Monthly Archives: April 2020

How to Solve the Problem of Luciferian Strifes and Dissensions on Social Media





Here is a great video that clearly shows exactly how to do it both from a browser and from a smartphone.

You can do it.  Through Jesus Christ Our Risen Lord, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.  You can do it!!  Say a prayer, and just do it, right now.  I can absolutely promise and guarantee you that you will not regret it, and will wonder why you didn’t do it long, long ago.

THIS is why I started screaming from the rooftops after MF Global in ARSH 2011 to GET OUT of the financial markets and PAY OFF ALL DEBT

Because the whole thing is completely, totally fake.  It is a giant Ponzi scheme.  The FedGov is pumping $125 BILLION PER DAY to keep the Dow bubble inflated.  The entire economy is being nationalized before your very eyes.  If this doesn’t make you understand that, nothing will.

I think they are planning on “controlling” inflation by using the Bill Gates Faux-Vaccine Mark of the Beast paradigm to completely control velocity; making it impossible for people to turn over dollars.  Cash will be eliminated and criminalized, and all banking and ability to buy and sell will be tied to Gates’ Mark of the Beast.  In this way, they will be able to set a limit on how much you can spend per day, and on what.  So, let’s say the limit is $100 per person per day.  They are betting that they will be able to control the MV = PQ equation by exerting totalitarian control over the V(elocity).

They aren’t going to ration the COMMODITIES THEMSELVES.  They are going to attempt to ration the very ability to SPEND MONEY.

If you would like to read more about this, please read my essay from February of ARSH 2016, “The Mark of The Beast Explained: MV = PQ, With Totalitarian Control of V(elocity).”

Permit me to excerpt just the conclusion.  As you sit imprisoned in your own home, along with fully half of the human race, remember that this was written over four years ago:

Do you realize what VELOCITY is?

VELOCITY OF MONEY is nothing less than a manifestation man’s God-given FREE WILL. Velocity is a manifestation of man’s freedom to choose what he does with the fruits of his labor and creativity – his very existence through time. Does he spend? Does he save? Does he invest? Does he tithe or give alms? Velocity speaks to the dignity of man in the sense that God created man with free will, and thus able to love – and even though we are talking about Monetary Theory, when you drill down on these concepts, where you always, always end up is at LOVE. Do you love, or are you a Diabolical Narcissist (like the Bankster Oligarch Class and their Bureaucrat Toadies)? Do you love God? Do you love your neighbor as yourself because God loved us all first? Love is completely contingent upon free will. This freedom of will and corollary ability to love is one of the primary ways in which man is “created in the image and likeness of God”.

We are now, quietly and effeminately, entering into a supernatural totalitarianism never before seen. The objective is to convince man in his post-modern, post-Christian effeminacy, materialism and narcissism, that he is NOT free to choose, is a slave to the will of the Oligarchy, and thus capitulate to serving the Beast without putting up even the smallest fight. “But I had no choice – they took money out of my account and sent it PlannedParenthood, the Muslim Brotherhood and the ManBoy Love Association automatically. I had NO CHOICE….”

Satan, the father of all lies, and the father of all of this, hiding in the shadows, would like nothing more than to pummel all of humanity into believing that they are nothing more than chattel who can only submit to him and serve his cult like dumb animals, and certainly never achieve that which he himself can never, ever have: the Beatific Vision. Heaven. God.

And a main front of this attack, whether anyone acknowledges it or not, is the equation MV = PQ. So maybe we should spend less time watching the Trump-Clinton joint-produced and pre-scripted “reality show”, and a little bit more time being adults and, I dunno, maybe mounting some sort of concrete resistance in the real-life war that is raging all around us.

“So then, brethren, we are not the children of the bondwoman, but of the free: by the freedom wherewith Christ has made us free. Stand fast, and be not held again under the yoke of bondage.”



They’re now openly admitting that the numbers are fake, and watching the sheep cower in their home prisons….

They’re openly telling you that the numbers are bee-ess in no uncertain terms… and then studying the complete lack of resistance.

This is the New York Times, folks:

New York City, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it.

Bill Gates had Microsoft use open satanist Marina Abramovic in their latest ad campaign, released on Good Friday.

Abramovic is a satanist who performs satanic rituals under the guise of “performance art”. She is directly tied to the Deep State, as I wrote about in November of ARSH 2016 HERE. She performed satanic rituals for the Clinton-Podesta clan.

Interestingly, over in Italy, the Bergoglians, led by the American who runs the Church’s artistic patrimony in Florence, Msgr. Timothy Verdon, had an exhibition of Abramovic’s satanic imagery put on display in the Museum of the Duomo of Florence, and it then moved to Milan. I’m fairly certain that the Museum of the Duomo in Florence contains a relic of the True Cross.

I’m sure that’s just a coincidence….

Reportage on the Microsoft campaign with the satanist Abramovic HERE.

Reportage of UK male flight attendant dead from CoronaCold: “Mr. Johnson, who was also fondly known as Shirley…”

Remember folks, there is no such thing as a “perfectly healthy sodomite”, nor is there any such thing as a “perfectly healthy obese person”.  These are oxymorons.

Sad, sad, sad…

A colleague said the steward, who often played the Dame in the airline’s Christmas pantomime, was “a bright light gone too early”.

Mr Johnson, who was also fondly known as Shirley, had last flown three weeks ago as a passenger.

And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.
Romans 1: 27

Dear Donald Trump: FIRE FAUCI whose EVERY WORD has been either a lie or galactically wrong, and STOP THIS ECONOMIC SUICIDE

It’s a chest cold.  No, seriously.  It’s a CHEST COLD.

It hits the obese particularly hard, not surprisingly.  Give them hydroxychloroquine and a referral to a dietitian as they leave the hospital 48 hours later.

Nurses are literally spending their shifts making up slutty dance routines to post on social media.

Bill and Melinda Gates are psychopaths who want to be God.  They should be laughed at WHILE being frog marched to prison under indictment for crimes against humanity.

Fire Fauci and Birx, who are both mid-wit (at best) bureaucrats, and more probably psycho-liars with massive delusions of grandeur.

End the fear-porn propaganda campaign of fraudulently declaring dead bodies that test positive for Corona as a mere Hospital Acquired Infection after assuming room temperature from a pre-existing morbidity (or three) in a hospital (aka “giant Petri dish”) to be “Corona Deaths”.  Back-correct ALL statistics, and criminalize false reportage of statistics, both by healthcare workers and the media.

Open the economy.

Repatriate manufacturing of EVERYTHING to the North American land mass. From steel to textiles to those little paper umbrellas they put in piña coladas.  EVERYTHING.

STOP PRINTING MONEY.  Declare targeted debt jubilees.  DEFLATION, not INFLATION is the path forward. Let the true time value of money emerge.

Criminalize ANY attempt at coerced “vaccination” or tracking of any kind – it’s all a gambit to give the Deep State/Globalists totalitarian power.

Be a man.


Quit screwing around.

Enjoy your second term.

Ann Barnhardt

This is what hospital staff fighting a deep chest cold virus looks like.

To confirm that this nauseating display isn’t unique, a reader that works in a major metro area hospital says:

Still waiting on the big surge to come. Our hospital still has 13 COVID admissions, 8 on ventilators. So we are pretty much twiddling our thumbs.

People with nothing to do, and low morals, do things like THIS:

Easter Monday Blessings and an Important Word to My Donors

Remember folks, Easter is an Octave, and beyond that, Eastertide lasts until the Great Feast of Pentecost, so… HAPPY EASTER! Christ is truly risen, alleluia!!

I want to take this opportunity to address my donors.

Folks, if you are now in any sort of financial stress, and find yourself needing every dollar you can muster, and you have a recurring donation to me set up through, please, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to suspend or cancel that recurring donation. If you need to suspend or cancel a recurring donation, you will need to login to your ContinueToGive profile from the donation page, and then cancel your recurring donation.  I understand totally, and will not be in any way “hurt” or “offended” when I see recurring donation cancellation notices come.  I UNDERSTAND.  IT’S OKAY.  This is a grave emergency situation, and you have to be responsible and do the prudent thing when situations like this arise.  Donations to something as trivial as this website/podcast must be put on hold if that money is needed for rent/mortgage, payroll, food, electricity, gas, etc.

While we all want the maximum good to come from this, and we all shudder at the thought of going back to “drag queen story hour” daily life and the Bergoglian Antipapacy and Antichurch in full manifestation, I also pray that the truth about this crime against humanity and attempt at instituting the Mark of the Beast by Bill and Melinda Gates (TM) will continue to be exposed, and that the economy reopens.  I am completely abandoned to the Divine Providence, and have exactly ZERO worry.  My motto is, “Do the right thing, and God will provide.”  It would be categorical moral insanity for me to doubt this truth now, after, lo, these many years, and God’s unfailing provision for me.

Here is the first of Rembrandt’s two “Supper at Emmaus”.  I prefer the drama of this piece.  Note the disciple in the foreground shadow who has fallen out of his chair and is on his knees bowing to Our Lord, who has just revealed Himself in the Eucharist, and is about to disappear in His corporeal form.  The woman in the kitchen is going to walk out with a plate of something in a few seconds and say, “Where’d He go?” And the men are going to point at the Consecrated Host and say, “He’s RIGHT THERE!”

Supper at Emmaus, Rembrandt, ARSH 1629

Holy Saturday: The Harrowing of Hell

(Let the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, speak to us, console us, and edify us as The Blessed Mother surely did in the Cenacle as she awaited the fulfillment of her Son’s promise, never doubting for an instant, despite the horror of the previous day, that He would do as He said He would.)

From the descent of Christ to hell we may learn, for our instruction, four things:

1. Firm hope in God. No matter what the trouble in which a man finds himself, he should always put trust in God’s help and rely on it. There is no trouble greater than to find oneself in hell. If then Christ freed those who were in hell, any man who is a friend of God cannot but have great confidence that he too shall be freed from whatever anxiety holds him. “Wisdom forsook not the just when he was sold, but delivered him from sinners; she went down with him into the pit and in bands she left him not” (Wis. x. 13-14). And since to His servants God gives a special assistance, he who serves God should have still greater confidence. “He that feareth the Lord shall tremble at nothing, and shall not be afraid: for he is his hope” (Ecclus. xxxiv. 16).

2. We ought to conceive fear and to rid ourselves of presumption. For although Christ suffered for sinners, and went down into hell to set them free, he did not set all sinners free, but only those who were free of mortal sin. Those who had died in mortal sin He left there. Wherefore for those who have gone down to hell in mortal sin there remains no hope of pardon. They shall be in hell as the holy Fathers are in heaven, that is for ever.

3. We ought to be full of care. Christ went down into hell for our salvation, and we should be careful frequently to go down there too, turning over in our minds hell’s pain and penalties, as did the holy king Ezechias as we read in the prophecy of Isaias, “I said: In the midst of my days I shall go to the gates of hell” (Is. xxxviii. 10).

Those who in their meditation often go down to hell during life, will not easily go down there at death. Such meditations are a powerful arm against sin, and a useful aid to bring a man back from sin. Daily we see men kept from evildoing by the fear of the law’s punishments. How much greater care should they not take on account of the punishment of hell, greater in its duration, in its bitterness and in its variety. “Remember thy last end and thou shalt never sin” (Ecclus. vii. 40).

4. The fact is for us an example of love. Christ went down into hell to set free those that were His own. We, too, therefore, should go down there to help our own. For those who are in purgatory are themselves unable to do anything, and therefore we ought to help them. Truly he would be a harsh man indeed who failed to come to the aid of a kinsman who lay in prison, here on earth. How much more harsh, then, the man who will not aid the friend who is in purgatory, for there is no comparison between the pains there and the pains of this world. “Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least you my friends, because the hand of the Lord hath touched me” (Job xix. 21).

We help the souls in purgatory chiefly by these three means, by masses, by prayers, and by alms giving. Nor is it wonderful that we can do so, for even in this world a friend can make satisfaction for a friend.

+ + +
St. Thomas Aquinas. Meditations for Lent. Passages selected from the works of St. Thomas by Fr. Mezard, O.P.; translated here by Fr. Philip Hughes. London: Sheed and Ward, 1937. 139-141.

The Harrowing of Hell, Giotto, ARSH 1320.  Note St. Dismas, the Good Thief, carrying the Cross. Also note the demons on the rock outcropping in the background tormenting the eternally damned, that is, those who died in mortal sin.

Tenebrae Night Two: “…and iniquity hath lied to itself.”

Last night, after Solemn High Mass of the Lord’s Supper, I stayed with Our Lord in the Garden while the altars were stripped by the clerics.  I then opted to stay with Our Lord during Tenebrae, whose place of repose was not, as in other years, in a full side chapel, but rather this year was a tiny “cupboard” chapel, an almost secret place behind great wooden doors that when shut look like the doors to a reliquary cabinet, but when opened – SURPRISE! – a tiny chapel. The third Psalm of the second night of Tenebrae is Psalm 26, which described the setting and situation perfectly in verses 4 and 5:

One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will I seek after; * that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.
That I may see the delight of the Lord, * and may visit His temple.
For He hath hidden me in His tabernacle; * in the day of evils, He hath protected me in the secret place of His tabernacle.

Hearing Tenebrae chanted just a few yards away in a great, dark, empty church was no problem at all – I was even outfitted very kindly with a lamp for my prie-dieu.  I’ve had some extremely memorable Holy Thursdays since entering the Church thirteen years ago, but this one, I am quite confident, will not be topped.  Keeping vigil with Our Lord in the Garden as the men chanted the Office of Tenebrae was… well.  Saturated.  The experience was… saturated.  I brought all of you with me, and at the second antiphon of the Third Nocturn leading into Psalm 87, I told Our Lord that all of us who love Him are here with Him.

Thou hast put away Mine acquaintance far from Me; * I am shut up, and cannot come forth.

One of the greatest mysteries of the Triune Godhead is the fact that God Almighty wants US to comfort HIM.  This is why attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at least once per week, on Sunday, is required (when physically possible), and Our Lord wants us present at Mass as often as possible – and this is why we go. How can this level of infinite condescension (in the positive sense) be possible?  There is only one answer: INFINITE LOVE. GOD IS HIMSELF INFINITE LOVE.

Let me quickly repeat the point I made on the last couple of Barnhardt podcasts, as the antiphon of Psalm 26 addresses it directly: This CoronaCold situation is NOT a chastisement positively willed and directly sent by God upon us.  This CANNOT be a chastisement from God in the sense that people are taking it, because it is based on lies and deceit, and God neither deceives nor can be deceived.

WE ARE DOING THIS TO OURSELVES.  God has given us up to our own lies.  He isn’t the author of the lies, He has merely given us up to ourselves.  Finally.  After the ratification of divorce, the ratification of self-sterilization making almost every conjugal act – even within valid marriages – mortally sinful, sodomy, the ascension of pornography as the number one pastime, after the Drag Queen story hours where men sexually molest tiny children to the cheers of their parents. After the legalization of infanticide and the cold, calculated, premeditated murder of billions of human beings, most of which with the mother as a direct and enthusiastic accomplice.  After the near-total apostasy of His Holy Church and the public construction of an Antichurch, headed by an Antipope, unchallenged and uncontested (almost).

This economic destruction, the pitting of every human being against every other human being as a “vector of disease” (and the mask-wearing nonsense is a huge weapon in this psychological terrorism and direct attack on fraternal charity, a satanic attempt to make misanthropy into a luciferian faux-virtue), this suppression of the public worship of God, is all 100% the freely-chosen and totally unnecessary work of MEN.  Look at the antiphon of Psalm 26: False witnesses are risen up against me, * and iniquity hath lied to itself.  Bill and Melinda Gates et al.  Fauci. Birx. Every government.  The media.  Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch that he heads. INIQUITY IS LYING TO ITSELF.

Men who end up in hell, end up damned by their own free choice, and completely unnecessarily. Christ’s death REDEEMED ALL MEN, but so very, very many die UNSAVED by their own choice after they fall for the LIES AND DECEITS OF SATAN, WHO IS THE FATHER OF LIES.  Redemption and Salvation are two very different things.  This situation is an uber-allegory of this truth. Damnation is freely chosen.

You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
-John 8: 44

Christ before the High Priest.

False witnesses are risen up against me, * and iniquity hath lied to itself.

Christ Before the High Priest, Gerard van Honthorst, ARSH 1617