Monthly Archives: June 2020

Q: Dear Ann; Where is my money going if I donate to you?: A: Tonight I GLEEFULLY paid a “Karen Stasi Citation” for a Mom-n-Pop neighborhood restaurant.

First: RENT.  As far out in front as I can go.

Second? Bull**** like this crap.  The Stasi Karens rolled in tonight. With their clipboards and their tape measures. And pinched-lipped repulsiveness.  Do you know why?  Because the screeching Karen cat lady who lives above the restaurant (probably a OneKarenFive reader), filled with HARD WORKING SANE PEOPLE eating their dinner OUTSIDE, triggered her psychopathic totalitarian shit.

Leave us in peace. Don’t you have a video game or fantasy world to get back to, Hon?

So, the civilian rat Stasi rolled in.

That’s fine.

I quietly paid the restaurant’s $120 fine – for a completely non-specific “too many happy people enjoying company and family and great food OUTSIDE, and a business that wasn’t destroyed by the lockdown actually having a good night and making money”.  WE CAN’T HAVE THAT!!  When I saw what was going on, I covered the restaurant’s fine instantly by having them put it on my bill.  Without any hesitation.  You have to step up and help your neighbors.  To be honest, it made my day.  What a grace! What a privilege!

So.  My donors and supporters are covered DAILY more than once most days in the prayer of the Holy Sacrifice of Calvary.

I pay my rent, out front as far as I can.  And then?  You know, I’m open. I’m flex.

Paying a Nazi ticket for having too many people eating dinner OUTDOORS as ratted out by a Stasi Karen clique?  WORTH EVERY PENNY. (Plus my guest – 4 courses for the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul…)

120 fine – for the record. Pic below. It was officially categorized as “vegetable side dish”.  EVEN BETTER.


UPDATE:  No, the Gesundheitsfuhrer Karens had no idea I was paying the fine, BUT THE OWNERS DID, like, immediately. I flagged one of them over and casually “asked for advice on my next course”.   I watch everything like a hawk.  Situational awareness.  So the owners, who were turning red and about to lose their s**t, stayed calm, the Stasi Karens left, and all was well.

Pharmafia firm Gilead runs con charging $3000 for a five day treatment for the common cold.

It’s a common seasonal cold.

You remember the old saying, “For a cold, take plenty of fluids and bed rest and you’ll be over it in seven days. Do nothing and you’ll be over it in a week.”

Well, Big Pharmafia has rolled out some probable de facto placebo (how do you think they can get it on the market so fast unless they KNOW that it is a totally benign substance that won’t result in class action lawsuits?) which they are charging $3000-$5000 for a 5-10 day course.

For a common cold.

THIS is why no one in their right mind wants anything to do with doctors, hospitals or medicine of any kind.

Alas, most people will eat this up. Yet more proof why health insurance needs to be banned.

Big Pharmafia wasn’t happy financially raping people for cancer treatment, so now they have devised a way to financially rape people for THE COMMON COLD.

HeeHaw Gospel Quartet “Beautiful Life”

For those waxing wistful for such joys, and such a culture, might I suggest that you need not wist, as this IS YOUR CULTURE.

Let me say that again:


Your SHAME and hatred of it is a pure function of “The Errors Of Russia”, as the Blessed Virgin called it.

You are being forced to hate Christendom. All European culture. Everything “white”.

Never hate yourself. It is the surest path to Diabolical Narcissism.

Each day I’ll do (each day I’ll do)

A golden deed (a golden deed)

By helping those (by helping those)

Who are in need (who are in need)

My life on earth (my life on earth)

Is but a span (is but a span)

And so I’ll do (and so I’ll do the best I can)

Life’s evening sun (life’s evening sun)

Is sinking low (is sinking low)

A few more days (a few more days)

And I must go (and I must go)

Too meet the deed (to meet the deed)

That I have done (that I have done)

Where there will be (where there will be no setting sun)

While traveling down (while traveling down)

Life’s weary road (life’s weary road)

I’ll try to lessen (I’ll try to lessen)

Some travelers load (some travelers load)

I’ll try to turn (I’ll try to turn)

The nights to day (the night to day)

Make flowers bloom (make flower’s bloom, along the way)

Life’s evening sun (life’s evening sun)

Is sinking low (is sinking low)

A few more days (a few more days)

And I must go (and I must go)

Too meet the deed (to meet the deed)

That I have done (that I have done)

Where there will be (where there will be no setting sun)

While traveling down (while traveling down)

Life’s weary road (life’s weary road)

I’ll try to lessen (I’ll try to lessen)

Some travelers load (some travelers load)

I’ll try to turn (I’ll try to turn)

The nights to day (the night to day)

Make flowers bloom (make flower’s bloom, along the way)

Oh, the irony… Self-mutilating madman who decreed that white people only must wear the face diaper of submission declared last year that he had to self-mutilate because “I couldn’t wear this mask one more day.”

Wow. ANOTHER self-mutilating madman who should be institutionalized for his own protection has turned out to be a totalitarian psychopath.


It turns out that Oregon has its own Dick Levine. Meet Bill Hall. Yet another sex pervert so far gone into the sucking maw of Diabolical Narcissism that he is hellbent on mutilating his own body and denying objective reality on a level so fundamental that it is literally inscribed in every cell of his body.

Bill Hall is also the Commissioner of Lincoln County, Oregon who has somehow issued an order requiring ONLY WHITE PEOPLE to wear the Masonic Burqa of Submission, aka the Face Diaper of Humiliation.

Now, for the pièce de résistance, here is an article from just last year in which Mr. Hall, discussing his drooling insanity as manifested in his transvestitism, said… “I couldn’t wear this mask one more day.”


Not one jot, not one tittle…

A woman shall not be clothed with man’s apparel, neither shall a man use woman’s apparel: for he that doeth these things is abominable before God.

Non induetur mulier veste virili, nec vir utetur veste feminea : abominabilis enim apud Deum est qui facit haec.
–Deuteronomy 22: 5

TRACTION: No Agenda Podcast discusses Bergoglian Antipapacy, and the Vatican’s offering up of the nation of Italy to the Communist Chinese

The No Agenda Podcast is one of the biggest podcasts in existence. They’re picking up on the situation with the invalid resignation of Pope Benedict and especially the satanic Vatican-China nexus, both in terms of the Church, and in terms of the offering up of the nation of Italy to the CCP as a beachhead and Trojan Horse staging point for a Chi-Comm conquering of Europe. These are not religious men, and even they remark on the preternatural shadow over Bergoglio. This link should be cued up to the 55:22 timestamp. When the page opens, just hit the play button.

Barnhardt Podcast #115: Forewarned is Forearmed

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode, Mark and Ann are again joined by Dr. Edmund Mazza, further exploring his thesis that the words and actions of Pope Benedict suggest he has separated the functional aspects of the papacy from the ontological essence of the papacy, having himself retained the latter. In delegating the governance function/active role/ministry, it appears Benedict may have done so by attempting to separate the See of Rome from the Primacy itself. New evidence continues to be unearthed, some of it going back hundreds of years, supporting at least the conceptual validity of this. Will examine the resignation of Peter Celestine, the thoughts of Cardinal Manning, that the idea of splitting off the Roman See from the Primacy is NOT a heretical idea, the laity of Nestorius’ diocese publicly condemning their own bishop (Nestorius) in writing. Bergoglio “lamenting” that he might be the one who goes down in history as schisming the Church… something quite impossible if he were the true Pope. Bergoglio’s snarking remark about prelates who only halfway resign.The historical German significance of Benedict’s choice of “resignation” day. Carl Schmidt and the State of Exception: The sovereign has the authority to suspend the law. 2 Thess 2, “the restrainer” and the “man of sin,” the KATECHON… the restrainer is both a person and a system.

Vocabulary word of the podcast: KATECHON:

Not only a person but a system, the WHO and the WHAT that are restraining the antichrist (Joseph Ratzinger, Called to Communion, (Ignatius Press, 1996) 47; 55. Cardinal Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See: A Warning About Antichrist).

Links, Reading, and Video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast and the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “Supernerd Media” to 10940 Parallel Pkwy #K303, Kansas City, KS, 66109. Alternatively, you could email an gift certificate to [email protected] — or you can visit for even more options.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]

Listen on Google Play Music

So I left a comment on Bo Duke’s YouTube Channel…

I almost never comment online, but when I do, it’s under my full name.

John Schneider posted a video last week from a stretch of road that they used for action shots with The General Lee on The Dukes.  His question was, “Were we racist?  White supremacist?”

Here’s my comment, and HERE IS THE LINK TO THE VID.

Bo Duke is the first man I ever “loved”. My childhood (I was born in Oct ’76) was the mere DOWNTIME between episodes of the Dukes. I learned the days of the week by asking my mother, “Are the Dukes on tonight?” I admired Sheriff Little as a man of AUTHORITY. All of this garbage about the St. Andrew Battle Flag {of the Tennessee Army}  (call it by its real name, folks) is pure Marxist garbage. We love you. Never bow to totalitarianism, which is the REAL racism. Planned Parenthood, the ongoing slaughter in Chicago – that’s the REAL war on black people. God bless- Ann Barnhardt