Monthly Archives: June 2019

Satanism: Some Things To Remember

(I’m reposting this essay from two years ago because of the news Church Militant is breaking on the satanist Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who ran the American Church, and hand-picked almost every man elevated to the episcopacy in the U.S. for nearly a quarter century.)

Satanism is real, folks. It isn’t a joke or a “scary story”. It is a very real thing, and it has grown and become more sophisticated over the past century, as one would expect.  Here are just a few things to keep in mind about it.


Right now in the (former) U.S., there are satanist groups popping up performing rituals, and even doing charitable drives in order to attract attention.  Many of these groups are ATHEISTS who do not believe in the supernatural (God) OR the preternatural (satan, demons, etc.).  They seem to profess the superiority of the individual human will and reject any notion of objective morality.  They tend to talk a lot about “reason”.  Given their error, they tend to descend into sexual perversion and extreme hedonism as a way of manifesting their rebellion and rejection of God.  But they oftentimes openly profess that they themselves do not believe in satan, demons or hell – only in themselves.

But satan and the demons sure enough do believe in them, and these people are very, very firmly in satan’s grasp.  These people are like the daredevils that free-climb skyscrapers, cranes, etc.  They are playing with death and damnation, whether they believe it or not.

The other kind of satanism is people who actually believe in God, and in satan and hell, and freely choose to worship satan, generally in exchange for power, money and sex.  This is the type of satanism that exists in the Vatican, and was written about by Malachi Martin.  Martin’s writings are true, with only the names changed, but in obvious ways.  In fact, there is a key to all of the names in Martin’s books easily available with a simple web search.  For example, the man who ran the Church in the U.S. from the 1960s through the 1990s, Joseph Bernardin, who was a flaming sodomite, child rapist, and a practicing satanist, was codenamed Cardinal Leonardine.  Like I said, thinly veiled.

These “believing satanists” perform “black masses”, which are ceremonies that ape and completely invert the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  These “black masses” are said in Latin, and invert, step by step, the Old Rite.  They begin at the end, and go backward.  They involve murder, rape, or consensual sodomy.  Believing satanists, led by Aleister Crowley and later Anton LeVey, entered the 20th century admitting that their “liturgies” were lacking in precision, and that the Latin used was riddled with errors.  Judging by the parabolic increase in the power and influence of satanists both in the Church and throughout the world over the past few decades, apparently they have recruited Latinists and liturgists to “improve” their evil rites.

These believing satanists are Diabolical Narcissists who are literally at war with God Himself, obviously. Many DNs are attracted to the Church thinking that it will provide them with power, adulation and oftentimes sex.  When their lives don’t turn out as they wanted, when the Church and the world fail to fall at their feet, they actually turn against God Himself.  After all, for a DN, the only  truly worthy adversary is God Himself.  Already devoid of love, already devoid of empathy, already devoid of shame, and almost always highly intelligent, some of these people are identified and recruited by satanists.

Guess where satanists have mainly recruited?  Gay bars.  Joseph Bernardin was recruited out of the Columbia, SC gay bar scene when he was a pre-med undergrad at USC in the late 1940s.

And what gay bar scene has the highest concentration of priests, monks and seminarians?  The ROME gay bar scene, specifically the Rome CLERICAL gay bar scene – because there are gay bars in Rome that cater specifically to seminarians and clerics, and to Vatican Museum tour guides laymen who chase seminarians, priests and bishops. Just sayin’.

The credo of satanism is, “The only sin is not to sin. The only shameful act is to NOT be shameless.”  This is very close to Luther’s cry of “Sin boldly!” Thus, satanists have a scathing contempt for genuine piety, principled stands, and morality.  I have learned over the past four years that evil people within the Church will always accuse people with morality of being heretics.  So, for example, a sacreligious sodomite in the Church would accuse a person with a firm belief and understanding of the 6th Commandment of being a “Jansenist”, a “Calvinist” or a “Rigorist”.  Does this correlate 100% with satanism? No, of course not, but the roots of this mindset are satanic in origin.

Satanists, because they are DNs, tend to be very intelligent, high-functioning, charming people.  Satanists would never recruit anyone that couldn’t maintain and project an attractive facade of goodness, much less normalcy.  You would never pick a satanist out just walking down the street.  No drooling, no forked tail, no horns, etc. In fact, it tends to be the opposite – satanists are more likely to be desperately charming, resplendent even, at least superficially.

Satanists will always be connected to extreme sexual perversion and sacrilege.  Remember, any sex act with or by a priest, monk, seminarian, or nun is an act of sacrilege, above and beyond the sin of fornication and/or sodomy. So, for example, a faggot layman that cruises for priests and seminarians is committing a graver sin than the secular faggots screwing each other.  Likewise, a woman that fornicates with a priest commits a graver sin than secular faggots that commit sodomy, or secular heterosexuals that fornicate. The sins of sacrilege are sins of irreligion, which are a subset of the FIRST commandment.  The Ten Commandments are ordered and numbered as they are by God for a reason.  Sins against the First Commandment are the most grave.  Remember, the sin of adultery is the SIXTH Commandment.  So satanists, by definition, are gunning to commit the gravest sins possible, of which sacrilegious fornication/sodomy are the most common.  The fact that satanists engage in sacriligious sodomy/fornication as part of their satanic “liturgies” just puts more icing on the satanic cake.

An interesting characteristic of satanists is extreme, rapid worldly and particularly financial success.  I will not be at all surprised if at the General Judgment, when all is revealed, that the spectacularly evil founder of the Legionaries of Christ, a stone-cold racketeering organization, Marcial Maciel, is revealed to have been a satanist.  Why do I say this?  Aside from the fact that the guy was a bisexual incestuous pedophile rapist who flatly rejected Christ on his deathbed, a huge red flag is the staggering financial “success” of the Legion of Christ racketeering organization itself.  In less than 50 years, the Legion of Christ amassed a fortune of more than $30 BILLION.  That’s approaching something the size of General Motors.  The last figures I saw put the Legion of Christ’s annual operating budget at $650 million, with 650 priests.  That a million per priest per year.  Again, that is a simply staggering figure.  Given the fact that the founder and the upper echelon of the Legion of Christ racketeering cult was almost totally populated by DN psychopath sacriligious fornicators and sodomites, many of whom were child molesters, and ruined so many lives of young people drawn into its cult, it certainly gives one pause.

Another key characteristic of satanists is an overall comportment of untouchability.  They tend to commit crimes and scandals somewhat openly, operating as if they KNOW that they are protected and no one can or will touch them.  We see this in the Church, politics, finance and the entertainment industry.  Now, this can certainly be a characteristic of Diabolical Narcissism, but it also, in context, can point to possible satanism.  People involved in satanism are the epitome of an elitist clique.  Satanists protect and advance each other.  They are the ultimate mafia.  They are all about power, of which money and sex are both subsets. And, it is true that preternatural forces sometimes come into play and facilitate or enable these people’s crimes.  Satan wants these people to “succeed” in dragging more souls into hell.  Again, we need to keep reminding ourselves that satan and the demons are real, and there are preternatural forces in the world.

Now, don’t go accusing every malefactor of being a satanist, just as one shouldn’t accuse every malefactor of being a Diabolical Narcissist.  BUT, be aware of these things, especially in the context of what is going on in Rome and the Vatican.  There absolutely are satanists in the Vatican – how many I know not, but I do know that there are a hell of a lot of sacriligious sodomites and people who give every indication of hating God and being at war with Him and His Holy Church.  So, we should be aware of these things and not be caught by surprise.

I hope this helps.  And I hope I never have to write about it again.

NEW BARNHARDT VIDEO: Part 2 – “The Bergoglian Antipapacy: The Freemasonic/Teutonic Final Attack on the Petrine See

I told you that there would be lots of new content in June!

Forgive the “mood lighting”.  Phone-Camera number one failed at launch, so we had to use the backup phone-camera, and it did this charming lighting effect.  Hey, this is about the content, folks.

Speaking of content:

The Part 1 Video from November ARSH 2018

Link to PDF of Slide Presentation:…

Mark Docherty’s NonVeniPacem blog.

Link to Sandro Magister September 2014 piece on Canon Lawyers questioning the validity of Pope Benedict’s February 2013 attempted partial resignation:…

Link to J. Michael Miller’s Doctoral Dissertation, “The Divine Right of the Papacy in Recent Ecumenical Theology”. Available for electronic purchase.…


Link to Joseph Ratzinger’s “The Primacy of the Pope and the Unity of the People of God”.…

As always, I strongly encourage downloading, mirroring, reposting, as that is the best defense against censorship.

I hope this helps.  Keep praying folks!  Hang in there!  Things are happening!  The enemies of Christ, His Holy Church and the Papacy are NOT going to get away with this!

Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, pray for us!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!

How Fr. Jonathan Morris spent his time off “discerning” whether to dump his priesthood…

“Jesus said to him: No man putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” -Luke 9:62

I wonder if Fr. Morris will become a certified sommelier too? After all, all the cool ex-priests are doing it.

Behold the agony of discerning out of marriage vows to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church: at a wine bar in Spello, Italy.

“9 April

Last Sunday was another beautiful day. We had the pleasure to get to know another great man of the Church, Fr. Jonathan Morris, of the diocese of New York.

A very cultured man that has published several successful books and is responsible for TV and radio programs.

Besides being an intellectual, Father is also a great lover of wine, so much so that he visited us with his friends for a wine tasting. On this occasion he was given the favorite liquor of Pope Francis (sic).

We have a date for next year, when we go to New York City.

To the health of all believers and non-believers! Cheers, friends!”

Oh, didn’t you know? Fr. Jonathan Morris married Liz Lev and Fr. Thomas Williams

When I was first shown these pictures of the Lev-Williams wedding, the person who showed them to me had been “friends” with Lev for a loooooong time. The person said to me, and was being dead serious, that if they hadn’t specifically known what they were looking at, and didn’t obviously recognize Fr. Thomas Williams, not only would they not have recognized Liz Lev, but they initially momentarily thought that they were looking at pictures of a drag queen.

Bear in mind, Fr. Williams’ laicization and release from his vows of celibacy was signed only a matter of days before this scandalous wedding took place, and only because Lev’s mother, Mary Ann Glendon was frantically dispatched to Rome to get it signed by Antipope Bergoglio. Glendon was appointed to the Vatican Bank fake auditing committee a couple of months later. That tells you something about the level of corruption at which these grifters operate.

They planned this whole sick bridezilla monstrosity WHILE Fr. Williams was still 100% a priest. Including soliciting CASH WEDDING GIFTS online. Because when you marry your priest baby daddy at the age of fifty, and you live in a million dollar apartment in Rome, nothing says “class” like begging for cash. Because they were so, so, SO totally, desperately sorry for their decade-plus of open sacrilegious fornication and lying. The only thing that could help them overcome their sorrow was… cold hard cash.

You can take the pri€$t out of the £€gion, but you can’t take the £€gion out of the pri€$t.

Well, you can clearly see how sorry they are, and how concerned they are about the scandal they are infecting the world with, including the very priest that is marrying them, in the picture.

This is just begging to be captioned or memed.

Three words, y’all: Vow. Of. Chastity.”

“And then, I looked him right in the eye and said, ‘No, Joshua isn’t Fr. Thomas’ son.’ And the stupid idiot actually believed me!”

“No, I can top that! I can’t tell you how many people I’ve told, ‘It was a one night stand…’ Hell, I’m STILL working that one…”

“And then remember the time I had my ghostwriters write me a book called, ‘Knowing Right from Wrong’?”

And now, lo these five years later, to nobody’s surprise, the very priest who performed their wedding has now followed in Mr. Liz Lev’s Prada be-loafered footsteps.

From left, Fr. Jonathan Morris, Liz Lev unrecognizable under several pounds of makeup (not a drag queen), Mr. Liz Lev (hours removed from being a priest under vows of celibacy and chastity), unknown priest.

St. Mary Magdalene, pray for us.

God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.

Stow the Glassware and Good China in the Santa Marta Dining Hall Today! Two Cardinals and Three Bishops Have Issued A Watershed Teaching Document!

Filthy Fauxp.

This document is a very good read – and well constructed.  Forty quick, sharp bullet points restating in no uncertain terms the teaching of the Church, each point rebutting a heresy of Antipope Bergoglio.

It was drafted and signed by:

Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Cardinal Janis Pujats, Archbishop emeritus of Riga
Tomash Peta, Archbishop of the archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana
Jan Pawel Lenga, Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Karaganda
Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of the archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana

I think this document should be xeroxed and made available in the narthex of every parish.  It is good.  It is solid. It is very easy to read and understand.

The Fauxp is going to be throwing the dishes today, methinks!  I wonder if he follows up on his raging threat of a few years ago to “take their hats!”

It seems the Holy Ghost is moving and shaking in this Octave of Pentecost!  Let’s see what else happens this week…!

The Lord thundered from heaven, the Most High gave forth His voice; and the fountains of waters appeared, alleluia.


GUEST POST: “The Perverse Opinions of Those Who Distort the Form of Government Established by Christ the Lord in His Church”

The following is a guest post by Mr. Mark Docherty of the NonVeniPacem Blog.

“At open variance with this clear doctrine of Holy Scripture are the perverse opinions of those who distort the form of government established by Christ the Lord in His Church”

Note well the two-pronged attack on error, via proper Authority and Jurisdiction, woven throughout this quote:

“We therefore teach and declare that, according to the testimony of the Gospel, the primacy of jurisdiction over the universal Church of God was immediately and directly promised and given to Blessed Peter the Apostle by Christ the Lord.

“For it was to Simon alone, to whom he had already said, “You shall be called Cephas” (John 1:42), that the Lord, after the confession made by him, saying, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”, addressed these solemn words: “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father, who is in heaven. And I say to you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound, even in heaven. And whatever you shall release on earth shall be released, even in heaven.” (Mt 16:16-19).

“And it was upon Simon alone that Jesus, after His Resurrection, bestowed the jurisdiction of Chief Pastor and Ruler over all His fold, by the words: “Feed my lambs. Feed my sheep.” (John 21:15-17).

“At open variance with this clear doctrine of Holy Scripture, as it has ever been understood by the Catholic Church, are the perverse opinions of those who, while they distort the form of government established by Christ the Lord in His Church, deny that Peter, in his single person, preferably to all the other Apostles, whether taken separately or together, was endowed by Christ with a true and proper primacy of jurisdiction; or of those who assert that the same primacy was not bestowed immediately and directly upon Blessed Peter himself, but upon the Church, and through the Church on Peter as her Minister.

If anyone, therefore, shall say that Blessed Peter the Apostle was not appointed the Prince of all the Apostles and the visible Head of the whole Church Militant; or that the same, directly and immediately, received from the same, Our Lord Jesus Christ, a primacy of honor only, and not of true and proper jurisdiction; let him be anathema.
Pope Pius IX, PASTOR AETERNUS, 18 July 1870

What can we learn from this?

-Pio Nono was never vague or squishy

-The form of government of the Church, and the primacy of juridical and jurisdictional authority of the Church, was dictated by Christ Himself

-Since it was established by God Himself, it is immutable; not to be messed with in any way, no matter what the majority of 1960s German theologians thought HERE

-The Papacy was then, is now, and ever shall be until the consummation of the world, a Divinely Instituted Monarchy with full and universal power

-The transfer of the keys is conferred directly from Christ to Peter and to his successors (not through the cardinals, not upon the Church, nor through the Church to Peter… if at one time this seemed like a distinction without consequence, recent events have borne out its extreme importance)

-Yes, the Cardinals have the authority to elect a new pontiff, provided that the See is vacant (ahem, canon 359). But even if the See is indeed vacant and they validly elect a new pontiff, the papacy is bestowed upon the new pope directly by Christ Himself, not by the Cardinals, and not by the Church.

Let’s assume for a moment for the sake of argument that the 2013 “conclave and election” were valid, in the sense that Benedict’s failed partial abdication was not at issue. Let’s say the Cardinal electors followed all the rules, and voted legitimately. But the man they elected is an arch-heretic Marxist masonic non-Catholic, avowed enemy of the faith, who operates only in the material, non-supernatural realm of politics, economics, sociology, and ecology, extolling mankind to strive towards an earthly utopia as the ultimate good.

If that were to happen, is Christ really bound to confer the crown? While we have had awful, immoral, degenerate popes in the past, we have never, ever had a man like this one-world government, one-world religion poseur, squatting on the Chair of St. Peter. Never.

Think about this.

Now if the election/conclave were invalid, or in fact was not merely invalid, due to some procedural violations of UDG 81/82, but did not even take place, what would that mean? Would Christ transfer the keys to a man who was faux-elected in a faux-conclave that didn’t really take place? We are talking about ontological reality, not appearances. Sometimes appearances have nothing to do with reality, because as we learned, “An act of deception, no matter how cleverly conceived or convincingly executed, cannot change the objective reality of a given situation” HERE.

So if someone were to tell you that “the Church” has the power to grant or deny the papal office out of some majority opinion, or even super-majority opinion, or even “Universal Acceptance,” they would go against settled doctrine, and it would mean any pope could be deposed by mob rule.

If then they say that the super-majority (it’s certainly not “universal acceptance”) didn’t directly CAUSE the “resignation” to be valid nor CAUSE the subsequent “election” to be valid, but rather they invert the premise and say that the visible existence of the super-majority, while not causal, is in fact the PROOF SET of God accepting and acting, well then they would be claiming that the will of men forces the hand of God. God has NO CHOICE, and must act in accord with mob rule. Either this, or else they would have to claim that no no no, God accepts and acts on his own, of course, but then imposes His decision onto the minds of the super-majority, overriding their individual free will, and thus forcing the result of Universal Acceptance, in some sort of divine brainwashing.

These are circular arguments within circular arguments.

Note well, canon 332.2 is not a general norm, nor some kind of obscure/arcane law, but rather deals precisely with the occasion of a pope choosing to resign, and the required conditions for the validly of the resignation.

The majority of the Catholic world is operating as if this canon does not exist or does not matter:

Can. 332§2. If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and properly manifested but not that it is accepted by anyone.

This tells us that:

-A papal abdication depends upon the free and proper manifestation of the resignation itself.

-The Cardinals have no authority to “accept” said resignation – their acceptance or rejection of the resignation has zero bearing the on the ontological reality of its validity; rather, its validity depends on it being freely and properly manifested. Christ is the arbiter, and Christ has bound Himself to the Law specifically to preclude the possibility of an “unknowable chaos” and guarantee the visibility of the Church, including at its earthly head.

We also have canon 188 fully in play in this matter, as there is a mountain of evidence that Benedict intended to create, and today believes he is participating in, an “Expanded Petrine Ministry,” which would be a most colossal “substantial error:”

Can. 188. A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

So again, if someone claims that “universal acceptance” of the election by the Cardinals, or even by the whole Church, guarantees both the acceptance of the election AND the acceptance of the antecedent resignation, remind them of a couple things:

-Whatever his reasons, Pope Benedict did not resign the Munus in his Latin Declaratio

-Pope Benedict (in his mind) created, defined, and executed his future role, which should have been at the sole discretion of the new Supreme Pontiff, had one actually been elected

-“Pope Emeritus” is not a real thing, is not provided for anywhere in canon law, and is an impossibility: When a bishop retires his office and becomes an ‘emeritus’ per can. 402.1, he becomes bishop emeritus of his diocese precisely because he remains a bishop but without the office… one cannot “remain pope” without the office

Benedict demonstrates his continued pontifical duties in various ways, including writing books and granting interviews, refusing to live in seclusion, imparting “MY Apostolic Blessing”, addressed as His Holiness, continuing to sign correspondence “HHPBXVI,” wearing the papal garb (because ahem “no other clothes were available”), prevented the fisherman’s ring from being destroyed, newly minted Cardinals are brought before him for his blessing…

-Benedict testified numerous times about his belief in the indelible nature of accepting the papacy, once pope always pope, that he is not fleeing but remaining “in a new way” in the enclosure of St. Peter, to fulfill the “essential spiritual nature” of the papacy as its contemplative participant, while delegating the governance aspect to the active participant

-All of the above point to an invalid non-resignation of the Munus per can. 332.2, and by “substantial error” per can. 188, and subsequently a “conclave” and “election” in March of 2013 that never happened. This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s not crazy, it’s not schismatic. It’s the truth.

I (Mark Docherty) don’t have a degree in canon law, nor any advanced degrees of any kind. I have a diploma from a public high school and a B.S. in Food Marketing (from a Jesuit institution, no less… AMDG, y’all). But I can tell you this: Words have meaning; in the law, and in actions. That words are to be taken at face value, both in the law and in specific acts, is actually part of canon law (more to come on this). Everything presented here is done so according to the plain meaning of words, and you don’t need to be a genius to decipher it. Otherwise, it would be Gnosticism.

I’ll leave you with this little bit from the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

The Church’s ultimate trial

675 Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers.574 The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth575 will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.576
676 The Antichrist’s deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism,577 especially the “intrinsically perverse” political form of a secular messianism.578
677 The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection.579 The kingdom will be fulfilled, then, not by a historic triumph of the Church through a progressive ascendancy, but only by God’s victory over the final unleashing of evil, which will cause his Bride to come down from heaven.580 God’s triumph over the revolt of evil will take the form of the Last Judgment after the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world.581

The Fauxp reverencing the Pope, while the Pope’s warden looks on.


I originally wrote and posted this on March 29, ARSH 2010. This was fully a year before I went viral for the first time after my koran burning. I had a little bit of a non-agricultural readership, but nothing like now. I began screaming and yelling about politics and broad-market economics in ARSH 2008 when I saw that the U.S. was in the process of being overthrown, and lots of agricultural people thought I was nuts, and I doubtless turned a bunch of people off. That’s why I was getting emails from people advising me to watch my mouth and not “get myself crossways with the Powers That Be.”

Getting crossways with The Powers That Be was the making of me. Have I mentioned lately how happy I am in the Van Down By The (Second) River? God is good.

Read this until you get it. Unless and until you people man up and stop cowering in fear, unless and until you fully understand that the only way you can possibly win is being willing to lose everything, up to and including your life, the outcome is utterly certain: evil will triumph. You and your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will live and die under satanic totalitarian rule. Yes, Christ will win in the end, but as billions of human beings before you would happily remind you, Jesus Christ returning in glory to grease all of the bad guys before you die IS NOT A GIVEN.

Cowardice is a sin. Courage is a virtue. Man up and take care of business. For the love of God.



Why do you write stuff and make videos like that? Why don’t you lay low? If this gets serious you’re going to be in big trouble. You might be in trouble already.”

Because bravery and cowardice are a zero-sum game. When a man cowers, he isn’t just merely shielding himself from danger and nothing more. What he is doing is shirking off on to some other man his share of bravery that justice demands. Because the good German people cowered and failed to stand up and stop what they clearly saw happening in the mid-to-late 1930s, their collective failure in courage cumulated and compounded. Where their failure in courage all eventually ended up was on the shoulders of these guys, 75 years ago today.

Company E, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division

See how that works? Good will always prevail, but there is no limit to the amount of suffering that will be required for that victory to occur. If men stand up early on, the suffering will be minimized because it will be spread over many people. The worst that might happen is that some folks go to bed scared for a while, but widespread bravery will allow good to prevail without much suffering. If, however, there is a decided lack of courage displayed by a large group or society early on in an advance by the powers of evil, that aggregated courage requirement will be borne by a relative few at a later time. The longer this goes on, the worse it will be for the few who have to bear the weight of the cowardice of the broad society.

So, why am I so mouthy? Simply put, because I don’t want your son to end up sprawled on some city street with his legs blown off by a Marxist-Islamist-Freemasonic-Bergoglian RPG bleeding to death because he had to shoulder my personal failure in courage. Got it? That is all.

Reaffirmed in perpetuity,
Ann Barnhardt

From the Van Down By the Second River

Happy Update on the Praiseworthy Patristics Project to Ponder and Patronize!

Excellent news!  The Praiseworthy Patristics Project to Ponder and Patronize has raised enough funds to lock-in the project, and work has already begun!

As mentioned initially, the end product will be a high quality hardbound resource for commentaries on the Sunday Mass and Major Feast readings from the Patristic and Medieval Church Fathers. This resource would enable priests to develop homilies of depth and quality, returning to the vast catechetical treasury of the Fathers, so needed, and so largely, and catastrophically, ignored for over half a century now.

This volume, when finished, would make a great gift for priests and seminarians, and a fine addition to one’s parish or home library.

I can’t wait for the finished product.  I suspect it will sit on my shelf next to my collection of St. Alphonsus Liguori’s sermons.

The Four Great Doctors of the Western Church, Pier Francesco Sacchi, ARSH 1516. From the left: Saint Augustine, Pope Gregory I, Saint Jerome, and Saint Ambrose, Louvre