Each day that passes means that we are one day closer to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, and a Church purged of sodomite priests.

Here is a tweet, still active, of an American Jesuit priest who is openly a sodomite, and has been promoted and sent to Rome to work in the Curia in the so-called “New Evangelization” dicastery, Fr. Robert R. Ballecer, SJ. Ballecer took this picture from his airplane as he was landing in Rome a few […]

Practicing Satanists In the Hierarchy of the Institutional/Antichurch: The Other Shoe That Still Needs To Drop – And Will, Eventually

EXTREMELY ADULT CONTENT I watched the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s presser live yesterday, and knew as I was watching it that I was witnessing an event that will go down in history. A watershed moment.  I am also so very vivified – quickened, if you will – by all of this.  Think about it, folks.  I, […]

Wolves in Jacquard and Lace: On Sodomites in Traddyland – Liturgical Fetishists

It is essential that orthodox, “Traddy” Catholics face with manful virility the problems within their own ranks – specifically the presence of homosexual men that are attracted to the Traditional Mass not from any genuine religious belief, but due to Liturgical Fetishism. These men, nearly all of them homosexually oriented, are a massive scandal and […]

Repost: The #MeToo Sex Assault/Harassment Movement Needs To Begin With Men In The Church

(Originally penned and posted in November of ARSH 2017 when the whole Weinstein #MeToo thing broke.  Now with the exposure of the open secret of American Cardinal McCarrick being a serial sodomite assaulter, others are calling for the countless thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of males who have been victims and/or witnesses to […]

Cutting the Crap: 32 Questions and Blunt Answers About The Catholic Church and Antipope Bergoglio

Judging by my email box and various comment threads around the internet, more and more people are being scandalized and losing their faith every day.  One of the reasons people are scandalized is because everything they read in the conservative or traditional wing of The Church is deeply unsatisfying, and even irrational and nonsensical, oftentimes […]