Monthly Archives: April 2018

The Burned….

Can I recommend a reasonable red wine?  Sure.  I can do that.

I would recommend wines from Italy.  They have been cultivating grapes and fermenting wine on the Italian Peninsula for thousands of years. Young vintners are 600 years old in Italy.  And because there isn’t the marketing “cachet” of France, Italian wine is MUCH cheaper.  For a good, all-purpose red that is bound to please everyone, I would recommend “Il Bruciato” from the house of Antinori in Tuscany.

It tastes like pie.  Yummy, delicious pie. With berries and cherries and plums, oh my! It is smooth, and shouldn’t cost more than $30 per bottle, which is reasonable for a decent bottle of imported red.  The link above is $19.99. Don’t hold it forever, either.  It is meant to be consumed, not aged for 15 years.  Drink ’em if you got ’em!

Oh, and “Il Bruciato” means “The Burned”.

The Fifth Joyful Mystery: Sweet Surrender

The Fifth Joyful Mystery of the Most Holy Rosary is the Finding of Jesus in the Temple.  The fruit of the Mystery is “Joy at Finding Jesus”. I have always heard this song as such: Sweet Surrender. If you listen to it with the ears of Faith, it is quite moving. Particularly germane to our recent discussion in this space of worthy reception of the Eucharist are the lyrics, “I only hope that I won’t disappoint you, when I’m down here on my knees.” One cannot help but be reminded of the prayer just before Holy Communion in the Mass:

Let not the partaking of Thy Body, O Lord, Jesus Christ, which I, though unworthy, presume to receive, turn to my judgment and condemnation; but let it, through Thy mercy, become a safeguard and remedy, both for soul and body; Who with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.

Percéptio Córporis tui, Dómine Iesu Christe, quod ego indígnus súmere præsúmo, non mihi provéniat in iudícium et condemnatiónem: sed pro tua pietáte prosit mihi ad tutaméntum mentis et córporis, et ad medélam percipiéndam: Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia saecula sæculórum. Amen.

Some people cite the fact that I sometimes listen to secular music composed in the 20th and 21st centuries as proof that I am a horrible person that should be disregarded.  Perhaps.  I don’t know. Perhaps. I suspect that my appreciation of this song is the very, very least of my problems. I’ll find out. And at the General Judgment, so will you.

In the mean time, stay confessed, pray the Rosary, pray for Pope Benedict XVI, visit the Blessed Sacrament, and go to Mass as often as humanly possible.  Move if you have to. I have taken the liberty of capitalizing the lyrics below as if being sung to the Most Holy Trinity. I hope this helps.

It doesn’t mean much
It doesn’t mean anything at all
The life I’ve left behind me
Is a cold room
I’ve crossed the last line
From where I can’t return
Where every step I took in faith
Betrayed me
And led me from my home

Sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give

You take me in
No questions asked
You strip away the ugliness
That surrounds me
Are you an Angel
Am I already that gone
I only hope
That I won’t disappoint You
When I’m down here
On my knees

Sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give
Sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give

And I don’t understand
How the touch of Your hand…
I would be the one to fall
I miss the little things
I miss everything, about You
It doesn’t mean much
It doesn’t mean anything at all
The life I’ve left behind me
Is a cold room

Sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give
Sweet surrender
Is all that I have to give

Starting Monday Off Right: Worthy Reception Edition – UPDATED

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen


Fresco from ceiling of the Chapel of the Corporal, Cathedral of Orvieto, Italy. ARSH 1357-1363.

As Antipope Bergoglio continues his relentless attack on Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, pushing for maximum desecration of the Most Holy Eucharist by unworthy reception, and for maximum latae sententiae excommunication of priests and bishops via the sin of incitement – that is, telling, encouraging and ratifying people to commit mortal sin, most especially within the context of the Sacrament of Confession, the image above came across my transom.

Just briefly, we all do understand that Amoris Laetitia is a satanic maw of incitement and thus clerical latae sentntiae excommunication machine, yes? Remember Pope Benedict XVI’s warning that The Church was about to become VERY SMALL? I think it has already happened. By now, how many priests and bishops remain that haven’t committed incitement, and thus excommunicated themselves latae sententiae? And what exactly is excommunication? It means that a person can not receive Holy Communion. Hence, “EX” meaning “without” or “outside” and “COMMUNICATE” meaning “to receive Holy Communion”. It doesn’t mean that they are “thrown out of The Church”.  In fact, excommunicated persons, whether the excommunication is public or not, are still obliged to attend Mass on Sundays, just like everyone else.  Priests that offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in this state VALIDLY CONSECRATE THE HOST AND CHALICE.  Donatism is a foul heresy and must be shot down always and everywhere.  What priests and bishops that are in mortal sin or latae sententiae excommunicated do when they offer the Mass is heap more mortal sin upon themselves.  Every Mass that they offer is illicit, and mortal sin to them, but these Masses are still valid. How could the faithful POSSIBLY be held responsible for the state of the soul of the priest?

Back to the image above.  This is from Orvieto, Italy, where a Eucharistic miracle is housed.  In the year ARSH 1263, a consecrated Host began to bleed, and the corporal, or white napkin-like piece of cloth used in the Mass, was stained with Blood.  This corporal is housed in Orvieto, Italy, and this miracle is what inspired the feast of Corpus Christi.  All of the art in this chapel revolves around the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.  The image above is just one scene from the ceiling.

In the center, we see the consecrated Host and Chalice upon the altar, and in fact you can see the square corporal.  On the left, we see a priest hearing the confession of a penitent.  Notice how the penitent is kneeling, and not looking at the priest, nor is the priest looking at him.  Confession is NOT therapy.  Confession is self-accusation, not self-justification, not excuse-making, not finger-pointing, not navel-gazing, not a social experience.

On the right, we see St. Paul, with his name written below, “S. PAULUS APLS.” APLS, of course an abbreviation for “Apostle” in Latin.  We can also tell it is St. Paul by his male pattern baldness.  St. Paul is helpfully pointing to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ physically and substantially present upon the altar with his right hand, and helpfully pointing with his left hand to a short text in Latin.  What does this text say?  It is St. Paul’s words from 1 Corinthians 11: 28-29.  This is the full Latin text:

Probet autem seipsum homo : et sic de pane illo edat, et de calice bibat. Qui enim manducat et bibit indigne, judicium sibi manducat et bibit.

If you look at the fresco, you can see that many words are abbreviated, which is very common in Latin inscriptions.  For example, the very first word “Probet” is abbreviated “PBET”. The second word “autem” is abbreviated “AUT”. The third word “seipsum” is abbreviated “SEIPM”.  And so on.  This isn’t some attempt at hiding meaning from anyone.  It is purely to save space, and allow as much information to be conveyed in a given space, with the largest possible lettering – precisely so it CAN be seen and CAN be read from a distance.  How many hundreds of abbreviations do we use in English today? Ave., Mr., Mrs., Etc., St., Approx., Thx., w/, b/c, c/o, FAQ….

And what does 1 Corinthians 11: 28-29 say in our barbarous tongue?

But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that Bread, and drink of the Chalice.
Probet autem seipsum homo : et sic de pane illo edat, et de calice bibat.

For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself
Qui enim manducat et bibit indigne, judicium sibi manducat et bibit

This is St. Paul’s dire warning against receiving Holy Communion in a state of unconfessed mortal sin, which is sacrilege. And the fresco above from the middle 1300s is clearly reinforcing this IMMUTABLE TRUTH.  This is the Apostolic Faith.

I hope this helps.

St. Paul, pray for us.

Christ, have mercy on us.


An eagle-eyed reader (one of many) pointed out that 1 Corinthians 11: 28-29 exists exactly NOWHERE in the Novus Ordo Lectionary. The Lectionary is all of the scripture readings for a given Rite. In the Novus Ordo, the Lectionary is famously a THREE YEAR cycle (A-B-C), marketed by the Freemasons who created it as being so much “richer” because it contains so much more scripture.  Except… like Thomas Jefferson editing out every reference to the supernatural and thus publishing the “Jefferson Gospel”, the Freemasons in the Church in the 20th Century did a very similar thing.  1 Corinthians 11: 28-29… GONE!  And, wait for it, also edited out was the Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper.  This portion of the Gospel is NEVER PROCLAIMED in the Novus Ordo. Nevermind the Imprecatory Psalms being totally eliminated from the Liturgy of the Minutes.


“Kayfabe” spotted in the wild…

21 Trillion dollar (current, fully-acknowledged) debt.  Budget deficits in the THIRTEEN FIGURES. $500 million to PlannedBarrenhood. Almost-certainly false-flag-justified bombings in Syria. Paydays with non-disclosure agreements to porn stars.  The only remaining shoe to drop?  A payoff plus non-disclosure agreement PLUS ABORTION to a woman of ill repute.

Remember how I tried to warn of all of this, knowing well my readership demographics, knowing full-well that it would have a significant effect on my traffic and donation revenue? And knowing how many trad Catholics, “Tea Partiers”, libertarians and precious metal bugs read this space?  Remember how I put forth the term “kayfabe” with regards to the whole Trump thing, NOT HAVING ANY IDEA that Trump literally was a character in WWE wrestling just a few years ago?

Well, across my transom this Sunday came this photo “in the wild”, and I just had to post it.

And, yes, all together now, “Hillary Clinton will never be president of the (former) United States of America. Alleluia, alleluia.” All morally sane people rejoice at these words.  But that can’t instantly “sanctify” whomever beat her in the ARSH 2016 election.  Come on.  You could see this all coming leagues and leagues off. It is brand-building.  And almost certainly with a dynastic eye.  Not only might the first female president of the (former) U.S. be an honest-to-goodness XX-23 (shudder), but also a Jew.  Will she hyphenate? “President Trump-Kushner”?

Isaiah 3: 12.  Just sayin’.

Populum meum exactores sui spoliaverunt, et mulieres dominatae sunt eis.

“A Capacity For Love That I Didn’t Know I Had Previously”. Tiny Princess Update

Summarizing briefly, and maintaining privacy for the House of SuperNerd, while keeping everyone filled in, Tiny Princess is still with us in this world, spreading joy and love.

As stated previously, she has serious, irreversible complications, mostly above the neck.  There were bad seizures on Monday, at which time it was decided to give Tiny Princess emergency Confirmation.  Many people have inquired – yes.  That is done.  Happily, the seizures came under control with medication, and now that Tiny Princess is no longer attached to a dozen-plus wires and tubes, SuperNerd and SuperMommy are all about maximizing snuggle time.  Whether snuggle time lasts days, weeks, months, or even past a year is anyone’s guess. As many people have said in incoming emails, preemies and babies with birth defects are well known for being given a diagnosis or timeline, and then responding with, “Hold my bottle….”

SuperNerd’s new job has told him to take all the time he needs, and the community has organized a meal-prep rota that is covered all the way into May, so SuperNerd and SuperMommy can be at the hospital as much as possible.

We will conclude with SuperNerd’s own words:

“It is such a huge consolation to us that she’s both Baptized and Confirmed and ready to be called to her Eternal Home. When I close my eyes I expect to open them to see light emanating from her and filling the room with brilliance in the same way she is filling her mother and me with a capacity for love that I didn’t know I had previously.

I would be remiss if I didn’t thank everyone for the generous out-pouring of prayers, food, and babysitting assistance. Given that we don’t know how long we have with her, we are trying to take advantage of every moment to be with her and witness the amazing miracle of life in ways we’ve not seen or contemplated before. Thank you to EVERYONE who is helping to make that possible for us! You are all in our prayers and we owe you all a debt of gratitude that we know we can never repay; the best we can do is humbly implore God to repay you from His infinite treasury!”

Her Serene Highness the Princess Tiny von SuperNerd und Snuggles

Tiny Princess of the House of SuperNerd Update

Mrs. SuperNerd, aka “SuperMommy” is more-or-less okay physically.  More-or-less. Please remember her in your prayers. This is rough stuff.

Tiny Princess has non-trivial complications, which were totally unforeseen, the effects of which will almost certainly be permanent in this world.  She is baptized, and thus, given everything, almost certainly a living saint.

This really brings home and incarnates the words of King David in the Psalms that I mentioned recently, “This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.”

Tiny Princess is the Lord’s doing, and she is marvelous in our eyes.

PLEASE no inquiries or complaints about any future Podcasts, obviously.  SuperNerd is going to be busy.  Again, in your charity, please pray for the family, and offer a prayer of thanksgiving that Tiny Princess is baptized, and thus redeemed and saved by the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

What consolation! The bonds of Original Sin are broken! The gates of heaven are thrown open! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

The Legion of Christ is a Criminal Organization, therefore the death of Anthony Freeman in Rome MUST be Investigated

The Legion of Christ is a racketeering organization, founded by a drug-addled bisexual incestuous pedophile, using the Holy Catholic Church as its operational front.  Its entire reason for being was and is to amass POWER, money and sex for it’s upper echelon.  It is a sick cult, run by psychopaths desperate to convince themselves of their “elite” status and superiority, fueled by inveterate, facile, pathological lying, and illicit sex and sodomy. The Legion of Christ maintains cohesion at the highest levels only through a culture of blackmail and “mutually assured destruction”, wherein knowledge of the sexual abuse of minor children and seminarians is LEVERAGED WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION in an ongoing dance of “if you expose me, then I’ll expose you!”

Given this, the death of Anthony Freeman, a 29 year-old victim of the Legion cult, having been sent to Legion grooming schools for children and then on to seminary and the Legion’s university in Rome, CAN NOT be allowed to go uninvestigated.  Because the Legion of Christ is an evil, criminal organization with bribery, payola and sex trafficking of students and seminarians intrinsic to it – its so-called “education facilities” serving as sexual smorgasbords for its upper-level clerical mafiosi – prudence DEMANDS that Anthony Freeman’s death be fully explained.  If he died of a congenital heart defect, or an aneurysm, then we can all breathe a sigh of sad relief.  BUT, given the circumstances, it would be ridiculous to not assume that foul-play is possible.

Now a word about Anthony Freeman himself.  I took a look at his YouTube channel, and no, Anthony Freeman did not have a large social media presence.  He made very banal and juvenile videos that had, before his death, just a couple hundred views each – friends and family, in other words.

Furthermore, if one watches Anthony Freeman’s videos, all kinds of red flags go up.  First, he had an effeminate affectation.  That can’t be denied.  Now, was this merely a function of the Millenial generation considering all masculinity “toxic”, and thus males below a certain age in today’s culture tend to speak and comport themselves like young girls?  Listen for the feminine vocal tone, and the maddening affectation of the uphill inflection, wherein every sentence is intoned as a question. Red flag.

Second, listen to the frequency of Freeman’s use of first person singular pronouns.  I, me, my. Another red flag.

Worse, listen to Anthony Freeman’s own words in this video titled, “Simple Experience of My Vocation”:

“When I was younger, I always wanted to be like the superhero in the movies, or the sports star on TV, or I just wanted to be like the other kid in my class. I always dreamt about being someone else, and I was never happy with who I was….”

Folks, if you have done even the slightest bit of research on the pathology of sexual perversion, specifically same-sex perverted attraction, then you know that the quote above is pretty much a textbook recitation of the cause of the onset of perverse sexual attractions, namely same-sex attractions.  Narcissism, insecurity, incessant naval gazing turns into constantly comparing the self to peers.  This obsessive envy and comparison turns into self-loathing, which eventually becomes eroticized. Sexual congress with those of the same sex becomes a completely self-centered attempt to possess and acquire the traits of the other.

Anthony Freeman, by any honest reckoning, threw up multiple red flags, perhaps the biggest of which was his involvement in the transparently obvious Legion of Christ racketeering sex cult itself, which is utterly riddled with sodomites trolling for vulnerable and/or pre-groomed young men and boys, as well as with psychopaths who are willing to leverage their knowledge of the sexual abuse of young men in order to protect and enrich themselves within the Legion cult.  Prudence and justice demand that his death not pass with a mere shaking of the head and offering of a quick prayer.  If he was a victim of anything nefarious at any point at the hands of the wicked Legion of Christ cult, and if his death was anything other than a completely natural tragedy, then it needs to come to light.  Knowing how the evil Legion of Christ operates, most especially in Rome, it is far too easy to imagine envelopes filled with hundred euro bills being passed to medical examiners and police detectives.

Please pray for this young man’s soul, and for his family. And please pray that the Legion of Christ cult be permanently suppressed and erased from the face of the earth, and that all those involved in its criminal activities, past and present, be brought to justice.

Barnhardt Podcast #049: No Virginia, Dogs Don’t Go To Heaven

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

Content Rating: PG-13 (topical material)

In this episode we discuss the glories of the 1570 (pre-1955) Holy Week Liturgies and curious timing of Bergoglio’s latest comments on hell which came at the very time we contemplate Christ’s conquest over sin and death: if there’s no hell for unsaved souls, why did Christ do what He did? And if soul annihilation is a thing then humans have no more dignity than an animal — which has massive logical and moral consequences (why not shoot up the YouTube HQ or a high school? the people there are just animals who need to be culled…) We also covered the recent revelations that child pornographers have exploited the BitCoin blockchain to share links to child pornography online and muse whether we’ll have to stoop to similar tactics to share information about the Faith at some point in the future as the Truths of Christ and His Church become too revolutionary to speak aloud.

Links, reading, and YouTube:

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