Monthly Archives: April 2021

Mailbag: Yet another Ivermectin unforeseen benefit… “Grew up in the ‘70s and let’s just leave it at that” edition

(The Sacrament of Confession wipes away your sins… but NOT your Herpes Simplex in this mortal coil. Apparently you need Ivermectin for the Herpes.

At this point, I’m thinking Robitussin might actually cure cancer. The mendacious evil of BigPharma seems to be limitless. -Alpha Bravo)



Hi Ann,

I loved your post about “customers who bought this item also bought”! I would be perplexed too if I were not a regular on your blog.

Since I have horses, I bought a large supply of Ivermectin 1.87% apple flavored paste.

The other day, I had an outbreak of canker sores in my mouth (herpes virus). I took a dose of ivermectin and they were completely gone by morning. Ivermectin is truly a wonder drug!

As Karl Denninger would suggest, these people pushing the “vaccines” should be arrested, jailed and asset-stripped to their underwear! What a crime is being perpetrated right before our eyes!

Keep up the good work!



And y’all KNOW that as a child of the ’80s, there is no way I could make a post including the words “herpes simplex” and not include this clip:

UPDATED: I cannot believe that I even have to say this, but…

…if a doughy middle-aged guy who is trying to look like Lord Sebastian Flyte’s gay American travel agent sidles up to you after Trad Mass and asks in mawkish tones if you would like a Tarot Card reading…




I don’t care if he drinks gin with the third cousin of the Fifth Viscount Ladyfingers. RUN AWAY. Sprint, even.

According to the formidable Dymphna, people are actually defending… occult divination by “amusing confirmed bachelors” – as long as they hang around TLM parishes now??


Fr. Z lays down the law:

Anyone who, knowing [Tarot Cards] to be a) forbidden by the Church for use and b) spiritually perilous, uses them anyway commits a mortal sin.   Anyone who, knowing their qualities, uses them and involves someone else, commits yet another terrible abusive sin by involving another.  Anyone who, aware of the Church’s teaching, etc., who uses them and is open about it or tries to get others to use them commits the additional sin of scandal, by inducing others to commit sins.

If you have any of these things,

▪ break them,

▪ burn them,

▪ put the pieces or ashes into running water.


GO TO CONFESSION and confess their use.  Make a good Holy Communion.   If strange things manifest themselves in your life, stick to the sacraments and good devotions and find a priest who can bless you and perhaps, if there are enough indications, use a minor exorcism.

And I would add, STEER WELL CLEAR OF THIS CHARLES COULOMBE warlock poofter. Blech.

Just for the record: I am right handed and wear my watch on my right wrist

I was advised to write and distribute my “I’m not going to commit suicide” document a couple of years ago now, after being alerted (with documentary screen caps) that I was at risk, or at least being inadvertently set up, for being “suicided” by Trad, Inc. “Francis is Pope” partisans in private Facebook chatrooms.  Yes, it really is that insanely bad behind closed doors with those people.

A priest on my sizable distribution list’s response was, “YOU are just NOW doing this?? Welcome to the club.”


It occurred to me that I should publicly document one of my minor peculiarities for the record.  I am 100% right handed and wear my wristwatch on my right wrist, totally against convention.  I was given a red Snoopy wristwatch with a red plastic band for my fourth birthday (image below of the exact model).  I took it out of the box and put it on my right wrist, which seemed totally intuitive to me at the time, and the die was forever cast. I have worn my watch on my right hand, despite all excoriations, often by perfect strangers, for my entire life, and will until I die so long as I have a wristwatch to wear.  To put my watch on my left wrist feels, to me, like putting my shoes on the wrong feet.

This is exactly the model of watch I was given in ARSH 1980 for my fourth birthday. Wearing it on my dominant (right) hand was and is yet more proof of my damnable indocility and pathological refusal to submit to earthly authority. Or something.

Today, I wear a worn, albeit beautiful, Rado watch with a plated ceramic band that I bought in the fall of ARSH 2004 for $1400. I bought it so I wouldn’t have to take it off to go through airport metal detectors – the links are ceramic, not metal, so it isn’t enough metal to set off metal detectors.  The original sapphire crystal fell off last summer, and it now has a very poor, and heavily scratched glass replacement crystal which I should eventually try to replace with another sapphire crystal – depending on the cost. But that is a VERY, VERY low priority, especially now.  My Rado is on its fourth battery in seventeen years.  Not bad.  And it keeps time as accurately as the atomic clock that the cellphone companies use.  I see no reason why it shouldn’t last the rest of my life, even if I live to natural old age.  A good watch is a good investment.  My watch and simple sterling silver Fleur de Lis earrings (which I don’t take out or change) are the only jewelry I wear.

This is my model watch since ARSH 2004. Rado Drastar. On the right wrist.

Just for the record…. It can’t hurt to be thorough.


REPOST BY REQUEST: The Mountain of Evidence that Pope Benedict never validly resigned is like Kilauea – it just keeps spewing truth magma

(It was pointed out to me earlier this week by a loyal reader-listener just how incredibly massive and powerful the Mount Kilauea-esque mountain of evidence is which clearly demonstrates and confirms that Pope Benedict’s attempted partial resignation in February ARSH 2013 was invalid.  I say “Mount Kilauea-esque” because, like Mount Kilauea, the evidentiary volcano JUST KEEPS SPEWING RED HOT TRUTH MAGMA which forms ever more land to stand upon – and man, is that truth volcanic soil RICH and FERTILE.  Aside from my body of work on this issue, there is also Mark Docherty’s work, Dr. Mazza’s work, and now the AMAZING work of the Colombian legal scholar Estefanía Acosta.  I repost this piece by request from just six weeks ago because JUST Pope Benedict’s words from his so-called “final audience” on 27 February, ARSH 2013 when cross-checked against Canon Law are BY THEMSELVES enough to easily make the call.  Everything else in the evidentiary mountain is merely the infinite goodness and perfection of the Divine Providence, lovingly helping us along, like a parent coaching a young child who is learning to read.  And… heads-up.  Dr. Mazza has been busy.  A Mazza bomb will be dropped later this week for the 16th anniversary of Pope Benedict’s election and uninterrupted reign.

I repost this piece, because if just ONE more person can read this, know the truth, and fully comprehend the fact that Bergoglio is an Antipope who has NOTHING to do with the Papacy, the Magisterium or the Petrine Promise, then it’s worth it.  Remember folks, it is the Armor of God that defends us, and the TRUTH is the belt of that armor.  The Truth is what inoculates us against SCANDAL.  If you know what the TRUTH is, really WHO THE TRUTH IS, then you CANNOT be scandalized.) 

Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, almost certainly despairing and very possibly coerced by the saturation of sodomites and Freemasons infecting the Vatican, and now it has also come to light, the Chinese Communist Party, college of bishops, and institutional Church as a whole, held his so-called “final audience” on a beautiful late winter afternoon in Rome.  To use a chess analogy, Pope Benedict XVI looked at the board and believed that he, the “white king”, was not only in check, but that EVERY PIECE ON THE BOARD, INCLUDING PIECES THAT HE PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT WERE “WHITE”, WERE ACTUALLY “BLACK” AS WELL.

Pope Benedict’s attempted resignation was canonically invalid.

Pope Benedict XVI himself made this perfectly clear in his “last audience” on 27 February, ARSH 2013, and it was reconfirmed WITH HIS APPROVAL on 20 May ARSH 2016 by his personal secretary (and incredibly suspicious character) Archbishop Georg Ganswein in a speech at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome laying out Pope Benedict’s mindset vis-a-vis his failed partial-resignation.  To deny the clarity of these words is FUNDAMENTALLY DISHONEST. As in, you have to LIE in order to argue that these words mean anything other than their plain meaning.  In my experience, every person who has made this argument is FINANCIALLY DEPENDENT UPON THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH IDEOLOGY, be it for a salaried position, paid editorial writing gigs, book publishing, a pension, or donations/blegging. To deny objective reality is pretty much the textbook definition of having no integrity.

The “always” is also a “for-ever” – there can no longer be a return to the private sphere. My decision to resign the active exercise of the ministry does not revoke this. I do not return to private life, to a life of travel, meetings, receptions, conferences, and so on. I am not abandoning the cross, but remaining in a new way at the side of the crucified Lord. I no longer bear the power of office for the governance of the Church, but in the service of prayer I remain, so to speak, in the enclosure of Saint Peter. Saint Benedict, whose name I bear as Pope, will be a great example for me in this. He showed us the way for a life which, whether active or passive, is completely given over to the work of God.

Pope Benedict XVI, “Final” Wednesday Audience, 27 February, ARSH 2013


Archbishop Gänswein…said that Pope Francis and Benedict are not two popes “in competition” with one another, but represent one “expanded” Petrine Office with “an active member” and a “contemplative.”

“Therefore, from 11 February 2013, the papal ministry is not the same as before,” he said. “It is and remains the foundation of the Catholic Church; and yet it is a foundation that Benedict XVI has profoundly and lastingly transformed during his exceptional pontificate.”

He said that “before and after his resignation” Benedict has viewed his task as “participation in such a ‘Petrine ministry’. (Not in its “Office”, the governance of the Church in the world, but in its “essentially spiritual nature”, through prayer and suffering.)

“He left the Papal Throne and yet, with the step he took on 11 February 2013, he has not abandoned this ministry,” Gänswein explained, something “quite impossible after his irrevocable acceptance of the office in April 2005.“ (Do you see how this echoes Benedict’s erroneous idea of the papal coronation being an irreversible event, creating an indelible/irrevocable mark on the recipient forever? It’s exactly the same idea Benedict put forth in his final general audience).

“Therefore he has also not retired to a monastery in isolation but stays within the Vatican — as if he had taken only one step to the side to make room for his successor and a new stage in the history of the papacy.” With that step, he said, he has enriched the papacy with “his prayer and his compassion placed in the Vatican Gardens.”

Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger WAS AND IS IN SUBSTANTIAL ERROR, and thus, per Canon 188, his resignation was INVALID BY THE LAW ITSELF.

Canon 188:   “A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.”

Since his attempted partial-resignation was made in SUBSTANTIAL ERROR and was thus INVALID, this BY DEFINITION MEANS that the status quo was maintained – THERE WAS NO CHANGE FROM 28 FEBRUARY to 1 MARCH ARSH 2013 in the occupancy status nor the occupant of the See of Peter.  To argue that the law would allow for an INVALID resignation to lead to a vacation of the Petrine See is FLATLY IRRATIONAL, and would utterly negate the entire principle of validity qua validity.  If the principle of validity falls, or is declared “unimportant” with regard to Canon 188 and the identity of WHO THE VICAR OF CHRIST IS, then validity also is “unimportant” with regards to marriage, and consecration of the Eucharist.  Sauce for the Goose, gentlemen.

Given that Pope Benedict’s attempted resignation was INVALID BY THE LAW ITSELF, it is absolutely essential to understand and acknowledge that THIS IS THE ONE AND ONLY PREMISE UPON WHICH THE REMOVAL OF ANTIPOPE BERGOGLIO CAN BE BASED UPON.  The problem is 28 February, ARSH 2013.  Nothing AFTER 28 February ARSH 2013 is germane to the discussion. Any other criterion is a FALSE BASE PREMISE that will only yield more chaos and plays directly into satan’s hands.

I would also like to point out that EVERY defender of the validity of the Bergoglian Antipapacy MUST relentlessly attack the office of the Papacy itself in order to hold their erroneous position.  Oddly, this never seems to register with them – they are doing satan’s dirty work for him, and are seemingly quite proud of themselves for it.  On a daily basis, in order to not acknowledge the clear logical progression that the false base premise of Bergoglio as Vicar of Christ inescapably demands, these exponents must argue that the Papacy is completely and totally irrelevant and always has been, and beyond that an IDOLATROUS AND THEREFORE EVIL INSTITUTION, that the dogma of Papal Infallibility is false, and thus that Vatican I was false, and most critically, that Our Blessed Lord’s promise to His Holy Church that the See of Peter would be uniquely and perpetually protected by the Holy Ghost Himself, and would thus be trustworthy – a promise which history, no matter how much people try to deny it, clearly shows has held even in the face of some spectacularly bad men ascending to the Papacy, was, in fact, a lie.

If Our Lord’s promise was a lie, a wicked set-up just for us, and He has now, with us today, broken His promise, then he is not Divine. If He is not divine, then we are not saved, and TO HELL with The Church and The Mass, because we’re all completely and totally screwed.  Pope Benedict XVI is our chastisement as articulated by St. John Eudes, but even in this chastisement, Pope Benedict XVI has never said or done anything to “completely overturn the moral edifice of The Church”, nor fulfill the prophecies of schism and apostasy, and Pope Benedict XVI remains VISIBLY the Pope – which is quite possibly the biggest mind-blower and testament of God’s awesome love for us in all of this.  The trail of breadcrumbs has been left since day one.  He has not left us, or tried to deceive us in any way. The truth has been right in front of us in plain sight all along. Accuse Our Lord of abandonment and deception at your own extreme peril.

Finally, I want to briefly address an argument that has always left me gobsmacked.  This is the argument that the College of Cardinals are the dogmatically infallible arbiters and gatekeepers of the Papacy, above Canon Law, above the infallible Vatican I ecumenical council which EXPLICITLY stated the opposite in Pastor Aeternus, above even Divine Law. Interestingly, this argument is bellowed unceasingly by people who have held the public position for over a decade that “Novus Ordoism is a different religion.”  That is, that the Novus Ordo church, and thus every bishop (with the exception of the SSPX bishops presumably?) and certainly every cardinal, are members of A DIFFERENT RELIGION WHICH IS NOT CATHOLICISM, which is, by definition, an Antichurch.

And yet, to be a “good Catholic” and not a “schismatic”, one must be told by people WHO ACCORDING TO THE PREMISE THAT NOVUS ORDOISM IS A DIFFERENT RELIGION, ARE NOT CATHOLIC who the Pope is, and assent to this authority which is, by definition and according to the stated premise, NOT THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH.

According to this insanity-on-parade, in order to not be in schism from the One True Church, one must be in full submission to and communion with A TOTALLY FALSE ANTICHURCH, which has god-like power over the One True Church, and over ontological reality itself, therefore superseding God Himself.

If anyone can explain how to reconcile this to simple logic, or the Good Shepherd Discourse, I’m all ears.  I’d pay good money to see the flow chart and truth table on that one.  That must graph into one hell of a Klein Bottle.

According to this grotesquely mangled diabolical disorientation being held up as “logic”, Peter, when asked by Our Lord, “Who do you say that I AM?” should have replied, “I have no ability to say – only Pontius Pilate can make a definitive determination as to your Nature.”  Note that I didn’t say “the Sanhedrin”. The Sanhedrin were Jews.  No, to make the analogy sound, Peter would have had to have deferred to PONTIUS PILATE – a pagan – according to this argument.  It’s funny what spending one’s days watching TeeVee, playing vidja games, gazing with endless fascination at one’s navel, and not going to Mass can do to a person’s mind.

By the way, at least one prominent (and now rapidly failing) Fwanciss-iz-Pope “Trad” blog owner with repeatedly self-admitted severe psychological issues, has used the CoronaScam excuse to voluntarily totally cease the public practice of the Catholic Faith and abandonment of the Sacraments. This week (first week of March ARSH 2021) will mark a year since this person or their family has been seen in a church. No Mass. No Sacraments. And a confessed hatred of the Rosary. Pray not only for the website owner, but also for the numerous children in their care.

Does the identity of the Vicar of Christ even matter?  It matters only as much as whether or not Our Lord is Divine matters. Or as much as the eternal fate of every human soul capable of being scandalized by Antipope Bergoglio matters.

It matters only if you truly love and are devoted to the Chair of Peter, and to the God-Man who established it as the rock upon which He built His Church. So… you tell me.

Dear young women who get the DeathJab: All of that heavy, painful, irregular menstrual bleeding you are experiencing is just because you’re so RELIEVED to have been jabbed! Yeah, THAT’S the ticket!

Folks, this is coming from Yahoo News, an oligarch agitprop hub.

Here is a handy crosspost from NonVeniMark regarding informed consent with helpful links and citations to save and share.

Tuskegee: NEVER AGAIN!

Well, maybe just ONE more time…

Informed Consent: How many people understand the vaxx is an unapproved, experimental jab? Is calling it “safe” a criminal act?

How many of your family and friends really understand that by taking the vaxx, they are part of an experiment? How many of them actually read the pamphlet they were handed, maybe, at their injection appointment, and probably after they had already been jabbed? You know, the pamphlet that states in several places that these are unapproved, experimental vaccines that “may” prevent Covid. And while we are at it, didn’t they make this sort of thing a federal crime after the

Feel free to pass on these handy links:

Pfizer fact sheet

Moderna fact sheet for healthcare providers administering the vaccine, U.S.

Moderna information leaflet

Since COVID Vaccines Are Experimental, Vaccine Administrators Must Inform You of Risks

In the U.S., vaccines granted Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA, as is the case with the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines, are considered experimental. Administrators of emergency use vaccines are required by law to inform vaccine recipients of the potential risks.

With the mass vaccination program now in full swing, we are hearing of more and more reports suggesting this fundamental right and legal requirement is not being respected. The vast majority of people are simply not being given the opportunity to exercise this right that is a foundational principle of medical ethics and central to the concept of patient autonomy. Most people likely don’t even know what information they should be able to receive prior to vaccination.

You don’t need to sign something to give consent — baring your arm is sufficient. In the case of vaccination, this is, in essence, your gesture that gives the vaccinator permission to touch you and inject you. Failure to seek your permission would typically be regarded, legally, as assault or battery. The real problem therefore isn’t with the consent itself, but with the information that should precede the issue of consent.

Do health authority vaccine claims constitute deceit?

Health authorities around the world continue to claim that COVID-19 vaccines are “safe.” However, according to the Collins dictionary, this means that:

“Something that is safe does not cause physical harm or danger.”

“Safe” claims are routinely made by organizations like the UK NHS, the Centers for Disease Control in the USA and the World Health Organization.

A search we carried out of the VAERS database in the U.S. shows that nearly 8,000 adverse events have been reported to date (note: as many as 90% of adverse reactions often go unreported), and over 1.5% of these involved death. It is then arguably deceitful to refer to these experimental vaccines as “safe.”

Given the lack of vaccine transparency, vaccinators themselves are not properly informed so are generally not in any position to offer accurate information that might be available in the public domain, but is generally not well known.

Information that should be freely communicated includes the fact that the vaccines are experimental and unproven. Those considering giving consent should be told about the vaccines’ reliance on synthetic biology that has never been tested at scale. But it also includes information on known risks and benefits from Phase 3 trials, and that these trials are still under way and some won’t be complete for over 18 months (e.g. Jan. 31, 2023, for Pfizer mRNA vaccine)...


Oh… NOW it makes sense why the sex pervert Antipope Bergoglio loves that image of Judas Iscariot and has it hanging over his desk…

I don’t think I’d ever seen this before. Now it makes sense. More homoerotica, specifically the sodomitical fixation on the posterior fundament.

I can’t find any other image of Judas Iscariot depicted as nude. This is totally bizzarre.

I’m sure Antipope Bergoglio and all of his faggot buddies get a good laugh at this.

Folks, Antipope Bergoglio is rubbing your face in his manifest satanism.

Q&A: But Ann, how can we possibly do the Lenten and Holy Week fasts? A: Don’t eat anything.

Q: paraphrased: “How do we do the Lenten and Holy Week fasts?”

A: On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday you simply…


It’s really very, very easy.

Folks, if you can’t do this without risking your life – and hear me now: “I MUST HAVE MY COFFEE BEFORE GOING TO WORK” is complete BULLSHIT- you need to see an endocrinologist or a liver specialist right away, because God Almighty didn’t create mankind to be non-functional without a tropical roasted bean beverage.  That addiction is YOUR hot mess, not some failure in God’s design of the human body, and I say this as a person who was introduced to proper Roman coffee almost a decade ago now. YOU DON’T NEED COFFEE.

I was a commodity futures trader who had to be “up and at-’em” a full hour hour before Chicago in my Denver timezone, and I NEVER drank coffee until I was shown actual Italian coffee, years after I walked away from the futures and options markets.

Getting your lazy, fat, white butt up and out of bed in the morning is called “ADULTHOOD”.

Some of us get it.

Many never do. And resent every indication of it when presented.

Now a word about drugs above and beyond caffeine because drug use is EXPLODING as the post-Christian west implodes.

What the mainstream calls “Bi-polar breaks” are almost always nowadays due to benzodiazepine DOWNSIDE psychotic breaks. NEVER EVER take ANY advice or counsel from a person who takes Benzos [Xanax, Prozac, Valium], first and foremost JORDAN PETERSON or any of his drug-addled groupies.  Everyone I know of who has had “cyclic” psychotic breaks has been a Benzo user. In fact, such people should be treated as reliable CONTRA-INDICATORS in EVERYTHING.  Run, not walk, in the opposite direction. Seriously. RUN. And if God Almighty gives you an opportunity to get out – SEIZE IT. A drowning man will drag you under and kill you if he possibly can.

JUST SAY “No” TO DRUGS, and to those who use them. Especially now.

Using psychiatric drugs is not normal, including prescription drugs.  Being psychotic is NOT NORMAL.  Being a rage monster is NOT NORMAL. Having had an exorcism is NOT NORMAL.  Being sexually perverted IS NOT NORMAL, nor is running with sex perverts. It is better to be alone than to keep bad company, including ONLINE. But really, who is EVER alone so long as they have Our Blessed Lord, His mother, the Co-Redemptrix, and the Communion of Saints?

Use prudence.  It is a virtue.  If in doubt, stick exclusively to the SAINTS and DOCTORS of the Church. Love PERSONALLY Our Lord. Contemplating His Passion is the fastest, surest way to this.  He loves you, personally, INFINITELY.  Look up at the stars and the countless galaxies.  He made them and placed them… totally for love of you. Fifty-two factorial. The cure to anxiety can be as simple as a standard deck of cards.

And YEP, I’m  totally advising anyone with spiritual uncertainties to totally eliminate the internet, INCLUDING MY WEBSITE AND PODCAST, and flee straight to the Co-Redemptrix and her most holy Rosary. Your eternal soul might just depend on it.

Fast. Pray. Shun bad company.

I hope this tough love helps. We don’t have any more time for the kid-glove treatment.

Mary, Co-Redemptrix, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Chris Ferrara declares TRUTH, REALITY and the PAPACY to be tedious irrelevancies: “Nothing is more tedious or wasteful of time and intellectual effort than the debate over the supposedly invalid election of Francis.”

We have been discussing in this space the sad state of a man whose intellect is darkened, despite having a high IQ, mostly in the context of the CoronaScam and the DeathJab.  It is a sad and terrifying thing to behold.  Men are RATIONAL INTELLECTS, created in the image and likeness of God.  When that rationality is darkened, and men speak and act in IRRATIONAL ways, it is absolutely chilling to behold.

Sadly, the Catholic attorney and columnist Christopher Ferrara is, yet again, putting on a master class in the terrifying spectacle of a man who, while having significant intellectual capacity, is seemingly in a freefall of irrational disconnect. The throttle is mashed, but the transmission is in neutral… and Chris is rolling backwards downhill.

I saw this headline linked on and when I clicked it open at, even I was taken aback at Chris’ ability to type these words, proofread them, and then post them publicly.  Chris Ferrara in the opening sentence of his piece dances very, very close to total apostasy, and certainly embraces Lutheranism.  Take a look:

“Nothing is more tedious or wasteful of time and intellectual effort than the debate over the supposedly invalid election of Francis. There was a conclave in 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio emerged as the Pope-elect, he accepted the office and was installed therein. Everything else is vain speculation—awaiting, perhaps someday, a revelation that would be confirmed by a successor Pope or Council, failing which the whole debate is academic.”
-Christopher Ferrara, 7 April, ARSH 2021,

The Vicariate of Christ, the Papacy, is a supernaturally protected Office, instituted by the Second Person of the Triune Godhead Himself, and recorded in the Holy Gospels by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Christ Almighty established the Petrine Office as the VISIBLE HEAD OF HIS CHURCH ON EARTH.  The Vicar of Christ is IN HIS PERSON nothing less than the PRINCIPLE OF UNITY and therefore the Vicar of Christ is also THE STANDARD OF SCHISM.

The entire Church for 2000 years has held the Petrine Office as the Rock upon which Christ built His Holy Church.  EVERY Apostle, EVERY Church Father, EVERY saint, EVERY believing Catholic without exception held the Papacy as the Vicariate of Christ on Earth without exception. By the loving gratuitous grace and Providence of God, Vatican I formally promulgated this a dogma – precisely so we would know, with certainty, that Bergoglio is an Antipope and to therefore look back to the events surrounding his usurpation – namely Pope Benedict’s utterly bizarre and totally unprecedented attempt to “half-resign” only the “active ministry for the governance of the Church”.

But if that weren’t enough, because Our Lord made the Petrine Promises, explicitly recorded in the Holy Gospels, the Papacy is tied DIRECTLY and INEXTRICABLY to the question of Our Lord’s DIVINITY.  If Our Lord LIED, if Our Lord was in ERROR, if Our Lord FORSOOK HIS EXPLICIT REPEATED PROMISES regarding the Petrine Office and its guarantee of supernatural protection, then Our Lord IS NOT GOD. And if Our Lord is not God, then His Passion and Death are NOT the once and for all sacrifice that redeems mankind, and we ARE NOT SAVED. Put bluntly: if what Chris Ferrara holds with regards to the Papacy is true, then Easter is a JOKE.  A very, very, very bad joke.

If ANYONE sees any flaw in this excruciatingly obvious logical corollary, PLEASE, do let me know.  THIS is why I say that it is absolutely horrifying to watch a man with the intellectual capacity of Chris Ferrara blithely open an essay with a complete denial of not just the Papacy, not just the Holy Catholic Church, but of Our Blessed Savior’s VERY DIVINITY without the slightest hint of self-awareness.

For Chris Ferrara to say that the TRUTH is “tedious” and “wasteful of time” is a direct, personal attack on Our Lord, because OUR LORD IS HIMSELF THE TRUTH.  Jesus Christ IS REALITY.  We declare this at the end of almost EVERY MASS when the Last Gospel, John 1: 1-14, is proclaimed:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…
In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum…

How can ANYONE possibly say that THE TRUTH doesn’t matter?  Jesus Christ IS the Truth!

How can anyone possibly say that REALITY doesn’t matter?  God IS reality.  He is its Author, Sustainer and its essence. CHRIST IS REALITY, and is thus THE criterion of all thought and action.  Christ is not an evil schizophrenic saying to us, “Maybe-yes, maybe-no, reality is one thing today, but could change retroactively in the future, tee-hee, ain’t I a stinker?”

One wonders, after reading just the opening sentence of Ferrara’s bilge if he has ever, one time in his entire life actually THOUGHT about the words of the Gloria Patri as he was saying it.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.  As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Gloria Patri,
et Filio,
et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio,
et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum.


Folks, it is a VERY fair critique of Catholics that so many Protestants make that Catholics mindlessly babble rote prayers.  Chris Ferrara’s opening paragraph proves this is often true in his denial of the very concept of objective reality. Perhaps Chris should convert to islam, wherein the supreme deity is openly held to be “the greatest deceiver”, and even more up Chris’ alley, pure will, changeable and capricious, utterly devoid of rationality.  Marry that to Luther’s denial of the Church being VISIBLE, most especially at ITS EARTHLY HEAD, and Chris Ferrara could found the final, perfect religion: Luthislam.

Has the great legal scholar Ferrara, the self-appointed last word on all things juridical ever once read Canon 748?

Can. 748 §1. All persons are bound to seek the truth in those things which regard God and His Church and by virtue of divine law are bound by the obligation and possess the right of embracing and observing the truth which they have come to know.”

Finally, it must be pointed out that Chris Ferrara, A CIVIL LAWYER, ostentatiously denies and shows ZERO intellectual curiosity with regards to the very Canon Law that he SHOULD be engrossed with, the selfsame Canon Law which arbitrates the entire question of the validity of a putative Petrine resignation.  What is going on here?

If I may shed, perhaps, some personal light on this?  As I have recounted in this space before, I have met and dined with Chris multiple times, the first being on the night of the faux-election of Antipope Bergoglio in the restaurant Da Roberto on the Borgo Pio beside the Vatican.  I had the lasagna.  The cheese was extra crispy from the broiler.  It was sublime.  The red table wine was… table wine.  I subsequently dined with Chris several times after that.  The last time I saw Chris was in the summer of ARSH 2016.  I had just gone public with my “Benedict is Pope” position, and so I dropped in on a gathering so that I could shake hands with Mike Matt of the Remnant, whom I had been writing columns for over the previous year.  I felt that it would not be fair for me to write for the Remnant given that I could no longer refer to Bergoglio as anything but “Antipope”, and Mike Matt and The Remnant did not publicly share my position.  But, there were absolutely no hard feelings, hence my desire to see Mike Matt in person, shake his hand, and make sure that all was copacetic between us personally.  Kind of a, how would one phrase this, “unite the clans” sort of a vibe.

Upon arriving at the gathering, I immediately ran into Mike Matt and we starting chatting merrily.  A few minutes into our conversation, Chris Ferrara briskly approached, and immediately began talking to me – no introductions necessary, because Chris knew exactly who I was, by sight, because he had met and dined with me several times before.  Chris was lying when he said not long ago that this occasion was the only time he had ever met me in person.  LIED.  As in BEARING FALSE WITNESS.

The first words out of Chris Ferrara’s mouth to me as he, I and Mike Matt stood huddled together were:

“Look.  We all think you’re probably right about Bergoglio, but who do you think you are to be publicly declaring it?”

Counselor Ferrara then, in full shyster snoot mode, proceeded to VOIRE DIRE me in the middle of a cocktail bar.  “And Miss Barnhardt, tell me, do you have a degree in Canon Law? Or theology?”

“No, Chris, I have a degree in Animal Husbandry,” I replied with a BIG grin.

When Chris Ferrara saw that I was TOTALLY unfazed by his shameless and effeminate appeals to credentialism (by the way- NOTHING signals that you have lost an argument faster than appeals to credentialism; don’t do that), he turned on his heel and stormed off in a snit.  Mike Matt looked at me and shrugged wryly.

So, if I had to guess at what is behind Chris Ferrara’s incredibly sad descent into Luthislam, I would say the primary factor is intense intellectual pride, which feeds into envy.  Chris thinks, for some absolutely bizarre reason, that HE and HE ALONE should be the voice of ANY legal argumentation about ANYTHING, and thus the fact that he has totally, completely dropped the ball and then been steamrolled by unlettered lay nothings like me, Mark Docherty and others who have simply looked at the words of Pope Benedict, and later +Ganswein, and then cross-checked that against Canon Law, while praying the Rosary, is just too much for him to bear.  Now we have Dr. Mazza – a MERE historian, and now Estefanía Acosta – a MERE third world Juris Doctor.  OH! The humiliation!

Interestingly, since my summer ARSH 2016 encounter with Chris Ferrara, I have had multiple extended conferences with faithful churchmen, and not only have my credentials never once been brought up, but exactly the opposite.  I have been given the repeated extended, patient attention and humble inquisitiveness of men who demonstrated not a shred of personal insecurity. Not surprisingly, every one of these men had read and were familiar with the Dialogues of St. Catherine of Siena. I’m not illiterate like St. Catherine was, but I’m the 21st century equivalent: UNLETTERED.  I am not a saint yet, but I have hope that I will be.  And I know who the Pope is.

The other factor that MUST be mentioned is, of course, MONEY.  Despite the recent poll that showed that among faithful, orthodox Traditional Catholics in the English-speaking world, the VAST majority believe that Pope Benedict is the one and only living Pope, these men still believe that if they stray from the “Fwanciss is definitely Pope” line that their fundraising will collapse. AS IF THAT SHOULD BE ANY CONSIDERATION AT ALL.

Chris Ferrara is intimately involved in the Fatima Center, which was founded by his spiritual father, Fr. Nicholas Gruner.  Sadly, Chris was caught is ANOTHER bold-faced lie when he said that he has never had any dealings with Traditional Catholics who believed that Pope Benedict’s resignation was invalid.  Fr. Nicholas Gruner was openly, publicly, even STRIDENTLY BiP years before I was.  Here is my post on this from several years ago:

How is this not a boldfaced lie, Mr. Ferrara?

On December 30, ARSH 2017 Chris Ferrara posted an essay titled “Not Fair, Mr. Keating” at Fátima Perspectives. LINK HERE.

Paragraph 12:

“Finally, no traditionalist I would consider a colleague has ever declared that Francis is an anti-Pope (in the sense that he was not validly elected, although he acts like one), that the See of Peter is vacant, or that Benedict is still the Pope.  These are straw men.”

Fr. Nicholas Gruner was the founder of the organization that Chris Ferrara has dedicated a massive amount of his working life to: The Fátima Center. Fr. Nicholas Gruner was Chris Ferrara’s spiritual father, it is no risk to say. The word “disciple” could very appropriately be used to describe the closeness and intertwinedness of Chris Ferrara to Fr. Nicholas Gruner.

Fr. Nicholas Gruner openly, publicly declared that Pope Benedict’s attempted resignation was canonically invalid per Canon 332.2. Fr. Nicholas Gruner commemorated Pope Benedict at the Te Igitur. This video proves this beyond any shadow of a doubt.

And yet, unbelievably, Counselor Ferrara stated in writing on 30 December, ARSH 2017 that “no Traditionalist I would consider a colleague has ever declared” “that Benedict is still the Pope.”

Folks, this is a lie. PERIOD.

I post this to point up the fact there is is something very, very, VERY wrong amongst the professional Traditional Catholic partisans who absolutely insist that “Francis is Pope, so shut up, Stupid!”

Lying is a big deal, and when you catch people lying you need to acknowledge it for the extremely grave matter that it is. For me personally, I have learned over the past seven years that it is extremely important to NOT associate with and, when necessary, even denounce people that one discovers to be liars. Chris Ferrara is not the first person that has been irrefutably demonstrated to me to be a liar in the Trad Inc. milieu.

There is absolutely no way to spin or engage in lawyerly doublespeak to make Ferrara’s written statement above anything than what it is: a full-blown boldfaced lie.

And THAT folks, is how a man with a very high IQ can have his intellect so darkened that he writes sacrilegious, heretical, flirting-with-apostasy bilge like this, and think that it is “good” and bolsters his credibility: