Here it comes: Post-synodal exhortation abolishes priestly celibacy

“We know that this discipline “is not required by the very nature of the priesthood” (PO 16), although there is for many reasons a convenient relationship with it.”

(Sappiamo che questa disciplina “non è richiesta dalla natura stessa del sacerdozio” (PO 16), sebbene vi sia per molte ragioni un rapporto di convenienza con esso.)


Remember what these lying apostate bastards are intentionally leaving out:

The rule from DAY ONE was that married men who were ordained had to observe PERFECT, PERPETUAL CONTINENCE. They could never have sex with their wives again. Because, to be a priest and offer the Holy Sacrifice is to be mystically espoused to the Church, and to Christ Himself. The Mass is a nuptial act.

Everyone understood this until not too terribly long ago.

Prof. de Mattei’s original Italian coverage here.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.