Monthly Archives: November 2013

Unpacking the Latest Hot Mess from Pope Francis

Dread.  From the moment the white smoke appeared, it has just been dread.  Every day I dread what he is going to say or do.  What must be remembered in all of this, and what I have been saying since day one of the Franciscan pontificate is that we MUST understand and remember that Our Lord is ANGRY.  Very, very angry.  And as St. John Eudes told is in no uncertain terms, when God is angry with His people, we get bad clergy.  Given the unprecedented sins of the once-Christian world, it should be no surprise whatsoever that we now have not just bad priests, but a bad pope.  Hey, if we had the pope we deserved we would have Pope Snoop Dogg right now, so… yeah.  Sigh.

If you have listened to the first podcast, you heard the discussion about the criticality of thinking and arguing from the foundation a TRUE PREMISE.  That is what we have to do here when unpacking Francis’ latest mess. Let’s establish some TRUE premises and compare them with the FALSE premises that people are trying to use.

False premise #1:  Pope Francis is intelligent, because only an intelligent man could ever rise through the Church and be elected pope.  (This sounds eerily familiar somehow…)
TRUE premise:  Pope Francis is not a terribly intelligent man.

We want to believe that the people who are in charge or in positions of authority are competent to wield that authority, and that the world is a perfect meritocracy.  It is not.  It is consoling to one’s self to think that there are people out there who know and understand more than we do and can thus take care of us and handle problems.  This is not always true, and as our culture rots and corrupts, the less frequently this is true.  Academia is filled with idiots, liars and abject incompetents.  The business world rewards psychopathy and elevates stupid people and the unqualified who present no real threat to the able psychopaths, and are regarded as easily controlled pawns.  Once you shake off your innate, and quite frankly FEMININE, bias toward believing that occupying a position of authority PROVES competence, it is actually quite easy to spot people who are “the real deal” and, conversely, the poseurs.  One simple metric?  Real Deals answer questions clearly and directly.  Their “yes” means yes, and their “no” means no.  Poseurs are evasive and rely heavily on slogans and buzzwords; “speaks much, says little”.  Pope Francis’ main buzzterms are “humility”, “dialogue”, “encounter” and “the poor”.  I’m not convinced that he has a thorough or even adequate understanding of even one of those terms.

False premise #2:  Pope Francis understands economics and the financial system.
TRUE premise:  Pope Francis understands little to nothing about economics and the financial system.

This cannot be overemphasized.  Taking economic advice from Pope Francis is like taking advice on deep sea oil drilling or the proper playing of the French Horn from me.  For those of you who have watched my 2.5 hour video series on YouTube about the financial system and economics, do you honestly believe that Pope Francis knows ANYTHING about any of that?  Do you think he understands the situation with regards to the banking system, the debt bubble or the massive global derivatives exposure?  And that is just barely scratching the surface of the topic.  Do you think Pope Francis even understands or has thought about what money actually is?  Let me answer that question clearly.  No.  Pope Francis’ entire economic platform is, “Give poor people more free stuff forevah.”  That’s it.

False premise #3:  Pope Francis is politically conservative or completely non-political.
TRUE premise:  Pope Francis is a Peronist-Fascist which is a particular subset of Marxism in South America that believes that the state should control the economy and redistribute wealth.

Being that he is not terribly intelligent, he does not understand or have figured out that all political agitation for state-driven, forced coercion of “redistribution of wealth” has NOTHING to do with helping the poor and EVERYTHING to do with consolidating wealth and power among a cadre of oligarchs precisely by creating and then looting a massive underclass.  Lenin called these people who actually believe that Marxism genuinely cares about the poor, “useful idiots”.  Trapped by his own misguided belief that the poor are somehow INTRINSICALLY SPIRITUALLY SUPERIOR, when he sees the inevitable results of Marxism, namely the proliferation and spread of material poverty throughout a culture, he reconciles it in his own mind by canonizing the underclass and telling himself that they are spiritually “better off” for being materially poor.  This is not a malevolent position, but it is a deeply stupid position.

False premise #4:  Pope Francis is fully versed in and fully understands and fully believes what the Church teaches and has taught for 2000 years.
TRUE premise:  Pope Francis is a Jesuit and a direct product of the post-asteroid (aka post Vatican II) era.  As such, he is woefully uneducated and contra-educated, and believes that the Church was “reborn” in approximately ARSH 1968, and that everything before ARSH 1968 is inferior and/or irrelevant. 

The main architect of the destruction of the Church in the mid-20th century was a priest named Annibale Bugnini.  Bugnini was quoted as saying, “Modern secular man is the perfect man and the everlasting man.”  This statement explains pretty much everything that has happened in the last 50 years, and why.  This mindset, of which Bergoglio, a South American Jesuit and full product of the post-conciliar Church, was utterly formed in, allows for the utter rejection of and total lack of curiosity about everything that happened before ARSH 1968.  It doesn’t matter what the Mass was like before, and it doesn’t matter what the Fathers and Saints taught before, because MANKIND ITSELF was different, and not just different but INFERIOR.  Thus everything “old” is bad, and everything “new” is good, and thus the Church must also be new, and thus different.  Nothing “old” can possibly speak to the new, superior modern man, who can now “encounter” Christ and “dialogue” with Him as an equal.  Modern man can now act as his own arbiter of truth, conceptualizing the notions of good and evil within himself, and truth, goodness and beauty are now negotiable and dynamic.  Modern man need not rely on strict, antiquated teaching, but now, in his superiority, can confidently rely on how things make him FEEL.

Pope Francis doesn’t know what the Church’s teachings on these important questions are and he has clearly not availed himself of the wisdom left to us by giants like Augustine, Aquinas, and even popes who lived through the ascendancy of Marxism itself, like Leo XIII, because he simply doesn’t particularly care what they have to say.  Why consult inferior, backward men from an inferior, backward time when you can consult yourself in all of your modern, humble, post-1968 glory?

False premise #5:  Pope Francis wrote the Apostolic Exhortation (aka the manifesto) himself.
True premise:  Pope Franics almost certainly had significant “help” in writing the document, if it wasn’t totally ghostwritten.

If there is one skillset that we all should have picked up over the last six years, it is identifying a written text that in no way matches the voice of the speaker.  Pope Francis cannot speak with any coherence or sophistocation when he speaks off the cuff.  I know people who have personally witnessed his weekday morning homilies in Rome.  They are painful, rambling, incoherent streams of consciousness filled with excruciatingly awkward pauses, verbal ticks, and lost trains of thought in MID-SENTENCE.  This is why the Vatican media does not publish the verbatim transcripts but rather “summaries”.  They CAN’T publish the verbatim transcripts because the verbatim transcripts are massively embarrassing in their inarticulateness.  Men who cannot speak generally cannot write.  Bear this in mind.  I say this not to defend, but simply as a statement of fact.

Once you start addressing things like “the manifesto” from these true premises, it becomes much easier to parse them.  It hurts terribly to see the damage that is done, but we do what we can and remain ever-zealous for the salvation of souls (beginning with one’s own – ahem), and always remember that this is just all part of God’s wrath, which we so richly, richly deserve, and of which I fear this is just the very, very beginning.

Now, I am going to Mass of the Ages to encounter Our Lord, physically present in the Eucharist, as have so many saints before us.  Please God, let me grow ever-more intransigent in my faith.


Thanksgiving Hot Toddy (Gobble Gobble, Possum.)

1.  I’ve been partaking of Hot Toddies while fighting this chest cold virus.  My preferred recipe is one shot of The Famous Grouse, four whole cloves, one generous teaspoon honey, juice of half an orange, hot water to fill the mug.  Medicine is delicious!  We should have medicine every day!

2.  Tomorrow, November 29th at 12:30pm EST the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all of my benefactors, supporters and those who have prayed for me.  Set an alarm on your phone or some such and make a spiritual communion with Our Lord.

3.  I have been taken aback (yes, jaded as I am) at how many Catholics have emailed me about the Rosary explanation piece saying that while aware of the Rosary, they never had any idea what it actually was or what it meant.  Yup.  THOSE, my friends, are the fruits of the Second Vatican Council.  Behold the New Pentecost, the “New Springtime” in the Church, where apparently since ARSH 1968 it is always Winter and never Christmas – to quote Mr. Tumnus.  Congratulations especially to the Protestant lady who emailed to report that she had prayed the First Sorrowful Mystery – just the that one mystery – on her fingers and thought about Our Lord’s Agony in the Garden while saying the ten Hail Marys.  The longest journey begins with a single step.

4.   May I relate an anecdote about the Sacrament of Confession?  So I have been availing myself of the Sacrament of Penance frequently of late, and went yesterday with one sin that I needed to confess.  I always go to confession anonymously and I don’t know the priests and the priests don’t know me, and can’t even see me because I go where they have real confessional booths with opaque grills, so please believe me when I tell you, there is no way the priest last night knew who I was.  I confessed my one sin, let’s hypothetically say it was, “Bless me Father, for I have sinned.  It has been x days since my last confession.  Since my last confession I accuse myself of eating my soup with a fork one time.  For this and all other sins that have escaped my memory I am heartily sorry, humbly ask pardon of God and penance and absolution of you, Father.”  Do you know what the priest said back to me without skipping a beat?  He said, “The internet can be a wonderful tool for education and evangelization.”  Full stop.  And then he addressed the sin of “eating one’s soup with a fork”, which had nothing to do with the innerwebz.

Ummmm.  Okay.  Where did THAT come from?  I sure was happy to hear it.

Confession isn’t therapy.  It is a Sacrament of the Church, and Our Lord is the Actor, just as He is the Actor in the Mass.  Your best odds of physically, auricularly hearing God talk to you are in the confessional, on your knees, not looking for therapy or someone to justify your bad behavior.  Just tell Our Lord out loud what evil you have done, and He may just speak back to you through the priest.  In fact, it happens quite a lot.  Hmmmm.  Isn’t it too bad that most Novus Ordo priests and parishes make confession next-to-impossible, turn it into navel-gazing psychotherapy when they do do it, or tell people outright that it isn’t necessary at all?  Isn’t it sad, and frankly evil, that most new construction Catholic churches, even the super-high dollar ones, are built WITHOUT ANY CONFESSIONALS?  It’s almost as if there is some sort of conspiracy to keep people away from Our Lord in the Sacraments, or something.

The proper posture for confessing one's sins is kneeling, not sitting on a leather sectional with one's legs crossed in Father Jazzhands' office as you both "dialogue about your feelings".  Confess properly and you may confidently expect little miracles.

The proper posture for confessing one’s sins is kneeling, not sitting on a leather sectional with one’s legs crossed in Father Jazzhands’ office as you both “dialogue about your feelings”. Confess properly and you may confidently expect little miracles.

Ann Barnhardt Podcast for November 26, ARSH 2013

Very redneck.  One sloppy edit splice, and maybe a couple of coughs.  Sorry.  As I continue to work with the software I’ll make it look prettier, and maybe even add music bumpers.  For now, it looks like something made in a van down by a river.  Because it was.

It is basically a stream of consciousness riff, but the three main topics are:
1.  Logical validity vs. Truth and the importance of always thinking and arguing from a foundation of true premises.
2.  Church-state dynamics and challenging Americans to start thinking about what we have learned from the implosion of the American experiment as predicted by John Adams.
3.  Thanks to donors.

New Feature! "Disc Jockey Ann"

In my effort to add some value around here, I have added something that has been in the back of my mind for years.  It’s up on the Menu Bar above as a permanent feature and ever-growing work in progress: DISC JOCKEY ANN.  The categories are Popular, Country/Bluegrass, Secular Classical and Sacred.  I have started with 40 songs, and it is just barely scratching the surface.  This will be an inexhaustible project.  Enjoy!

Continuing Thanks to Donors and… RED BEER!

1.  My, but there are a bunch of you out there!  I continue to be bowled-over at your generosity with the donation button.  Either God really doesn’t want me living in a train station just yet or hell just got WAY hotter for me.  If it is the former, then it is all on you guys.  If it is the latter, it is 100% on me, and you are my victims.  I still worry.  I worry.

It is still bizarre to be confronted with the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of you out there reading this stuff.  Understand that every post has been written while standing, alone, in front of my desk (back in the old Lone Tree office) and now sitting at my desk in the Van Down By the River.  I get these tremendously moving little messages appended to the donations that show up in my email box from PayPal, and it is almost impossible to comprehend how it is that such profound feeling could spring from me staring at my monitor and pounding on my keyboard in solitude.  It is all very strange.  While I can’t reply to everyone, just know that I see, and I hear.  We will almost certainly never meet on this earth, but I’m waving back.  Hello!  Thank you!  If I make it to heaven, we’ll meet there!

REMINDER!  The next Tridentine Mass for my benefactors and supporters is coming up on November 29th at approximately 12:30pm EST.  Mark your calendars!

2.  By urgent and overwhelming request, The One About … THE SCIENCE OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION AND ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY has been posted just below and permanently on “The one about…” page.

3.  Red beer is basically half beer, half tomato juice or V-8.  You can sprinkle salt and pepper in it to make it extra-good.  If you are ever near Sidney, Nebraska, stop in to Dude’s Steakhouse.  I have eaten some SPECTACULAR meals there of Prime Rib and Red Beer.  Sidney is a really cool town.  It is the corporate headquarters of Cabela’s, and is thus … doing well.  And, it can also thus be safely assumed that everyone in Sidney is packing at all times.  Odds of being targeted in the “knockout game” in Sidney?  Uh, yeah.  That would be just below… ZERO.

4.  I have decided that Tuesday will be podcast day.  I have had a bit of a deep chest bug for the past several days and am hacking and rasping like Lucille Ball circa 1968 after chain smoking a pack of unfiltered Camels, but hopefully I’ll be in good voice on Tuesday.  Even if I’m not, at least my voice will be lower in tone.  Speaking of which, I have been playing with “Garage Band” on my MacBook Air, and I think I have the settings contorted enough so that I sound like Lauren Bacall in “To Have and Have Not”.  Anybody got a match?


After seeing all of these stories about how blacks are now knocking random people out on the streets, and sometimes killing them, I became inspired to repost this piece written all the way back in ARSH 2010, with a little love letter to everyone’s favorite puddle of Southside garbagejuice, Michelle Obama, kicking it all off.  Remember, the rap videos cited below are now THREE YEARS OLD.  In a culture wherein the depravity curve has gone parabolic, the rap shown below is now relatively TAME, not just in relation to other rap acts, but now in comparison to white girl teeny-boppers.  My point?  Because we as a culture refused to shut this crap down while we still could, our culture is now doomed, and deserves to be destroyed.

The reposting of this essay was inspired by Michelle Obama inviting a “rapper” to perform at a “poetry” event at the White House. The rapper, Common, is a filth monger very similar to the rapper cited below, L’il Wayne.

Hey Michelle, your taste in music is despicable and you need to keep your filthy, degenerate rap-trash friends out of the People’s House. And don’t you dare tell me that I simply don’t understand “your culture”. I understand “your culture” completely. It is rotten to the bone and satanic to the core. The race card has been officially maxed-out, Michelle. You have cowed good, decent people of all colors and races in this country for decades into tolerating filth and evil in our culture. But that era is over now, Hon. We have had enough, and WE WILL NOT BE COWED AND INTIMIDATED ANY LONGER. We are here, we never left, and we are mad as hell, so you and your filth-peddling friends better step back. And take your Godforsaken rap noise back to the gutter with you where it belongs.


“Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.”

“Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.”

–George Orwell

I’m making this post because I suspect that most of the people who read this blog have absolutely no idea how bad the rap/hip-hop culture has become. From what I can tell about my readership, I’m guessing that the average reader is white, male, rural, over 50, and, apparently, retired from the United States Air Force. What up, flyboys.

First, I want to show you a couple of videos of contemporary, popular, chart-topping rap/hip-hop. I was a kid when rap first started and the popular acts were Run DMC and MC Hammer. Rap was simply rythmic speech laid over a simple beat track. It was crude in the sense that it was lyrically stupid and lazy, and did not contain any intrinsic beauty. The lyrics were often shouted and/or grunted, and if there was more than one voice, the combination of shouting voices produced sonic dissonance. I think that we all made the mistake of dismissing it as a fad, thinking that something with no intelligence or beauty could persist. It wasn’t a fad. It was the beginning of a cancerous evil. If you are like me and have not really listened to any rap music in 20+ years, you need to listen to these videos so that you can understand the level of sheer evil that we are now dealing with.

CONTENT WARNING. These videos are EXTREMELY graphic. There are no images – I refuse to post the “music videos” because they are pornography, and even in the interests of education and intelligence gathering, I just can’t do it. These videos are simply the text of the lyrics, because most of us couldn’t understand what was being said without the lyrics printed. But believe me, the children who are listening to this garbage read the lyrics and know every word by heart – so we need to know too. The language is extremely profane and sexually graphic. It could certainly be characterized as verbal pornography. If you feel that you can’t handle such things, DON’T WATCH. And for goodness sake, make sure there are no children within earshot. Finally, as you are watching these videos, understand that this is actually MILD. This rapper, “Lil Wayne”, is a very mainstream, popular rapper. This is the kind of stuff that gets played on the radio and makes the Billboard charts. This is the “bubblegum” category of rap/hip-hop. Obama has stated publicly that he is a fan of this guy and has him on his iPod. (That in and of itself should be grounds for impeachment.) But there are additional levels of fouler, more pornographic, more “hard core” rap. Remember that. The first rap is called “Gonorrhea” and the second is called “I Am Not Human”.

Did you have any idea it was that bad?

What you just heard was pure evil. What you just heard must be fought against and, with God’s help, exterminated from the face of the earth. What you just heard contains absolutely no beauty, goodness or truth – only ugliness, sin and lies. It has no redeeming qualities, and can do nothing but damage and corrupt those who listen to it. What you just heard is a clear and present manifestation of satan running free in the land. The rapper’s voice sounds demonic. The beat and sonic accompaniment sounds demonic and hellish. And where to begin with the lyrics? Every single sentence is either talking about horrific sexual objectification, murder, extreme pride (braggadocio) or extreme materialism. There are also several instances of blasphemy, wherein the rapper calls himself “god” and remarks about women kneeling before him (performing a sex act) as if they were in church.

This is the mainstream, contemporary rap/hip-hop culture in the United States. The vast, vast majority of black Americans under the age of 50 listen to rap/hip-hop like this on a regular basis, and many other people of all races listen to it too. How do I know? Because this “Lil Wayne” person, and scores of others like him are eight and nine-figure millionaires. His product is being consumed at a massive rate.

Why does this matter? Because the evil twin towers of rap/hip-hop and government welfare are destroying the black culture, and by extension and spillover the broad culture, and by extension the broad economy, and by extension western civilization. Don’t think for a second that this filth has no effect on you on your ranch in rural Nebraska. Let’s think this through.

Over the past 30 years, rap/hip-hop culture has conditioned many black Americans (and others as well) to actively disdain education, work, honesty, integrity, personal responsibility, generosity, humility, marriage, fatherhood and human life. If you think I’m making generalizations, GO BACK AND WATCH THE VIDEOS AGAIN. Young black boys and men grow up believing that the only worthwhile endeavors are basketball and/or football, dealing drugs or rapping. They are taught materialism on a level never before seen in human history. Bentleys. Multi-million dollar mansions. Gold and diamond capped teeth. Gold and diamond- crusted jewelery. Any job or vocation that yields less than the exorbitant wealth showered upon rappers, drug dealers or professional athletes is rejected in favor of a life of complete sloth subsidized by the welfare state.

They are taught that sex is a perverse contact sport consisting of merely slapping pieces of human meat together in various ways in order to achieve orgasm. The black family in the United States has almost completely disappeared. Illegitimacy rates in the cities are now in excess of 90%. Most urban blacks have never, ever heard or been taught that sex is limited to marriage. Let me say that again: most urban blacks have NO IDEA that sex is limited to marriage. Most urban blacks have little or no personal contact with marriage or even monogamy. The concept of a father being present in a household is completely foreign. And just today it was reported that in New York City, 41% of all pregnancies end in abortion. Among blacks in NYC, the figure is a jaw- dropping 60%.


They are taught that drug use is desireable and normal, and that drug trafficking is just a means of making easy money.

As a result of all of this, in combination with labor unions and a general rejection of Judeo-Christian morality by all people, we are now staring down the barrel of a total societal and economic collapse as engineered and executed by Marxist elites over the past 50 years. The welfare and entitlement state has reached critical mass. The entire system is about to implode, and it will take ALL OF US with it. Because our culture has been reduced to an animalistic self-absorption, this collapse will not be like the Great Depression. Men will not take any job they can find to support their family – because men stopped supporting their families decades ago. Men will not take any job they can find in order to feed themselves, because men have been conditioned to believe that honest work is for “suckas”.

At this point, some of you reading this may already be feeling very uncomfortable with what I have just said. You may be thinking me “racist” and “bigoted”. Of course you are. You have been conditioned your whole life to have that reaction.  We have been conditioned to believe that any statement of truth, rooted in direct observation and objective evidence MUST be “bigoted”. We have been conditioned to believe that anything that discerns between two or more options, and determines that one option is superior or inferior to any other option is an act of evil, which is named “discrimination”. We have been conditioned to believe that the only morally acceptable stance on anything is complete indiscrimination – in other words, ANYTHING GOES. According to our culture, if I watch the videos above and discern with my powers of observation, reason, intellect and transcendent universal morality (called the Natural Law) that they are, without a doubt evil, then the problem is with ME. I am the evil that must be eliminated. I am the stumbling block to a utopian culture. If I would just sit down and shut up and embrace evil, then there would be no conflict in the world. By engaging in rational thought, I am perpetrating a hate crime. The only way for me to be a “good person” in this world is for me to utterly abandon Reason and Truth. And as I have stated many, many times on this blog, Reason and Truth are a Person, and His Name is Jesus Christ. Oh, yes. Satan is most assuredly afoot in the land.

If you are still feeling latent guilt about criticizing the rap/hip-hop culture, I would invite you to simply defend it. Go back to the two videos above and find me ONE example of virtue, goodness, selflessness, generosity, humility or LOVE. Go ahead. DEFEND IT. Defend pure satanic evil. Tell me about “diversity”, “cultural differences”, “artistic license” and “tolerance” whilst defending and justifying this:

“Diva in the room, she blowin me just like a band horn / Got her on her knees, the same knees that she be prayin on.”

Tell me who the racist is: me, or a man who proclaims, “I am not human.” My God, what more do you need? What more is there? Satan has these people denying their own humanity. I’m trying to reassert and proclaim the humanity and infinite dignity of Lil Wayne and everyone who listens to him. Lil Wayne IS A HUMAN, made in the image of God. God made the universe so that He could create and love Lil Wayne. Christ went to the Cross with Lil Wayne’s face in His mind, and “Wayne” on His lips. Yeah. Jesus that hateful bigot.

In the cities today, more than half of all black children are murdered by their own mothers before they are delivered. Abortion is obviously being used as contraception. Over the past 40 years, nearly 20 million black human beings have been murdered in utero in the United States alone. This means that there should be at least 20 million more black people in this country than there are today – and that isn’t counting the children and grandchildren that would have been born to those aborted black Americans by now. It is a geometric progression. I mourn those lost souls. I mourn the lost potential. This country would not be in death throes that it is in if those children were alive today. If our culture valued human life and thus prevented those children from being killed, God would still be shedding His grace on us. If our culture valued human life, then the rap/hip-hop culture would not even exist. It would have been consigned to the dustbin of history by a collective moral action of the people long ago, and almost all black children would be born to a mother and father, united in marriage, just as they were 60 years ago. One of the objective proofs of the brokenness of our culture is the fact that there aren’t nearly as many black people in our population as there should be. Now, what was it you were saying about Ann being a klannish racist?

What is the solution? I would assume that most everyone reading this blog already has a zero tolerance policy for rap/hip-hop. But we have to do something, because the opposite of love is indifference. As long as we are here in this world, we are COMMANDED to love our neighbor. This means that indifference is impossible. The only thing we can do is start speaking up about this, and not be afraid of being called racist. I hope that there are some black readers out there, because the key to killing the rap/hip-hop culture of death lies squarely in the lap of the black Christian community. They are going to have to rise up and end it themselves.

Like I said, I think we are too far gone to get out of this peacefully. But, if there is a war coming, it is absolutely critical that we know the depth and scope of the evil that we are up against. The rap/hip- hop culture gives us a window into hell itself. As Our Lord told us in Matthew 10:

“Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves. But beware of men. For they will deliver you up in councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues. And you shall be brought before governors, and before kings for My sake, for a testimony to them and to the Gentiles.”

A donation button clicker sends a shout-out to the Man.

Thank you all for the continued generosity and truly edifying moral support.

I really can’t add anything to this except Oooh-rah!:

Thank you Ann for having the courage to stand fast in the face of evil.  
Since I am adding my name to the list of .gov scrutiny (pretty sure I was already on it but certitude is a wonderful thing) I thought I would say hello to my little friends:  
To all commies, marxists, crony capitalists, fascists etc reading this email please know that we will never allow you to continue to destroy the flock.  You should know that attempting to kill God will only result in deeper and abiding faith within our hearts.  
Please know that we hear the screaming of the unborn and do not weep but rather sharpen our swords for we know that we are already God’s children and should you somehow miraculously manage to kill us, we will only serve to inspire more faithful to destroy you.  

Let no one mistake our intention, we will not precipitate violence but you already know that you have pulled the pin on the economy and its collapse will bring the fight  you have been prodding for months and months.  Somewhere in the back of your wretched, sickened minds you know there will be judgement for you.  It’s coming. 

James (Son of Zebedee) 

Barnhardt Jumps the Shark (Gulp)

Well, I prayed and prayed and finally came to the conclusion that I would do what everyone and their uncle has been telling, begging and pleading with me to do for years and monetize this website.  If God wants me to live in a train station, then the donation button will be lightly used.  If not, then, er, not.  If you think that I am doing the wrong thing, then please pray that it all explodes in my face as soon as possible.  If you think that I’m doing the right thing, then please pray for natural disaster victims, people with cancer, my enemies, your enemies, the conversion of the pagans, whatever moves you.

In all seriousness, I am hoping that this generates enough to compensate me for the time I spend on it and hopefully pay the rent.  Ideally, I would like to do janitorial and housekeeping work in the mornings, as it is always a much better day when one gets up early with a specific place to be and physical labor to be done, and then come back to the van in the afternoon and write and/or record a podcast.  Those of you who have done janitorial work know what I mean when I say how much I enjoy it, and don’t want to give it up.  Yep.  I write educational, instructive and entertaining essays and provide punditry in order to support my toilet-scrubbing hobby.  Absolutely.

The good news is that I feel that I need to step up content delivery, and have thus resolved to make more posts AND to start doing audio podcasts.  For some reason, and I have no clue what it is, people like listening to me talk.  With my voice.  I routinely deliver audiences ten times above normal when I do interview shows, and this has been going on ever since I went viral in April of ARSH 2011, so I guess I’ll go ahead and record myself ranting once per week and put it on YouTube.  I have a headset with a microphone, so this is very doable in the Van.  Do you have any questions or topics you would like for me to address on a podcast?  Please shoot me an email with PODCAST in the subject and I’ll glean topics from that.

Here is what is NOT going to happen.  I am NOT going to change my voice or tone.  I am NOT going to adjust what I say and write in order to maximize cash flows.  This is the problem that I see out in the world – people with soapboxes and bully pulpits who allow their rhetoric to be steered and calibrated – always toward the weak-tea side of the spectrum – by their revenue stream.  “Oh, I can’t say that!  I might lose a bunch of donors!”  Nope.  Not here.

I figure I’ve got the Ol’ Devil cornered, as a bunch of people are going to have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered for them as a result of this, so no matter what happens, there will always be that, and the Devil can never undo that.

And don’t forget, a donation here will send you straight to the top of some FEDGOV list, so you’ll have that going for you too, which is nice.

The button is to your right, and for all benefactors past, present and future, thank you.  I know what money is – I know that YOUR money is a proxy for your labor and your capacity to produce and create, in other words, your money is a little piece of your life.  When you give that to someone, you aren’t just giving them zeroes and ones on a bank server.  You are giving a piece of yourself, measured in time.  I get it.  For that please know how grateful and humbled I am.  Truly, thank you.


#TOLDYA #TOLDYA Confirmed today: Unemployment numbers all faked AND Obamacare website code NEVER EVEN WRITTEN.

I don’t relish in this.  I put these posts up to make the point that there will be absolutely no room for any arguments about how “we had no idea that the Obama putsch regime was malevolent” or “we were taken totally by surprise”.  As I have been saying for years and years, PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR GOVERNMENT, and an iniquitous gutter republic, such as yours (I renounce any association or connection to the abortion of an overthrown nation-state formerly called the United States of America  – I am stateless) that has the temerity to STILL crow about being “the land of the free and the home of the brave” and further continues to wave a now-meaningless founding legal document that begins with the words, “WE THE PEOPLE…”, oh you have NO possible argument to make.  You own this, and there is nothing “surprising” about any of it.  This was all EASILY called YEARS ago.

Let’s start with the confirmation today of the Obamacare website being a non-functional false facade; a Potempkin Village.  Yep.  I called that here on October 19th.  Item 3.  Let’s see.  These people all lie, and Chao admitted today that 40% of the code has yet to be written, so that probably means that 80% of the code has yet to be written.  Hmmm.  That would mean that there was just enough code written to get people’s personal information…   And they launched a website knowing full well that it wouldn’t function BECAUSE THE UNDERLYING CODE DID. NOT. EXIST.  Chaos and crisis is the objective, people.  If you cannot comprehend this, then there is basically nothing that can be done.  Mark my words, the “fix” will be “Medicare For All”, aka Single Payer government controlled health care from top to bottom.  And they’ve set it up so that you people will be literally BEGGING them to do it.  So. Totally. Predictable.

Next, let’s go WAY back and revisit some of my comments on the fake-fake-fakety-fake unemployment numbers, which were confirmed as such today.  Let’s also take this opportunity, while we are looking at obvious, repeating-like-clockwork tactics of Marxist tyrannies, to revisit the terrifying zenith that history tells us is very, very much a possibility here:


7.8%?  I called it months ago.  So. Predictable.
Posted by Ann Barnhardt October 8, ARSH 2012


…In my opinion, the “best-case scenario” would be continued inflation at roughly the pace we are experiencing now until Obama is removed from office. I am of the considered opinion that there is absolutely ZERO chance for any stabilization or recovery so long as the Obama regime holds power. ZERO. Why would there be? The Obama regime is actively and consciously trying to destroy the United States and its economy.

Do you think these people are going to wake up one morning, come to Jesus, and suddenly stop their war against this country? I wouldn’t count on it.

Further, don’t be fooled by ANY statistics coming out of Washington D.C. The unemployment numbers are as fake as a three dollar bill. So are the consumer confidence and consumer price index numbers. They are completely and totally fabricated, and will show “improvement” as we move closer to the 2012 elections. It has already started with last week’s completely phoney unemployment figures.

Analyzing these figures is as much of an absurd waste of time as analyzing Chinese economic data. THEY’RE MAKING IT ALL UP. IT HAS NO ANCHOR IN REALITY WHATSOEVER. Don’t be a patsy. Don’t be their stooge. WAKE UP. Look at the price of gold. Look at the price of crude. Look at the price of cotton. Look at the price of corn.

I look at these analysts trying to act like they’re above it all, dutifully studying and quoting these fraudulent datasets in a vain attempt to map “analogue years” and interpret all of this as if it were somehow normal. The only word that comes to my mind is: PATHETIC. It’s just pathetic to watch people living their lives in denial just because they want to maintain their position in their social circle or industry clique. PATHETIC. What’s worse is that they are willing to sacrifice the wealth and well-being of their clients and consultees in order to maintain their deluded little worldview. Don’t you be their patsy. Don’t you be pathetic. Don’t you fall for their deluded denial of obvious reality. Please.

And then . . . 


3. Once again, just making sure everyone understands the sickening farce that is the “unemployment figure.” I said last year (on the radio) that the reported “unemployment number” would be UNDER EIGHT PERCENT no matter what in Q4 2012. Sure enough, it appears that I will be proven exactly right. Is this because unemployment is going down? HELLZ NO! Real unemployment is climbing consistently, and is probably north of 20%.

I’m not psychic. I’m not a prophet. I don’t hear voices. I simply am NOT STUPID, I have read history, and I have the stones to acknowledge obvious, objective reality. How anyone could NOT see all of this stuff coming is completely beyond me. You can see all of these things coming miles and miles away.

And by the way, this applies to my fears about Obama being assassinated. Seriously, how stupid and balless do you have to be in order to honestly argue and believe that COMMUNISTS are not capable of killing anyone? How stupid and balless do you have to be to convince yourself that COMMUNISTS, who murdered AT MINIMUM 250 million people in the 20th century alone, would be incapable of murdering a dim-witted, drug addicted homosexual puppet in order to completely overthrow and cement power over the largest economy and largest military force the world has ever seen?

IF Obama is false-flag assassinated, there won’t be any “chain of succession” issues. Joe Biden will never, ever be POTUS, no matter what. If Obama is false-flag assassinated the Constitution will be suspended, a “provisional government” will be announced and martial law declared.

I shouldn’t be surprised by the abject and complete ignorance of history – even recent 20th century history, the normalcy bias and tunnel vision anymore, but I still am.

I am worried that Obama will be taken out by his own people for exactly the same reason that I called this phoney-baloney unemployment crap months and months ago – because it is ALL SO INCREDIBLY PREDICTABLE, and the populace is too stupid and deluded to even see how predictable it all is.



BEAD SQUEEZER! How To Pray The Rosary

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING fills up the old inbox with the hatey-hate quite like a mention of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  And I’m feeling a bit cantankerous, crotchety and like shaking my fist at the world, so watch me now bait the pagans and schismatic cultists.

Indulge me here for a moment.  Do you realize there there are millions upon millions of people all over the planet who call themselves Christians who honestly believe that when they face Our Lord at their Judgment, that they will somehow *win points* by explaining to Our Blessed Lord how much they hate His Blessed Mother, and how they did everything they could to befoul and besmirch her name and reputation, and how even the slightest mention of her – Our Lord’s Mother – sent them into a spittle-spraying rage?

Just stop and sit in stillness with that, and then ponder the level of prideful stupidity that is required to honestly hold that God Incarnate hates and is somehow jealous and resentful of His Own Mother.  That just pegs the needle, y’all.

Anywho, bunches of protestants, Catholics who have grown up in the Novus Ordo and thus were never taught the Rosary, or openly discouraged from praying it by the Commie-sodomite infiltrator priests and nuns, and even a couple of Jews who are taking “a second look” at Christianity, have asked me to explain what the Rosary is and how to go about praying it.  Sure.  No prob.

First, the history.  The Rosary was given by the Blessed Virgin herself to St. Dominic in ARSH 1214.  St. Dominic was having a terrible time combating heretics that were deeply embedded in the Church.  (D’oh!  Sound familiar??)  Long story short, she appeared to St. Dominic and told him what the Holy Trinity wanted done.  Her words were, “I want you to know that, in this kind of warfare, the battering ram has always been the Angelic Psalter which is the foundation stone of the New Testament. Therefore if you want to reach these hardened souls and win them over to God, preach my Psalter.”

The Angelic Salutation are the words of the angel Gabriel to Mary from Luke 1:28:  “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.”

The rest of the prayer then quotes the words of Mary’s cousin Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, upon Mary’s arrival at her home to be with her through her miraculous post-menopausal pregnancy in Luke 1:42:  “Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”

The rest of the prayer asks Our Blessed Lord’s mother to pray for us to her Son now, and especially at the hour of our death.  I eagerly await all of the “Christians” in their rage at this to send me emails telling me how “dead people are DEAD and can’t pray.”  Uh-huh.  Riiiiight.  Because John 3:16 says, as we all know, For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, would die, Die, DIE FOREVER!!!!  Yeah.  That makes PERFECT sense.  Yoooooubetcha.

So, the Hail Mary prayer, in its entirety is:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Now back to what she told St. Dominic: the Holy Trinity wanted the Angelic Psalter.  The Psalter is, of course, all 150 Psalms.  So, each Angelic Salutation stands for one of the Psalms.  There are 150 Psalms in the Psalter, so we pray 150 Angelic Salutation prayers (Hail Mary…).

Now here is where it gets REALLY cool.  Each block of 10 Angelic Salutation prayers (Hail Marys) is matched up with a key event in the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord from the perspective of His Mother – so what you are doing is essentially praying the Gospel itself, in order.  These events are called “Mysteries”.  These 15 Mysteries are then divided into three groups: Joyful (Life), Sorrowful (Passion and Death), and Glorious (Resurrection).  So no, one is NOT mindlessly babbling prayers.  During each decade of Hail Marys, not only are you thinking about the Angelic Salutation itself AND of the need for God’s Mercy upon you, a miserable sinner, both now and especially at the hour of your death, but you are also thinking about the event in the Gospel that each decade represents AND how that mystery applies to you and your life.  Each mystery has attached to it a “fruit”, which comes through grace when one prays it well.

Again, as an aside, I await with bated breath the emails telling me how praying the same prayer ten times constitutes mindless babbling, but also how structured prayer that requires ACTUAL THOUGHT AND FOCUS is evil, too.  No, really.  I love it when people argue directly contradicting ideas in the same breath – the same way I love watching videos of cats running into sliding glass doors.

Here are the mysteries and their fruits:

First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation (Gabriel tells Mary she will conceive the Savior by the Holy Spirit).  Fruit: Humility
Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation (Mary goes to her cousin Elizabeth who is 6 months pregnant with John the Baptist). Fruit: Charity – Love of Neighbor
Third Joyful Mystery: The Birth of Jesus. Fruit: Poverty, Detachment from Earthly Things 
Fourth Joyful Mystery:  Presentation of Infant Jesus at the Temple. Fruit: Obedience
Fifth Joyful Mystery:  Finding the Boy Jesus teaching at the Temple  Fruit: Piety, Zeal for God

First Sorrowful Mystery: Christ’s Agony in the Garden.  Fruit: Sorrow for Sin (both one’s own sin and the sins of the world), Conformity to the Will of God
Second Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar. Fruit: Purity
Third Sorrowful Mystery:  The Crowning with Thorns. Fruit: Moral Courage
Fourth Sorrowful Mystery:  The Carrying of the Cross Fruit: Patience
Fifth Sorrowful Mystery:  The Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Fruit: Perseverance, Self-Denial

First Glorious Mystery:  The Resurrection.  Fruit: Faith
Second Glorious Mystery:  The Ascension.  Fruit: Hope, Desire for Heaven
Third Glorious Mystery:  Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and Mary (Pentecost). Fruit: Wisom, Love of God
Fourth Glorious Mystery:  The Assumption of Mary into Heaven. Fruit: Grace of a Holy Death
Fifth Glorious Mystery:  The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven. Fruit: Trust in Mary’s Intercession

Where’s the Assumption in the Bible?  Oh, it isn’t explicitly there, but that’s okay because as John clearly, clearly states in the last verse of his gospel, they didn’t write everything down because if they had, the world itself could not have contained all of the texts.  That’s why Our Lord gave us The Church, and sent the Holy Ghost to protect it and guide it, including the repository of non-written information and Holy Tradition at Pentecost.  And I would just ask one more simple question.  We have bits of everyone else’s bodies.  They are called relics, and they are really, really important.  Where are The Blessed Virgin’s relics?  Oh, that’s right.  There are none, and never have been any.  Why?  Because she was assumed body and soul into heaven.  John and the rest of the Apostles and Church Fathers did not MISPLACE the body of Our Lord’s mother.  If you think that they did, then I really can’t help you with that.  Only God can fix problems of that enormity.

But, but, where is this Queen of Heaven stuff in the Bible?  Revelation 12.  Right there.

Now, the actual procedure.  Below is a picture of a Rosary.  Start at the Crucifix.  Begin with,
“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.”


On the Crucifix recite the Apostles Creed:

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth;
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.

On the first bead up from the Crucifix, say one Our Father (Lord’s Prayer):

Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

There is a wider gap and then three beads – each of those is a Hail Mary.  The first should be for Faith, the second for Hope, and the third for Love – Charity.  Also internally specify any specific intention you have for this Rosary at this time.

There is a wider gap and then one more bead before the center medallion.  On this bead say one Gloria Patri:

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen.

Now you’re on the center medallion thing.  Here, we pray the Fatima Prayer, given by the Blessed Virgin to the children at Fatima, Portugal in ARSH 1917:

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. Amen.

Now you are one the circular part of the chain.  Start with the First Joyful Mystery.  Announce which mystery it is and its fruit:
“The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation.  Fruit of the Mystery: Humility.”

Begin each mystery with

One Our Father

The recite the

Ten Hail Marys

There are ten beads for each Hail Mary.  You will then reach a seperator bead with a bit more length of chain on each side of it.  On this bead conclude the Mystery with

One Gloria Patri and

One Fatima Prayer

Continue on to the Second Joyful Mystery, etc.

When you have finished the Fifth Mystery and are back at the center medallion thing, conclude the Rosary with

One Salve Regina:

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of thy Womb, Jesus, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we made be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.

And finish with this concluding prayer:

O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal salvation, grant, we beseech Thee, that meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Each set of five decades takes roughly 22 minutes to pray.  Praying all three sets of mysteries, the entire Angelic Psalter, requires a little over an hour.  If you just do one set of mysteries per day (Joyful, Sorrowful or Glorious), the Church’s  Tradition has been:

Monday: Joyful
Tuesday: Sorrowful
Wednesday: Glorious
Thursday: Joyful
Friday: Sorrowful
Saturday: Glorious
Sunday: Glorious

I have YouTubes of each of the Three sets of mysteries in LATIN linked up above on the Menu bar.  You can find oodles of English YouTube Rosaries with a simple search on YouTube.  You don’t NEED audio, but it is a great way to learn when getting started and I sometimes use audio when in a noisy environment or just to help focus.  My mind tends to race sometimes.

If you don’t have an actual set of Rosary beads yet, no problem.  You have, I would assume, ten fingers.  You’re always equipped.

Bottom line: this works.  It is endlessly deep as there are endless insights to be had into the Gospel, and every day presents each of us with a new dataset that needs to be parsed and reconciled to the Gospel.  The Rosary accomplishes this, if prayed persistently and piously.  I can’t tell you how many flashes of comprehension, ways of explaining something and good essay ideas have come to me while praying the Rosary.  It’s even more productive “thinking time” than in the shower or when highway driving with the radio off.  Those were my two big thinking session venues BEFORE I started praying the Rosary years ago.

The Rosary is second only in efficacy and merit to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass itself.  It is God’s gift to us.  When God gives you something, use it.