Monthly Archives: January 2022

Ponderous questions about Fatherlessness

So this wafted over my transom today.  It is clearly true. BUT, here’s a question that I’ll just drop and let YOU ponder:

Which is worse: a completely absentee father, or a father who is present, but is a heterosexual faggot?

Which situation causes more children of both sexes to end up as narcissist sex perverts?

This is a serious question. Is it better to have no father at all than to have an effeminate as a father? Contemplate and discuss.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and deliver us from faggots, both homosexual and heterosexual, both clerics and laymen.


Mailbag: An Animal Husbandman Reminds Us To Store the 1% Injectable Ivermectin in a cool, DARK place


It was brought to my attention years and years ago that ivermectin is incredibly sensitive to sunlight and should not be sitting around outside of the box, especially if it is in a clear bottle. Several brands including Durvet put it in a brown glass bottle, but others like Norbrook do not for whatever reason.

I left a bottle of injectable Norbrook brand hanging on the side of the chute years ago and a visiting DVM told me to take it to the trash immediately as it was guaranteed to be ineffective due to the sunlight exposure. This is the basis of my concern. Don’t know why I just thought about it now after nearly 2 years of ivermectin discussions.


In keeping with the theme of cool dark places, here’s “Fishin’ in the Dark” by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.

Mailbag: DO NOT HESITATE with the Ivermectin.


I want to ask you to please remind your readers not to be afraid to pull 
the trigger on actually using Ivermectin as soon as you suspect you have 

My wife and I, and two very close friends and their wives, all got Covid
at the same time, but not from each other.  We were all prepared with
Ivermectin.  My wife is 70 years old, and I’m 63. We took ours even
before we had the test results, and both of us recovered in under 4
days.  My wife had a fever for less than a day, and the sniffles for a
few days.  I had a fever for about 3 days and then felt better, although
my cough lingered at a very low level for about 2 weeks.

On the other hand, one friend and his wife struggled through it for a
week before taking the Ivermectin.  He ended up in the hospital for 2
weeks, and has been struggling with breathing ever since.  He is very
athletic, and was in excellent physical condition, having trained
assiduously for the ski season.  Now he can barely walk across the room
without getting winded. Fortunately he is improving, but it’s been very

My other friend and his wife also hesitated to pull the trigger until it
was too late.  She has a comorbid lung condition and is still
recovering, but her husband, my close friend, was overweight and
diabetic.  He passed away a week before Christmas.  Not only did they
hesitate to take the Ivermectin, but they did not have enough.

I asked them both why they hesitated, and it was because of the cost.
The Ivermectin I got (human, not farm), is $115 per box, each box being
24 pills, 6 mg each [Price gouging – that’s $0.80 per milligram. At that price, the 500mL bottles of the 1% injectable solution that I buy and give away, which contain 5000 milligrams of Ivermectin per bottle, would have a street value of $4000. -AB]  For me, it takes about 1 1/2 boxes for a full
course of treatment.  So it’s not cheap, and I understand why they
wanted to keep it “until they really need it.”  What they didn’t realize
is that the time “they really need it” is as soon as they think they’ve
got it, even before the test results come back.

Please emphasize EARLY treatment!

Also, I work for a health system in the Mid-Atlantic area.  I see the
Covid stats in our hospitals multiple times per day.  I’ve been watching
the relative percentages of “vaccinated” vs. “unvaccinated” patients
with Covid in our hospitals for months.  Back in early December, the
percentage of “vaccinated” patients with Covid in our hospitals was
hovering between 25% and 30%, with under 5% of them requiring ventilation.

Boy has it changed!  There has been a dramatic spike in patients
admitted WITH Covid (not FOR Covid).  We have about 500% more patients
with Covid than we did at the beginning of December.  But the real
story, as far as I am concerned, is that the relative percentages of
“vaccinated” vs. “unvaccinated” have dramatically shifted.

As of this morning, 50% of our Covid patients are “vaccinated” and 50%
are “unvaccinated”.  Out of all the Covid patients in the ICU, 37% are
“vaccinated”.  Out of all the patients on ventilators, almost 40% are
“vaccinated”.  This is from a sample size of about 600 patients.  Also,
as the percentage of “vaccinated” Covid patients has risen, so has the
percentage of ventilator patients who are “vaccinated”.  Now the
percentage of “vaccinated” Covid patients on ventilators is 8%.

Practically every clinical person in this health system sees these
numbers every time they log into the Electronic Medical Record.  So they
know what’s happening.  There’s no way they don’t.

“A pandemic of the unvaccinated” is a bunch of horse s***!

Thanks for all the good work you do.  If you choose to publish any of
this information, please do not use my name.



p.s., My friend who died received Last Rites and the Apostolic Pardon.
Praised be Jesus Christ!

Q&A: Dear Ann, My jerk brother-in-law doctor says you can’t dose injectable drugs orally.

(Paraphrased to protect anonymity)

Q: My brother-in-law, who is a jerk, and also a doctor, says you can’t take intramuscular drugs orally in a 1:1 dosage.

A: Your M.D. brother-in-law is not only a jerk, but also a mid-wit.

The 1% injectable livestock solution of Ivermectin is NOT NOT NOT an intramuscular injection, but rather is a SUB-CUTANEOUS injection. As it says, in rather large print, right there on the bottle, and on every website and written description of the product.

Sub-cutaneous, or “Sub-Q” for short, is the method of injection whereby the the product is delivered UNDER THE SKIN. This is done by pinching the skin to form a pocket and then inserting the needle and depositing the product into that pocket, NOT into muscle.  This is by far the preferred method of delivery of injectable drugs into livestock, because sub-q injections do not leave any blemish or knot in the muscle tissue – which is MEAT – that is unsightly and generally has to be cut out if the muscle cut is going to be sold whole and not ground into hamburger or sausage. MANY human injections are also formulated to be Sub-Q.

Because Sub-Q injections are basically absorbed into the body in a way very similar to taking a drug orally, YES, Sub-Q injection formulations CAN be dosed in equal proportion when taken orally in many cases, including in the case of Ivermectin.

As Dr. Beep and Nurse Claire have told us on many occasions now, the stunning ineptitude and functional ignorance of today’s doctors is truly terrifying.  The doctor brother-in-law of the emailer lacks functional knowledge that is literally DAY ONE information in med school AND nursing school AND paramedic school: Sub-Q vs Intramuscular injection. Furthermore this information is known and understood by basically every animal husbandman today.  The emailer’s jerk doctor BIL should have instantly assumed that the Ivermectin 1% solution is a Sub-Q preparation, and if he had any doubt, he should have just LOOKED AT THE BOTTLE OR ANY ONLINE LISTING. It’s RIGHT THERE.

So yes, you ABSOLUTELY take the 1% injectable livestock solution in a 1:1 dose ORALLY, per bodyweight. Treatment dose is 3mL per 110 pounds of body weight for five days or until symptoms abate, plus the Vitamin suite, (C, D, Zinc, quercetin, etc.)

So there you go.  I hope the emailer asks her snoot mid-wit death-injected BIL how his student loan payoff is going….

MAZZAGANDA! Dr. Mazza’s Spring Semester – After the Asteroid, the Epoch of the Dumpster Fire: ARSH 1966-2022

CLICK HERE TO ENROLL!  World History and Church History Classes begin February 1st.

Ah, the “New Pentecost”… because apparently the original Pentecost JUST WASN’T GOOD ENOUGH. Amirite?

And of course, NOTHING happened in the secular realm at exactly the same time – no rising and falling (?) of various empires. No false flags, no color revolutions, NAH. NOTHING LIKE THAT HAPPENED.

Leaked Fauci emails from January ‘20 show Covid was engineered with gain of function using… wait for it… HUMANIZED MICE

Summary and links at AoS.

If you haven’t listened to and shared Barnhardt Podcast #163 in which Julie Collorafi blows the lid off of the humanized mice pharmaceutical cult and massive trade in and industrialized use of human infant flesh, do so now.

So they’re using slaughtered babies to try to make plagues, and then making the “cures” out of slaughtered babies. And the wheels of the bus go round and round.

And Antipope Bergoglio is demanding that everyone take and be given these poisonous Molochian brews as a requisite moral act, which only serves to prove simultaneously that no one should take these luciferian injections under any circumstance whatsoever AND that he is an apostate Antipope fronting the apostate Antichurch Whore of Babylon and is very likely THE False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist.

Remember how we used to joke about Antipope Bergoglio appearing on the loggia of St. Peter’s and drinking the blood of children and STILL “Francis is definitely Pope shut up stupid” Trad Inc. partisans would claim that was “totally inbounds for a Pope and Vatican I was wrong!” Remember how that was an example of hyperbole in rhetoric?

Yeah. It’s not hyperbole anymore. Antipope Bergoglio is now telling the world that it is morally obligatory for every man, woman and child to drink or be made to drink deep the blood of infants as a condition of waking up breathing.

It’s all so stunningly VISIBLE. How good God is to make certain that the truth is before the world’s eyes, so that those who love Him cannot be deceived.

And the Light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, gloriously reigning uninterrupted since April ARSH 2005 whether he likes it or not, for the Papacy, and for Holy Mother Church in terrifyingly visible eclipse, the spotless and indefectible Body and Bride of Christ outside of which there is no salvation.

Aristotle on Tyranny

(As you read this, the parallels to the NewWorldOrder/Deep State/Coviet Union are obvious, but ALSO appreciate how precise it is in its application to Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch occupying the Vatican.  Where women/feminine are referenced, think “sodomites”.  Every paragraph here applies DIRECTLY to Antipope Bergoglio and his coven of demon fags.  Shamelessly lifted from to tyrannies, they are preserved in two most opposite ways. One of them is the old traditional method in which most tyrants administer their government. Of such arts, Periander of Corinth is said to have been the great master, and many similar devices may be gathered from the Persians in the administration of their government. There are firstly the prescriptions mentioned some distance back, for the preservation of a tyranny, in so far as this is possible; viz., that the tyrant should lop off those who are too high; he must put to death men of spirit; he must not allow common meals, clubs, education, and the like; he must be upon his guard against anything which is likely to inspire either courage or confidence among his subjects; he must prohibit literary assemblies or other meetings for discussion, and he must take every means to prevent people from knowing one another (for acquaintance begets mutual confidence).

Further, he must compel all persons staying in the city to appear in public and live at his gates; then he will know what they are doing: if they are always kept under, they will learn to be humble. In short, he should practice these and the like Persian and barbaric arts, which all have the same object.

A tyrant should also endeavor to know what each of his subjects says or does, and should employ spies, like the ‘female detectives’ at Syracuse, and the eavesdroppers whom Hiero was in the habit of sending to any place of resort or meeting; for the fear of informers prevents people from speaking their minds, and if they do, they are more easily found out.

Another art of the tyrant is to sow quarrels among the citizens; friends should be embroiled with friends, the people with the notables, and the rich with one another. Also, he should impoverish his subjects; he thus provides against the maintenance of a guard by the citizen and the people, having to keep hard at work, are prevented from conspiring. The Pyramids of Egypt afford an example of this policy; also the offerings of the family of Cypselus, and the building of the temple of Olympian Zeus by the Peisistratidae, and the great Polycratean monuments at Samos; all these works were alike intended to occupy the people and keep them poor.

Another practice of tyrants is to multiply taxes, after the manner of Dionysius at Syracuse, who contrived that within five years his subjects should bring into the treasury their whole property. The tyrant is also fond of making war in order that his subjects may have something to do and be always in want of a leader. And whereas the power of a king is preserved by his friends, the characteristic of a tyrant is to distrust his friends, because he knows that all men want to overthrow him, and they above all have the power.

Again, the evil practices of the last and worst form of democracy are all found in tyrannies. Such are the power given to women in their families in the hope that they will inform against their husbands, and the license which is allowed to slaves in order that they may betray their masters; for slaves and women do not conspire against tyrants; and they are of course friendly to tyrannies and also to democracies since under them they have a good time. For the people too would fain be a monarch, and therefore by them, as well as by the tyrant, the flatterer is held in honor; in democracies, he is the demagogue; and the tyrant also has those who associate with him in a humble spirit, which is a work of flattery.

Hence tyrants are always fond of bad men, because they love to be flattered, but no man who has the spirit of a freeman in him will lower himself by flattery; good men love others, or at any rate do not flatter them. Moreover, the bad are useful for bad purposes; ‘nail knocks out nail,’ as the proverb says. It is characteristic of a tyrant to dislike every one who has dignity or independence; he wants to be alone in his glory, but anyone who claims a like dignity or asserts his independence encroaches upon his prerogative, and is hated by him as an enemy to his power. Another mark of a tyrant is that he likes foreigners better than citizens, and lives with them and invites them to his table; for the one are enemies, but the Others enter into no rivalry with him.

— from Politics by Aristotle