Monthly Archives: August 2021

Oh, we’re winning, folks. New Covid Cult agitprop/comedy bit: “Poison Control centers overwrought with Ivermectin overdose poisoning!” I kid you not… 😂🤣

Read every word of this to see the shameless mendacity and pure evil of the Covidic Cult.

Then, SEND EVERYONE to my IVERMECTIN Q&A page for detailed acquisition and dosing instructions.

In fact, I would STRONGLY suggest copying the text of my page and saving it so that you can distribute the information even if my website is deplatformed by the Covidic Cult.

They’re trying to flood the propaganda space with the spectacular lies printed above precisely because Ivermectin is highly effective against not just the Holocough, but is a broad-spectrum anti-viral which has the clear potential to reduce the over-the-counter cold and flu remedy market by half OR MORE.

So stock up on “pig injections” and “pony paste” and LAUGH at the impotent flailings of the children of darkness.

Remember, the “super-scary pig injection” formula that we take orally by drinking it is 1% Ivermectin, 59% propylene glycol, 40% glycerol formal. Dose is 1mL per 110 pounds of body weight, monthly as prophylaxis; as a treatment 3 total doses at 48 hour intervals, for example 1.5mL on Monday, 1.5mL on Wednesday and 1.5mL on Friday. Remember, we humans simply take it orally by drinking it. And 1.5mL is roughly 1/3rd of a teaspoon. One dose is a relatively tiny quantity of liquid.





Mailbag: Ohio Farmer with Clogged Drainage Pipes Waxes Allegorical

Dear Ann,

As a farmer, I have had tile pipes in the fields to drain ’em–160 acres worth. Near tree lines, the ‘effing tree roots get into the clay pipes searching for water, and I’ve got to find out the offending clogged pipes. Ream ’em out or replace ’em. Simple but tough job.

Human blood vessel clotted due to spike protein adhesion allegory using crop land drainage pipe.

Now–fast forward to “the Jab.” 40 Trillion spike proteins rammed into your body’s piping. That amount would prolly begin to clog my 4 inch diameter clay field tiles, let alone delicate human veins, arteries, and capillaries.

As indicated in various blogs, the Jab induces 40T spike proteins into your body. These “clog your pipes.” You might have had smooth-wall piping, but with the Jab’s spikes attaching to vessel walls, they snag platelets. You’ll be a prime candidate for clots/thombisis.

How many ER folks or Docs will run a D-dimer test, when they’re scared shitless now in Med Schools to even admit there are only M or F sexes? My elder Sis runs a med billing outfit here in the Midwest–her take on most Docs she interfaces with today: most are running scared–gotta keep the revenue flow going at all costs–don’t rock the cash boat. Medicine is “science and art” and the Public… be damned.

Midwest Farmer

Folks, we all have to accept and be at peace with the fact that our culture must be destroyed in justice. The post-Christian west has forfeited its right to exist.

Watch this and understand. This is marketed to pre-schoolers.

If you want a really good way to size someone up, show them this and then see if they say, “Yeah, but I HAVE to subscribe to Disney Plus so I can watch The Mandalorian and WandaVision…”

Come, Lord Jesus, Sun of Justice, and cleanse the world. Our hearts are ready.

Repost: Why the identity of the Vicar of Christ matters, and you will soon be forced to publicly declare it.

(Originally penned and posted in December of ARSH 2020 before we even knew how toxic and lethally dangerous the ClotShots would be. Now that Antipope Bergoglio is banning the non-DeathJabbed from his Masses, and faithful Catholics are being lyingly told by their GrindrPriests and GrindrBishops that they have no right to refuse the ClotShot based on any appeal to Catholic conscience, perhaps a few more people will now be ready to drop the totally irrational and infantile “Fwanciss is definitely Pope, Stoopid!” imbecility and acknowledge what has been glaringly obvious for years: Pope Benedict never validly resigned, and the See of Peter is being squatted upon by an evil criminal and servant of satan…)

Now that Antipope Bergoglio has declared vaccines manufactured with fetal cell lines “moral” in his Antichurch, every believing Catholic is going to have to make a choice.

Here is how Satan has set the chess board, trying to trick people into thinking that they are in schism:

If you try to claim that such “vaccines” are a violation of your conscience as a Catholic, you will be told that “Pope Francis”, to whom you MUST submit as a Catholic, has ratified and is pushing such vaccines, and thus your appeal to violation of conscience is impossible AS A CATHOLIC.

We, of course, see straight through satan’s gambit. Antipope Bergoglio has nothing to do with the Papacy, and has no authority. Further, Antipope Bergoglio is not the standard of schism. The Vicar of Christ, Pope Benedict XVI, is the principle of unity and standard of schism. Jorge Bergoglio is a mere criminal.

So the people who have intransigently insisted that “Francis is Pope” are about to be forced by their own error into yet another catch-22: either get the Coviet baptism or publicly apostatize from Catholicism, because the lie that Antipope Bergoglio is the head of the Catholic Church yields the false corollary that there is no appeal to Catholic conscience in refusing the “vaccines”.

THIS is yet another proofset as to why the identity of the Vicar of Christ is of the utmost importance and relevance. Remaining neutral or merely silent on this question will no longer be possible.

And yes, this is yet another example of consilience, as Catholic teaching and conscience remains totally intact when you acknowledge that Benedict is Pope.

God doesn’t put people in catch-22s in terms of their immortal souls. You NEVER have to choose between two sins as your only path forward. If it appears that you do, then something is wrong with your base premise. There is always a path forward that doesn’t involve sin.

As a Catholic in unity with and in submission to the Vicar of Christ, Pope Benedict XVI, and the infallible and unchanging magisterium of the Church of which he is the visible earthly head, I refuse to be vaccinated as it would be a violation of conscience.”

See how easy that is? No catch-22. No schism. No apostasy. Just the radiant, resplendent TRUTH. But you have to SAY it. “Silent neutrality” is no longer an option.

Wheat… chaff… sheep… goats…

It’s all happening.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church.

Fun with math: Pfizer and Moderna just contracted to supply the European Union with 2.1 BILLION more ClotShots. EU population? 446 million. 2100/446 = 4.7 doses per person at current population levels

This, the largest crime against humanity ever conceived and executed, will never, ever end without hot war, barring full-blown supernatural intervention.

Mailbag: TheDeathvaxx and the Fall of Man


You compared the present insistence by the vaccine-poisoned that all must share their fate with the rebellion of Satan and his angels. I think an even better one is with Eve giving the fruit to Adam, especially as depicted in Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’. C.S. Lewis in his ‘Preface to Paradise Lost’ describes this moment:

The results of her fall begin at once. She thinks that earth is a long way from Heaven and God may not have seen her (811-16); the doom of Nonsense is already at work. Next she decides that she will not tell Adam about the fruit. She will exploit her secret to become his equal – or no, better still, his superior (817-25). The rebel is already aiming at tyranny. But presently she remembers that the fruit may, after all, be deadly. She decides that if she is to die, Adam must die with her; it is intolerable that he should be happy, and happy (who knows?) with another woman when she is gone. I am not sure that critics always notice the precise sin which Eve is now committing, yet there is no mystery about it. Its name in English is Murder. If the fruit is to produce deity Adam shall have none of it; she means to do a corner in divinity. But if it means death, then he must be made to eat it, in order that he may die – for that reason and no other, as her words make perfectly plain (826-30). And hardly has she made this resolve before she is congratulating herself upon it as a singular proof of the tenderness and magnanimity of her love (830-3).

If the precise movement of Eve’s mind at this point is not always noticed, that is because Milton’s truth to nature is here almost too great, and the reader is involved in the same illusion as Eve herself. The whole thing is so quick, each new element of folly, malice, and corruption enters so unobtrusively, so naturally, that it is hard to realize we have been watching the genesis of murder. We expect something more like Lady Macbeth’s ‘unsex me here’. But Lady Macbeth speaks thus after the intention of murder has already been fully formed in her mind. Milton is going close to the actual moment of decision. Thus, and not otherwise, does the mind turn to embrace evil. No man, perhaps, ever at first described to himself the act he was about to do as Murder, or Adultery, or Fraud, or Treachery, or Perversion; and when he hears it so described by other men he is (in a way) sincerely shocked and surprised. Those others ‘don’t understand’. If they knew what it had really been like for him, they would not use those crude ‘stock’ names. With a wink or a titter, or in a cloud of muddy emotion, the thing has slipped into his will as something not very extraordinary, something of which, rightly understood and in all his highly peculiar circumstances, he may even feel proud. If you or I, reader, ever commit a great crime, be sure we shall feel very much more like Eve than like Iago.”

-C.S. Lewis

But if it means death, then he must be made to eat it, in order that he may die – for that reason and no other, as her words make perfectly plain (826-30). And hardly has she made this resolve before she is congratulating herself upon it as a singular proof of the tenderness and magnanimity of her love.”

Why the DeathJabbed will insist to their dying breath that YOU must play the Clottery too: Anger, Hatred, Jealously & Fear, synthesized in one word: SPITE

Anger, hatred, jealousy and fear are the four emotions which constitute the emotional palette of Diabolical Narcissism. The one word that describes the synthesis of these emotional dynamics is SPITE.

And so, knowing that the Covidic religion is the single largest, fastest and most effective Diabolical Narcissist creation operation in human history, at this point outperforming Marxism and even the musloid political religion particularly in terms of sheer speed, the statement below is axiomatic:

The reason why so many DeathJabbed people are pushy and adamant about you getting the DeathJab too, is because deep-down they fear that they made a stupid mistake and don’t want to be alone with their freely-chosen error. If they go down, you have to go down with them. It’s inconceivable and enraging to them that you made the right choice and they did not. They followed “the scientism”. You HAVE to be wrong. Even if you are right, you MUST be DeathJabbed too so that everyone suffers equally.

Re-read that, and then substitute in the free choice that Lucifer and one-third of the angels made in declaring that they would not serve God and never, ever see the Beatific Vision if the Second Person of the Triune Godhead incarnated as a Man born of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It’s exactly the same dynamic. The Rebellious Angels chose poorly, and now want every other human being to suffer their eternal fate, to be damned, never to see God by their own incomprehensibly stupid and irreversible choice, out of pure, unquenchable SPITE.

What the DeathJabbed have going for them is the Blood of Christ – they can repent of what they have done before they die.

How infinitely good God is, and His infinite mercy extends even to those guilty of consciously suicidally attempting the risk of killing of their own bodies in service to the Freemasonic Covidic religion… IF THEY REPENT AND ARE CONVERTED/REVERTED TO CHRIST BEFORE THEY DIE.

The Fall of the Rebellious Angels, Frans Floris, ARSH 1554