Monthly Archives: May 2015

Definitely Not a Norman Lear Production

1.  Update on the “Van Parking Spot”.  First and foremost, thank you for all of the prayers and kind words.  I wish I was providing a better example and practicing what I preach.  I told Andrea Shea King a few weeks ago via email when things started getting chippy that “if it is God’s will that I stay nothing will be able to dislodge me, and if it is God’s will that I go, then nothing can prevent that.”  I reckon that it isn’t the prospect of departing Riverville that is so horrible – I have always known that that day would come.  It is the terms.  I had hoped that I would have been able to leave on sad and yet happy terms, not as a plague being driven out.  But, it is what it is.  I guess St. Paul went through this several dozen times.

So the update on the actual parking spot is that I am still in the new parking spot, but haven’t heard anything in about a week.  No news is good news and all that.  But, I’m certainly not going to unpack any more clothes, put it that way.  So, for now, it’s just “One Day at a Time”.  Because I have to, here’s the song.  I always hated this show as a kid.  It was such miserable, overacted  Commie agitprop, as were all of Norman Lear’s shows.  The lead character, the feminist single mom divorcee played by Bonnie Franklin, was such a revolting, miserable, mean-spirited, self-absorbed harpy, I can’t for the life of me figure out how this show ever ran for as long as it did.  Oh… wait.  I know.  Valerie Bertinelli.  Ten million teenaged boys and Eddie Van Halen can’t be wrong.  Duh.

… So up on yo’ feet!  Somewhere there’s music playin’.  Don’t you worry none, just take it like it comes… one day at a time.

2.  Speaking of Andrea Shea King, on the last ASK broadcast we did I talked about how people on the so-called “center-right” will start blaming the messengers, and that these sort of attacks should be expected.  Well, sure enough, just yesterday a very traddy priest told me that Pope Francis wouldn’t be doing nearly as much damage if people like me didn’t report or write or blog about him.  So me and my low six-figure audience is the problem, and the multi-trillion dollar global satanic-Freemasonic media juggernaut is no bigs.

I am reminded of Solzhenitsyn:

“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”   

3.  Yes, I saw the SCOTUS Tibble vs. Edison decision regarding pension and retirement funds, which allows for government seizure of said funds if the fund or plan “underperforms”.  Here’s the problem with this, and it is very simple.  Interest rates on anything other than 9th level derivatives are zero to negative.  Good grief, Swiss 10-year bonds have a negative yield.  TEN YEAR!  So the oligarchy drives interest rates to zero or lower, which means the only way to have even a chance of generating a return is to invest in super-risky products and derivatives, and then when either the funds fail to perform due to a lack of yield on “safe products”, or due to losses incurred on a high-risk portfolio, the State rushes in to save the people.  Um, yeah.  This is exactly what we have been warning about for years.  I personally have been saying for years both in terms of retirement funds AND Obamacare, that the regime would willfully and with full malice aforethought destroy both the financial markets AND the health insurance system such that the people themselves would be begging for government takeovers of both sectors.  Speaking of which, did you see that most health insurance premiums are set to double again next year?  Yep.  All according to plan, and also according to SIMPLE MATHEMATICS AND COMMON SENSE.

I am reminded by the whole government-imposed zero-to-negative interest rate paradigm of the engineered starvation in the Ukraine in ARSH 1932-33.  I’ve told this story before, but it bears repeating.  So in ARSH 1932, Stalin had decided to exterminate the Ukrainian peasant class.  Ukraine was/is the breadbasket of eastern Europe, and wheat farming was huge.  The Soviet agents running Ukraine refused to give the Ukrainian farmers any seed to plant that year’s wheat crop.  The farmers, growing progressively more panicked with each passing day as the planting window closed, would go to the Soviet offices and BEG the bureaucrats for seed.  They were given none.  Fast-forward to harvest time.  The Soviet bureaucrats showed up at the Ukrainian farms and demanded delivery of that year’s wheat crop.  The farmers, stunned by the sheer audacity of the Soviets’ demands for a crop that they categorically refused to give the farmers seed to plant, were then accused of hoarding the non-existent wheat harvest, were lined up and summarily executed as enemies of the people.  The women, elderly and young children were left to starve to death.  Before it was over, many women, driven insane by starvation, had killed, cooked and eaten their own children.  It is conservatively estimated that 4 million people starved to death in the Holodomor, which means “hunger extermination”.  The similarity is striking.  Synthetically eliminate the time value of money, and then demand the generation of a return.  Just sayin’.


Benefactor and Malefactor Masses Set, and How All Y'all Are My Problem

The monthly Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for all of my Benefactors/Supporters will be on Saturday May 30th.  The day before, on Friday May 29th, the Holy and August Sacrifice of Calvary will be offered for the salvation of the soul of [email protected] .  (Note: honestsportstalk shut down his email account about 48 hours after my post went up, so don’t bother sending anything.)  If you don’t remember, scroll down to the recent ‘Pollyanna” post and the unredacted email that [email protected] sent me.

Remember, God has known and loved [email protected] for all eternity, since before the creation of the universe.  In the fullness of time, God effected the conception of and endowed with a soul honestsportstalk in his mother’s womb.  God then knit together, atom by atom, molecule by molecule, honestsportstalk’s body.  And then honestsportstalk was born, and he (I’m going with the high odds that this is a male) was his mother’s precious little baby.  And he had cute little fingers, and cute little toes, and was very warm and snuggly as sleeping little babies are.  And then he grew up, and clearly something along the way went wrong.  But God still loved him relentlessly, so much so that God has, does, and always will hold sacred honestsportstalk’s free will.

But, God being God, and His thoughts being far above ours, can take our horrible, horrible decisions and actions, and cause incredible good to come out of them.  To wit, honestsportstalk made the horrible free choice a couple of weeks ago to compose and send that email to me.  It was a horrific, horrific sin.  BUT, because he sent it to me, the Holy Sacrifice will be offered for him.  And many, many people are going to set an alarm for roughly 1:00pm Eastern Daylight Time on Friday (ahem, cough, cough, hint, hint), and will stop for a moment, and uniting themselves to the Mass being offered for honestsportstalk, will themselves offer up a prayer for the salvation of the soul of honestsportstalk, along with all of the angels and all of the saints.  We won’t know the result until the General Judgment, and honestsportstalk, having free will held sacred by God, may choose not to avail himself of the grace that will be available to him, but I do know that all things are possible through Christ, and that honestsportstalk’s odds will be better after than they were before.

This is what “love your enemies” and “pray for your enemies” means.  This is what “love your neighbor” means.  I have no desire to meet honestsportstalk IN THIS WORLD.  But, I am desirous of the salvation of his soul, and hopefully meeting him in heaven, and gazing upon the Beatific Vision together with him, simply because God made Him, God loves Him, and God Incarnated and died for Him.

The mantra among men in post-Christian culture is , “He/she/they aren’t my problem.”  Well, it seems to me that the definition of charity is to voluntarily choose to make someone outside of yourself “your problem”.  In the broadest sense is agape love, the love of humankind, which is the sort of love one feels for someone like honestsportstalk.  Because God loves honestsportstalk, and because honestsportstalk’s path crossed mine, the choice is then put before me: do I make honestsporistalk’s salvation my problem?  I choose “yes” because God chose “yes”, both with regards to honestsportstalk AND with regards to me.  Do you know what the ultimate expression of choosing to make someone else “my problem” looks like?  Here.  Let me show you.

Things Jesus Never Said:  "You're not My problem."

Things Jesus Never Said: “You’re not My problem.”

Filial love, or brotherly love, is to say to another on a more intimate and direct level that you freely choose to make them “your problem”. Hence:

A faithful friend is a strong defence: and he that hath found him, hath found a treasure. Nothing can be compared to a faithful friend, and no weight of gold and silver is able to countervail the goodness of his fidelity. A faithful friend is the medicine of life and immortality: and they that fear the Lord, shall find him. He that feareth God, shall likewise have good friendship: because according to him shall his friend be.  Ecclesiasticus 6: 14-17

Erotic love chooses to make another person “your problem” by marrying them and becoming one unit in the eyes of God.  Their estates are combined, and, God willing, their DNA is combined, thus making each spouse the other’s “problem” to the extent of literally creating new human beings for which they are together responsible.  For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health… in other words, “all of your problems I now make my problems too.”

So, if you love someone, you should go right now and tell them, “You are my problem, and I’m so glad that you are,” because that’s just another way to say “I love you.”

The Big Ugly Has Begun and General Notes

1.  I think the “big ugly” phase has begun for me.  While I was optimistic about the “Parking Spot for the Van” situation, it all went to pieces yesterday.  I knew this was coming, but had hoped to hold on for a while longer.  I think we should expect to suffer the same things that Our Lord suffered.  This probably falls under the category of Matthew 8:20.  This in combination with the interpersonal unpleasantness referenced below, which is far worse (see Genesis 2:18), is admittedly taxing, and I also admit that I am not handling it very well.  If you find yourself with all of the chores done, the cat fed, your hair washed and set, and every other possible prayer said, a very quick, “Help Ann man up” prayer would be most appreciated.  If you know the St. Michael prayer, you might send him my way.  The demons are definitely afoot, seeking the ruin of souls, including mine.  They don’t want me, or any of us, to ever see God.

2.  I think I have made this point before, but just because it is a real-time occurrence for me, let me restate that an economy in which it is illegal for individuals to transact business with cash or payment-in-kind physical commodities is a deeply immoral economy that will not survive.  When the commodity being purchased is something utterly necessary as a corollary to waking up breathing, as in this case, shelter, the gravity of the disorder is even more pronounced.

3.  Back in the day, the Papal States, the “country” that occupied central Italy of which the Pope was the earthly ruler from the 700s until ARSH1870, generated all revenues by holding a monopoly on all olive and wine production.  All olive groves and vineyards were owned by the Papal States and sharecropped, but there were NO TAXES otherwise.  I gotta tell you, I just keep coming back to this in my mind as I think about what the post-war paradigm plans need to be for you all.  The risk in this, I think, is having a state monopoly like this over something truly coercive, such as energy.  Olives and wine are food, and they are certainly staples, but are not utterly necessary to human life.  What would be a possible commodity that a post-War state could hold to generate revenue, but not use to coerce or murder its people?  It is something to think about.  Internet?  Sugar?  Alcohol?  Maybe just beer?  But just think, no taxes otherwise.  No income tax (obviously), no property tax (obviously), no estate tax (obviously), no welfare taxes, no sales tax.  Nothing.  People completely free to transact business as they see fit, with whatever currency or barter commodity they see fit.  Sigh.

4.  Did you know that there are more Catholics in China than DOUBLE the ENTIRE population of Canada?  63 million Catholics in China vs. a total population of 30 million Canucks.  For reference, there are technically 78 million Catholics in the former United States, but only 719 of them actually believe what the Church teaches.  The rest complain to their sodomite hairdressers about how the Pill makes them carry extra water weight and thus they can’t wear the super-hawt white yoga pants outfit when serving as an Extraordinary Monster of Holy Communion at Mass that makes their boyfriend’s ex-wife super-jealous every time they see each other when handing off the kids for visitation, but our lord and savior Pope Francis the Merciful is totes teh AWESOME, and totes lurves teh gays, er mah gaaaah.

5.  If I make another video presentation, it will be an expose/explanation of the physical reality and horror of sodomy and the sodomite lifestyle.  I know someone who did this years and years ago and has a research dossier.  Like the “Islamic Sexuality: Survey of Evil” video I made, I think simply exposing these realities to daylight and getting the truth out there would do a lot of good.  Sodomite fornication is NOT just another “technique”.  It is a vile, satanic, body-and-soul killing abomination.  Man, do I ever hate sodomy.  I HATE it.  #IHateSodomy .  Someone needs to make bumper stickers to that effect.  Also in Latin, because everything sounds better in Latin.  #SodomiticumOdi (??)

6.  To end on something positive, here is a really good recipe.  It is a salad of green beans (string beans, fresh are best but frozen work too) quickly boiled (blanched), diced new potatoes boiled to the still-firm salad stage, diced cooked chicken (cheap thigh meat works great) and CASHEWS.  Boil and chill the beans and taters, add the cold chicken meat and cashews, and dress with a simple lemon vinaigrette (lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, dried thyme if you have it).  This makes a great first course, or a stand-alone summer lunch.  The only expensive bit is the cashews, but they really make the dish.

May ARSH 2015 Andrea Shea King Show

This was a particularly good conversation, I thought.  We start out discussing the dynamic of center-right “allies” turning on and blaming the messengers for provoking the oligarch class as they are no longer able to deny the reality and gravity of the situation.  Think Pamela Geller being attacked by O’Reilly and Laura Ingraham for “provoking” the musloids, or the example I give of the Jews in the concentration camps admonishing each other to “just cooperate and eveything will be fine”, as they were literally being marched into the showers.

Here is today’s Andrea Shea King Show.

Drunk Blogging

1.  So it has been a monumentally horrific and horrible few days – worst in many years, although things are tentatively okay on the “parking spot for the van” situation.  I think the parking spot thing is manageable and will resolve.  But, somehow a bottle of tequila, a bottle of Cointreau and a bag of lemons landed on my “dashboard/bar”, and so I made a pitcher of Margaritas, and then everyone in Riverville bailed citing “childhood tequila trauma/triggering”, and so I have this pitcher of pure Agave goodness staring at me, and so… drunk blogging.  Let’s see whether my prose improves or crashes and burns with three, no, FOUR margaritas in my 130 pound bod.  At any rate, it’s click bait fo’ shizzle, mah nizzles.

2.  I’m doing my monthly Andrea Shea King show on Friday morning.  If this post goes well, I might just get drunk for that, too.  Heck, it’s five o’clock somewhere, amiright?

3.  Interestingly, after the hate mail post I only received THREE emails saying, “Er mah gawsh, take that down!!!!eleventy!!!!”  There was a marked shift in the feedback towards the whole notion of coming grips with reality, and the need to understand what it is that we are up against.  And support.  But don’t worry.  That stuff doesn’t bother me in the least, at least in terms of myself.  I know that my death will almost certainly be grizzly, and if I escape rape, it will be a miracle.  But you know, none of those people know me, and so it isn’t personal.  But this week, I got into a discussion/debate with a beloved Riverville resident about the nuance and morality surrounding counter-revolution, civil disobedience, etc., and it ended with the person leaving in a huff, and as they left, I assured them of my love, and the response was, “Oh, FUCK you.”  Fuck as a verb.  With me as the object of the verb.  From a beloved, beloved friend.  Being raped to death by mohammedans or rap/hip-hop thugs, if it happens, will carry less anguish than that.

But, we remember Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ crucified, and with every one of our sins, we turn to Him, scourged and nailed to the Cross, and say, “Oh, FUCK You.”  I do it to Him every single day.  Multiple times per day.  Nothing engenders hatred in this fallen world so much as being genuinely, authentically loved – and not this bullshit Pope Francis “who am I to judge”, “do whatever you want as long as you continue your sycophancy of me” indifference masquerading as a total bullshit false love.  People, I’m telling you, EVERYTHING that you suffer, or COULD POSSIBLY SUFFER,  has already been suffered INFINITELY by Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in His Passion.  So there is no need to fear suffering, because He will be right there with you.  Offer it all up to Him.  And He will console you, because BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO MOURN.

4.  So, with regard to “[email protected]”, there is clearly only one path forward.  I must have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for the salvation of his soul.  The deal I have set up right now is that I get always two, but sometimes four, Masses per month.  I always have at least one Mass offered for my Benefactors and Supporters, and then the other is open to me for whatever intention.  In May, my two Masses will be for those two intentions:  my Benefactors and Supporters, and for “[email protected]”.  Think about that.  The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered, Christ Crucified on Calvary, will be offered for the salvation of that person’s soul.  Sit in stillness with that until you comprehend the miracle of that.  So, many of you have emailed me saying, “I’m so sorry that guy sent you that email.”  I’m not.  I cannot express the gratitude at that happening.  Our Lord knew that I could take it, and that I would know what needed to be done.  Think about it.  What other possible way could the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Calvary itself, be offered for that person?  Only this way.  And maybe, someday, if I make it, and if “[email protected]” makes it, we will be able to fall through each others’ souls as we dwell forever inside the Most Holy Trinity, pondering God from the inside.  That is my prayer.  Please join me in it.  I will, of course, post the dates of both of these Masses as soon as I lock in the dates.

5.  Five, FIVE margaritas.  Ah-ah-ah-ah!

6.  When I was a little-bitty kid, like three-to-four, I would wake up at exactly the same time every morning, walk out into the TV room, flip on the ol’ Zenith console at EXACTLY the moment that Sesame Street came on at 8:30.  Because body clocks.  Now, in retrospect, I know that Sesame Street was a vector of Commie agitprop, but regardless, those sights and sounds are positively pounded into my mind.  Not long ago, I had the chance to “babysit/hang out” with a very young friend, only 2 1/2, and I had my laptop with me, and so we sat on the sofa, and I pulled up YouTube vids of the old Sesame Street vignettes.  And my brilliant young friend sat enraptured at the memories of my so distant, and yet so distinctly remembered youth.  One of my absolute favorites was the “fabricating of saxophones” vignette.  I watch this and it is ARSH 1979.  Enjoy.  I’m taking two Aleve and going to bed.  Because I have to Clean all the Things at the Place with my boss in inpatient physical therapy for the next month, tomorrow, and margarita hangovers (ole’!) simply won’t do.


An object lesson for any remaining Pollyannas


I post this because there are still people who think that what is going on is simply one more case of generally decent people of good will disagreeing over political questions.  No.  Porn, drugs, fornication and sexual perversion are all entry vectors for DEMONIC OPPRESSION.  Read this email that came across the transom, and then go buy more guns and more ammo, because when these people are let loose, it will literally be hell on earth.





Uni Pex <[email protected]>
9:29 PM (1 hour ago)

to Ann
Hi, does your pussy smell like wet poop? you nasty bush tuna-smelling muslim-hating cunt…. and what’s your address again? oh i forgot. the irs busted your ass and you don’t have a home. you’re living with friends hahahahha. so no guy wants you…. you talk about muslims having sex, when apparently your cunt doesn’t get poked…. unless of course, if you’re a whore, which is completely against your “biblical” beliefs.. enjoy your toys…. so what’s your dildo’s name again?

go eat a dick and get a man….. i reserve the right to fuck the shit out of you (of course with your consent…. you’re a closet slut who needs to get your nasty cunt drained)…. And janitors pay just above minimum wage, right?

god dam, you’re an idiot. lol. is religion this fucking stupid? you’re no different to the other religion that you profess to hate and despise… you’re both two extreme ends of the spectrum, who both venture off into la-la land….

When it rains it pours…

1.  Update:  the “parking space for the van” issue has improved significantly, but I’m not going to self-sabotage by declaring the issue fully resolved.  Thank you all for the kind assurances of your prayers.

2.  But, Tuesday morning my immediate superior at my job as a custodial engineer where I Clean All the Things was mowed down on his motorcycle on his way to work by a very old lady who shouldn’t have been driving at all.  He always wore a helmet and full dragonskin, but suffered a very bad high femoral fracture.  (Shudder)  He’ll be out of commission for months, but hopefully will make a good recovery.  So, as you can imagine, Guess Who just got a temporary field promotion and an increase in hours?  Yep.  So, like I said, when it rains it pours.

3.  I have felt awful not having time to comment on the Pam Geller event.  So, catching up:

A.)  Kudos, as always to the brilliant, brave and beautiful Pam Geller.  She’s the original and second-to-none, folks.  She has dedicated her life and her personal resources to fighting the tyrannical political system masquerading as a religion commonly called “islam” and has done and continues to do yeoman’s work.

B.)  Super kudos to the off-duty officer who calmly dropped the musloids with perfect cranial shots, knowing that they were wearing body armor, and thus a headshot was required.  With his .45 pistol.  Just fantastic.  Movies have lulled all of us into believing that accuracy with a handgun is easy.  Well, it ain’t.  It is intensely difficult, even when practicing calmly on a range.  The fact that this fellow showed such accuracy in, what I understood to be, his very first tactical discharge is even more remarkable.

C.)  The big news today is that Pam Geller has NOT been contacted by the FBI or DHS.  I can’t say that I am surprised.  I was never involved in an attack like this (precisely, I think, because I made public my ability and willingness… enthusiasm even, at the prospect of defending myself), but it was still instructive to a lesser degree that I was likewise never contacted by any law enforcement other than my local police department.  It really makes one wonder, was that whole Molly Norris thing for real?  The propaganda arm of the regime is STILL pushing the “Molly Norris” story – see HERE.  Now, you all know that I hate the whole conspiracy theory worldview, but Pam Geller just had an act of war carried out on her by the Caliphate who have troops, forts, depots and colonies operating in the territory of the former United States (all according to the regime’s plans), and two soldiers of the Caliphate had their heads blown off, and not even a phone call from the FBI or so-called DHS.  But Molly Norris is still in the witness relocation program because she drew a cartoon on a thimble?  Um, call me incredulous. And after you call me incredulous, remind me again why it is that ANYONE is still paying taxes to this evil, evil regime?

4.  I’d just like to say once more at this point how much I HATE islam.  I also HATE sodomy in all its forms.  I also HATE beets.  That last one is, well, not quite the same, but I just couldn’t leave it off the list.

5.  I just wanted to point one thing out with regards to the living breathing allegory to the former United States that he is, Bruce Jenner.  Just to point out what a shallow, ridiculous crock of shit Jenner’s whole tranny schtick is, consider this quote from Jenner:

“I am not gay. As far as I know, I am heterosexual.  I’ve never been with a guy.”

Um, wait.  So you are telling everyone dumb enough and indifferent enough (remember, indifferentism is the opposite of charity or love) to entertain your sad, diabolical delusions that you are a “woman”, but the thought process on this is so incredibly shallow that you declare yourself “heterosexual” and “not gay” because you are exclusively sexually attracted to women.

Um, if Jenner actually believed on even the shallowest level that he was a “woman trapped in a man’s body”, dontcha think he might say something like “I’m a lesbian”?

Look, this is a guy who has descended into full-blown insanity and in a sane, Christian culture he  would be declared insane and institutionalized for his own protection.  Instead he is universally enabled in his insanity, and is going to chop off his own penis and testicles among other mutilations to the cheers of his evil family, evil “friends”, and the entire evil post-American culture.

Like I said, Jenner is the walking, talking allegory par excellence of the former United States and its culture.  You could not write this as fiction.

It’s over, y’all.  What at long last will it take for you to come to grips with this?





Moving Daze

I moved the “Van Down By the River’s parking spot” on Thursday, and thus have been in perpetual motion ever since.  One of the great mysteries of life is why unpacking takes so much longer than packing.  Even for a mere “van down by the river”.  Seriously.  Everything I now own fits EASILY into less than 300 square feet.

….I should finish unpacking in mid-July, if everything goes well.  ARGH!!!

Also, a snag has arisen with the new parking spot.  Let’s just say that local law enforcement may be less than sympathetic.  Prayers will be appreciated.  The Mother of Divine Providence, St. Joseph, St. Catherine of Siena and St. Philip Neri are all particularly involved, so asking them to pray for me would also be good.  Miracles are real, and God is in charge.  Whatever happens is for the best.

But, if it is time for me to go to the clink, I’m ready.  I have had more happiness and love in my life than most groups of ten people put together. When I go to prison, whether it be sooner or later, all I will have to do is close my eyes and think of these days….

God bless you all.

The Mother of Divine Providence with her Sweet Snuggly Baby.

The Mother of Divine Providence with her Sweet Snuggly Baby…who is God.