Happy Fathers’ Day: “When we hear TSCHH, there’s a firework coming.”

This is one of the most beautiful things on the internet.  Why?  Because this man is CLEARLY best friends with his four year old daughter.  Note the patience.  Note how he respects her every pause and correction.  Note especially how when she corrects him into the harmony part and SHE takes the harmony at the 1:03 time stamp, the pride in his smile.  Also his wedding ring in focus, bringing Mom into the video in absentia, but just the incredible connection between Father and Daughter.  AT FOUR.

The Former United States in an absolute disaster, but things like this make one realize that there is still something worth fighting for.  Little girls being best-buds with their Dad who would die for them in a second being at the top of that list.

I hope this brightens your evening.

Keep your head on a swivel, and defend your women.

Happy Fathers’ Day, to all who hold and do honor to the title.


Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.