Monthly Archives: October 2020

CDC reports that running around all day with a damn filthy rag over your blowhole that you manhandle three times per minute magnifies the Masonic Sniffles. People still capable of rational thought declare in unison: “NO SHIT.”

Acedia: When Indifference Becomes Aggressive, and Even Rage-filled

“There aren’t enough words in the English language for ‘I don’t care’ to describe how much I don’t care about Benedict’s statement…”

“This is boring. I don’t have any more f’s to give…”

“There’s nothing we can do….”

“It is how it is, and it’s never going to get better, only worse, so just accept it….”

When it comes right down to it, and if we are being perfectly honest, we aren’t very confident that “prayer” is worth anything, at least anything outside our own personal lives.…”

Acedia is a terrible but largely unknown vice. Most people today have never heard the word. The most succinct definition is when you don’t care, and you don’t care that you don’t care.

I was told by a wise priest once, within the Sacrament of Confession no less, that the greatest demonic spirit of oppression over Rome and the Institutional Church was ACEDIA. People go to Rome, and the grace is sucked out of them by ACEDIA and soon they are completely unwilling to do ANYTHING, including pray, and then, like cancer, this spirit of Acedia metastasizes and spreads itself throughout the world. And guess how the resulting time vacuum in the lives of those in Acedia gets filled in this day and age? Social media, video games, TeeVee/movies….

Not only that, but they eventually become, ironically, MILITANT in their Acedia, demanding that others ratify and join in their indifference, inaction, impotence and despair. These sad souls then begin to declare their acedia to be a virtue; proof of their moral and intellectual sophistication and superiority over others. Finally, it reaches a level so dire that the person wallowing in Acedia lashes out and attacks those who will not join in their cult of despair, trying, like the demons, to drag as many others down with them as they can. Anyone who shows any flame of charity – because remember, the polar opposite of love/charity is indifference, not hate – is attacked and painted as “mentally ill”. Gaslighting of the highest order: love itself (or should I say, HIMSELF) depicted as mental illness.

In these dark days, one and all would do well to be on the lookout for the terrible vice of Acedia, first in oneself, and then in others, and flee from it with all haste, because it is highly, highly contagious.

The Rosary, as always, combats Acedia, most directly in the Third Glorious Mystery, the Descent of the Holy Ghost Upon the Apostles and Mary. The Fruit of this Mystery is: Love of God, and ZEAL.

I hope this helps.

Praying the SORROWFUL MYSTERIES in Light of the Bergoglian Antipapacy – The Agony in the Garden

The First Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden
Fruit of the Mystery: Sorrow for Sin

The cultivation of sorrow for sin should, of course, be first and foremost about OUR OWN sins.  But, what is also included in this Mystery is sorrow for ALL sins, including those committed by others.  We can also expand this to include anything that is contrary to the Truth, which is Our Lord Himself – God is Himself Truth – namely errors and mistakes.  Error has no rights, a truism of which the vehement denial is a hallmark of modernism (and Americanism, to be perfectly frank), but we can have COMPASSION on people who are in error, while never ceding any sort of ratification or legitimacy to their error.  

Our Lord taking upon Himself in the Garden the sins of the world is in no way a ratification or acceptance of those sins qua sin.  It was an Atonement and Redemption, an act of infinite compassion which only brought into the most stark relief the need for humankind, redeemed, to REPENT and turn away from sin.  There is a reason why the sin of presuming upon God’s mercy is called the “unforgivable sin”.  If you go to Confession, and then saunter out to your pew, lean into your neighbor and whisper, “Ha-hah!  Off scott-free YET AGAIN!  Gotta love the sacraments!”, not only are you probably not forgiven for what you confessed, you are on the bullet train to hell.  Only a full-blown psychopath could consciously make fun of Our Blessed Lord’s agony and death for their own sins, and treat the infinite compassion offered in the confessional as a joke with full malice aforethought.  The Eighth Station of the Way of the Cross springs to mind – Christ meeting the Women of Jerusalem.  “Weep not for Me, but for yourselves, and your children.”

Here is what I do, and now publicly propose to others in light of the Bergoglian Antipapacy, this being the fruit of praying the First Sorrowful Mystery:

Every time you assist at a Mass in which Antipope Bergoglio is erroneously commemorated at the Te Igitur, not only silently correct the error, BUT ASK OUR LORD TO GIVE YOU THE TEMPORAL PUNISHMENT, IF ANY, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DUE THE PRIEST WHO HAS MADE THE ERROR.

Try, in all things, to imitate Christ.  Go to Christ in the Garden and join in His Agony.  Like Simon of Cyrene, help Our Lord carry His Cross.  Have compassion – “com” means “with”, and “passion” means “suffer” – on those in error.  Love other human beings.  And then ACT to educate and correct the error, so that someday all error might be eliminated on earth, as it is in heaven.  Then, when we are reunited in heaven with these priests, assuming we all make it, we can have an especially joyful reunion and connection.  “Hey, aren’t you glad I was in your parish…?”   🙂

It seems to me that this will be of tremendous help in the future, when the terrible sufferings come, in whatever form, for us to be able to handle suffering without losing our faith.  When sufferings come, we can be at peace, knowing that perhaps these sufferings are part of the temporal punishments which we volunteered to take upon ourselves on behalf of others, especially others who might not be able to handle such suffering without being scandalized or losing their faith. Then we will be able to grow even more steadfast in our faith, making ourselves more like Christ by imitating Him, advance in sanctity, and offer up our sufferings in part for those in error regarding the Bergoglian Antipapacy, as well as for our own sins.  The fact that this voluntary taking on of temporal punishment is directed primarily toward priests, without whom there could be no Mass, nor absolution in the confessional, is especially important.

Remember Our Lord’s words, “By their fruits you will know them.”  Lies, and also ERROR, that is anything NOT congruent with the Truth has as its fruit the REDUCTION AND EVENTUAL LOSS OF FAITH.  When people are lied to, it chips away at their ability to trust – first other people, and then eventually God.  When people are asked to accept error, the inevitable logical contradictions and detachment from reality that spring from error erode faith.  Then things like denying the Petrine Primacy as “childish ultramontanism”, or calling into question the First Vatican Council – which inevitably leads to a questioning of ALL past ecumenical councils – next Trent, then Nicea, then Jerusalem, then calling into question the fidelity of Our Lord to His promises to Peter and his successors, are the inevitable result.

Where you see people losing their faith with regards to Antipope Bergoglio, you find error, namely the error that Bergoglio is now or ever has been the Pope. He is not and has never been. Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, whether he likes it or not, is the one and only living Pope, and has been since April of ARSH 2005, due, again, to Pope Benedict’s ERROR in thinking he could “fundamentally transform” the Papacy into a “shared, collegial, synodal ministry.”

The truth edifies, confirms, quickens and strengthens.  The Truth, even when hideously ugly (as the Bergoglian Antipapacy is), has an intrinsic beauty in that it is coherent, logical, rock-solid, and if you contemplate it you always find at the root LOVE.  Christ’s Passion and Death on the Cross is the most horrible thing that has ever happened, but it is also the most beautiful, because it is the infinite gratuitous manifestation of God’s love.

We should also have compassion on Pope Benedict XVI and his error, and offer up sacrifices and fasts not only in reparation, but also that Pope Benedict XVI REPENT AND CORRECT his error – the biggest error in the almost 2000 year history of the Church since Pentecost – before he dies, not only for the sake of the Church and the Papacy, but for the sake of his own soul as well.

Finally, it should be remembered that satan tempted Christ in the garden to despair, trying to convince Him, satan being not completely sure who Our Lord was, that His suffering and death would not be enough to redeem mankind. Gibson portrayed this explicitly in his movie, sourcing from the writings of Anne Catherine Emmerich, depicting satan as an androgyne, repeating the words, “No.  It is too much.”  In exactly the same way satan tempts us today to despair, tries to convince us, as he has many, many prelates, including curial prelates, that “there is nothing we can do” about the Bergoglian Antipapacy. “It’s too much.”   We must never succumb to this lie, always remembering that God is God, and can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, HOWever He wants.  Further, we know the victory is ours, and that the truth WILL OUT.  And so we persevere in confidence, proactive, virile and potent, and at the same time abandoned to the Divine Providence.

I hope this helps. Hang in there, folks!  And remember St. Catherine’s words, that the Divine Providence, in His infinite perfection, has put US here in this time and place. We were made for these days, as unbelievable as that seems.  Believe this, and proceed manfully!

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.
Lord Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, have mercy on us.

“To the servant of God… every place is the right place, and every time is the right time.”
-St. Catherine of Siena

The Abject Irrationality and Witchcraft Mentality of CovidReligion in RESTAURANTS

(This came over the transom, cited as “author unknown”. I did not write this, but wish I did. There is no pandemic and never was. Restaurants are totally safe. Life is safe in the same sense as it always was. Everything about CovidReligion is a total, obvious lie, and belief in it is a species of witchcraft mentality. Restaurants should be supported and patronized. -AB)

Let’s go out to eat, 2020 style…

1. Arrive at restaurant, take mask off mirror (or out of glove compartment) where it hangs or lays every day when not in use.
2. Slip it on, trying not to ruin the hair do.
3. Proceed into restaurant, opening door with same handle grabbed by 200 people so far today.
4. Hostess who touches her face and mask an average of three times per minute has immediate seating for your woke party of three. Walk past entire restaurant of unmasked people. It’s ok, they’re sitting.
5. Sit down.
6. Safely within your anti-germ force field, remove mask. Browse menu while making relaxed inhales of the same recirculated AC air previously inside the lungs of the 200 people that also grabbed the door handle.
7. Waitress, who touches her face and mask an average of three times per minute drops off drinks bare handed, which she touches her face and mask with three times per minute, on average.
8. Grab drink with your bare hand. Sip leisurely, secure in knowing you’re within your anti-germ force field of “seated-ness”.
9. Too many drinks. Need to pee. Don the magical anti-germ barrier mask as you leave your anti-germ force field of “seated-ness”.
10. Walk past 40 unmasked restaurant patrons. Open bathroom with same doorknob grabbed by 100 other people so far today.
11. Return to table past same 40 unmasked restaurant patrons.
12. Remove mask. Once again safe in your anti-germ force field of “seated-ness”. Waitress takes your sweaty drink glass with her bare hand which she touches her face and mask with an average of three times per minute, refills, hands back to you. You accept with your bare hand. Grab some bread and eat it. Same hand. Yum Yum.
13. Meal complete. Mask on. Walk past 40 unmasked patrons. Make full body contact with at least 4 people waiting at the hostess stand as you squeeze your way back to the door – no matter, they’re all also wearing their magical anti-germ barriers.
14. Grab exit handle, which you are now the 220th person of the day to touch. Eating out successful.
15. Breathe a sigh of relief knowing that even after leaving the protection of your home and venturing out into the scary world of the public, you are essentially sterile thanks to your state approved methods of magical germ mitigation, THE MASK!

Barnhardt Podcast #125: Rootie Tootie Fresh & Fruity: the Masonic Screed of Doom

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode, Mark, Ann, and Dr. Mazza explore the recent statements from Archbishop Vigano, wherein he seems to infer a plurality of pontiffs. We also examine the various heresies of the latest “encyclical” and how current events are leading more and more people to question 2000 years of Church history rather than examine their base premise. Tutti Frutti and he promotion of Freemasonry, “brotherhood,” care of creation, abolition of private property, abolition of the death penalty. Finally, we revisit some of the major premises of the Mazza Thesis and further discuss the latest interview/biography of Pope Benedict from Peter Seewald, being published in English next month. We also laugh a lot.

Rule of St. Francis on Friars among Muslims

16. (Those who go among the Saracens and other unbelievers.)
The Lord says: “Behold, I am sending you forth like sheep in the midst of wolves. Be therefore prudent like serpents and simple like doves” (Mt. 10:16).

Hence, whoever of the brothers, by divine inspiration, wishes to go among the Saracens and other unbelievers, they (sic) may go with the permission of their minister and servant. The minister then should give them permission and not oppose them, if he sees that they are fit to be sent, for he will be held accountable to the Lord if in this or in other matters he has proceeded without discretion.

The brothers who go can conduct themselves spiritually among (the unbelievers) in two ways. One way is not to quarrel or dispute, but “to be subject to every creature for God’s sake” (1 Pt. 2:13) and to acknowledge that they (themselves) are Christians. Another way is to proclaim the word of God when they see it pleases God in order that (the unbelievers) might believe in God the almighty Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Creator of all and in the redeeming and saving Son, so that they might be baptized and become Christians, for “he who is not born again of water and the Holy Spirit cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (Jn. 3:5). These and other things which will please the Lord they can speak to them and to others, for the Lord says in the gospel: “Everyone who acknowledges me before men I will also acknowledge him before my Father who is in heaven” (Mt. 10:32). And: “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, of him will the Son of man be ashamed when he comes in his majesty and that of the Father and the angels” (Lk. 9:26).

And all the brothers, wherever they are, should remember that they have given themselves and have abandoned their bodies to the Lord Jesus Christ. And for his love they must expose it to enemies, whether visible or invisible, for the Lord says: “Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it (Mt.8:35) for eternal life. Blessed are those who suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 5:10). If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also (Jn 15:20). If they persecute you in one city, flee to another (Mt. 10:23). Blessed are you when men will hate you and persecute you and accuse you of evil and vomit your name as an evil thing and when they will falsely speak all manner of evil against you for my sake. Rejoice on that day and exult for your reward is great in heaven (Lk. 6:22; Mt. 5:11; Lk. 6:23). I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of these things. And do not fear those who kill the body and afterwards have nothing more they can do (Lk. 12:4; Mt. 10:28). See that you are not troubled (Mt. 24:6). By your suffering you will possess your souls (Lk. 21:19). He who will have persevered to the end will be saved” (Mt. 10:22).

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Special Novena to St. Bernard of Clairvaux begins today, October 6, culminating on October 14. Please join me!

This is a Novena that I am doing for an intention, but if anyone would like to join, here is the text. It is the same every day.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux Novena

 Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 

“Neither fear nor self-interest can convert the soul. They may change the appearance, perhaps even the conduct, but never the object of supreme desire… Fear is the motive which constrains the slave; greed binds the selfish man, by which he is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed (James 1:14). But neither fear nor self-interest is undefiled, nor can they convert the soul. Only charity can convert the soul, freeing it from unworthy motives.” St. Bernard you have given us this prayer and with you we pray: 

The Memorare Prayer 

REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.

(Mention your request here…)

 St. Bernard of Clairvaux, pray for us 

Say 1: Our Father…  Say 1: Hail Mary… Say 1: Glory Be…


Apparition of The Virgin to St. Bernard, Filippino Lippi (ARSH 1485–1487). Badia Fiorentina, Florence, Italy.

So Antipope Bergoglio had his right hand man pay over a million $ in bribes to send ++Pell to prison for life, but there is NO WAY Pope Benedict was and is coerced into his faux abdication? REALLY?

Folks, these people are evil to a depth that most of us simply cannot understand. These are remorseless, murderous psychopaths. They don’t believe in one iota of the Faith, as I have been screeching for years in this space.

From August of ARSH 2018:

Coercion, Fear, Wolves – Pray For Our One and Only Living Pope, Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger

A substantially erroneous attempted partial resignation, totally invalid, made due to coercion by the ravenous sodomite wolves that infest every corner of the institutional Church.

After learning what we have learned in just the past few short weeks, in reading the Sipe letter and realizing the level of evil we are dealing with with these sodomite Cardinals and prelates, how can anyone deny that Pope Benedict XVI was coerced?  Pope Benedict XVI saw it coming literally from the very, very beginning:

“Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.”



St. Peter’s Square
Sunday, 24 April 2005




A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.
-Canon 188

Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger is the one and only living Pope, and has been all along.  Only this truth will set us free. If Bergoglio dies or is otherwise removed while not acknowledging that he is not now and never, ever has been the pope, and that Pope Benedict XVI is still occupying the Petrine See, ANY SUBSEQUENT CONCLAVE WILL ALSO BE INVALID.

No valid conclave is possible so long as the See is occupied. Period.


UPDATED: FACT: Subscribing to the Bergoglian Fauxpacy Leads to False Sedevacantism.

{Update 4 October, ARSH 2020. After YEARS of being called a “sedevacantist” for arguing that the Petrine See is OCCUPIED (yes, accusing someone who is jumping up and down screaming “the See is occupied” of being a sedevacantist is quite possibly the stupidest argument ever made) by Trad Inc. partisans, to absolutely no one’s shock those same Trad Inc. partisans are now following the obvious logical progression of their false base premise that Bergoglio is or ever was the Pope and are now insinuating in light of the Froci Tutti document that the See is… wait for it… WAIT FOR IT… vacant. It’s called PROJECTION, folks. The piece below was originally penned and posted on Pentecost ARSH 2019.}

Jonathan Byrd, a “Francis is Pope” partisan, recently announced that he has come to the false conclusion that the See of Peter is vacant due to Fauxp “Francis” losing the Office due to heresy, and then this error leads Byrd to fall even farther in declaring the See has been vacant since the death of Pius XII. Errors compound, folks.

His base premise is false, of course, but this is a perfect example of sound logical corollaries that are built upon a false premise yielding false conclusions.

Of COURSE Antipope Bergoglio is a heretic.  He is an arch-heresiarch.  He isn’t even Catholic. There is a strong, serious, not-exaggerated possibility that he is literally THE False Prophet of the Antichrist.  He ticks every single box.  So, OF COURSE if one starts from the false base premise that Antipope Bergoglio was ever the Pope (which he wasn’t), where that leads as the logical progression quickly unfolds is that “the See is vacant because Francis has lost the Office.”

So, it is absolutely NO SURPRISE whatsoever that the “Francis is Pope” partisans have been engaging in not just obvious and transparent Alinsky Rule #13 tactics (Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it – hence the name-calling, ban hammering, calumny crusades, etc.), but also classic PROJECTION in hurling the utterly irrational and laughable accusation of false sedevacantism.  Deep down they know that holding the false premise that Pope Ratzinger’s attempted partial faux-resignation was valid and that Antipope Bergoglio was validly elected Pope on 13 March ARSH 2013 leads and led almost instantly to the realization that Jorge Bergoglio is a heretic and thus the discussion of Bellarmine’s, Suarez’ and John of St. Thomas’ writing on “deposing a heretic Pope” entered the conversation almost instantly. Given this false position, it is the “Francis is Popers” that arrive at the inevitable conclusion of false sedevacatism.

To wit: Jonathan Byrd.  First, from Byrd’s on website:

The Conclusion is very simple

If you accept Francis is the pope then you must accept communion for adulterers, you must accept allowing communion for protestants, you must accept LGBT novelties, you must accept the novus ordo mass, the new rites, the “cult of man”, Ecumenism, that the Roman Catholic Church is just one of many that lead to heaven, That error has rights, and all of the other profanations you see around you because it is from the pope and the magisterium and Vatican II……

If the above is abhorrent to you…

If you would rather die a thousand deaths than to give your consent to such abominable practices…

Then welcome to Sedevacantism….

Byrd then reconfirmed his fall into the error of 1958 sedevacantism on the NovusOrdoWatch blog by posting this comment:

We have also seen others do such things as openly question the infallible dogma declared at Vatican I – which, of course, instantly leads to a questioning of EVERY ECUMENICAL COUNCIL for the past 2000 years, AND thus leads to the questioning of the Church as indefectible, the Papacy itself, and then, obviously, to the questioning of the inerrancy of scripture, and, of course, then to the questioning of Our Lord’s very Divinity. Are the Gospels wrong, or did Our Lord break His promise?

Hey guys… here’s something to think about: what if the entire Catholic Faith was, well, wrong?

Pope Benedict XVI is the one and only living Pope, and has been since April ARSH 2005.  This is the TRUTH, and we can see how any deviation from the truth leads to catastrophic false logical corollaries and error, with false sedevacantism being near the top of the list.  And guys, this species of false sedevacantism has NOTHING to do with Holocaust denial or any of that other garbage that some 1958 sedevacantists are notorious for.  NOTHING.  That is a completely different dynamic.  BUT, the “Francis is Pope” partisans have been DELIGHTED to try to smear – again, completely irrationally – those of us who acknowledge that the See of Peter is OCCUPIED by Pope Benedict XVI exclusively and has been for 14 years now as somehow connected to the Holocaust-denying flat earthers and other wackiness of the 1958 sedevacantists.  I will never and would never do that to the false sedevacantists discussed above – they are not Holocaust deniers, flat earthers or anything else like that, and folks, as this moves forward there will only be more of these people who fall into this error, all based on the false premise that Antipope Bergoglio was ever the Pope.

It is so sad to watch.

This is why we have to keep pushing to get this resolved ASAP.  This is the diametrical opposite of “boring”.  People are losing their faith, being scandalized, and some are falling into deeper error, such as false sedevacantism.  The See isn’t vacant folks, and hasn’t been since the Interregnum of ARSH 2005.

I hope this helps.  God bless each and every one of you. Happy Pentecost!

The Spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world, alleluia; and that, which containeth all things hath knowledge of the voice, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and let them that hate Him flee flee from before His face.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.  As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be.  World without end.  Amen.