Monthly Archives: May 2020

Antipope Bergoglio, head of the Anti-church and probable False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist laying foundation to declare non-compliance with Bill Gates’ fake vaccine regime as “sin”

For those of you who are new to this space, or have been away for years, since back in the MF Global days, a micro-backgrounder.  Pope Benedict XVI, under intense pressure from the New World Order combine (remember the talk in the Clinton-Podesta emails about the “necessity of a Catholic Spring”?) proffered a TOTALLY LEGALLY INVALID RESIGNATION. Therefore, he never stopped being the Pope, and remains to this day the one and only living Pope, whether he likes it or not.  So, this apostate charlatan running around calling himself “Pope Francis” is NOT NOT NOT the pope, and never has been, and never will be.

I have been working non-stop for almost four years now on this question – one of the largest LEGIT, 100% REAL CONSPIRACIES ever executed.  You want a conspiracy to sink your teeth into?  You want a conspiracy with meat on it?  You want a conspiracy that is actually real?  Well, you can start with my four hours of video lecture on the topic.  It is heavy on Canon (Church) Law, but it is actually quite interesting, especially once one realizes that it is all directly and essentially tied into the New World Order project to overthrow and control the entire planet, as is playing out RIGHT NOW.  Additionally, I have written hundreds and hundreds of thousands of words in this space too.  It’s all there.  Just use the search box and start reading.

Overthrowing the Papacy, installing an Antipope, and building an Antichurch/One World Religion is UTTERLY ESSENTIAL to the New World Order plans, and has been explicitly discussed by the New Word Order cabal for well over a century (in Europe, the NWO is called by its original name: Freemasonry, the Freemasonic Lodge and the Grand Orient. Don’t be fooled by the benignity of American Freemasonry today.  The real driving power is a European political institution).  European Freemasonry has instigated and increased its power with almost EVERY WAR since the early 1700s, with the unwitting and witting cooperation of American Freemasonry and its allies.

Antipope Bergoglio’s twitter account tweeted one of the single most evil things anyone with their eyes open has yet seen out of him and his cabal on Saturday.  In one Tweet, the ENTIRETY of the Christian Faith was denied, AND a clear death threat was made to anyone who does not submit to the New World Order.

“Let us turn this time of pandemic into a test case to prepare for our collective future.  Without an all-embracing vision, there will be no future for anyone.”

  1.  There is no pandemic in the vulgar sense.  There is only a chest cold and ceaseless, conscienceless lying and agitporn.
  2. “To prepare for…”  No one will hold it against you if the phrase “Anti-John the Baptist” leaps into your mind.  John the Baptist was the Forerunner of Christ, who came to make straight the path and prepare the world for Christ.  Antipope Bergoglio is a vector of total destruction, confusion and fractionating, and is in bed with every manifestation of the spirit of Antichrist on the planet.
  3. “Our collective future…”  ONE. WORLD. GOVERNMENT.  — ONE. WORLD. RELIGION.
  4. “Without an all-embracing vision…”  Because the One True Faith is NOT, according to this wretched apostate, an “all-embracing vision”.  No, the world needs a NEW, BETTER One World Religion, because Christianity and the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is insufficient.
  5. “There will be no future for anyone.”  This is an EXPLICIT denial of the Creed – every word of it, from “We believe in One God…” to, “In One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church; we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. ” And every word in between.
    This is also a very, very thinly-veiled threat of violence and death if there is not submission to and compliance with the New Word Order totalitarian orders, most obviously the Mark of the Beast fake vaccine regime.  “You WILL wear your NewWorldOrder Submission Burqa, and you WILL receive the Mark of the Beast fake vaccine, or else you and EVERYONE will die and have no future because we don’t actually believe any of that stupid Catholic bullshit about an afterlife.”  



So, now do you realize why I have been working on exposing the Bergoglian Antipapacy for all of these years?  I didn’t leave the wheelhouse I was in before, exposing financial corruption, government corruption or the islamic political system.  I just shifted focus to the fourth frigate in the battle space – the ANTIPOPE, JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO and the cabal that engineered his usurpation of the Papacy.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the one and only living Pope whether he likes it or not, the Papacy, and the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Karen, Susan, Kathy… they walk among us under many names

An excerpt. Do click over and read the whole thing.

I am reminded of Isaiah 3: 12…

As for my people, their oppressors have stripped them, and women have ruled over them. O my people, they that call thee blessed, the same deceive thee, and destroy the way of thy steps.

And when we really look at how we’ve responded to COVID-19 it’s clear that the people behind the lock down of hundreds of millions of people knew they would have an army of Karens screaming on Twitter to ‘flatten the curve’ and quote bogus statistics they don’t understand from official smart people to justify giving full flower to their inner harpy.

You know who I’m talking about. These are the suburban women ratting out their neighbors for not social distancing, for *gasp* walking their dog or *gasp gasp* letting their kids play in the yard!

And that has enabled the worst people in the world to destroy the global economy because a bunch of frightened Karens can’t cope with the stress of living. The State cannot have people engaging in peaceful noncompliance with their edicts.

Karen-ness is a mental disorder. It’s the horrific admixture of narcissism, self-importance and solipsism which can only come from being encouraged to act badly thanks to cowardice. It leads to treating everyone else like they exist only to serve them.

Karens used to be a joke at best. They used to be Veruka Salt in Willy Wonka or the starting point of a female lead in a rom-com.

Now they run the world.

Karens are proto-Brown Shirts. They are the ultimate useful idiots of the Elite and they are destroying the world we live in. Because they are happiest when the State does something. They have no boundaries at home, so they welcome any time the State gives them what they want and then use that to bludgeon everyone else into line.

And the worst part is in this new age of gender fluidity, Karens are now found in both sexes. As guys who should know better join in the chorus of complaining about everything they don’t like.

It’s the worst in genre fandom, FYI. All you Cheeto-dusted message board warriors sitting on your gaming thrones b****ing about Star Wars or Marvel are simply Karens with doobs (Dude Boobs) because you feel entitled a particular story to fill your pathetic lives with meaning.

And then when you don’t get them you want someone fired.

Sound familiar?

In truth, if you were real men you’d grow up and spend that time acquiring skills to become a man worthy of allaying the fears of all the Karens you say are destroying your favorite stories….

Unwitting Allegory of the Day: St. Thomas More

Over the transom…

Dear Ann:

After I got over my initial shock and disgust, I thought you would be the best person to show this photo to.  This photo was taken at a very large suburban Denver parish which published this photo in an email for all of its thousands of parishioners in anticipation of being “allowed” to resume some level of in-person gathering for Mass and presumably Holy Communion.

Considering St. Thomas More was imprisoned, had his head chopped off and placed on a spike because he had the moral courage to stand up to the government in the face of a diabolically-fueled maniac hell bent on seizing total control over his realm, including changing the Church and the sacraments, it seems that this image ironically represents how far the post-Vatican II Church has sunk.  This is the post-Vatican II Church submission to the secular, humanist state in a nutshell.

  Saint Thomas More, pray for us.



Since the Court has determined to condemn me, God knoweth how, I will now discharge my mind concerning the indictment and the King’s title. The indictment is grounded in an act of Parliament which is directly repugnant to the law of God, and his Holy Church, the Supreme Government of which no temporal person may by any law presume to take upon him. This was granted by the mouth of our Saviour, Christ himself, to Saint Peter and the Bishops of Rome whilst He lived and was personally present here on earth. It is, therefore, insufficient in law to charge any Christian to obey it. And more to this, the immunity of the Church is promised both in Magna Carta and in the king’s own coronation oath. — [Cromwell: Now we plainly see you are malicious!] — Not so. I am the king’s true subject, and I pray for him and all the realm. I do none harm. I say none harm. I think none harm. And if this be not enough to keep a man alive, then in good faith, I long not to live.


God bless you people. Everyone.  How many minutes did this take?

I pray for all of you – benefactors and SUPPORTERS, at the Elevation of the Consecrated Host EVERY DAY at Mass. You’re there in a way, through me, even if you can’t be there in your location, and even if you aren’t in the Church.  I bring ER’RYBODY and let Our Lord sort out everything else.  But remember, he loves EVERYONE INFINITELY.

This is optimized for business card size, and the grey lines on the four borders are hand-cutting guidelines.  If you can, print these on heavier card stock, or even better, LAMINATE!!

1) Right click the image, then left click “Copy Image.”

2) Paste the image into a blank word processing document such as in Word Pad or Word.

3) Hold the shift key while clicking and moving a corner of the image will resize the image.  Holding the shift key preserves the horizontal and vertical proportions when resizing.

4) A margin bar at the top of the document page shows units in inches.  Use this built-in ruler to set the width of the card image on the page to 3.5 inches. The vertical dimension of the card will automatically go to 2 inches when resize is done with the shift key held down.

5) Print document.

6) Cut out printed card.

IMPORTANT UPDATE about the New World Order Dhimmi Veils and the ADA fines…!

Dear Ann,

I truly enjoy your blog and appreciate your posting the ADA image for no face mask. In researching the fees, I found the following information and wanted to share with you as I believe the fees you have written in the image posted have been increased as illustrated below.

USC citation Name/description CFR citation DOJ penalty
assessed after
DOJ penalty
assessed after
DOJ penalty
assessed after
42 U.S.C. 12188(b)(2)(C)(i) Americans With Disabilities Act; Public accommodations for individuals with disabilities, first violation 28 CFR 36.504(a)(3)(i) 89,078 90,535 92,383.
42 U.S.C. 12188(b)(2)(C)(ii) Americans With Disabilities Act; Public accommodations for individuals with disabilities, subsequent violation 28 CFR 36.504(a)(3)(ii) 178,156 181,071 184,767.


Thank you for all you do.

God Bless,


SO… can someone out there with good photoshop skillz update (and correct the “masks” (mask) and “ordianance” (ordinance) typos) and generally improve THIS image?  Ideally it should be formatted to the same size as a drivers’ license to fit in a wallet, or business card size.  The phone number is still good.

Happy Feast of the Crazy, Schismatic, Fringe Nut!

If and when travel becomes possible, St. Athanasius’ body is reposed in Venice.  He is over a side altar in a bunk-bed situation with… wait for it… Saint Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist.  Not bad.  I can only imagine that praying the Rosary with Saint Athanasius, and Saint Zechariah who was PRESENT AT THE SECOND JOYFUL MYSTERY, THE VISITATION, must be… powerful.  Definitely something to put on the bucket list.

Bunk beds! 

“In ancient times before the divine sojourn of the Savior took place, even to the saints death was terrible; all wept for the dead as though they perished. But now that the Savior has raised his body, death is no longer terrible; for all who believe in Christ trample on it as it were nothing and choose rather to die than deny their faith in Christ. And that devil that once maliciously exulted in death, now that its pains were loosed, remained the only one truly dead.”
St. Athanasius

Behold, the New World Order burqa. Baaaaaaa!


Evil People Never Admit They Are Wrong, and Will Retreat to Non-falsifiable Argumentation of, “If we hadn’t destroyed the economy and criminalized the worship of God, MILLIONS would have died!”

I’m just going to reprint this article below which is reprinted at W.M. Briggs’ place, but do click over, and absolutely bookmark Briggs.

I called bee-ess on CoronaCold on FEBRUARY 29 HERE as straight-up economic terrorism  because it was THAT GLARINGLY OBVIOUS.

Almost as glaringly obvious as Jorge Bergoglio being an Antipope….

Folks, evil people NEVER, EVER admit they were wrong, and they especially won’t in this case, because this CoronaCold hoax is probably the single-largest crime against humanity EVER executed.  People in positions of power should be tried for capital crimes against humanity and punished accordingly – IN PUBLIC, SO EVERYONE CAN SEE.  And what of civilians who pushed and fanned the flames of this evil, evil fraud?  Well, may God have mercy on them and may they seek His mercy in the Sacrament of Penance, and actually mean it – not just the sacrilegious “Ha-Ha! Off scott-free, YET AGAIN!  Gotta love the Sacraments!” routine.

Also, it is now becoming clear that a significant number of people have been murdered in cold blood under the cover of the CoronaCold Crime, most especially in New York, Belgium, and the UK (burn in Hell, NHS, the state religion of the UK).

Keep a close eye out for the children of evil among us to resort to the old trick of the non-falsifiable argument.  Remember, it is IMPOSSIBLE to prove a NEGATIVE.  In this world, it is impossible to prove that something WOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED IF….  And the children of darkness, both demonic and human, know this perfectly well.

So, when you see the argument made, and oh buddy it is going to be made NON-STOP from here forward, call it out, and stay the hell away from the people who are trying to cover their own butts instead of saying those three little words, “I WAS WRONG.”

But, but, but… if we hadn’t done the totalitarian imprisonment of half the human race, wrought total economic destruction, and criminalized the worship of God and the Sacraments… MILLIONS OR EVEN BILLIONS WOULD HAVE DIED! WE SAVED YOU STUPID IDIOTS! YOU SHOULD BE THANKING US, YOUR MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL BETTERS!!”

CLICK OVER TO W.M. BRIGGS and bookmark him if you haven’t already.

Reposted in full, below, because it is that important.  Read it over and over until you get it.  There is no pandemic.

No evidence indicates that this flu was exceptionally dangerous.  All that happened was the totally fraudulent coding of deaths from other things to CoronaCold.  Period.

An Egregious Statistical Horror Story — Reprint Of George Gilder Column

Used with permission from the original American Institute for Economic Research article. Regular readers: No Doom tomorrow.

With the latest reports of plummeting death rates from all causes, this crisis is over. The pandemic of doom erupted as a panic of pols and is now a comedy of Mash-minded med admins and stooges, covering their ifs ands and butts with ever more morbid and distorted statistics.

The crisis now will hit the politicians and political Doctor Faucis who gullibly accepted and trumpeted what statistician William Briggs calls “the most colossal and costly blown forecast of all time.”

An egregious statistical horror story of millions of projected deaths, suffused with incense and lugubrious accents from Imperial College of London to Harvard School of Public Health, prompted the pols to impose a vandalistic lockdown on the economy. It would have been an outrage even if the assumptions were not wildly astronomically wrong.

Flattening the curve was always a fool’s errand that widened the damage.

President Trump had better take notice. He will soon own this gigantic botch of policy and leadership. No one will notice that his opponents urged even more panicky blunders.

The latest figures on overall death rates from all causes show no increase at all. Deaths are lower than in 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2015, slightly higher than in 2016. Any upward bias is imparted by population growth.

Now writing a book on the crisis with bestselling author Jay Richards, Briggs concludes: “Since pneumonia deaths are up, yet all deaths are down, it must mean people are being recorded as dying from other things at smaller rates than usual.” Deaths from other causes are simply being ascribed to the coronavirus.

As usual every year, deaths began trending downward in January. It’s an annual pattern. Look it up. Since the lockdown began in mid-March, the politicians cannot claim that their policies had anything to do with the declining death rate.

A global study published in Israel by Professor Isaac Ben-Israel, chairman of the Israeli Space Agency and Council on Research and Development, shows that “the spread of the coronavirus declines to almost zero after 70 days—no matter where it strikes, and no matter what measures governments impose to try to thwart it.”

In fact, by impeding herd immunity, particularly among students and other non-susceptible young people, the lockdown in the U.S. has prolonged and exacerbated the medical problem. As Briggs concludes, “People need to get out into virus-killing sunshine and germicidal air.”

This flu like all previous viral flues will give way only to herd immunity, whether through natural propagation of an extremely infectious pathogen, or through the success of one of the hundreds of vaccine projects (Ann notes: ABSOLUTELY NO WAY).

No evidence indicates that this flu was exceptionally dangerous. On March 20th, the French published a major controlled study that shows no excess mortality at all from coronavirus compared to other flues. SARS and Mers were both much more lethal and did not occasion what Briggs’ reader “Uncle Dave” described as “taking a hammer and sickle to the economy.”

We now know that the crisis was a comedy of errors. The Chinese let it get going in the raw bat markets of Wuhan. But together with the Koreans, the Chinese dithered and demurred and allowed six weeks of rampant propagation to create herd immunity before they began locking everyone up. Therefore, the Chinese and Koreans were among the first to recover.

The Italians scared everybody with their haphazard health system and smoking fogies. Crammed together in subways and tenements, the New Yorkers registered a brief blip of extreme cases. Intubations and ventilators turned out not to help (80 percent died). This sowed fear and frustration among medical personnel slow to see that the problem was impaired hemogloblin in the blood rather than lung damage.

The New York media piled on with panic, with bogus reports of rising deaths. “Coronavirus deaths” soared by assuming that people dying with the virus were dying from it and then by ascribing to the coronavirus other deaths among people with symptoms of pulmonary distress, even without being tested.

Now jacking up the case rate will be further pointless testing. As Briggs points out,

“Fauci is calling for ‘tripling’ of testing, which can only boost these dailies [case totals]. And make it seem like there’s a genuine increase occurring. Oh my! The daily reported cases are up! It must mean the disease is spreading!

“No. It could also mean, and probably does given all the other evidence we now have from sampling, that the disease was already there, and we just now have measured it.”

The death rate rises with further reclassification of pneumonia and other pulmonary deaths. When we reach herd immunity, and nearly everyone has the antigen, nearly all deaths can be chalked up to COVID19. Hey, it will be Quod Erat Demonstrandum for the panic mongers.
In a fascinating open letter to German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, epidemiologist Mihai Grigoriu concludes that with the French study, corroborated by findings from a Stanford antibody seroprevalence study in Santa Clara county, “the case for extreme measures collapses like a house of cards.” Grigoriu says that since the virus has already spread widely in the general population, efforts to stop further spread are both futile and destructive.

So let’s stop pretending that our policies have been rational and need to be phased out, as if they once had a purpose. They should be reversed summarily and acknowledged to be a mistake, perpetrated by statisticians with erroneous computer models.

Perhaps then we can learn from this experience with the flaws of expertise not to shut down the economy again for the totally bogus “crisis” of climate change.

“…he alone is the savior of his Savior.”

To give life to someone is the greatest of all gifts. To save a life is the next. Who gave life to Jesus? It was Mary. Who saved his life? It was Joseph. Ask St. Paul who persecuted him. Saint Peter who denied him. Ask all the saints who put him to death. But if we ask, “Who saved his life?” Be silent, patriarchs, be silent, prophets, be silent, apostles, confessors and martyrs. Let St. Joseph speak, for this honor is his alone; he alone is the savior of his Savior.
-Blessed William Joseph Chaminade

St. Joseph and the Christ Child (detail), Guido Reni, ARSH 1640