples by implying that Christ is Divine and that Original Sin exists.

Blunt Talk and Direct Answers About Papal Infallibility, Schism, the Law of Non-Contradiction, the Holy Catholic Church, and Faith in God Made Man, Our Lord Jesus Christ

As events continue to accelerate, the confusion and enmity increases in proportion, unsurprisingly.

So.  Let’s talk about Papal Infallibility.  First of all, Papal Infallibility is a very, very real thing.  It isn’t a pious fabrication, or the domain of “stupid, uneducated rubes who can’t handle reality.”  Papal Infallibility is an infallibly defined dogma, is an absolutely essential component of Sacred Tradition, has been held by EVERY saint and EVERY doctor of the Church (even before its formal definition, obviously – that is why it could be formally defined, it wasn’t an innovation), is testified to by nearly 2000 years of history, is totally logical, and is CLEARLY stated and established by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Gospels.

Further, the Divine Providence is PERFECT in Its designs. Thus, it stands to reason that the Divine Providence saw to it that Vatican I formally, infallibly defined and codified Papal Infallibility PRECISELY SO THAT THE CHURCH MILITANT COULD EASILY IDENTIFY A FORTHCOMING ANTIPOPE, namely Jorge Mario Bergoglio. If a putative “Pope” violates the infallibly defined dogma of Papal Infallibility… like, on a near-daily basis… then the faithful should, oh, I dunno, maybe check and see if anything sketchy, odd, unprecedented, illegal, or highly suspicious happened surrounding the putative “election” of said man, instead of declaring the Ecumenical Council that declared said dogma to have been “wrong”, and by rapid logical corollary declaring Our Lord to be an oath-breaking liar, and thus denying His very Divinity.

You would think.

You. Would. Think.

Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram, aedificabo Ecclesiam Meam.

Eight years ago, every member of Trad Inc., as well as many conservative Novus Ordo Catholics would have made pretty much exactly the arguments I am making below about Papal Infallibility.  The only thing that has changed is that they have adopted the false base premise regarding the identity of the Pope – namely that Jorge Bergoglio is now or ever has been the Pope.  The result of this false base premise is a logical truth table that is vomiting nothing but SCANDAL, falsehood, error, heresy, schism, and apostasy.  And satan laughs all the way to the Lodge.

Let’s start at the beginning with Jesus Christ (a very good place to start).  Jesus Christ is God.  I honestly think that a LOT of people either don’t quite buy this, or forget this slightly important fact.  Being that Jesus Christ is God, He is infinitely GOOD.  He is not a jerk who is trying to trick people.  He is not a liar who breaks His promises.  He is also not a moron, springing from the fact that He is omniscient and omnipotent.  He foresees every possible contingency because He contains ALL information and exists outside of time, and His Providence provides PERFECTLY, whilst respecting human free will.

Part of the “not being a moron” quality of God Almighty is the fact that He knows how to set up His Church, which is His Mystical Body, His Bride, and His gift to mankind, through which men might be saved, and outside of which there is no salvation.  God is also the Human Resources Manager par excellence.  He knows how we are as human beings, and He has set up His Church to protect us from, well, OURSELVES.

Anyone who has ever had any experience in business, the military, parenthood, or heck, just being an actual honest-to-goodness grown-up, knows that whenever a group of people get together, SOMEONE has GOT to be in charge.  Impotent or nebulous (meaning no one really knows who is in charge – either too many claiming power, OR no one stepping up) leadership yields chaos and failure.  This is AXIOMATIC given The Fall.  So, Christ said, “Thou art Peter, and UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH.”  This was such a big deal that Our Lord changed Simon’s name to PETER so that humanity would be BEATEN OVER THE HEAD FOR ALL ETERNITY by the Holy Pun. Kepha-Kepha. πέτρα-Petram-Petrus.

What Our Lord also did with the words, “Thou art Peter and upon this Rock I will build my Church” is establish the STANDARD OF SCHISM. How does one know whether they are in union with the Church that Jesus Christ founded or not?  Simple.  PETER.  The standard of schism is UNION WITH PETER, because PETER and each successor to Peter’s See is the visible head of Christ’s Church on earth – the Church Militant.  Anyone who denies that Peter is, alone and unique, the Rock upon which Christ built and sustains His Church, and thus denies Peter’s primacy and universal jurisdiction over the ENTIRE CHURCH on earth (such as the Eastern Orthodox, all protestants, etc.) is IN SCHISM.  So, given that Peter is the standard of schism, it was and is utterly essential that Peter be RELIABLE.  Here is where Papal Infallibility comes into play.

It is not possible for Jesus Christ, Infinite Love and Goodness, to put His Church or any of us as individuals into a catch-22 “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” position.  This is NOT POSSIBLE.  This certitude is a DIRECT corollary of Christ’s Divinity.  IF you believe that Jesus Christ would or could put His Church into a situation wherein there are two choices, and both choices lead to damnation, then you very simply do not believe in Christ.  This isn’t Star Trek.  The isn’t the Kobayashi Maru “no win scenario” test.

Jorge Bergoglio is CLEARLY an arch-heretic, only Catholic in the sense that he was baptized as a child, but OBVIOUSLY doesn’t hold the Catholic faith, and is obviously building a Freemasonic Antichurch.  This is all glaringly OBVIOUS.  So if a person assents to the OBVIOUS lies and false religion of Bergoglio, one is denying Christ.  Agreed?  Of course.  To follow Bergoglio is to deny Christ.  How then, could it possibly be, given the impossibility of the “catch-22 damned if you do damned if you don’t” scenario, that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope?  It isn’t possible. That’s the point.

Furthermore, since Jesus Christ clearly established union with Peter (upon this rock…) as the standard of schism, and given human free will, and The Fall, doesn’t it stand to logical reason that Christ HAD TO bestow and confer the unique grace of SUPERNATURAL NEGATIVE PROTECTION upon the Petrine See precisely in order to render impossible the “catch-22” scenario from ever happening?  Of course.  IF you are going to make union with one man holding one Office the standard of schism, the difference between eternal beatitude and eternal damnation, as Christ clearly did, that OFFICE absolutely HAS to have Supernatural Protection so that the faithful can be absolutely certain that being in union with Peter will never be a damnable offense.

So, since we have already established that assenting to Bergoglio’s heresies and apostasies and eventually entering into the Antichurch which he is constructing is to deny Christ, then it MUST logically follow that Bergoglio is not Peter, and Bergoglio is NOT the STANDARD of schism, but rather the VECTOR of schism.  Schism is the disease, and Bergoglio is the TICK that spreads it.  The True Peter cannot be the vector of schism, and the standard of schism, because Peter cannot both BE and NOT BE The Rock.  This is called the Law of Non-contradiction. Something cannot be both itself AND its negation.  It is also called “God’s infinite, unfailing love for His Church and mankind.”  It’s also called, “common sense.”


Papal Infallibility is an article of faith.  In its simplest terms, the Pope is infallible because Jesus Christ is God, and He made the Petrine Promise.  In much the same way, the Eucharist is transubstantiated former-bread and former-wine because Jesus Christ is God and He explained this in no uncertain terms in John 6.  No one can explain the metaphysical mechanisms of Transubstantiation.  No one can explain the Incarnation, nor the Hypostatic Union.  No one can explain the physical mechanism of the Resurrection. Every one of these things, including Papal Infallibility, is an article of Faith.

Papal Infallibility is a NEGATIVE protection, which means that its workings are largely hidden to the world in the infinitude of the dataset, known only to God, of what COULD have happened, but was PREVENTED from happening.  I remember when I was in college at K-State driving west on Highway 24 between Perry, Kansas and Topeka. A song I disliked came on the radio so I reached down to change the station and look for a better tune.  As I did this, I reflexively backed off the throttle as I momentarily took my eyes off the road.  I found a satisfactory station, and resumed speed.  A few seconds later, some idiot in a late-70s Monte Carlo came barreling down the onramp onto 24 Highway, spun out of control careening across both lanes and went into the center ditch, and then back across onto the shoulder just ahead of me.  Had I not momentarily backed off the throttle a half mile back and had I been a few hundred feet ahead of where I was, he probably would have taken me out.  This VERY unscientific example somewhat demonstrates the concept of a negative protection.  I am absolutely convinced that at the General Judgment, every human being will be shown every instance in which they were preserved from harm, and also had positive, “fortuitous” things happen in their lives, by these “passive” and “preventative” workings of the Divine Providence.  From the rock in one’s shoe that caused one to stop, and thus not get hit by a motorcycle, to the decision to stop into THIS restaurant and not THAT restaurant, wherein one met someone who led to a job, etc.  EVERYONE has stories of these kinds of events.  With Papal Infallibility, the difference is that we have been told by God explicitly that this kind of protection is real, and guaranteed to be in force.  We can’t see it, we can’t explain it, and the truth is that Papal Infallibility can manifest itself in incredibly subtle ways such that only the General Judgment will reveal its full workings throughout history.  But we know it is real and in force because Jesus Christ is God.  Period. It’s called FAITH.  It’s a theological virtue.  If you don’t have it, you better get it before you die.

My favorite example of the Supernatural Negative Protection of Papal Infallibility is what I have recounted before in this space about Pope Paul VI and the promulgation of Humanae Vitae.  Paul VI Montini had promised all of his Freemason and sodomite friends that he would open the door to contraception as Pope.  He assembled a “blue-ribbon panel” to study the question, and they, being the filthy infiltrators and heretics that they were, recommended the ratification of contraception “in certain circumstances” to Pope Paul VI.  So, Paul VI Montini and his ghostwriters drafted Humanae Vitae, and it was submitted to the Holy Office/Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, at the time headed by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani (a good guy).  Cardinal Ottaviani, a good Thomist, took one look at the vomitous lies in the draft, deleted them, and replaced them with the now-famous paragraphs strictly forbidding contraception AND prophesying the calamitous effects that contraception would wreak on society.  The document went back to Paul VI, and, thanks to the Supernatural Negative Protection of Papal Infallibility that he, being the legitimately elected albeit grossly unworthy Roman Pontiff and Successor to Saint Peter, enjoyed, Paul VI promulgated the document AS CORRECTED by Cardinal Ottaviani, and AGAINST his Freemason and sodomite buddies, who then turned on him and despised him until the day he died.  Pope Paul VI died pretty much reviled by everyone – his cabal never forgave him for failing to ratify contraception, and the actual Catholics knew what a foul man he really was.  Why did Paul VI promulgate Humane Vitae AS CORRECTED?  Why didn’t he change it back? The specific mechanisms we will not know until the General Judgment.  All we know until then is that the Supernatural Negative Protection preventing a catch-22 situation kicked in – because Jesus is Lord.  Amen, and A-MEN.


The virtue of HUMILITY means both knowing and acknowledging what you ARE NOT, but also what you ARE.  For a Pope to be truly humble, and not merely engaging in a FALSE HUMILITY, he MUST know, believe and conduct himself as the Absolute Monarch with Universal Jurisdiction that he is.  Isn’t it funny how satan really went to town in his attack on Holy Mother Church as soon as there were men upon the Petrine See who were loathe to exercise their authority as the Absolute Monarch that they were (and Pope Benedict still is)?  Pope Paul VI Montini was the last Pope to be crowned with the Papal Tiara in ARSH 1963, and at the end of the Third Session of the failed Second Vatican Council in ARSH 1964, in an act of ostentatious false humility, he descended from the Papal Throne in St. Peter’s Basilica, ascended the High Altar, and placed his Papal Tiara on the altar as an explicit RENUNCIATION of the “human glory and power” of the Papacy in keeping with the “spirit of the (failed) Council”, and then directed that the Tiara be sold and the proceeds be given to … wait for it… the “poor”. No Pope since has been crowned.  Only installed, and all have bent over backwards to project this same brand of false humility.  If you think that it is a coincidence that satan went into overdrive at exactly the same time as the Popes started refusing to acknowledge and exercise their power as the Absolute Monarch of monarchs that they are, I have a big red bridge to sell you cheap.

The infamous example of this with Pope Benedict was when he received Bishop Fellay of the SSPX.  Bishop Fellay is said to have asked Pope Benedict why he simply didn’t do what he saw fit to do, and what he (Pope Benedict) wanted to do to begin to correct the many problems in the Church.  Pope Benedict is said to have pointed at the door of his office in which they were sitting and said, “My authority ends at that door.”  That is, of course, totally wrong, and Pope Benedict was and is wrong to this day to NOT acknowledge his massive authority as the one and only living Sovereign Pontiff since April of ARSH 2005.

Folks, all of these Trad Inc. people who intransigently insist against pretty much all evidence (which they categorically refuse to engage – you’ve noticed that none of them have any clue about the Canon Law arguments, and they constantly ask questions which I and others have been explaining and answering for years now) that Bergoglio is Pope are all beating the Freemasonic-satanic drum that the Papacy is basically meaningless and powerless, has been all along, and anyone who actually believes in the authority of the Pope as bestowed by Christ and manifested for the past nearly 2000 years is STUPID, SUPERSTITIOUS, and AND IDOLATER. Because “Francis” is Pope, shut up, stupid!

That’s right.  A bunch of social-media addicted, underemployed laypeople who don’t even go to daily Mass, and at least one is known to publicly rail against the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary for being “an awful snore”have come to the conclusion that EVERYBODY has been all wrong about the Papacy, and that yes, the Church will be MUCH better off once everyone sheds their “superstitious papolatry” and accepts that Christ is a malignant liar who has put us all in an impossible catch-22 damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t situation,Vatican I was wrong and Papal Infallibility has been a superstitious crock for 2000 years (despite all evidence to the contrary), the entire Church including EVERY saint and Doctor of the Church has been wrong, and that the Law of Non-contradiction only applies when it suits Trad, Inc., namely that the Pope can simultaneously be the standard of unity AND its opposite – the vector of schism.

All of this is totally, completely, diametrically WRONG.

The problem with the Papacy is precisely that its power has NOT been wielded since Pius XII, in a nauseating betrayal borne of FALSE HUMILITY, and people, including the Popes since Pius XII, have lost faith in the Supernatural Protection and Absolute Monarchical Authority of the Papacy, first and foremost from the terrible example of the Popes themselves.  We don’t need a LESS powerful and assertive Papacy – that is the agenda of Freemasonry and satan!! We need the restoration of the AUTHORITY and UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION of the Petrine Office, recognized and aggressively wielded, starting with the current Sovereign Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, who desperately needs our prayers.

All of this is the fruit of the false base premise that Jorge Bergoglio is now or ever has been the Pope.  And obviously so.  False base premises yield logical truth tables with false, erroneous logical corollaries.  In order to reason soundly and navigate the battle space, you HAVE to have a true base premise.  The greatest act of violence that can be done to the Papacy is calling a man who is NOT Peter, “Peter”.  What we are living right now today is what you get when you incorrectly and invalidly cede the authority of the Petrine Office to an Anti-Peter, who if he isn’t the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, is totally stealing his playbook and his thunder.

Finally, I’ll ask one last rhetorical question.  What do you think the Pope will be like after the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (assuming that it is not concurrent with the General Judgment and Our Lord’s coming in Glory)?  What do the prophecies say?  Will the Pope of the restoration be a meaningless figurehead and groveling milquetoast of false humility, or will he be a bold, potent and virile Absolute Monarch who wields his power to defend Holy Mother Church from her enemies and rebuild her to glory? I think the answer is perfectly clear.

To believe as everyone before us, saints and doctors included in perfect unanimity, in the ABSOLUTE Authority of the Petrine Office is NOT IDOLATRY.

To have faith in the words of Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, recorded in the Gospels, and His promise of SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION of the Petrine Office, confirmed and promulgated as dogma by an infallible Ecumenical Council is NOT SUPERSTITION.

To hold the Catholic Faith whole and entire, and to be unflaggingly loyal and a staunch defender of the Papacy and the Absolute Universal Jurisdiction of the Vicar of Christ is not now and NEVER CAN BE A SCHISMATIC ACT.

Fast and pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church.

As always, I sure hope this helps.

(What do you think? Is this how it should be, or is it the mortal sin of idolatry against the First Commandment?)


The COATS OF ARMS: Yet another visible datapoint indicating that Pope Benedict is the Pope and Bergoglio is an Antipope

FYI, Fr. Z has a post up in which he drops the term “SUBSTANTIAL ERROR” numerous times, and thinks aloud about the Mazza Thesis. How ’bout that?

Americans aren’t much interested in snooty-pants European stuff like coats of arms, the study of which is called “heraldry”, so this compelling visible datapoint has flown under the radar outside of Europe.  BUT, it actually is a big deal, because we all agree that the Vicar of Christ is not only an Absolute Monarch, he outranks all other kings on earth, and, as SuperNerd likes to point out, and it is absolutely true, the entire physical universe is his jurisdiction, including low earth orbit (which currently has human presence), the Moon, and Mars.

The reason that Papal Heraldry has come up is because a prominent Italian Vaticanista whom you might remember from his ARSH 2018 book in which he argues that Pope Benedict is the Pope, Antonio Socci, has published a piece on another prominent Italian Vaticanista’s website, Stilum Curiae by Marco Tosatti, in which Socci states the following as the last item in a LONG list of indicators that Pope Benedict has and intended to remain the Pope:

Vatican journalist Saverio Gaeta has noted that “on Pope Bergoglio’s coat of arms the pallium is missing, while it is present on the coat of arms of Pope Ratzinger: an element that in Vatican symbology is decidedly not negligible.

“Decidedly not negligible” is nuclear-strength understatement, folks.  Coats of Arms are AGONIZED over by professional, career heraldists.  There is no possible way that the team of heraldists who worked on Bergoglio’s “Papal” coat of arms just FORGOT the pallium.  I can tell you right now: they had to be ORDERED, almost certainly over their protests, to delete the pallium from what they thought was a papal coat of arms.

Here is a real-time screen cap of the webpage of the official “Coat of Arms of Pope Francis (sic)”. Also note that the Papal Style, “His Holiness” is not used. Search and search all you like, there is NO PALLIUM on Antipope Bergoglio’s “papal” coat of arms.


Yup. Pope Benedict XVI, gloriously reigning (whether he likes it or not).

Here is the real-time screen cap of the Vatican webpage of “Coat of Arms of His Holiness Benedict XVI.” See the pallium, the white stole-like thing with the three red crosses on it at the bottom?  That’s the Papal Pallium.

Visibility, visibility, visibility… Poll Results In. Traditional Catholics in the English-speaking world overwhelmingly believe that Pope Benedict XVI is the One and Only Living Pope

First, the results.  I’m not surprised that Pope Benedict won the poll.  I am surprised by how much.  I knew that we were making significant headway, but this is REALLY encouraging:

My thanks to news aggregator extraordinaire Frank Walker at and his webmistress for doing the poll.  This poll was done purely to gather information as to the situation on the ground in terms of what Traditional Catholics in the English-speaking world, i.e. the demographic of the audience, are thinking.  As Mark Docherty pointed out, and cannot be pointed out enough, the identity of the Vicar of Christ on Earth is an objective reality.  It is NOT in any way a matter of “popular opinion”.  Christ Jesus bestows the Papacy DIRECTLY upon the man who is legally elected AND assents to the office with ZERO mediation from either the College of Cardinals or even the Church.  This was made clear in no uncertain terms in Pastor Aeternus at Vatican I.  It is also Christ Jesus who WITHDRAWS the Papacy from a man who LEGALLY AND VALIDLY resigns.  The arbiter of this validity is Canon Law, which is backstopped by Christ Himself.  When Christ said to Peter, “What you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and what you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven,” what that means is that Christ Himself is the guarantor and backstop of “Peter’s Codex”, which today is the 1983 Code.  Peter’s successor promulgated the 1983 Code of Canon Law, and therefore Christ imbues and vivifies it with His own authority.  Canon Law judges the validity of a Papal Resignation.  We merely point to the results and state them.  My meat thermometer judges the temperature of my meatloaf.  I merely state the thermometer’s determination as to the state of said meatloaf and act accordingly.

We must NEVER forget Canon 748.1 or allow ourselves to be scandalized by others into thinking that the Truth about the Holy Catholic Church is “none of our business”, or even worse that it is some sort of sin to sincerely seek the identity of the Vicar of Christ on Earth; which would be nothing less than a direct denial of Our Lord’s words in the Good Shepherd Discourse AND a denial of the Second Great Commandment to love our neighbors because God loved them first.

Can. 748 §1. All persons are bound to seek the truth in those things which regard God and his Church and by virtue of divine law are bound by the obligation and possess the right of embracing and observing the truth which they have come to know.

BUT ANN!  BUT ANN!  Don’t you think that the fact that you linked to the poll skewed the results?

Actually, I don’t think my link skewed it too badly, because my audience and’s audience have a HUGE overlap.  Most people who read this space also check Canon212, so I didn’t drive many people to Canon212 that wouldn’t have seen it themselves anyway.

BUT, just for giggles, tellya what I’m gonna do.  Let’s give the Holy Father Pope Benedict a little haircut shall we?  Just for fun.  How about… oh, I dunno… FIFTY PERCENT.  Yes.  Let’s take fully HALF of Pope Benedict’s votes away and see where that leaves us.

Hmmm.  So Bergoglio would still have 1219 votes, and Pope Benedict would have 1550 votes.  Where I’m from in Kansas, we’d say that Pope Benedict STILL goes all Cassius Clay on him.  “DOWN! GOES! FRA…NCIS!! DOWN! GOES! FRA…NCIS!!”

So.  Yeah.  I think it is very, very clear that a strong majority of Traditional Catholics today have come to the conclusion per Canon 748 that Bergoglio is an Antipope and Pope Benedict is the one and only living Vicar of Christ on Earth.

Two other cohorts to mention.  Novus Ordo Watch (1958 sedevacantists) linked and publicized the poll, so most of the “Neither” votes came from that.  Not all, but most.

Fr. Z posted and linked the poll, and there was a sharp uptick in “Francis” votes as a result of that.  Fr. Z’s audience is a mix or Trad, semi-Trad and Novus Ordo.  Several things stood out in the comment thread on Fr. Z’s post.  First was the significant percentage of people who said that they didn’t care, it was none of their concern, etc. who the Vicar of Christ is.  I hope Fr. Z avails himself of this chance to explain to his readers that indifference to other human beings being scandalized unto eternal damnation by an Antipope isn’t something we are permitted to shrug off.  Second Great Commandment.  Second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary – the Visitation.  Fruit of the Mystery? FRATERNAL CHARITY, LOVE OF NEIGHBOR.

Several commenters on Fr. Z’s thread said they voted “Francis” only because no prelate has spoken out on the question.  GOODNESS, SOMEONE SHOULD TELL Cardinal Burke THAT EVERYONE IS DEFERRING TO HIM AND HIS AUTHORITY, AND THAT HE HAS THE POWER TO “TURN LOOSE THE LION OF TRUTH” AT ANY TIME.  “Significant canonical irregularities have been identified with regards to the resignation proffered by Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013.  Pending further investigation….” Because maybe he doesn’t realize how much power he wields as not only a Cardinal Prince of the Church, but also the top-ranking Canon Lawyer in the Church. Still. And perhaps even more so now than ever.

The next was a comment by a lady named “Anita”.  She repeated the oft-heard mantra, “BUT THERE’S NOTHING WE CAN DOOOOOO!”

Anita, my dear, SPEAK. FOR. YOURSELF.

Next, I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge two men who have done essentially all of the work in demonstrating that Pope Benedict never validly resigned and that Jorge Bergoglio is an Antipope.  Those two men are, of course…

Pope Benedict Ratzinger and Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Visibility, visibility, visibility….

And finally, now that we know that among Catholics who hold the actual Catholic faith, who don’t think that sodomites can marry, nor that women can be ordained, nor that the Mass is a symbolic community meal, nor that God wills religious plurality and deems proselytism a sin, and nor that there is no hell, only soul annihilation – among people who are ACTUALLY CATHOLIC, the SENSUS FIDELIUM is that Pope Benedict is the Pope.  Exactly as one would expect given the words of Our Blessed Lord and Savior, God Incarnate, in John 10:

Amen, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he hath let out his own sheep, he goeth before them: and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. But a stranger they follow not, but fly from him, because they know not the voice of strangers (vocem alienorum).


New Mazza Mini-course beginning March 25th: “Body of Christ vs. Body of Satan”

“If the Son of God was revealed to us,” writes St. John in his First Epistle, “it was that he might undo what the Devil had done.” This mini-course will reveal the Son of God in the Body offered on Calvary, in the Mass, and in the Mystical Body of the Baptized Faithful & the role each plays in spiritual warfare with the Devil.


The look on Our Lord’s face here says it all.

Extremely Powerful Ivermectin Testimony Video

I can’t recommend this very short video strongly enough. A man was on the brink of death with viral pneumonia and his daughter lobbied his treating physician for Ivermectin. The results were basically instantaneous. Immediate, total, near-miraculous recovery.

Now here is what makes me want to pull my hair out, and I know Karl Denninger must feel the same way: note how the daughter says that she asked the doctor, “If this were your father, would you give him Ivermectin?”

Um, THAT ISN’T EVEN A QUESTION. The father was being called “hours from death”. Why in the blue fiery hell would it be “a decision” to give him one of the most frequently-dosed drugs in the world which is safer and more benign than aspirin? We’re not talking about some crazy dangerous radiation or chemotherapy treatment here. There is basically zero risk. ZERO. Zero danger. Zero downside.

The truth is, if this CoronaScam weren’t the fully premeditated act of war and attempted Malthusian human genocide operation that it is, every government would have immediately made Ivermectin free to anyone who wanted it. Every grocery store should have had an Ivermectin distribution kiosk.

My personal plan is to dose myself prophylactically every quarter, and then new policy: the moment I feel ANY sort of crud coming on, I’m going to do a couple of quick-hitter doses just in case I’m fighting a virus. Because WHY NOT??? If what I have coming on is bacterial, well then, hey, no harm no foul with the Ivermectin. I’ll either wait out a bacterial bug as I always have (because… IMMUNE SYSTEM), or get a scrip for a mild antibiotic if I really need it.

Which brings up another point. If Ivermectin had been used as an antiviral treatment before any of this CoronaScam Putsch happened, imagine how many doses of antibiotics would have been saved over the years. People should have been keeping Ivermectin, which should be available over-the-counter in the First World like it is in the Third World, in their medicine cabinet, and trying to knock out any possible viruses BEFORE going to the doctor for an antibiotic scrip, because antibiotics only work against bacterial infections.

Goodn€$$, for th€ £if€ of m€, I ju$t can’t und€r$tand why €v€rything in th€ Fir$t Wor£d ha$ b€€n driv€n toward$ antibiotic$. It’$ a my$t€ry.