Please pray for the repose of the soul of Deacon Charles Outtier, aged 25, who has been tragically killed when the tractor he was operating at the ICK seminary in Italy rolled over onto him while he was working in the seminary’s olive grove.

What a truly awful tragedy.
Please pray for the repose of Deacon Outtier’s soul, for his family, for his fellow seminarians and for The Institute of Christ the King.
Holy Mother Church will lack one more priest, but hopefully Deacon Outtier will soon be praying for us, for the ICK and his confreres, and for the Church Militant while looking directly upon the Most Holy Trinity.
Folks, please, go to confession. Stay confessed. Any of us are only a split-second accident away from death.
St. Francis de Sales, St. Philip Neri, St. Benedict, pray for us.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.