Stickypost: You must buy this AMAZING new book “Benedict XVI: Pope ‘Emeritus’?”

(Scroll down for new content.  I’m leaving this incredibly important post at the top of the blog for a while.) Folks, an absolutely FANTASTIC new book, “Benedict XVI: Pope ‘Emeritus’?”,  has just been published that I cannot recommend strongly enough.  Everyone should buy a copy of this book not only for themselves, but also buy […]

UPDATED: Crisis Magazine Censors Combox – Barnhardt Helpfully Reposts Censored Comment

Crisis Magazine published a piece this week titled, “More Than Ever, We Need Benedict XVI”. Obviously, the combox began to fill with people making the point that the title of the piece demands: We need Pope Benedict BECAUSE HE IS THE VICAR OF CHRIST. Of course, Crisis Magazine deleted these comments.  Because salaries must be […]

Barnhardt Podcast #117: The Error or the Mirror?

Listener feedback: “I think anyone seriously considering the Benedict question can’t be in doubt after yesterday’s podcast.” [Direct link to the MP3 file] In this episode, Mark and Ann are again joined by Dr. Edmund Mazza, where they further explore the latest version of his thesis, that the words and actions of Pope Benedict indicate […]

Barnhardt Podcast #115: Forewarned is Forearmed

[Direct link to the MP3 file] In this episode, Mark and Ann are again joined by Dr. Edmund Mazza, further exploring his thesis that the words and actions of Pope Benedict suggest he has separated the functional aspects of the papacy from the ontological essence of the papacy, having himself retained the latter. In delegating […]