Monthly Archives: June 2020

Wherein Ace of Spades types words for me…

As Thomas Aquinas reminds us, ALL TRUTH is of the Holy Ghost.

Source post HERE.

I am telling you, I am guaranteeing you, that for every hour you spend on Twitter per day, on average, your testosterone level drops by 100 units.*

I am absolutely guranteeing you that if you ran that test, you would find the testosterone levels of the “Very Online” “men” to be somewhere in the range of 200-300, whereas normal healthy men who do not get their exercise in Boxing on Twitter have testosterone from 800-1000.

I’m not kidding. I mean, come on. They all begin adopting the girliest, womanliest traits of light flirtation, constantly talking about “My Shows” like they’re 1960s housewives talking about soap operas (which they pretty much are), constant social ostracism games and general b****iness.

Low testosterone has an interesting effect in men, by the way:

It makes you a poorer thinker. And men find it more difficult to focus, which results in these “men” seeking out low-attention-span diversions like… More Twitter.

It’s a vicious cycle. Or should I say: a vicious soycle.

Pretty sure I can make this diagnosis from the vantage of 100 miles away.

* I don’t know what these units actually are. Okay, I looked it up: nanograms per deciliter.

“Despite…the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.”

Bezmenov on the Russian infiltration and demoralization plan. I think, only now, as people cower in their homes, wearing a veil of submission, terrified of a common cold, while police kneel and prostrate before the lowest criminal element, can we really understand what Bezmenov was talking about, this total dissolution of the capacity to process information and draw conclusions from objective evidence. Note that this is called DEMORALIZATION, not stupidity.

More Music: Three Nerds and a Black Dude “Take Five”

No deep theological anything here, folks.  This (relatively) early Jazz by the Dave Brubeck Quartet is a total go-to on the dish-washing playlist.  “Take Five”.  This is the limit of my “improvisational” tolerance for jazz.  And the only thing close to “improv” is the piano solo. The percussionist is SURGICAL.  I’d let that dude cut out my gall bladder.

30 years ago when I was a kid, I would listen to the late-night jazz on the FM radio station out of the University of Kansas – 91.5 fm.  After the Jazz, at about 2:00am came the militant “BLM” as they manifest today – the “Night Hawk”.  HO-TEP!

I would oscillate between laughter and rage as I was in the process of dropping out of high school at the time – why?  Rapes.  Fear of being raped.  And not by the quarterback of the football team, nor by the president of the chess club.  YouKnowWhatImSayin? YouKnowWhatIMean?

The exact words that sent me to the administrative office of Leavenworth High School to draw up the “withdrawal papers”, said in full voice within EIGHT FEET of the male “teacher on duty” in the study hall were: “Bi**h, you uptight. You need a good f***.”

The animal said that to me, and I immediately turned and made eye contact with the “teacher” eight feet away who met my gaze and then LOOKED DOWN AT HIS MAGAZINE.




Enjoy your long, horrific journey to hell.  I won’t be joining you.

I then would hear the… hosts… on 91.5 complaining SPECIFICALLY about the “racism” in the Leavenworth school district. Uh-huh. Tell me more, 29 year old with a 16 year old son who already has a kid. I’m all ears, GRANDMA.

My snarky internal response was always, “I’m sorry, I can’t understand you when you come to the school with those PINK FOAM ROLLERS in your hair.  Maybe come back wearing SHOES and not BEDROOM SLIPPERS and you might be taken more seriously….”

And this is a big reason why I knew, even 30 years ago that the Second Civil War was an inevitability.  When they drive the girl who was skipped two grades out for fear of her life and virginity, and the Pink Foam Rollers and Grocery Store Slippers crowd call the shots… it’s just a matter of time.

WELL. That was quite a venting/digression, wasn’t it? Thanks for indulging.

Please enjoy three cracker nerds and a black guy playing “Take Five”. Sooooo goooood.


Confirmed: People presented in NYC with nothing more than anxiety symptoms, and were MURDERED by ventilator

I don’t think there is a sufficient appreciation of the extreme damage done by all of the people who went on social media and stoked the obviously fake CoronaCold scam.  Formerly trafficked, but now quickly fading Trad Inc. partisans were some of the worst, declaring at one point that TWO BILLION people were going to die of CoronaCold, and that anyone who so much as expressed a desire to go to Mass or even visit Our Lord in the Tabernacle was a “narcissistic psychopath murderer who would sacrifice the elderly on the altar of your own piety.”

The fear porn, the panic mongering, the gleeful participation in the largest crime against humanity ever executed – a pure Masonic operation that wasn’t even hidden, the shrieking Karen-ism, all done by people who openly confess their hatred of the Rosary, and rarely and begrudgingly attended Mass even before the global interdict that they ACTIVELY INCITED.

These people CANNOT be permitted to simply pretend that they “DINDU NUFFIN” and even worse, memory hole their cooperation with the New World Order operation just a few weeks ago, and act now as if they “knew it was all a lie all along.”  Um, NO.  And here’s why:

In the blockbuster video below, a nurse from Florida who went up to New York to work in Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, which was basically a slaughterhouse, testifies that people presented at the ER complaining of NOTHING BUT ANXIETY BROUGHT ON FROM BROADCAST MEDIA AND SOCIAL MEDIA AGITPROP.  These people were told that they had to be put on a ventilator IMMEDIATELY or else they would die.  Most of them never even tested positive for the CoronaCold.  They were vented, their lungs were blown out and they died by the thousands, and the hospital collected a $29,000 bonus per corpse.  These people walked into the hands of obvious, known murderers BECAUSE OF THE SCREAMING KARENS OF BOTH SEXES; because of the anxiety induced by people who live their lives camped on social media in a state of perpetual adolescence, wallowing in such intellectual garbage as “zombie apocalypse” and Live Action Role Playing fantasy worlds – things that normal people grow out of before their tenth birthday – told them that they and their families were going to die of a common seasonal cold.

These people who were complicit in this, these “virus whisperers”, CANNOT be permitted to simply shrug this off and pretend that they DINDU NUFFIN, because a goodly number of the deaths from this New World Order operation, both now and in the future from things like cancers that will go undiagnosed and heart bypass operations that were left undone, are partially on them.

Here is the video to aggressively share and replatform.

Mailbag: Millennial Mom checks in (plus amusing lesson in New Zealand ornithology)

Hi Ann! 

 I am one of those “pouty duck-faced millennials” that’s been reading your blog for several years now. Except I don’t do that. I’m not a social justice warrior, feminist, or any of that crap. I’m the old school cooking and cleaning type of Millennial.

    It’s funny that your most recent post mentions licitly breeding-because my husband and I have had a conversation JUST like that recently. How do you counterattack the antichurch and modernists with no moral compass? You OUTBREED them.

It certainly won’t be hard, since the majority of my peers are just not having kids. They’d rather push their cat in a stroller. (Yes they make cat strollers.)

    What’s sad is how many of them describe children with phrases like “crotch fruit” and “demon spawn” [these foul epithets for human children were all started by sodomites. -AB] Heck, even friends of my grandma have looked at my kids and said “Yay! You’ve got a boy and a girl! Now you can be DONE”. No, Karen, I’m done when God says I’m done. Because, you know, children are the primary end of marriage. You get married for the PROCREATION and education of children.

    I kind of want to shout at other younger, married women and say “Shut up and embrace your fertility! [Also, “Go clean up the kitchen…!” AB] But alas, they’d look at me as if I had two heads. Call me a sap, but there is nothing more amazing than carrying your precious child inside of you for 9 months, seeing their heart flicker on an ultrasound,(at 8 weeks) feeling all their movements…Sure you get kind of beat up on the inside when they get stronger-both of mine never stopped moving! But it’s the coolest. thing. ever.

    I understand some women have health issues. But I have no excuse. My first two were easy pregnancies (Until the last couple of weeks, felt like a Kiwi Bird**). And giving birth was quicker than obtaining a meal from a drive-thru. (Precipitous labor) So…yeah. I’ll keep fighting the good fight by raising loving, authentic, Catholic children. However many God gives us.

    Children are a blessing from Almighty God. Period.

    Thanks for spreading The Truth. Rest assured there are younger people who know Benedict is still our Pope, what the four last things are, and believe in The Real Presence.

God Bless!

Millennial Mom

**PS- The kiwi bird lays an egg the size of their body. 


It’s. A. Religion. It’s the Antichurch. Right here, right now.

It is the APE of the One True Faith.

Folks, THIS IS THE ANTICHURCH. THIS is the Freemasonic One World Religion.  This is it. Stay confessed.


-Veils – for both sexes.

-Acts of public “mortification” (smearing one’s own manure on the face, shaving the head bald, etc.)

-Clergy: the New Stasi ratting people out, and actual clerics being required to “jure” – that is, swear loyalty to the New World Order Religion.

-“Confession” of fake sins, while demanding the commission and ratification of actual sins.

-Required “liturgy” at set hours (clapping for healthcare workers bravely battling a common seasonal cold virus every evening, etc)


-HUMAN SACRIFICE. (Abortion, contraception and sterilization.)

And, as an aside, the whole “dissolving of the police” thing is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT about replacing civil police with SHARIA LAW. Duh. You realize that, right?

-Criminalizing of the practice of the One True Faith.

One of the greatest acts of counter-revolution today is LICITLY BREEDING (said the Spinster).  Also, adopting and raising ethnically pagan children as devout Catholics.  A married couple, even in their mid-to-late 30’s, can still have as many children as they want.  Have as many of your own as God grants, and also ADOPT.  The only horror stories I have ever heard about adoption were from Canadians who adopted already-sentient children (4 years old and over) from muslim Africa (in Canada, it was the trend for years, whereas in the US the trend was Chinese babies).  I would NOT advise that.  The African musloid children were already essentially demoniacs inculcated with murderous – LITERALLY MURDEROUS- intentions, and a deep-seated hatred of women.

MAN, if only someone had made a video presentation about EXACTLY THIS  years ago so we all could have had a heads-up…

Seriously, if you have never seen this… yeah.  It has aged in these eight years like the finest wine of the Pays-de-la-Loire.  Sadly.  It’s spooky, now.  Now that’s IT’S ALL LEGIT HAPPENING.

Mailbag: Today’s word is CONSILIENCE.


I’m certain you don’t wake up in the middle of the night consumed by the question of whether or not you’ve convinced me that Pope (Emeritus?) Benedict’s resignation was in substantial error.  But inasmuch as I represent a reasonable mind, it might interest you to hear some feedback on your arguments.

(1)  You have convinced me that Pope Benedict intended to resign from the ministry of the papal office without resigning the office, itself.  I am not merely persuaded, I am convinced.  And I view it as really the only reasonable interpretation of the historical events connected with his resignation.

(2)  What convinced me?  You have shown me that every vector of investigation points to this conclusion.  There is a word that describes such a state of affairs: consilience.  It is not surprising when independent bodies of evidence exhibit consilience.  In fact, it is expected in one certain circumstance: when the proposition under investigation is true.  When a true proposition is subjected to independent authentic lines of investigation, the result is always the creation of independent bodies of evidence that point to the trueness of the proposition, i.e., consilience

Assume we were to investigate the date of the Declaration of Independence.  Was it really signed in 1776?  We could look at the document, itself, and see that on its face it purports to have been signed in 1776.  We could track the genealogy of living descendants of its signatories.  Ten generations between Andrea Livingston and Philip Livingston?  That points to a date in the late eighteenth century.  We could carbon date the document.  That would also point to the same timeframe.  And so on.  Of course all the independent lines of investigation lead to the same conclusion!  The Declaration of Independence was, in fact, signed in 1776.  And no matter how we investigate the matter, we will be led to that conclusion.  Hence we have consilience.

In the case of Benedict, his own words point to the conclusion that he intended to resign the ministry but not the office, the words of those around him (Gänswein) point to this conclusion, his chosen title points to this conclusion, his retainment of papal white points to this conclusion, his chosen residence points to this conclusion, the existence of an academic foundation (Miller’s dissertation) for such a maneuver points to this conclusion, Francis’ refusal to be refer to himself to as the pope points to this conclusion, and so on. 

This is consilience, Ann, and it is the distinctive mark of a true proposition.  So you’ve convinced me.  100%.

Keep up the good work,


“There were bells, on a hill…”

When I made the post about the Lennon Sisters and the Father and Daughter singing “Tonight You Belong to Me” I thought maybe people could be off-put by the nature of the post.  How could I make a music post while the former United States enters the “Fort Sumpter” of the Second Civil War?

I’ve not received so much POSITIVE feedback in a long time. Thank you all.

So let me push it further.  Here is a Beatles (I know… I KNOW…) cover of a song from a terribly subversive Broadway show, The Music Man.

That said… I’ve always loved this song, and if one hears it as a me, or “mankind”, singing to Our Lord, especially in light of the CoronaCold scam and lockdown… Well.  Try not to shed tears.  There was a point in the lockdown period in which I walked the streets of a city to and from Mass every day in such solitude that the sound of my footfalls ECHOED LOUDLY in the streets, off the facades of the buildings.  The church bells never stopped totally.  Thank God.  The sound of those bells – which are sacramentally “named” and “baptized”, were an incredible consolation.  If you have never lived in proximity to bells, let me tell you.  They are worth every penny of fundraising.  Bells are the breath-sounds of Christian civilization.  When they go quiet… death follows.

“There were bells, on a hill… Then there was music, and wonderful roses, they tell me….” How many bell towers can you find in this picture?

I have corrected the Capitalization as if this song were us, singing in adoration to Our Lord.

Oh, and by the way, a warm welcome to all of the brave souls who have just entered the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, especially this past weekend of Pentecost.  You are truly blessed and favored to have been given the grace of seeing the TRUTH and the One True Church, founded by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in the midst of this hot, hot situational mess. Welcome to the war.  Spoiler: WE WIN.

There were bells on a hill
But I never heard them ringing
No, I never heard them at all
‘Til there was You

There were birds in the sky
But I never saw them winging
No, I never saw them at all
‘Til there was You

Then there was music and wonderful roses
They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows
Of dawn and dew

There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No, I never heard it at all
‘Til there was You