Chris Ferrara declares TRUTH, REALITY and the PAPACY to be tedious irrelevancies: “Nothing is more tedious or wasteful of time and intellectual effort than the debate over the supposedly invalid election of Francis.”

We have been discussing in this space the sad state of a man whose intellect is darkened, despite having a high IQ, mostly in the context of the CoronaScam and the DeathJab.  It is a sad and terrifying thing to behold.  Men are RATIONAL INTELLECTS, created in the image and likeness of God.  When that […]

Repost by Request: The damnable Catch-22 fruits of the false base premise that “Francis is Pope”: Schism on one side, the flagrant Violation of the Law of Non-contradiction on the other.

The girl who is declaring that she is leaving for the Eastern Orthodox Schismatics (they are Schismatics because they deny the Primacy of Peter in and of itself, not the identity of the Vicar of Christ) gets a response from a Trad Inc. partisan that is a flagrant, egregious, obvious violation of the Law of […]

When The Onion sees it… SATIRE: “Pope Francis (sic) Sneaks Leftovers To False God Moloch At Back Door Of St. Peter’s Basilica”

Ok, again, The Onion is a SATIRE website. Okay? But that’s kind of the point. When the satirists not only see it, but know that their secular audience will totally get THIS…: LINK HERE: It is GLARINGLY OBVIOUS that Bergoglio isn’t the Pope. Even to the most secular of seculars. And remember, in all satire, […]

I’m going to call it: the FrancisSwishops will NEVER lift the Sunday Obligation dispensation. 3rd Commandment officially abrogated in the Antichurch.

The modus operandi of the infiltrators for going on a century now has been to grant some “temporary” dispensation, which has then not only never been rescinded, but allowed to become the “new order”. All. According. To. Plan. Guess what every Swishop on the planet will be forever too terrified at best, or gleeful at […]

Video: “Francis is definitely Pope” partisans avoiding correcting of their false base premise in light of announced “radical revision” of sodomy.

By Carlos Esteban | December 18, 2019 At the request of the Pope (sic), the Pontifical Biblical Commission, the highest technical ecclesial organism in interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, has issued a report on the anthropological vision in the Bible in which the conception of homosexuality is radically revised. “A new and more adequate understanding […]

No, “Francis” is NOT the Pope and never has been, and I’m available to help walk folks through the mountain of canonical and visible evidence in any way I can. No hard feelings.

Patience is the Fruit of the Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross My videos on the Bergoglian Antipapacy HERE. Here is ChurchMilitant’s video of the day, just released: TRANSCRIPT We’re bringing you these series of reports to help you better understand the stakes. There are whispers and quiet chatter all over Rome just […]

Reuters linked on Drudge Sub-headline: “Conservatives still see Benedict, not Francis, as Pope”

I post this only to show that it isn’t just “that seriously crazy Barnhardt and her three remaining schizo fanboys” that even countenance the notion that Pope Benedict is the Pope and “Francis” is an antipope. Don’t fall for the gaslighting campaign that you are not only crazy, but crazy and ALONE in so much […]