Monthly Archives: January 2020

It’s all happening: Church Militant publishes Socci

Link HERE.

Also in this case, no one can pretend to know the personal thoughts of Benedict XVI. Certainly Pope Bergoglio was not elected by him, but by a College of Cardinals that clearly had no knowledge of the candidate during a conclave and pre-conclave of which there are many details that still need to be clarified. 

But, as far as what concerns the resignation and his choice to be “Pope Emeritus,” I believe that, based on the documents in hand, it is now clear that Benedict XVI did not intend to resign — or totally resign — the Petrine munus.  

As Archbishop Ganswein explained in his famous conference at the Gregorian University:  

“Both before and after his resignation, Benedict understood and understands his task to be a participation in such a “Petrine ministry.” He left the papal throne, and yet, with the step taken on February 11, 2013, he has not abandoned this ministry at all.

There is another passage from Archbishop Ganswein that I would like to highlight:  

“He has not abandoned the office of Peter, a thing which would be completely impossible for him following his irrevocable acceptance of the office in April 2005.

To me, these seem to be explosive words (and they have never been denied by Pope Benedict). The closest collaborator of Benedict XVI explains to us that for Joseph Ratzinger “the acceptance of the office” of Peter is “irrevocable” and to abandon it is “totally impossible.” Although the Vatican continues to pretend that everything is clear, we the Christian people are allowed to ask questions about what really happened in February 2013 and what is the place of Benedict XVI in the Church today. 

-Antonio Socci quoted at under Aldo Maria Valli’s byline

No TLM close? MOVE. Or drive.

No Traditional Latin Mass in your backyard?

If you are a single person who works from home, if at all, and especially if you have rich priests in London offering, in writing, to subsidize your entire existence? (Cough, ahem)


It’s not rocket surgery.

Priorities. Priorities. Priorities.


People with cars? Which means EVERYONE in North America, read this well:

Immediately after the promulgation of the Novus Ordo on 30 November ARSH 1969 – and I do mean IMMEDIATELY, a Catholic family in rural Colorado southeast of Colorado Springs, led by the masculine, non-effeminiate husband and father, declared that assisting at the Novus Ordo was not acceptable given that it was POSSIBLE to assist at a Sunday Mass of Pius V…


This family, with… MANY children, piled into TWO vehicles every Saturday morning and drove TEN HOURS one way from down around Lamar, CO all the way up to Rapid City, SD, where a very St. Jerome-ish Grumpycat elderly diocesan priest categorically refused to say the Novus Ordo. The bishop didn’t want to fight him… so.

The family lodged Saturday nights with parishioners in Rapid City (can you imagine how great those conversations were?), got up, went to Sunday Mass, piled back in the cars, and drove the ten hours back to SE Colorado.

They did this for TWENTY YEARS.

You realize what this means, yes?

This family sacrificed the entire concept of “weekend” for twenty years. The father had no weekend rest. Much less time to work on the house and yard, golf, etc.

Nevermind the gas.

The children had no childhood weekend activities as so many of us had. They were packed into a car. ALL WEEKEND.

May God reward that man, and his family. The least we can do is regale the planet with tales of this man’s and his family’s example.

The Holy Sacrifice MUST be our top priority. It is the most important thing in the universe, and we should acknowledge that.

Whining about any drive less than ten hours each way to Sunday Mass, given the above, falls on deaf ears with me. Sorry. But I can’t lie. Emails from people complaining about the forty minute drive from one part of Dallas to another, or whatever, not only doesn’t move me, but actively disgusts me. Again, I can’t lie. Can you sit forty minutes watching Tee-Vee? That’s Jeopardy and the first third of Wheel.

That’s one third of a ComicBook movie.

Forty minutes is a SHORT video game session. For those effeminate and pathetic enough to actually play video games. 🤢🤮

You will know them by their fruits, and you will know them by their priorities.

No excuses. No whining. GO.

I cannot emphasize this with sufficient vehemence: GO. TO. MASS.

The best you can absolutely, possibly do. Move “heaven and earth”.

The list grows… Add Oakes Spalding of Mahound’s Paradise. Benedict is Pope.

I first became introduced to Mr. Spalding years and years ago via his blogging and reportage against everyone’s favorite satanic totalitarian political system masquerading as a religion. His website is worth a bookmark.

Mr. Spalding has also written for 1P5, but has now been shunned by Trad Inc. parti$an$. How cultish-creepy. Like a page out of the the Legionnaires, or something.

Welcome to the rapidly swelling ranks of Benedict-is-Pope, Oakes!

Ride! Ride for Pope Benedict! Ride for the Papacy! Ride for Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church!!!

It’s all happening. Rorate Caeli is coming onside. Benedict is Pope.

Rorate Caeli, the very influential international Traditional Catholic blog, just retweeted this – a response to Professor Roberto de Mattei’s piece of a few days ago.

Here is the money quote from de Mattei’s piece:

The priesthood can’t even be lost by death, because it subsists “in aternum” . The papacy, on the other hand, can be lost, not only by death, but also in the case of voluntary renunciation or of manifest, notorious heresy. If he renounces being pontiff, the Pope ceases to be such: he has no right to wear white nor impart the Apostolic Blessing. He, from a canonical point of view, is no longer even a cardinal, but goes back to being a simple bishop.  Unless his renunciation is invalid: but this, in the case of Benedict XVI, should be proven. Effectively, the title of Pope today is being given to both Francis and Benedict, but one is certainly abusive, as only one [man] can be Pope in the Church.   

Folks, no progress will be made so long as the TRUTH of the canonical invalidity of Pope Benedict’s attempted resignation is not actively, positively acknowledged.
Anything less will simply mean more wheel-spinning.
BUT, if the truth is acknowledged, folks, I’m telling you, the sun will rise on a new world the next day.
Again, here is the form that a Cardinalatial announcement could take:
Significant canonical irregularities have been identified with regards to Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation as proffered in February of 2013. Pending further investigation, a state of emergency suspense is hereby declared.”
Thirty words.
Everything changes. For the better.
Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church.

Giving credit where credit is due: “Bunch of dopes and babies…”

You all know my position on politics, politicians, Kayfabe, etc.


If Trump called his top flag officers “a bunch of dopes and babies”, all I can say is:


Might I be permitted to add:

“a wretched hive of pervert-coddling sell-out recreational-cuckold mediocrities with pathological delusions of adequacy.”

The only thing more spectacularly corrupt and degenerate than the USMIL flag officer corps is the Vatican.

(I know- Hepburn. Ignore that and focus on the aesthetic.)

And now a quick word from the Mother of God…

Our Lady of Good Success:

The devil will work to persecute the ministers of the Lord in every way, working with baneful cunning to destroy the spirit of their vocation and corrupting many. Those who will thus scandalize the Christian flock will bring upon all priests the hatred of bad Christians and the enemies of the One, Holy, Roman Catholic, and Apostolic Church. This apparent triumph of Satan will cause enormous suffering to the good pastors of the Church…and to the Supreme Pastor and Vicar of Christ on earth who, a prisoner in the Vatican, will shed secret and bitter tears in the presence of God Our Lord, asking for light, sanctity, and perfection for all the clergy of the world, to whom he is King and Father.”

“To be delivered from the slavery of these heresies, those whom the merciful love of my Son has destined for this restoration will need great will-power, perseverance, courage, and confidence in God. To try the faith and trust of these just ones, there will be times when all will seem lost and paralyzed. It will then be the happy beginning of the complete restoration….”

+Viganò unloads on the dirty, lying, gaslighting manipulator and jailer Georg Gänswein, calls Pope Benedict “the Sovereign Pontiff”. Present tense singular.

Here’s the full letter in Italian. This link is also very good as a photo essay demonstrating Gänswein’s ubiquitous presence. Pretty much everything that happens in the Vatican is brokered through and physically stage-managed by Gänswein.

The letter to the editor of La Verità newspaper, from +Viganò, still in hiding for fear of his life, opens thusly:

Caro direttore,

è tempo di rivelare il controllo abusivamente e sistematicamente esercitato da monsignor Georg Gänswein nei confronti del sommo Pontefice Benedetto XVI, fin dall’ inizio del suo pontificato. Gänswein filtrava abitualmente le informazioni, arrogandosi il diritto di giudicare lui stesso quanto fosse opportuno o meno far pervenire al Santo Padre.

Good algorithmic translation here, and Diane Montagna has the full translation at LifeSite HERE.

Dear director,

it is time to reveal the abusive and systematic control exercised by Monsignor Georg Gänswein against the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, since the beginning of his pontificate. Gänswein routinely filtered the information, claiming the right to judge for himself how appropriate or not it should be sent to the Holy Father.

Note the VERY present tense: “the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, since the beginning of his pontificate.”

Oh, and isn’t THIS interesting from Viganò‘s letter:

He [+Harvey] then added that, at the beginning of his pontificate, Benedict XVI, indicating Gänswein to him with his index finger, exclaimed: “Gestapo! Gestapo!”

This unscrupulous attitude was revealed from the very beginning of his pontificate, also in the determination with which Gänswein managed to distance from the pope his precious assistant and secretary, Ingrid Stampa, whom then-cardinal Ratzinger had wanted at his side for well over a decade after the death of his sister Maria Ratzinger.

Furthermore, it is known that to escape this total control exercised over his person by Gänswein, Pope Benedict often went to visit his previous special secretary, Bishop Josef Clemens, inviting Ingrid Stampa to these familial gatherings. 

It’s all happening, folks. The Truth WILL OUT.

If a Cardinal were to hold a press conference and make the following statement, the world would change instantly. There would be DOZENS of Cardinals crawling out of the woodwork to support the removal of the CRIMINAL USURPER Antipope Jorge Bergoglio.

All that would be needed to be said would be something like:

“Significant canonical irregularities have been identified with regards to the putative resignation proffered by Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013. Pending further investigation, a state of emergency suspense is hereby declared.”

Or something in that general vein. Pull the emergency brake. It’s that simple. Do that, and everything changes. Instantly.


Act, and God will act.

By now, if you have been reading this space, you can probably recite from memory Canon 188:

Can. 188 A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

#TOLDYA The Truth WILL out. People are finally waking up. Case in point: John Zmirak

Trad Catholic pundit/editor/dood John Zmirak appeared on the Protestant author Eric Metaxas’ radio show (Metaxas wrote the definitive biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and did a delightful interview with Alice von Hildebrand).

It would seem, thanks be to God, that people are FINALLY, at long last, waking up.

Perhaps now Mr. Zmirak will find the time to review the mountain of evidence, with Canon Law first and foremost, backed up by the publicly available dataset of words and deeds of all of the players involved, from Pope Benedict Ratzinger stretching back decades, to Walter Kasper, the entire German theological academy, the Sankt Gallen Mafia, the stated goals of Institutional Freemasonry itself vis-a-vis the Papacy, and finally previous Holy Popes and the Mother of God herself. A good launch point would be HERE.

The timestamp I transcribe begins at 25:12…

“What this shows me is that Pope Benedict is NOT a free agent, he is not able to do what he wants. I REALLY think the Italian police should remove him from the Vatican and make sure that he wants to still be there, because I don’t think he’s there of his own free will, and I wonder if he RESIGNED of his own free will, or if future historians are gonna find out that he was coerced or threatened or somehow cajoled into resigning, and if that happens then Pope Francis’ whole term in office will be regarded as an Antipope, and there will be an asterisk next to his name in history books.  This kind of thing happened in the Middle Ages occasionally, happened in the Renaissance. There is a track record for evil men grabbing hold of the Office of the Pope….”

Now if we can just get these folks like Mr. Zmirak to get over this whole idea that the Truth is unknowable in real time, and that effeminately “kicking the can down the road” is all that can be done – that crimes can never be stopped while they are in progress, but only identified ex post facto.  Um, no.  The Truth is obvious and knowable NOW, and has been obvious and knowable for YEARS, and thus should be acted upon and the Bergoglian Antipapacy – a criminal act – ended NOW.  If this situation gets “left to future historians”, that will because we who walk the earth right now while it is happening will have FAILED in our moral duty to STOP THIS CRIME IN PROGRESS.

The Truth is ALWAYS in season, folks.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the one and only living Pope whether he likes it or not, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church.


UPDATED: Antonio Socci now reporting that an ENRAGED Antipope Bergoglio summoned Gänswein and demanded that Pope Benedict’s name be removed and ++Sarah be thrown under the bus. UPDATE: Ed Pentin proves +Gänswein is lying

This is the post on Socci’s publicly visible Facebook page titled, “The furor of the despot against the Catholic Pope.”

It’s all happening, folks.  Stay confessed.

Long-short, an infuriated Antipope Bergoglio told +Gänswein, who remember, is basically the right-hand man to BOTH Pope Benedict and Antipope Bergoglio, to remove Pope Benedict’s name, and then lie through his teeth and plant the fake news story with the Bergoglio-friendly press that Pope Benedict was bamboozled by Cardinal Sarah, thus attempting to throw ++Sarah under the bus.

None of this disavowal is coming from Pope Benedict. It’s all fake news coming from Antipope Bergoglio through the dirty henchman +Gänswein. As Frank Walker of  and so has brilliantly called it and named it, “The BenedictBot.”  The #FakeNews version of Pope Benedict.  Aka, Archbishop Georg Gänswein.

I’m telling you, Gänswein is dirty, and is up to his eyebrows in this mess. Don’t be fooled by the Bavarian charm and manners. Don’t be fooled by Gänswein doing Trad liturgies during the Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage in Rome. The guy can be trusted about as far as he can be thrown by his aforementioned eyebrows.

I seriously now worry about Pope Benedict’s physical safety more than ever.

Tell me more about how there just COULDN’T be any coercion in play with regards to Pope Benedict’s “fleeing for fear of the wolves?”

Canon law review! Back where we started these 3.5 years ago now…

Can. 188 A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

It is quite clear that BOTH substantial error and coercion are in play.


Ed Pentin proves that +Ganswein is a damn dirty liar, as I have been saying for quite some time now:

The Register asked both Archbishop Gänswein and Nicolas Diat for comment. Archbishop Gänswein has yet to respond, but on Jan. 15 Diat confirmed to the Register Cardinal Sarah’s summary of events, most notably stressing that the cardinal showed Benedict in person a draft copy of the cover during a private audience.

“Cardinal Sarah sent a confidential letter [to Benedict] on Nov. 19 with the full text. The proofs were complete: introduction, the two texts, and the conclusion,” Diat explained. “Then, on Dec. 3, he showed the draft cover during an audience with Benedict XVI.”

Diat also maintains that as recently as last Thursday, Jan. 9, Archbishop Gänswein spoke with Davide Cantagalli who is working on the Italian edition, and that during their conversation Archbishop Gänswein “gave his support for all the work the Italian editors were doing.” The Register has asked Cantagalli for comment.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the one and only living Pope whether he likes it or not, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church.