Monthly Archives: June 2022

Barnhardt Podcast #174: Highway to the Podcast Zone

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss the devotion to the Sacred Heart as well as the 12 promises of the Sacred Heart — which are enough to take my breath away! — and are such a consolation in a world where evil men seek only to be playing with the boys. We also discussed the new formula for absolution which, while valid, will be sure to disturb the calm of a few souls.

Through the fire of these hot summer nights of chaos, the mighty wings of the Holy Spirit will guide us through the danger zone of evil; be not confused with destination unknown but ask God: “Lead me, so that I may see heaven in your eyes for all eternity!”

***Disclaimer: Supernerd might have been listening to the Top Gun soundtrack while preparing this podcast summary…

Links, Reading, and Video:

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Two men stand up to the obese women sacrificing children to moloch’s sodomite priests. Watch and be edified.

“We’re going to call the police.”

“YES! Please do! There’s a pedophile here with children!”

Why every one of these events, well-advertised as they are, aren’t stormed by the county sheriffs is a sad testimony, and confirms that the moral responsibility to protect children is now squarely upon civilian Christian men.

It only took two men to stop this event. Imagine if six, eight or fifteen men rolled in to every attempt to sacrifice children like this.

St. Anthony has a little advice…

“The Creator of the heavens obeys a carpenter; the God of eternal glory listens to a poor virgin. Has anyone ever witnessed anything comparable to this? Let the philosopher no longer disdain from listening to the common laborer; the wise, to the simple; the educated, to the illiterate; a child of a prince, to a peasant.”

-St. Anthony of Padua

Vatican I defined the dogma of Papal Infallibility precisely so that we could easily recognize Antipope Bergoglio as an Antipope, and thus Pope Benedict’s Substantially Erroneous attempted partial resignation as invalid. Vatican I wasn’t a mistake. It is proof of God’s loving Providence

Resigning an Office is a JURIDICAL act, not a matter of faith and morals. This is why Canon Law addresses the conditions of validity or invalidity of a putative Papal resignation (332.2 and 188) – because JURIDICAL acts are NOT in any way covered under the dogma of Papal Infallibility. In fact, Canons 332.2 and 188 protect the Office of the Papacy itself from any juridical Substantial Error committed by the Pope, invalidating by the Law itself any substantially erroneous, coerced, or bribed resignation, and thus retaining the Office to him until he either proffers a juridically valid resignation, or dies.

Vatican I was crystal clear in its definition of Papal Infallibility as pertaining ONLY to ex cathedra teaching on matters of faith and morals – NOT juridical acts. The Pope is free to louse-up a resignation, and we know this for an ontological certainty because loused-up papal resignations are addressed in Canon Law, AND Vatican I clearly defined the domain of Papal Infallibility as matters of faith and morals, NOT juridical acts.

Here is the entirety of Chapter 4 of Session 4 of Vatican 1.  It’s a short, clear and worth three minutes of your time to read.  Emphases mine.

Chapter 4.
On the infallible teaching authority of the Roman Pontiff

1. That apostolic primacy which the Roman Pontiff possesses as successor of Peter, the prince of the apostles, includes also the supreme power of teaching. This Holy See has always maintained this, the constant custom of the Church demonstrates it, and the ecumenical councils, particularly those in which East and West met in the union of faith and charity, have declared it.

2. So the fathers of the fourth Council of Constantinople, following the footsteps of their predecessors, published this solemn profession of faith: The first condition of salvation is to maintain the rule of the true faith. And since that saying of our lord Jesus Christ, You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church [55], cannot fail of its effect, the words spoken are confirmed by their consequences. For in the Apostolic See the Catholic religion has always been preserved unblemished, and sacred doctrine been held in honor. Since it is our earnest desire to be in no way separated from this faith and doctrine, we hope that we may deserve to remain in that one communion which the Apostolic See preaches, for in it is the whole and true strength of the Christian religion [56].

What is more, with the approval of the second Council of Lyons, the Greeks made the following profession:
“The Holy Roman Church possesses the supreme and full primacy and principality over the whole Catholic Church. She truly and humbly acknowledges that she received this from the Lord himself in blessed Peter, the prince and chief of the apostles, whose successor the Roman Pontiff is, together with the fullness of power. And since before all others she has the duty of defending the truth of the faith, so if any questions arise concerning the faith, it is by her judgment that they must be settled.” [57]

Then there is the definition of the Council of Florence:
“The Roman Pontiff is the true vicar of Christ, the head of the whole Church and the father and teacher of all Christians; and to him was committed in blessed Peter, by our lord Jesus Christ, the full power of tending, ruling and governing the whole Church.” [58]

3. To satisfy this pastoral office, our predecessors strove unwearyingly that the saving teaching of Christ should be spread among all the peoples of the world; and with equal care they made sure that it should be kept pure and uncontaminated wherever it was received.

4. It was for this reason that the bishops of the whole world, sometimes individually, sometimes gathered in synods, according to the long established custom of the Churches and the pattern of ancient usage referred to this Apostolic See those dangers especially which arose in matters concerning the faith. This was to ensure that any damage suffered by the faith should be repaired in that place above all where the faith can know no failing [59].

5. The Roman pontiffs, too, as the circumstances of the time or the state of affairs suggested, sometimes by summoning ecumenical councils or consulting the opinion of the Churches scattered throughout the world, sometimes by special synods, sometimes by taking advantage of other useful means afforded by divine providence, defined as doctrines to be held those things which, by God’s help, they knew to be in keeping with Sacred Scripture and the apostolic traditions.

6. For the Holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by his revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by his assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith transmitted by the apostles.

Indeed, their apostolic teaching was embraced by all the venerable fathers and reverenced and followed by all the holy orthodox doctors, for they knew very well that this See of St. Peter always remains unblemished by any error, in accordance with the divine promise of our Lord and Savior to the prince of his disciples: I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail; and when you have turned again, strengthen your brethren [60].

7. This gift of truth and never-failing faith was therefore divinely conferred on Peter and his successors in this See so that they might discharge their exalted office for the salvation of all, and so that the whole flock of Christ might be kept away by them from the poisonous food of error and be nourished with the sustenance of heavenly doctrine. Thus the tendency to schism is removed and the whole Church is preserved in unity, and, resting on its foundation, can stand firm against the gates of hell.

8. But since in this very age when the salutary effectiveness of the apostolic office is most especially needed, not a few are to be found who disparage its authority, we judge it absolutely necessary to affirm solemnly the prerogative which the only-begotten Son of God was pleased to attach to the supreme pastoral office.

9. Therefore, faithfully adhering to the tradition received from the beginning of the Christian faith, to the glory of God our savior, for the exaltation of the Catholic religion and for the salvation of the Christian people, with the approval of the Sacred Council, we teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that when the Roman Pontiff speaks EX CATHEDRA, that is, when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church, he possesses, by the divine assistance promised to him in blessed Peter, that infallibility which the divine Redeemer willed his Church to enjoy in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals. Therefore, such definitions of the Roman Pontiff are of themselves, and not by the consent of the Church, irreformable.

So then, should anyone, which God forbid, have the temerity to reject this definition of ours: let him be anathema.

Given at Rome in public session, solemnly held in the Vatican Basilica in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, on the eighteenth day of July, in the twenty-fifth year of Our Pontificate.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI the one and only living Pope, whether he likes it or not, and for all who have been and are being scandalized and led into error, schism, and apostasy by the Bergoglian Antipapacy.

Sweet Respite: More Edifying Music, since you have asked. “Never My Love” for June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which burns in infinite, inextinguishable love for every one of us.  That is why hell exists – because He loves us with such infinitude that He can’t snuff us out of existence, even if we tell Him to our dying breaths to go… well.  You know how people hate Him.  He is the most hated Entity in the universe – by a LONG SHOT.  

Has anyone ever hated you?  Have you ever been the target of a Diabolical Narcissist?  Or even just a sinner? Could YOU snuff that person totally out of existence?  Really? Could you really do that? Jesus couldn’t, and can’t, not because He doesn’t have the ability – of course He has the ability, HE IS THE CREATOR.  He can’t snuff any of us, or any of the fallen angels, out of existence because He loves us.  We aren’t chessmen to Him.  We aren’t toy soldiers to Him.  We aren’t ants on the sidewalk to Him. We are infinitely loved rational intellects made in His likeness and image to be loved by Him forever, which necessitates our free will to choose to love Him in return… or hate Him through our indifference and pride.  Love is only love if it is FREELY CHOSEN. Love can NEVER be coerced. Consider that.

So here is a beautiful song from the heart of the 1960s, by the Association.  “Never My Love”.  The lyrics aren’t PERFECT, but I have added [red brackets] to correct the theological imprecisions IF one hears this song as Our Lord singing to us.  He doesn’t DEPEND on us, and He doesn’t REQUIRE us.  Which only makes the point that much stronger…

Our Lord’s love for us is COMPLETELY GRATUITOUS.

Enjoy Five Nerds and an Asian Cat singing a beautiful song. I hope you never hear it the same way again.

You ask Me if there’ll come a time
When I grow tired of you
Never, My love
Never, My love

You wonder if this Heart of Mine
Will lose Its desire for you
Never, My love
Never, My love

What makes you think love will end
When you know that My whole life depends
On you (on you) [His existence in absolutely no way depends on any of us created beings, ever. Ever.]
Never, My love
Never, My love

You say you fear I’ll change My Mind
And I won’t require you [He does not REQUIRE any of us.  He is God. He requires nothing. That’s the point…]
Never, My love
Never, My love

How can you think love will end
When I’ve asked you to spend your whole life
With Me (with Me, with Me) [Exactly true, and note the Triune repitition…]

You wonder if this Heart of Mine
Will lose Its desire for you
Never, My love

TopGun: Great, except the nation it is set in no longer exists. And probably hasn’t since ARSH 2008 with the Soetoro usurpation.

Several members of the Barnhardt Podcast crew report very positive things about the TopGun experience. We’ll get the full debriefing on the next Podcast. And we’re flattered by the angry emails coming in demanding a new episode. We hear you, believe me. I had a span of being unavailable, and now Supernerd is taking care of some serious family stuff that VASTLY outweighs any online commitments. I’ll not go into details, but, if I could solicit prayers for Supernerd and SuperMommy specifically asking the intercession of:

Our Lady of the Assumption

St. Joseph

St. Tiny Princess

Thank you for your prayers, and your patience. It’s good for both of us to know that we’re missed.

Circling back, here’s my thought on TopGun. IF you’re going to see it, see it in the biggest format theater you can, understanding that the United States is a dead corpse – long, long dead. Smell that? That stench? Yeah. It’s the rotting flesh of the United States. Detach now. It will make everything internally easier.

Remember: Only the Real Counts. Asking God to Make “Francis” Jorge Bergoglio a good Pope is like asking God to make “Caitlyn” Bruce Jenner a beautiful woman

People are losing their faith.

They are losing their faith because a man who is not the pope is masquerading as the pope, people are calling him the pope, he is an agent of evil, enacting a satanic, Freemasonic, sodomitical agenda, and tearing the Church apart before their eyes.

They are losing their faith because they are being asked, and now even browbeaten into violating the Law of Non-contradiction, namely that they must be in unity and submission to a specific man, Jorge Bergoglio, as a condition of unity to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, while Bergoglio himself demands apostasy and schism to be in union with him – That Bergoglio is simultaneously the standard of unity and vector of schism, that Bergoglio is simultaneously a thing and its ontological negation.

As if this categorical irrationality weren’t enough, the drum is now being beaten that if one does NOT accept that the Petrine Promise is either void and has been all along OR that Our Blessed Lord reneged on the Petrine Promise some nine years ago, then you are a faithless person. That’s right: believe obvious lies, violate the Law of Non-contradiction, and believe that Christ is a faithless liar who puts people in Catch-22 positions… to prove what a good, faithful Catholic you are.

And nevermind the man in white, calling himself and called by others “Holy Father, Pope Benedict”, who lives in the Vatican, gives “my Apostolic blessing”, and clearly stated that he was only renouncing the “active governance” of the Church while remaining inside the “enclosure of St. Peter”, in his “novel” attempted partial resignation.

And especially ignore the fact that the Roman Curia is being exposed daily as a den of sodomy, money laundering, and murderous violence.

Nevermind the Good Shepherd Discourse. Follow the wolves with voices of Satan himself… to prove what a good, faithful person you are. You can’t lose! God will reward you!

Nevermind the Gospel, wherein Our Lord warns that false prophets – that is, IMPOSTORS – will lead astray, if possible, even the Elect.

Nah. Prove how strong your faith is by being led astray, because there will be no consequences for allowing yourself to be deceived! Jesus will love you all the more… for believing that Jesus is a faithless hireling who lies and feeds His sheep to the wolves for sport. That’s right. If you confess Christ to be an oath-breaking, capricious liar and lover of lawless chaos, and it is the College of Cardinals that are “infallible” with the capacity to sanate and ratify not just illegal, invalid conclaves, but also illegal, invalid papal resignations, then you will totally SAIL through your particular judgment. You betcha. Makes perfect sense.


I get emails and I know other bloggers get these same emails, because I have seen them address them.  Badly.  Well, here is an amalgamated sample of the things I hear.  And below is a FIRM ANSWER.  Not some idiotic nonsense and effeminate bleatings and mewlings about, “Well, don’t bother your pretty little head about “Pope Francis”, just focus on the other good popes!  Adopt a pope! Read all about Leo XIII and pay no attention to “Pope Francis” while he drives your children, grandchildren, friends and enemies into hell.  Just look away and pretend it isn’t happening!”

Isn’t the pope supposed to be supernaturally protected from ever doing even a fraction of the satanic, evil things this man is doing on a near-daily basis?  Didn’t Jesus say that Peter was the Rock upon which He would build His Church? Didn’t Jesus say that he had prayed specifically for Peter and that this prayer extended forward to ALL of the popes?  Is it all just a lie?  Is the Church a lie? Is the papacy a lie? Is Jesus a lie? Is God a lie?

We pray and pray and pray for “Pope Francis”, and yet it just keeps getting worse!  Tell me why I shouldn’t lose my faith!

Of course God hears our prayers.  Every one of them.  He even hears the groaning of our souls that we aren’t even consciously aware of, or able to articulate in words.  The problem is with us, and in this case, what we are praying for.

Praying that God make “Pope Francis” a good pope is like praying to God that He make “Caitlyn Jenner” the prettiest woman in the world.

“Caitlyn” Jenner is a man named BRUCE Jenner.  So we have a problem right off the bat.  Yes, God knows that when someone says “Caitlyn” Jenner they are referring to Bruce Jenner, but in calling Bruce Jenner by his drag queen name, it is clear right off the bat that the person in question praying the prayer has a completely disordered connection to reality, and in this case, sexual morality.  

THEN, when a person asks God to “make Caitlyn Jenner the prettiest woman in the world”, because the petition is not only asking God to ratify, support and magnify public mortal sin and scandal, but is primordially detached from OBJECTIVE REALITY, namely that Bruce Jenner is A MAN, NOT A WOMAN, well, what do you think God does with such petitions?  How do such clearly immoral petitions, detached from reality, square or jibe with God’s Perfect Holiness, His Perfect Justice, or His being the Author and Sustainer of Reality Itself?  Now, God is omnipotent and can certainly do whatever He wants, but He is also RATIONAL, and thus is always internally consistent.  Scripture POUNDS on this truth of God being IMMUTABLE – that is, UNCHANGING.  His IMMUTABLE WILL is intimately tied up with His RATIONALITY. That is why we can trust Him, His Promises, and His Law.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

I think the Bruce Jenner example makes the concept easier to understand, but it maps precisely to asking God to make “Pope Francis” a good Pope.  First, “Pope Francis” IS NOT THE POPE AND NEVER HAS BEEN, so how can God make an Antipope a “good pope”?  This defies the Law of Non-contradiction.  

In the case of the Bruce Jenner example above, beauty is a good thing, in fact, beauty is an attribute of God Himself.  For women to be authentically beautiful is certainly an intrinsically good thing.  HOWEVER, in the case of Bruce Jenner, the “beauty” being asked for is a false, inauthentic, inverted beauty, tied directly to a lie.  It is actually a scandalous monstrosity for a man to ape the beauty of women, so even though beauty qua beauty is good, to twist beauty into a satanic mockery of beauty is pure evil.  

This concept is called corruptio optimi pessima, that is, corruption of the best thing is the worst kind of corruption. And make no mistake, the Papacy is a VERY GOOD THING. It is a priceless gift from the Divine Bridegroom to His Holy and Spotless Bride, the Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

Such is the case with Antipope Bergoglio.  We all want a good Pope, but asking for that attribute in the context of an ANTIPOPE is simply irrational.  Bergoglio IS NOT the pope, so what, exactly do you expect God to do with your petition that he be “a good pope”?  Once again, here we are right back at the Law of Non-contradiction.

What we all should be praying for is Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, and that he do no further harm, fully repent of and unwind what he has done, and be liberated from whatever fear, ERROR and disorientation he is under, that he die in the state of grace and achieve the Beatific Vision.  THEN we should all pray that ANTIPOPE Bergoglio be removed, and that Bergoglio repent of what he has done, REVERT TO CATHOLICISM, die in a state of grace, and achieve the Beatific Vision.  

Now there’s a petition completely in accord with reality that God can work with.  And the odds don’t matter.  Remember Lepanto.  What matters most is whether or not what we are asking God for is in line with Reality and His Perfect Will and Justice.

Now, after reading this, can not every single one of you look back upon your lives and see numerous instances in which your prayers, in retrospect, turned out to be based on a false premise, or asking God to bring about, strengthen or maintain something that was sinful?  I know I can.  “What I want” is not by virtue of itself a valid petition that God can or will answer.  The key with prayer – MATURE PRAYER – is the discerning of the specific petition in and of itself.  Does it make sense?  Is it rooted in Reality and Truth? Is it perfectly Just? Is it in accord with God’s Will?

This is why prayers for “Pope Francis” to be “a good pope” are not only not doing any good, but actually causing people to lose their faith.  All false premises, eventually, after enough logical corollaries, lead straight to hell, straight to the feet of satan, “the father of lies”. This Antipope Bergoglio thing is going to get MUCH worse.  I think the odds are high that he is the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, and that he is instrumental in setting up a OneWorldReligion tied directly to the NewWorldOrder (U.N/Soros/Gates, etc.). He is going to split the Church and institute a new “liturgy”, which, it seems probable, will be the “abomination of desolation”.  People who cling to the false premise that this man is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth will, it seems to me, either lose their faith if they haven’t already, or go completely bonkers, because there is only so much irrationality and internal contradiction that the human psyche can bear before it snaps.

I hope this helps.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the one and only living Pope, whether he likes it or not, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church.

Oh, and do not, under any circumstances, stop going to Mass, even if priests sneeringly mock and try to goad you into such. Go to Mass, and when “Francis” is erroneously commemorated, beg Our Lord to give YOU any temporal punishment the MIGHT be due the priest, if it will help. Imitate Our Sweet Lord, as He was being nailed to the Cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Imitate Our Blessed Lord in the Garden: “Give it to me, because they’re worth it.”

Never leave the foot of the Cross. Never leave the side of the Blessed Mother.

Neither is now, neither ever was, and neither ever will be.

Humility Means Recognizing that Everyone Before Us Was RIGHT About the Papacy

In our meditation on The Rosary in light of the Bergoglian Antipapacy, we considered the First Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation, and its Fruit, Humility, and how that applies to and illuminates the current situation vis-a-vis Antipope Bergoglio.

The defenders of the Bergoglian Antipapacy in Trad, Inc. have had to resort to EXACTLY what the Freemasonic infiltrators – and ultimately satan as the father of this whole mess – wanted to achieve – the de facto dissolution of the Papacy qua Papacy by “demythologization” into an essentially meaningless “function”, at least in the minds of the confused and deceived.  The only way to reconcile the false base premise of Bergoglio ever having been the Pope in even the most tangential way to the near-daily heresies, blasphemies, all-out war on Holy Mother Church and the simultaneous erection of an explicitly Freemasonic-satanic-sodomitical Antichurch by Antipope Bergoglio is to deny the authority and supernatural protective dynamic of the Papacy itself. And to do that leads immediately in the next logical corollary to a denial of Our Lord’s Divinity, because only a non-divine being could break a promise.

Here is what makes me shake my head, and I suspect some of you have had this thought occur to you as well.  If the following tropes now chanted on a daily basis by the Trad, Inc. crowd to justify their “Bergoglio is Pope Shut Up Stupid” position are true:

-Maybe Vatican I was wrong (meaning the infallibly declared dogma of Papal Infallibility)

-Christ’s guarantee about the Papacy sure isn’t worth much

-All of this belief in the Papacy as a supernaturally negatively protected Office was just pious nonsense

-This is all the result of 19th century ultramontanism 

-People who actually cling to the idea of the Papacy as being a supernaturally negatively protected monarchy are just uneducated, childish, dippy fantasists who can’t deal with reality

…then what that means is that EVERYONE for the past 2000 years has been wrong about the essential nature of the Papacy.

 All the saints, all the doctors of the Church, all of the faithful.  Every single one of them have been childish ultramontanist fantasists who completely misunderstood the Papacy.  If only the ENTIRE CHURCH MILITANT before us for 2000 years had had the benefit of the saintly wisdom – the secret knowledge-of today’s Trad, Inc. luminaries to disabuse them of their idiotic and frankly embarrassing notions of the Papacy as some sort of… supernaturally protected monarchy. VAH, PHOOEY! < / sarcasm >

The Papacy is an irreversible, immutable Juridical Office established by Christ Jesus Himself, and promised and guaranteed a supernatural negative protection – hence, you know, the whole “ROCK” motif.  It is “Tu es Petrus…” not “Tu es Arenus.” Therefore, whatever the Papacy is TODAY is exactly what it has been since ARSH 33.

Did all of these people get it wrong, and early-21st century Social Media addicted Trad, Inc.”thought leaders” are literally the first people in the 2000 year history of the Church to have a proper understanding of the Papacy?

Let’s consider Pope St. Gregory the Great.

If we take the position of Trad, Inc. today, what this absolutely logically demands is that Pope St. Gregory the Great, one of the four great Doctors of the Latin Church, had a massively disordered understanding of the Papacy because he clearly believed and assented to the Papacy as a supernaturally protected Monarchy.  Shouldn’t one of the Great Doctors of the Church have KNOWN BETTER and thus shunned all of the authority, deference, submission to, and monarchical character of the Papacy?  In short, the Trad Inc. position demands that we believe that Pope St. Gregory the Great was a childish idiot, and IDOLATER, unable to deal with reality, and probably only on board with the whole papacy as supernaturally protected monarchy business because he lusted the earthly power and trappings.

How can an intransigent IDOLATOR be a Catholic, much less a saint, much less a Father of the Church? This is a clear violation of the Law of Non-contradiction.

I think true humility means knowing who you are, and who you are not, and therefore realizing that every saint and doctor of the Church for the past 2000 years had a proper understanding of the papacy – that is, a divinely instituted, irreversible, immutable, supernaturally negatively protected on matters of faith and morals, monarchical juridical Office, and that if your position demands anything other than that, that it is probably your base premise that is somehow wrong. THAT’S humility.

We look to our betters – the entire Communion of Saints – to inform and illuminate the current situation, NOT to the unrepentant Freemasons, Communists, Mafiosi, Lutherans, and sodomite infiltrators occupying the Vatican today.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the one and only living Vicar of Christ, whether he likes it or not.

I hope this helps.

Pope St. Gregory the Great, pray for us.
St. Peter, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Pope St. Gregory the Great, Bartolo di Fredi, Late 14th Century, Siena, Museum of Fine Arts Boston