Monthly Archives: January 2022

You HAVE listened to and shared the “Human Fetus-ized Mice” Barnhardt Podcast episode, yes? Because it’s absolutely gruesome. The Pachamama must be fed with innocent human blood.

If the Pachamama demon and her hag-fag, Antipope Bergoglio, don’t get you with the DeathInjection, they will get you with the Monoclonal Antibody drugs. Spit in their foul faces.

Barnhardt Podcast #163. The Humanized Mice Episode.

October ARSH 2019, folks. Note the date well. It is ZERO coincidence.

Vatican Pharmacy dispensing Ivermectin to Antichurch Sodo-garchs… and guess the cost? €10 per 10mg pill. Price-gouging hypocrite demons.

This just in from a source in Rome.

So that would mean that the 500mL bottles of the 1% livestock injectable solution (10mg Ivermectin per mL) that I buy and give away have a street value of €5000 ($5650) each inside the Vatican Bathhouse complex.

How much do you want to bet that not only are the Vatican Antichurch Sodo-garchs not death injected, but that they are absolutely being treated with Ivermectin when they come down with the Chinese Lung AIDS?

While the Vatican workers have to be triple-injected with the Molochian poison or lose their jobs. No exceptions.

Any journalists care to look into this?

What a bunch of price-gouging, murderous hypocrites.

Barnhardt Podcast #164: Strumpettes and anti-Papal Flatulence

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode, Ann, Supernerd and Vanessa deliver a potpourri of opinions on everything from appropriate dress to Asian alphabets, with some Vatican intrigue and Traditiones Custodes musings thrown in for good measure. Hold on to your church hats!

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The mRNA narrative falls to dust: In May of ‘21, the EU bought 1.8 BILLION doses of the Pfizer ClotShot. 4 doses per man, woman and child… doesn’t that imply that they knew it wouldn’t be effective?

In May of ‘21, the EU bought 1.8 BILLION doses of the Pfizer ClotShot. 4 doses per man, woman and child… But, isn’t the entire selling point of mRNA injection snake oil that it can be produced and deployed IN REACTION to “new mutations”? So what’s the point of buying 1.8 billion doses for a population of 450 million? Aren’t you buying guaranteed-obsolescence according to their own bullshit marketing narrative?

More to the point, doesn’t this prove that there was ZERO expectation of “efficacy”? Of course it does. Because “efficacy” has nothing to do with any chest cold/viral pneumonia. “Efficacy” is killing or sterilizing as many people as possible and installing social and economic totalitarianism while still maintaining a sufficient percentage of the population who refuse to connect the die-off to the injections, and actively WANT totalitarian rule. Because MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS.

And remember, as was clearly stated in THIS ARSH 2016 piece on Moderna, the toxicity of the ClotShots is cumulative. The more injections a person receives, the more damage is done, and the higher the lethality.

Delivery — actually getting RNA into cells — has long bedeviled the whole field. On their own, RNA molecules have a hard time reaching their targets. They work better if they’re wrapped up in a delivery mechanism, such as nanoparticles made of lipids. But those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years.

Novartis abandoned the related realm of RNA interference over concerns about toxicity, as did Merck and Roche.

Moderna’s most advanced competitors, CureVac and BioNTech, have acknowledged the same challenge with mRNA. Each is principally focused on vaccines for infectious disease and cancer, which the companies believe can be attacked with just a few doses of mRNA. And each has already tested its technology on hundreds of patients.

“I would say that mRNA is better suited for diseases where treatment for short duration is sufficiently curative, so the toxicities caused by delivery materials are less likely to occur,”said Katalin Karikó, a pioneer in the field who serves as a vice president at BioNTech.

The toxicity is a FEATURE, not a bug.

This will never, ever end without hot war, barring supernatural intervention. This is the largest crime against humanity, meticulously planned for decades, ever perpetrated. Every day that this is allowed to continue, the ranks of people guilty of capital crimes grows. Failure in justice is a failure in charity to those who are joining the ranks of the condemned daily, and could have been prevented from doing so by ending the Covidic Reich.

Inaction is itself an action – a complicit action. The blood of our neighbors who have taken up with the Covidic Reich is indirectly but very truly on our hands for allowing the Covidic Cult to persist in the first place.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. And mewling effeminacy will be no more a defense at one’s Particular Judgement than “I was just following orders…”

Here is footage of the hanging of three relatively low-ranking Nazis in November of ARSH 1945 who tried to argue that they were “just following orders”.

Genocide by stealth, all according to plan: people dropping like flies, and yet the hypnotized masses don’t see it. Insurance executive: “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business.” Amongst the young. It’s the ClotShot.

Mailbag: Canada Is An Apostate Aboriginal Abbattoir

[I did MANY huge Cattle Marketing Schools (100+ attendees) in western Canada: Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.  I did numerous schools in Saskatoon, at the Delta Bessborough Hotel.  THIS PICTURE is the ballroom that I would fill to capacity with classroom seating, and then have to return two weeks later for another school with the overflow enrollments. Arriving at the Bessborough for the first time in ARSH 2007, the taxi driver told me to NOT LEAVE THE GROUNDS OF THE HOTEL because downtown Saskatoon was a war zone of First Nations gangbangers.  -AB)


In regard to your speculation about proportion of First Nations victims [of abortion in Canada], I have no way of knowing, and very much doubt any of the clinics would divulge such information. Nevertheless, my educated guess is your suspicion is correct. Winnipeg and Regina are noted for their large aboriginal populations, and I would expect Saskatoon is similar. So it’s a ‘target-rich environment’ at least.

One of my long-held impressions is that indigenous people are more prominent in Canadian society and culture than in America – even when adjusting for their much larger relative demographic weight. One might assume this is because of economic factors, but I am doubtful. I suspect it can be explained by the historical absence of a large visible minority in Canada. When white guilt became en vogue some decades ago, it was necessary for obnoxious white leftists (do I repeat myself?) to cast their nets for ersatz black folks. After reeling in the catch, the best candidates, for a variety of reasons, were found to be Native Indians.

There have been two lines of attack. The first is the murdered and missing indigenous women issue. Most of the perps probably came from their own communities, but it is pinned on the majority population. The second issue is residential schools (analogous to the stolen generations in Australia). As you may be aware, a certain Roman Church ran these institutions and is being pressed for apologies and reparations.

I am sure you can sense parallels with America. You have the decoy issues of slavery and police brutality to distract from the elephants in the room: illegitimacy, moral degeneracy, and their effects – gang violence and infanticide. It follows the same anti-logic as coronascam: collapse the global economy, kill millions and harm billions for the sake of saving a few thousand people near the ends of their lives. Or burn down the village to save the village, if you prefer.

All of these things are different shades of lipstick for the pig of extortion rackets. The tribes have their chiefs living high on the hog while the reservations go without potable water or functioning infrastructure. The hood has Al Sharpton. The medical-pharma industrial complex has Capo di Tutti Capi Fauxi. (Inputs: unlimited authority and zero accountability. Outputs: tyrants.) And all of them have legions of middlemen inserting themselves into the bureaucratic chain to get their cuts.

One thing we learned long ago: pay the Danegeld and you don’t get rid of the Dane. It just makes the problem worse because the parasites will demand more. We saw this over and over with public teachers unions and are in the midst of a 22-month (and counting) remedial lesson that most people are failing.

Finally, I would point out that while autochthonous people have a fairly prominent role in the narrative, most people have very little interaction with them. Many are concentrated on reservations outside the larger cities, while most of the remainder are on the margins of society. This is an ideal profile for the target population of a human trafficking program because it is much easier to hide their disappearances.

N.B. If a city really has one abortuary per 15-20K people, I’m inclined to think abortion is no longer the primary business, it has been supplanted by organ harvesting (which is surely more profitable). Otherwise I doubt there would be enough demand to keep all of them in business. This practice is a specialty of the PRC, although they often harvest from adults who might at least have some modest ability to resist.