Monthly Archives: October 2018

Sodomite Communist Paul VI is a Saint as much as Bergoglio is the Pope – NOT EVEN A LITTLE

Pope Paul VI Montini was an active sodomite, including while he was Pope, having his preferred sodomy partner, the Italian actor Paolo Carlini, inside his apartment in the Apostolic Palace, with Carlini seen running the halls in the wee hours of the morning. Montini, as is typical of sacriligious sodomites, took his Papal name not in homage to the Apostle Paul, but rather as a sacriligious winking “inside joke” amongst the sodomite coven already infesting the Church, after his Italian moviestar sodomy pattern, Paolo Carlini.

Paul VI Montini would not infrequently be found by the staff of the Apostolic Palace lying on the floor of his bedroom in the fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably.

Paul VI was an active and ardent supporter of Communism and Communists, betraying and deposing Cardinal Minszenty of Hungary to appease the Communists, and taking over the ultimately failed Second Vatican Council in order to scrap the main objective of the original schema of the Council, to denounce Global Communism.  Not only was Communism never mentioned, but Paul VI was sure to invite KGB agents posing as Russian orthodox clergy to “observe” the failed Council. While Montini was the Archbishop of Milan, it was openly said that “Montini doesn’t hear church bells, he only hears factory whistles.”

Paul VI Montini, like Antipope Bergoglio, despised Marian devotion and had “an aversion to the Rosary”.

Paul VI did NOT write the section of Humanae Vitae which restated the immemorial and unchanging teaching of the Church condemning contraception.  He originally wrote (or his ghostwriters wrote) Humanae Vitae to PERMIT contraception.  It was Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, head of the CDF, who after reading the draft submitted to the CDF, removed Montini’s wicked attempt at keeping his promises to his Freemason and sodomite friends to open the door to the mortal sin of contraception, and instead replaced it with the passages so often quoted today.  This is one of the clearest examples of the reality of the negative protection of the Papacy from teaching error on faith or morals by the Holy Ghost.  After Humanae Vitae’s promulgation, Paul VI ACTIVELY PERSECUTED priests and bishops who publicly defended the very document that Paul VI himself promulgated, and rewarded priests and bishops who openly, publicly dissented from it.

Most importantly, Paul VI Montini promulgated and oversaw the implementation of the so-called “New Order of the Mass” – the Novus Ordo.  This was the single greatest act of violence ever done to God and His Holy Church since Pentecost, resulting in the near-instantaneous (by historical standards) collapse of the Catholic Church in the West.  In many places, the Mass was so thoroughly debauched, Protestantized and feminized within SIX WEEKS of its promulgation in ARSH 1969 that many poorly-formed albeit still-practicing Catholics INSTANTLY apostasized, never stepping foot in a church again, dying outside the Church, in mortal sin, and without the Sacraments.  Paul VI SAT AND WATCHED as Catholic liturgy in the west descended into an horrific chaos of ugliness, feminism and mockery of Jesus Christ, Calvary, and the Eucharist itself.

It is interesting to note that Pope Benedict XVI, the one and only living Pope, declined to attend today’s sickening mockery and spectacle.

Paul VI is not a saint. He should not be mentioned as an intercessor.  IF Paul VI somehow repented of all his enormous wickedness and somehow made it through his particular judgment, he is almost certain to be in Purgatory for a very, very, very long time, and would be the very first person to tell you that nothing about his wretched life was virtuous or anything to be emulated.  IF Paul VI isn’t in hell, and eventually achieves the Beatific Vision, it will be one of the highest examples of God’s infinite mercy.

What happened today is just another in a five and a half year long series of events that clearly shows us that Bergoglio isn’t the Pope.  It isn’t a proofset in and of itself, but it is YET ANOTHER confirming datum that should make every clear-thinking, virile person who insists upon dealing with objective reality look at the events of February ARSH 2013 and see the obvious invalidity of Pope Benedict’s attempt to partially resign the Papacy.

Cardinals Mindszenty and Ottaviani, pray for us and for The Church.

Cardinal Mindszenty, under arrest by Communists, betrayed repeatedly by the Communist sodomite Paul VI Montini.

Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, defender of the faith against Freemasons, Communists, sodomites, and Paul VI Montini.


Barnhardt Podcast #064: The Bifurcating Bishop’s Bewitching Bull-Bleep

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss not only the rise of the occult in society in general but also the outward manifestation of the infestation of occult persons and accoutrements by official actors at the top of the Roman Hierarchy’s power structure. No longer is the occult a hidden secret in the Vatican: for those with eyes to see it’s coming out of the closet and is on full display.

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The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter.

Do the BigMac Maneuver!

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Sodomite Cardinal Wuerl Given Promotion: Now Likely Number Three Most Powerful Faggot in Antichurch

Guys, we’ve REALLY gotta wise up here.  Donald Wuerl wasn’t just defeated, with his “resignation” being “accepted” by Antipope Bergoglio. Donna Guerl was just given a huge promotion, and is now one of the top five, maybe now as high as top three most powerful chutney ferrets in the Antichurch, and Wuerl is now 100% in control of the Antichurch in the U.S., and his challenger, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York is now totally out and shot down.


The whole McCarrick thing began as Cardinal Timothy Dolan making a move to essentially become the sole power in the U.S. Church.  To do this, Dolan needed to take out Wuerl and Wuerl’s coven, which we shall henceforth refer to as “The Wuerlpool”.  Who are the main players in the Wuerlpool?  McCarrick, Mahoney, Cupich, Tobin, Farrell, O’Malley.  Who is out? Dolan and Burke – but Burke has made himself completely irrelevant anyway. Lying down and dying tends to have that effect.

Dolan was super-pissed when Tobin was installed just across the bridge in Newark in ARSH 2017, which was done in retailiation against Dolan for signing the “13 Cardinals” letter during the Synod Against the Family in ARSH 2015, objecting to the clear rigging of the Synod procedures in order to deliver a totally pre-determined outcome.  This episode is what prompted one of Antipope Bergoglio’s most famous raging tantrums inside the Casa Santa Marta – a raging, bellowing screaming fag fit that was so severe that the Swiss Guards CLEARED THE BUILDING in the middle of lunch.  Everyone in the dining hall was forced to essentially evacuate the building, with the sounds of Antipope Bergoglio screaming, “Full power has been given to me! I’m in charge here! If they don’t like it, they can leave! The Church doesn’t need them! I’LL TAKE THEIR HATS!”

So Dolan has been on the outs – the WAY outs – for quite some time,  And, apparently, Dolan, being just as much of an oily, power-hungry mafioso as the rest of them, decided to make a power play and take out the entire Wuerlpool in one fell swoop, which would then leave Dolan alone at the top of the U.S. Church.  How?  Take out McCarrick, and do it concurrent with the release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report, which would have the name of Donna Wuerl splattered across every page.

I further strongly suspect that Wuerl and Dolan have been enemies dating back to Dolan’s tenure as the rector of the North American College in Rome. The North American College is the facility where some North American seminarians and young priests live while they are studying in Rome.  It is considered to be a “bishop farm”, and was an absolute BATHHOUSE up until Dolan arrived in ARSH 1994, and it must be admitted that by all accounts Dolan cleaned the place up considerably.  Now Wuerl has been hanging around the NAC cruising for sodomy for his entire career, and has been on the Board of Governors of the NAC since ARSH 1994, and I strongly suspect that Wuerl resented Dolan for clamping down on the sodomy going on in the NAC, not just between students, but especially between students “with ambition” and prelates who cruised for sodomy with young ambitious students and clerics, as Wuerl is notorious for.  There are all kinds of stories out of the NAC about Wuerl’s antics and fetishes.  And so, on the opposite side of the coin, I strongly suspect that Dolan, knowing that Wuerl was and is a notorious, open-secret seminarian-chaser, figured he had ample ammunition to take him and all of his Wuerlpool out.

Dolan’s miscalculation was that he assumed Antipope Bergoglio would throw Wuerl under the bus, because Dolan thought there was no way that Antipope Bergoglio would be so willing to openly embrace sodomy and the sodomitical hunting and predation of young priests and seminarians.  Dolan hasn’t grasped that the paradigm has shifted from one of cover-up to open manifestation and embracing of the faggotry, including the hunting and sexual assault of young men and lads.  Ricca, Barros, Inzoli, Coccopalmerio, Maradiaga, the list goes on and on.  How Dolan failed to grasp this is beyond me. Oh, no. Wait.  I do know why.  It’s because Dolan is an idiot.

So Dolan had the charges against McCarrick come out of the Archdiocese of New York, thinking that he could assume the throne as The Godfather of the U.S. bishops, and as a top-10 power player in Rome.

Now with today’s promotion of Wuerl, Dolan is essentially finished, and the McCarrick-Wuerlpool is stronger than ever.

I guess perhaps people who have never worked in the business world might not get it at first glance, but when Wuerl is told, “I accept your resignation, but you are going to stay on doing exactly the same job, with the same title, just a different sub-title, with a new box of business cards, and you can hand-pick your “successor”, who will then be completely at your disposal to use as a scapegoat or throw under the bus at your convenience, and you will also be able to take a luxury apartment in Rome, being that you are a Cardinal and all, and I will be assigning you special projects and you will be one of my top advisors, and if anyone gives you any lip about any of this, well, here is a GLOWING letter of recommendation,” folks, this is called A PROMOTION.

This isn’t even a Golden Parachute.  Wuerl isn’t being bribed to go away, like Goldman Sachs paying Corzine $600 million to go away.  No, Wuerl has just been made “untouchable” in the FrancisCoven, and will still be running not just Washington D.C., but is now a top-5 player in Rome.

Dolan is up to his greasy eyebrows in sodomite priest scandals in New York (as Voris and Church Militant have been exposing for years), and had a checkered past in Milwaukee and St. Louis, and don’t be surprised if the Wuerlpool and FrancisCoven throw Dolan’s fat butt under the bus “subito”.

Here is George Neumayr’s latest sickening piece on Donna Wuerl’s right-hand fag, Msgr. Walter “Wanda” Rossi. Read it and remember that Antipope Bergoglio just gave these wretches the mark of “untouchability” today.

Faggot “Donna” Wuerl, Faggot “Karen” Farrell, and Faggot “Wanda” Rossi

One Liners

Now, a few one-liners to remember and think about:

-The more decrepit the paradigm, the more immoderate and extreme the truth “seems” within that paradigm.

-“The Catholic Church is an institution I am bound to hold divine — but for unbelievers a proof of its divinity might be found in the fact that no merely human institution conducted with such knavish imbecility would have lasted a fortnight.” -Hilaire Belloc

-“An act of deception, no matter how cleverly conceived or convincingly executed, cannot change the objective reality of a given situation.“ -Louie Verrecchio, quoted HERE

-A foundational principle of law is that when something happens that is against the law, or is invalidated by the law, the situation REVERTS TO THE STATUS QUO – the legal state just BEFORE the crime or invalidity occurred.

-All valid codices of law are publicly promulgated and published precisely because the plain sense of the words of the law are the last line of defense between the society under said law and the tyrants that would usurp it.

-“Antipope” isn’t a title.  It’s a criminal status.

-Criminals aren’t deposed, they are arrested.

-Holding the Catholic Faith, whole and entire, can NEVER, EVER be a schismatic act.

-God is immutable, which means UNCHANGING.
“Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”

-Everything is better with bacon.

-You don’t have NEARLY enough ammunition.

-“You’re my Bread when I’m hungry. You’re my Shelter from troubled winds. You’re my Anchor in life’s ocean, but, most of all, You’re My Best Friend.”

“When I need hope and inspiration, You’re always strong when I’m tired and weak.
I could search this whole world over, You’d still be Everything that I need.”
-Wayland Holyfield, recorded by Don Williams, ARSH 1975 (Eucharistic emphases mine)

HELL: It’s So Much Worse Than You Think. Worse Than You Can Possibly Imagine.

(I am inspired to re-work and re-post this piece on hell based off of two things I have seen in the past 24 hours.  The first was this picture on Drudge:

This picture IMMEDIATELY reminded me of this detail image from a fresco depicting hell by Fra Angelico, which inspired the original writing of this piece:

Then, I saw Fr. Z blockquote and link to a PJMEDIA piece by J. Christian Adams who was inside the Senate when the Kavanaugh vote took place, describing the demonic noises that the “protesters” were making:

I was in the Senate gallery this afternoon when Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed. You would have thought I was at an exorcism in an insane asylum.

Perhaps you were watching on television and heard the disruptions, though you certainly didn’t see them. The attenuated audio probably didn’t catch the frightening, incoherent shrieking – including the lingering screaming and howling as they were being dragged down the hallways outside the gallery…

I have visited hospitals for the seriously mentally ill, and the shrieks from this woman were as odd and unearthly as anything I ever heard inside a mental hospital. They echoed off the halls and ceilings outside the gallery in decreasing but astonishing amplitude.

Then the roll was called, and it sounded like the gates of hell opened up.

Nearly a dozen women erupted in unison, shouting, howling, screaming, in an unrecognizable venomous wail. They wouldn’t stop. There was fury, rage, hate, poison in the noise.

It wasn’t prose. It wasn’t song. It was a swarming, shrill, swirling noise.

I leaned over to someone and whispered, “Pay attention, that’s what the Left sounds like.”

Nothing they were yelling and howling could be heard. It was the sound of all of them, in discordant, rage-fueled, wild fury, that was so unearthly. I have never heard a sound like it before.

Read the piece below on hell and what it is really like (inasmuch as we can grasp it), and then re-read the testimony above.  Folks, none of these people are possessed.  They are in full control of their faculties.  Just as every soul in hell is in full control of their faculties.  No one in hell is possessed.  We are getting to see, here on earth, before our eyes, a tiny, tiny glimpse of what a human being looks like when they descend into hell.  Loveless, incoherent rage.  No charity, no relationship, no nothing.  Just visceral, ceaseless, narcissistic rage.

Don’t ever, ever joke or permit others to joke about going to hell.  Ever.)


I have written on this somewhat briefly before, but so many people have told me how powerful, terrifying and spiritually profitable this information was, that I am now doing a full, dedicated post on the subject of hell and what it is like.

Pretty much everyone in post-Christian post-western culture today knows someone or is a close relative of someone who is divorced and “remarried”, someone who is shacking up and fornicating, someone who is just simply fornicating, aka “hooking up”, even someone who is a sodomite or other form of aberrosexual. And sadly, everyone knows someone who is married and contracepts – because EVERYONE on a statistical basis contracepts today.  And contraception, like all of the other sins against the Sixth Commandment above, is a mortal sin.

Add to this the near-total disintegration of and mass apostasy from The Church, with Antipope Bergoglio now executing what he believes to be the coup de grace, and people commit these sins with total impunity.  There isn’t even the slightest hesitation or moral qualm about any of these sins.  In fact, how many Novus Ordo “c”atholics and Prostestants are right now saying, “Boy, those Super-dox rigorist Trad Catholics sure are getting a wake-up call now, huh?  The reason they are all so angry is because they can’t deal with the fact that their bullshit position on contraception, homosexuality and divorce has been wrong all along… because Fraaaaaaaancis.”



We know what the truth is. We’re not backing off. And we aren’t going anywhere. In fact, it is just the opposite.

Anyway… If one were to ask me what I think the single worst thing Antipope Bergoglio has said or done in this ongoing antipapacy, I would say without hesitation that it is his denial of the existence of hell or damnation.  He first did this in an interview with the Italian atheist and Freemason newspaper magnate, Eugenio Scalfari, in March of ARSH 2015.

What happens to that lifeless soul? Will it be punished? How?

Francis’ answer is very clear: there is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul. All the others will participate in the bliss of living in the presence of the Father. The annihilated souls will not be part of that banquet; with the death of the body their journey is ended and this is the basis for the missionary work in the Church: to save the lost souls.

Antipope Bergoglio then reiterated this in his satanic manifesto, Amoris Laetitia, which was so-named in Latin, a language which Bergoglio and his toadies despise and refuse to use EXCEPT in the naming of this foul document because the most accurate and learned translation of “Amoris Laetitia” is “The Exuberance of Sodomy”.  My post on that including a letter from a professional Latinist HERE.  The name of that document is 100% intentional, folks. Think how evil these foul creatures have to be to not only falsely promulgate such a satanic document in the name of Peter – but to get a good, hearty laugh out of naming it, “The Exuberance of Sodomy”. May God have mercy on them, and us.

Anyway, in Amoris Laetitia/Exuberance of Sodomy, Antipope Bergoglio and his ghostwriter Tucho “Heal Me With Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing” Fernandez, wrote:

“No one can be condemned for ever, because that is not the logic of the Gospel!”
(Amoris Laetitia, n. 297).

This is yet another winking denial of the existence of hell by these fiends. Folks, the denial of hell and its eternal torments is the most transcendently and thoroughly poisonous lie in the universe.  One need not even believe in the heresy of universalism, that is to say that ALL people are eventually saved and achieve the beatific vision.  One need not go even that far.  Bergoglio spews the lie of soul annihilation – that is to say that human beings are simply snuffed out of existence by God upon their death if they don’t achieve the beatific vision.  This filthy lie has a certain attraction to everyone, even the faithful.  Isn’t there a certain bewitching comfort that comes from the idea that “if I’m wrong about this Christianity stuff, the worst that will happen to me will be that I simply cease to be, that I will die and then POOF! ‘Lights out’.”  Who among us will not confess to, in periods of particular suffering in our lives, wistfully longing for an “unending dreamless sleep”?

Who among us has NOT done everything we could to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ precisely because in the backs of our minds, we subconsciously tell ourselves that the people around us who are outside the Church, or living lives of unrepentant mortal sin, will be merely “snuffed out”, instead of facing manfully the truth that human beings who die outside the Church, and/or in unrepentant mortal sin will spend all eternity in hell, tormented in an unceasing and ever-increasing agony?  How often do we fail our fellow man in charity, instead choosing charity’s antipode, indifference, borne precisely from our own deep-seated concession and desire for the lie of soul annihilation to be true?  No, the siren’s song of nihilism, with Antipope Bergoglio, probable False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, as its loudest-ever “chanteuse”, is bewitching countless human beings of every stripe.  Catholics cite Bergoglio as reason to apostatize. Protestants are ratified in their heresy and schism. Pagans are ratified in their denial of Christ. Atheists are ratified in their atheism. By a filthy man who dares to call himself Peter.

Do you understand why Antipope Bergoglio calls proselytizing “solemn nonsense”?  Do you understand why Bergoglio is so desperate to ingratiate himself to every false religion and to atheists and set up a new, OneWorldReligion with himself at its head? It is because, as I have been saying from literally the FIRST DAY of his usurpatious antipapcy, HE DOESN’T BELIEVE IN ANY OF IT, which includes at the top of that list, the existence of hell. If there is no hell, then NOTHING MATTERS, folks.  NOTHING.  Christ doesn’t matter. The Church doesn’t matter.  Sin doesn’t matter. Law doesn’t matter.  All that matters is the earthly acquisition of personal power, glory and fame, and sensual pleasures.  Antipope Bergoglio, this despicable power-mad attention whore, is driven utterly by his diabolically narcissistic appetite for his own power, fame and glory, and for the earthly pleasures which he so enjoys, because to him, that’s ALL THERE IS, and thus that’s ALL THAT MATTERS.

What Hell Is Like

Now for the truly useful and spiritually profitable information.  If you have ever struggled to answer or explain to someone why it is that we should not sin, why it matters whether or not person A is having sex with person B, listen up, because this is life-changing information – information that could make the difference for you or someone you love between eternal bliss or eternal agony and torment.

The first reason we should not sin is because our sins offend God.  And because God loves us infinitely, it is perhaps more profitable to think of our offending God more as breaking His Heart.  Just as a parent who has a child that does drugs has their heart broken by that child’s actions that hurt himself, God, because His love for us is infinite and perfect, and because He is Perfect Good, is infinitely offended, or we could say has His Heart infinitely broken, by even the smallest of our sins. If you would like to read more about Fear of The Lord, might I suggest my ambiguously-titled essay, “THE ONE ABOUT… FEAR OF THE LORD.”

As with heaven, the modern conception of hell is extremely childish and inadequate.  Hell is not MERELY a hot place with fire and demons poking you with sticks. These conceptions of the torment and agony of hell are as woefully inadequate as the image of heaven as a very boring place with blue, sunny sky above with beatified souls reposing on white fluffy clouds, dreamily stroking harps whilst angels, depicted as pudgy, bewinged babies, flit about like agreeable, powder-scented houseflies.

I’m sorry, but what, exactly is so attractive about that ridiculous and banal image of heaven? And what is so awful about that image of hell?  Yeah, it sounds unpleasant, but it doesn’t exactly strike terror in one’s heart – especially not terror at levels sufficiently high enough to stop robust, well-formed lads and lasses in the flower of youth (or morbidly obese, arthritic octogenarians, for that matter) from fornicating with each other.

Let me describe to you what hell is like for fornicators.  I use fornicators as our first example because there are just so darn many.  Any sex outside of valid marriage is fornication, folks. No matter how much the parties in question might “love each other”. Post-western, post-Christian culture is AWASH in fornication.

In hell, we will be in close “proximity” to those people also in hell that we cooperated or engaged in sin with.  I suspect this would be because the damned are obsessed and consumed with hatred and rage, and thus damned humans themselves will gravitate towards those that they personally sinned with.  Obviously, fornicators will be in immediate proximity to each other.  And so, what hell will entail will be human souls raging at each other, screaming the most vile insults, profanities, and perhaps even physical attacks (as depicted by Fra Angelico above) after the General Resurrection when ALL SOULS will be reunited to their bodies. Why? Because the partner in fornication was a full cooperator in the mortal sin that presumably resulted in the eternal damnation, and thus the fornicators will hate and blame each other for their own damnation.

I received an email from a woman not long after I first wrote about this.  She had a boyfriend, as most gals today do at some point.  They were very average American 20-somethings.  They were in a steady relationship, lived in separate houses, but fornicated regularly.  They were attracted to each other, loved each other, got along well and there was no history of fighting, and certainly no abuse.  The woman told me in this email that she started exploring religion, reading up, and settled into serious study of Catholicism and Catholic moral teaching.  Obviously, her fornication with her boyfriend began to nag at her conscience until she finally acknowledged that she had to stop having sex outside of marriage.

The day arrived when she finally had to talk to her boyfriend, explain what she had learned, and tell him that it was very important that they stop having sex.  She did not want to end the relationship – just stop having sex until marriage.

Up until that point, their relationship had been smooth with no major fights – they got on very well, and the boyfriend treated her well.  She fully expected that they were on the path to marriage.  There was never even the slightest hint of abuse or disrespect in the modern sense (I qualify that because the act of fornication itself is a sign of massive disrespect, but you know what I’m trying to convey).

The last words she heard her boyfriend say to her were bellowed at her in a screaming rage as she quickly left his house in fear, after explaining to him that the Church teaches that fornication is a mortal sin and that it was important to stop having sex until they were married: “YOU F***ING C***! YOU F***ING C***!”

This sort of rage – seemingly out of the blue and unthinkable to her just a few minutes before it happened – was a foretaste of hell.  It was a foretaste of the deep, raging hatred that humans who cooperate and enable sin with others feel, and if they don’t repent and die in their sin, will spend all eternity drowning in.  And folks, no human being will take hell “stoically”.  Going and sitting alone in a corner and “not participating” will NOT be an option. All of us who end up damned will rage eternally.  We will rage at God, we will rage at the angels and saints in heaven, we will rage at all of the other humans in hell, and we will rage at the demons.  The other humans in hell and all of the demons will spend eternity raging right back at us.

(I write the previous three sentences in the FIRST person plural intentionally, because we all need to ponder OURSELVES in hell, not just others.)

This is what fornicators, sodomites, heck EVERYBODY MUST be told: If you do not stop this, you will spend eternity RAGING at this person that you claim to love.  And they will spend eternity RAGING at you.

I am blessed to have observed/experienced demoniacal, hellish human rage like this more than once in my life.  I have seen the faces of people I love twist and contort into a countenance still recognizable, but yet completely “other”. I have seen eyes blazing with rage and existential hatred of me, with what can only be described as the fire of hell behind them.  I have seen the lips curl back, exposing the teeth as fangs. I have been raged at by people I love for merely existing, and I thank God for it because it was the gift of experiencing a foretaste of hell. And it was something much better than a vision – because it was real.  It is a spiritual insight of the highest and gravest importance.

If you have never experienced this, pray God you never do, and thank God that you can be aware of it from my third-party description. And pray God that you be saved from hell, because hell will be an unending, ever-increasing orgy of rage.  And what is perhaps most terrifying about this is that those who are damned will be exactly the same species of rage monster that others are to them.  As terrifying as it is to think of someone you love raging at you for all eternity, what is even worse is the thought of you yourself raging forever at the people you “love”.  Do you love your kids?  Well, if you don’t make it to heaven, you will spend eternity hating your kids.  And make no mistake, the damned rage at EVERYONE, whether they are in hell with them, or in heaven.  There are no alliances, no friendships, no family, no solidarity. Only the total isolation of perfect, loveless narcissism.  Everyone is alone in the way that the Diabolical Narcissists among us are alone. They are islands, utterly cut-off from others by their freely chosen self-purgation of all love.

So even if you end up damned, but everyone you have ever loved makes it to heaven, because you are damned and they are not, you will hate them for their beatitude.  You will spend eternity in hell looking up towards the heaven which you will never, ever see, and cursing all those in it.  And the people you “loved” most in the world, will be the people that you hate most when you are in hell. If they are in hell with you, you will blame them for your damnation.  If they are in heaven, you will hate them for their beatitude (remember the demonic emotional palate: anger, hated, ENVY and fear), and for not doing more in life to prevent your own damnation.

Let me say that again, because it is extremely important:  the people you “loved” most in the world, will be the people that you hate most when you are in hell. We should all be motivated by this.

-Fornicators in hell will hate their sex partners.
-Parents in hell will hate their children.
-Children in hell will hate their parents.
-Friends in hell will hate their friends.
-Priests in hell will hate their flock.
-Catholics in hell will hate their priests, bishops and popes.
-Spouses in hell will hate their spouse.
-Everyone in hell will hate God.

An Urgent Warning to Those Who Are Divorced and “Remarried”

Right now the question of “marriages” after one or both spouses has been previously civilly divorced is at the top of the headlines due to the satanic words and deeds of the blaspheming heretic Antipope Bergoglio, who is probably the counter-analogue to John the Baptist, that is, the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist. John the Baptist, as the Forerunner of The Christ, had as his ministry the calling of people to repentance, the “making straight the crooked paths”, and John the Baptist was ultimately beheaded for defending the sanctity of marriage by condemning the false marriage of King Herod Antipas to Herodias. Antipope Bergoglio being a near-perfect opposite of John the Baptist is calling people to remain in sin and to hate The Law, is sowing chaos on a daily basis, and his central point of attack is marriage and the family.

If you are in a so-called “second marriage” of any stripe, and you want some genuinely helpful and spiritually profitable information, put out the cat and read on:

The Church has taught that in circumstances in which people are in “marriages” when one or both spouses have their true spouse still living, that the couple in question MUST MUST MUST stop having sex at a bare minimum.  You CANNOT have sex with someone who is not your spouse. You cannot have more than ONE living spouse – that is, your first spouse. Why? Because marriage is INDISSOLUBLE. Period.  These are the plain, clear words of Jesus Christ Himself. We all know them: Those whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder. He who puts away his wife and marries another commits adultery. It does not get any clearer than that.

You can’t have sex with your “second spouse” because YOU ARE NOT MARRIED TO THEM.

I don’t care what the civil law says.  I don’t care that you will have to pay half of your joint estate and monthly support if you “divorce”.  It is also “legal” to murder children in utero. What is your point?  It is The Divine and Natural Law that is the question – heaven or hell. I don’t give a CRAP what our Freemasonic post-Christian culture says is “law” is on this matter.  The question is utterly moot. If you have sex with someone who is not your spouse, you are fornicating at minimum, and committing adultery if either of you has already been married to someone else.  You HAVE TO STOP HAVING SEX AT MINIMUM. What is beyond the “at minimum”? Separation.  Aping marriage is scandalous.

Now, let’s think about what we have just learned about hell.  You say, “No way!  There’s no way I’m going to stop having sex with my “spouse”!  We love each other! There is no way you or anyone else are going to separate us!”

Listen up: I believe that you “love” your “spouse”. If you don’t stop having sex, and you both die unrepentant of your adulterous fornication, you will spend all of eternity in hell, in proximity to each other, hating and raging at each other for contributing to each others’ damnation, FOR ALL ETERNITY. Think about that.  Now, tell me again that you “love” your “spouse”, but are unwilling to stop having sex. If you understand the plain English of what I have just told you your eternal fate will be, and you still refuse to stop having sex for however many years remain for you on this earth, well, my hands are clean of your blood.

THIS is what every Catholic priest on this planet should be bellowing from the pulpit, from the top – Pope Benedict XVI – all the way down to the lowest, wettest-behind-the-ears parish priest. This is what neighbors, friends and family members should be explaining to those around them.  But do we? No. Because we are bad people, more concerned about earthly human respect than whether or not other human beings spend eternity in hell, separated from God, and raging and being raged at by the very people that they claim to “love”. Because it is just so much easier to believe wretched Antipope Bergoglio’s lies about soul annihilation, isn’t it?

Why Does God Permit Such A Horrible Eternal Fate?

The thing to remember about the torments of hell is that they are permitted by God as a MERCY.  Yes, you read that right.  Those humans who are damned will be tormented not only by demons, but also by other people in hell, most especially those wretched souls that were known to them and complicit in their sins in life, as a MERCIFUL DISTRACTION from the loss of God for all eternity.  If God truly did NOT love, or ceased to love, every one of His creations, including all of the demons and all men who are damned, He would consign the damned to an eternity of silent solitude in which the full horror of the eternal loss of God Himself would be at the fore of their consciousness with no rest and no distraction. Instead, in His Mercy, which extends even to the damned, He permits torment in order to give some sort of distraction – which in and of itself is actually a kind of relief from the horror of eternity separated from Perfect Love, Perfect Good, Perfect Truth and Perfect Beauty.


Look again at the detail from Fra Angelico’s Last Judgment above, in which damned humans are shown fighting and biting each other.  Note how one of the two men biting each other is shown to be a monk.

THIS is what awaits fornicators.  So you REALLY love that little chickie-poo, huh?  Well, the next time you get an erection thinking about fornicating with her, think about the hell that awaits the both of you.  If you really love her, and don’t want to spend eternity raging at her, and maybe her at you if she dies in her sin too, you’ll stop. And the same goes for the females….

THIS is what awaits adulterers – including the best-intentioned civilly divorced and “remarried” couples.  If you really love each other, you’ll STOP HAVING SEX AT MINIMUM.

This is what awaits sodomites – can you imagine what hell will be like for these miserable sodomite wretches with their dozens/hundreds/thousands of sex partners? Can you imagine the enormous throngs of interconnected sodomites in an eternal frenzy of raging hatred, cursing and physically attacking each other, blaming each other for their damnation and loss of God?

Think about hell. Tell other people about hell. It is clear that love of God is a non-starter in this post-Christian culture.  So be it.  There is another means of catechesis, repentance and conversion.  THINK, TALK AND PRAY ABOUT HELL, and beg God every day to save us from it.

Think about what Dante wrote were the words atop the Gate into Hell:


And then realize that until we die, there is always HOPE – hope for every human being.  And for the love of God, go to confession. In fact, make a general confession, just to be sure.

I really, really hope this helps.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Dante and Virgil (left, in shadow) watching two damned men, clearly understood to be sodomites, raging and attacking each other in hell as a winged demon looks on. William-Adolphe Bouguereau, ARSH 1850, Musee d’Orsay.

Gay Gym Cruising Cardinal Tobin’s “Nighty-night, baby, I love you” Sodomy Partner is the Italian Actor that is Playing John the Baptist

The filthy faggot Cardinal of Newark, New Jersey, Joseph Tobin, tweeted this to his favored sodomy partner back in February.  He quickly deleted it, then lyingly claimed that it was meant for his sister.  No one bought this.  Why?  Because Tobin is a ginormous, raging, open-secret faggot, and everyone knows it.

George Neumayr has discovered who Tobin’s “baby” is.  It is the Italian actor Francesco Castiglione, who – get this – is LIVING IN TOBIN’S RECTORY (and also his rect… Nevermind. Too easy.)

I like doughy, multi-chinned old prelates with access to nine-figure slush funds, tickle fights, and long walks along the Jersey Shore. And blasphemy.

The story is that Tobin is giving the poor Italian movie star shelter while he improves his English at Seton Hall.  Because, you know, successful movie stars can’t rent an apartment or anything.  Gay Italian movie stars have to shack up with gay Cardinals (but I repeat myself) LEST THEY DIE HOMELESS UNDER A BRIDGE.

But the kicker is this: The sodomite actor, Castiglione, is starring in the VATICAN-PRODUCED film on St. John the Baptist, “Il Precursore” (The Precursor).  Yes, that’s right, the production credit is:

Arriva il docufilm che racconta la vita di Giovanni Battista: una produzione della Fondazione vaticana San Giovanni XXIII, Vatican Media e Officina della Comunicazione, nel quadro della collaborazione con il dicastero per la Comunicazione della Santa Sede.”

You can’t make this crap up.  Tobin hooked up for sodomy with Castiglione through Castiglione’s involvement and portrayal of St. John the Baptist in a movie produced by the John XXIII Foundation, Vatican Media, the Vatican Office of Communication, and the Holy See Dicastery for Communication. OR Tobin had already hooked up with Castiglione in the Vatican Bathhouse scene, and got him the part.  Maybe Neumayr will find these things out.

St. John the Baptist.  The Forerunner of Christ, whom Christ said was “the greatest man ever born of woman”.

I’m telling you, these faggots luxuriate in blasphemy.  It really makes one wonder if Tobin is one of the Satanists.

Tobin cruised and hooked up with him in Rome, and now engages in sodomy with him inside the episcopal mansion in Newark. And sends him messages saying “Nighty-night, baby, I love you”.

Now, you might be asking yourselves, “Why would a super-handsome actor engage in sodomy with a revolting slug like Tobin?”


Faggots are ALL ABOUT leveraging and wielding power.  The faggot actor can blackmail the shit out of Tobin, and gets to live off Tobin’s criminal racket of embezzling Archdiocesan and Vatican revenues AND, as we now know, the ginormous sodomite slush fund set up by Auntie Blanche McCarrick, “The Papal Foundation”.  Tobin gets to engage in sodomy with an Italian movie star, and thus tell himself how powerful and elite he is.  Tobin probably gets access to other sodomite actors through Castiglione, as well.  Fresh meat for the Grindr.

Here is an Italian press piece for the John the Baptist Movie.

I’m thinking this blasphemy needs to never see release.

Also, remember that U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See @CallyGingrich should be notified of this, and her invaluable opinion sought.


Mailbag: Wiccan Stang the Last Straw

This first note isn’t an email, but a note appended to the form when setting up a recurring donation/subscription for this website and the Barnhardt Podcast. I post this because there are other commentators and talking heads of note who are fence-sitting on the Bergoglio qua Antipope question, and they are frightened that they are going to collapse their donations if they “go public”.  All I can repeat is the motto that has served me well over the past decade or so: Do the right thing, and God will provide.

I will dispense with superlatives and merely say thank you, truly, thank you for your insights. There are few lights these days, along the way, precious few in our Church. I keep my bearings, barely, thanks to you and others doing similar public work. Thank you for it.

I saw the staff held by Bergoglio, marked it off as another strange choice by a strange, likely non-Catholic man. Thought nothing more of it. But not you. You researched it. It is a Stang (!). I checked your work. Oh, my. Does that ever change things.

I agree with you on Pope Benedict XVI. But this, this …. this is a game changer for me.

I will now begin regular support. Your work here is absolutely crucial. Keep it up. Well done ma’am.

Thank you, sir.  I will do my best.


Here is an email from a priest who says both the Novus Ordo and the August and Venerable Rite of Pius V, and can no longer commemorate “Francis” in the Canon.  I’ll provide a few additional details and advice below.


Count me among those clergy who will never again regard Jorge Bergoglio as a pope. Your latest piece with pictures on the satanic staff carried by this anti-pope was the last straw. Even in the face of this damning evidence, sadly, my fellow diocesan “conservative” clergy still try to spin it. A terrible delusion is upon us. Thanks for all you do to help dispel this terrible darkness.


Summarizing, and maintaining Father’s anonymity in this space, he had been commemorating Pope Benedict at the Te Igitur for quite some time when saying the Tridentine Mass.  Why?  Because the Canon is silent in the Mass of the Ages.  However, he was commemorating “Francis” when he had to say the Novus Ordo, because the Canon is said aloud in the Novus Ordo.  He has now resolved to simply say “our Pope” with no name when he says the Novus Ordo.

Now, I’m sure many of you have your hackles up JUST AS I DID when I was initially corresponding with Father, and here’s why: You can’t play semantic games like this with the Mass, commemorating one man at one Mass, and another man at another, based upon the earthly audience.  Fathers, this is completely untenable.  I pointed out to Father that especially after sending me the email above, it would now be totally morally impossible for him to continue to commemorate “Francis”, because Father has stated and is interiorly morally certain that Bergoglio is an Antipope.  It is one thing to be MISTAKEN and to MISTAKENLY commemorate the wrong man – St. Vincent Ferrer did it for years, albeit those dynamics were purely political, and the man St. Vincent was backing wasn’t an enthusiastic public backer of sodomy who celebrated liturgies whilst wielding a warlock’s stang. It is quite another thing to be morally certain that a man is, in fact, an Antipope, and that the true pope is very much alive and retains the Petrine See whether he likes it or not, and to then freely choose to COMMEMORATE THE ANTIPOPE.  This is not only a species of lying, it is also sacrilege.

What makes it worse is the fact that the choice to commemorate the Antipope ONLY IN SOME CIRCUMSTANCES (in this case, celebrating the Novus Ordo) because of FEAR OF RETRIBUTION by the Francischurch denizens there present, and the bishop by extension, is a clear manifestation of the vice of effeminacy.  Remember, “effeminacy” does not refer to men who act queeny.  It is a vice that EVERYONE is susceptible to, namely the unwillingness to do anything good that would or could result in a decrease in one’s own immediate personal pleasure and/or comfort.  St. Thomas calls effeminacy the vice of “softness”.

So, Father said that he will now simply say “Our Pope” when he says the Novus Ordo.  But, it probably is just a matter of time before the woman with three husbands who got her tubes tied after her second child and thinks her sodomite nephew and his “husband” are “the cutest couple ever” comes to Mass for the first time in years, and raises hell.  So, pray for priests.

I also post this because I want other priests out there to know that THEY ARE NOT ALONE in either commemorating Pope Benedict, or nauseated at “having to” commemorate “Francis” and wanting to stop.

The fully correct course of action is to stop saying the Novus Ordo completely, and to commemorate Pope Benedict at the Te Igitur.  That is what every priest SHOULD do.  Barring that (sigh), the next “least bad” option is the “Our Pope” without name route in the Novus Ordo Canon.  But look, eventually you are going to have to make a choice, and the choice is climbing up on the Cross with Our Lord, or comfort and security in this world, and possible eternal damnation in the next as a result.  There is no Third Way here.

Finally, let me once again post this axiom, which one and all should memorize and repeat in order to maintain one’s bearings in these rough seas:

It is IMPOSSIBLE to cause schism, or to enter into schism, by the act of holding the Catholic Faith, whole and entire.

Repeat that until it sinks in, and then remember that the entire Bergoglian threat is: EITHER YOU LET US SCHISM THE CHURCH, OR WE WILL SCHISM THE CHURCH.

Again, just stop and think about that until it sinks in. This is something that CLEARLY Cardinal Burke and the rest have never done.  Because hiding from responsibility and shirking one’s duty is a full-time job, y’all.

Pray for priests.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the one and only living Sovereign Pontiff, whether he likes it or not.

Wiccan Stang Given to Antipope Bergoglio By Woman Wearing Wiccan Red String Bracelet

The red string bracelet is a very common talisman in witchcraft/Wicca and Kabbalah, which is basically a hybrid of Talmudic Judaism and witchcraft.

Here in the picture of Antipope Bergoglio being presented with the Stang he carried yesterday by two females at a “youth rally” at the Circus Maximus in Rome in August, you can clearly see the woman on the left, holding the Stang, is wearing the knotted red thread talisman bracelet.

The Red Thread (and the Initiatory Process)” – must read, note the references to Cainism, spelled “Qayin”

Red Thread on the Wrist

Citations on this are practically endless.

Satanists Manifesting: Antipope Bergoglio Carries a Stang – the Ritual Staff of Witchcraft

As I have said and written before, one of satan’s most clever moves has been to foment, encourage and push mentally ill and demonically oppressed people to LOUDLY broadcast insane, ridiculous, totally false “conspiracy theories”.  We all know the types and categories.  Mind control beams, “chem trails”, shape shifting lizards, underground civilizations, flat earthers, the list goes on and on and on.

What this has done is make it almost impossible to point out, discuss, and warn about ACTUAL sinister goings-on and actual, honest-to-goodness conspiracies that are very real.  We all know that the word “Freemasonry” in the U.S. is automatically lumped into the above category, even though in Europe Freemasonry is largely understood to be the extremely powerful and influential socio-political entity that it is, and many Europeans further understand that the core of Freemasonry is the desire to exterminate the Catholic Church and replace it with the one-world secular humanist political religion of Freemasonry.

Trying to warn about such things as the musloid political system gets one lumped in with “conspiracy theorists”, as does trying to warn about the massive infiltration, influence, power and agenda of the sodomite cabal, both in the secular realms of politics and entertainment, AND in terms of the infiltration of the Institutional Church.

Perhaps the most difficult actual conspiracy to discuss without being dismissed out of hand is the actual cult worship of satan.  But, it is real, and it is manifesting before our eyes, so someone has to call these things out knowing full well that to do so means that 99.9999% of the populace will instantly call one a “crazy fool”.  That’s fine.  If fitting in to this culture constitutes sanity, then please God, let me never be sane.

Antipope Bergoglio carrying a Stang. Note the prominent iron nail, and the human form at the base of the fork. Textbook Stang.

It is a MORAL CERTAINTY that the stick that Antipope Bergoglio tried to pass off as a ferula yesterday in the Mass opening the Sin-nod on Sodomy is a “STANG”. Antipope Bergoglio said is was a “gift” from “young people” who SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED that he use it in the opening Mass of the Sodo-synod.  That story right there by itself is DAMN PECULIAR.

A Stang is a witch/warlock’s ceremonial staff.  It is always forked, and always has an iron nail driven through it. Ideally it has a human form carved or integrated into it somehow.  The Stang signifies several things, the first being a satan himself.  Read the quote below from a witchcraft blog:

“Gary describes the Stang as primarily a symbolic tool rather than a working one, and as such it stands in for the Devil himself, holding his power and his dual nature. The Devil and the Stang is often less about strict duality  and more about the transgressing of boundaries, The Devil being a spirit I often think of as non-binary and difficult to define in terms of absolutes.”

Almost like a… “god of surprises?”

Sounds familiar, eh?  Like every Casa Santa Marta sermon, and every airplane presser?  Yeah. That’s mild compared to this quote from the same article:

“The witch is bound to no dogma. This makes them a threat to a Christianity established on doctrine. The witch insists everything in creation has its place. The Church insisted on two contrary substances God and The Devil. The witch strives for synthesis.”
Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold- Craft of The Untamed.

G.W.F. Hegel, please dial “666” on a white courtesy telephone….

Let us revisit the quote of the Canadian faggot priest Tom Rosica, who is, once again, the English language press spokesman for this Sodo-synod from just a few weeks ago:

“Pope Francis (sic) breaks Catholic traditions whenever he wants because he is “free from disordered attachments.” Our Church has indeed entered a new phase: with the advent of this first Jesuit pope (sic), it is openly ruled by an individual rather than by the authority of Scripture alone or even its own dictates of tradition plus Scripture. “
-Fr. Tom Rosica, Vatican press spokesman

Anyway, the iron nail in the Stang symbolizes multiple things, including a phallus/coitus, a mocking of the Crucifixion of Our Lord, and is the triple motif of the threefold serpentine, telluric and cainic “powers”.

The “serpentine” meaning is obvious – the devil himself, in the garden, “gifting” Adam and Eve with the “liberating” and “enlightening” words, “No, you shall not die the death. For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.“

The word “telluric” refers to earthly power, whose source and symbol is “the serpent”, “deep in the earth”.

The third motif symbolized by the iron nail in the Stang is the Cainic “powers”.  Now, hold on to your hats.  Here’s the opening from the Wiki article on “Cainism”, and remember folks, we are talking about Cain, whose sacrifice God rejected and he thus murdered his brother Abel because as St. John teaches, “Cain slew Abel because his works were evil, while those of his brother were just (1 John 3:12), and we read in Hebrews that “by faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain” (Hebrews 11:4).”


The oldest source is to be found in Irenaeus, adv. Haer. i. 31.

Cain and Abel

He tells us that the Cainites regarded Cain as derived from the higher principle. They claimed fellowship with Esau, Korah, the men of Sodom, and all such people, and regarded themselves as on that account persecuted by the Creator. But they escaped injury from Him, for Sophia used to carry away from them to herself that which belonged to her.


One thing I learned in researching the actual cult worship of satan once I learned about and confirmed that the Vatican is the nexus of satanism in the world today, is the fact that satanists are commanded, at some point once they have sufficient power, to openly MANIFEST their satanism.

If the Bergoglian antipapacy doesn’t constitute “having sufficient power”, then I don’t know what would.

I am morally certain that Antipope Bergoglio’s carrying of a Stang with the iron nail so prominently positioned, into the opening of a farce synod whose entire agenda is the ratification of sodomy, is a clear case of manifestation of satanism.

And if that makes me a conspiracy theorist, so be it.  Some conspiracies are real.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the Heavely Host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


How To Use A Stang”

Wikipedia article on Cainism (must read)

The Stang and the Devil At the Crossroads”

“What is this new devilry?” “A Bergoglio.”

In case you didn’t hear the news, Antipope Bergoglio, the Anti-John the Baptist, at war with marriage and the family, just tried to convince the world that ALL MARRIAGES in which the wife is already pregnant are invalid, and tried to forbid priests from performing weddings for an already-expecting couple.

Thank God Bergoglio is not now and never has been the Pope, huh?  Thank God we can all see that he is an antipope, and likely the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, and thus totally, completely devoid of ANY power or magisterial authority.

Thank God we can all see that.