Monthly Archives: July 2021

God is the actor. God is the driver. God is the smitten Lover, and we are the quarry. To understand this or not, is the sort. This is the sift.

(Originally penned in ARSH 2014, when we were all still young and naive. I’ve reworked references to the Antipope, as even I hadn’t yet come to the moral certainty of the situation, specifically the Canonical invalidity of Pope Benedict’s failed attempted partial resignation. -AlphaBravo2021)

So I’m getting all kinds of emails from people who feel themselves losing their faith, considering going sedevacantist or just giving up on the entire idea of the Church qua church altogether.

This is obviously very, very bad, and is the doing of satan.  This is what happened right after the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Mass in late ARSH 1969.  Many, many Catholics saw the Holy and August Sacrifice of the Mass turned into – sometimes literally – a clown show in the space of just a few short months, and simply walked away.  “I didn’t leave the Church – the Church left me.

Now satan wants to finish what was started 50 years ago.  What we are seeing today is the coming to full fruition of the Modernist-Freemasonic-Communist-Homosexualist war of aggression against God and His Church.  Yes, I said “Freemasonic”.  I need to write a full post on that because I know the vast majority of Americans don’t understand what Freemasonry was and is.  I know many of you, like me, have male relatives who were members of Masonic lodges, and it seemed like a benign club where men got together and drank coffee, socialized, did charitable projects, and also did some weird “ritualistic” stuff.  Yes.  In fact, I myself was in Job’s Daughters for one semester when I was 13, and was eligible because my grandfather (now long dead) was a Mason in rural Kansas.  For now, since I don’t want to get into it in this post, please just understand that Freemasonry in the U.S. today is GENERALLY very, very different from Freemasonry in Europe, and Freemasonry in years and centuries past.  European Freemasonry today is massively intertwined with the global banking and financial system (which is evil, as we know) as well as the globalist/one world government manifestations (the E.U., the United Nations, the Washington D.C. regime, etc.).  And, target numero uno of Freemasonry is, you guessed it, THE CHURCH, and especially the PAPACY. Like I said, more on that later.

In this post I want to try, once again, to help draw the distinction in everyone’s minds between Jesus Christ and the people inside the Church and how equating the two is extremely, extremely harmful to the point of endangering one’s soul by either driving a person out of, or keeping a person from ever entering in the first place, the One True Church.

Here is what I see, hear and perceive in people, and this is what I think many, many people simply do not get.

Jesus Christ is a Person.  God is a Personal Deity.

“Well, duh” many of you might say at that statement.  Not so fast.  I see very little understanding of this truly foundational premise.

All of you who are “losing your faith” and “ready to give up on the Church”, let me just ask you:

What EXACTLY do you think the Church is?

Why do you go to Mass?

Why do you genuflect when you enter the pew?

Why do you go to confession (if you even do)?

Why do you try to avoid sin?

Why do you give a flying fig about anyone besides yourself?

In order.

The Church is God’s vehicle of reaching out to man so that we might know Him, love Him and serve Him in this world, and be happy with Him forever in the next.  Note the direction, because this is utterly crucial: the Church is GOD’S vehicle for REACHING OUT TO MAN.  The Church is His creation, it is His instrument to the point that He regards it as “His Body”.  He is the Driver, He is the Revelator, He is the Actor within it.  NOT MAN.  

The Catholic Church, which is the one-and-only true Church and true religion, is NOT man-made or man-sustained.  It is a supernatural gift from Almighty God to mankind that is completely beyond our comprehension in the infinite love, condescension, and burning desire for the salvation of every single human being that is the cause for its existence.

Here is what the Church is NOT:  It is NOT a man-made invention.  Every false religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, Talmudic Judaism, the musloid political system, Mormonism, Covidism), as well as EVERY Protesting quasi-Christian sect, cult and “denomination” is MAN MADE.  Look ’em up.  Look up “presbyterian” and you can see EXACTLY when and who created this man-made sect.  Some “non-denominational” churches are so cringingly clueless that they proudly BOAST of when they were “founded”. Established in 1982…  These “churches”, and also the infiltrators of the Catholic Church, peddle the lie that religion and “church” are MAN’S REACHING OUT TO GOD.  Man is the founder, man is the driver, man is the actor.  Man, man, man.

Do you understand the difference here?  The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is God desperately chasing after YOU, God doing everything He possibly, possibly can short of taking away your free will and coercing you.  

Here is God coming down on the altar at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, miraculously and supernaturally changing bread and wine into His Physical Substance so that He can be near us, among us and even inside of us in His PHYSICAL SUBSTANCE.  

Here is God giving us a concrete means of confessing our sins TO HIM and receiving pardon and absolution FROM HIM so that we actually, physically hear the words, “I absolve you…” through the supernatural reality of the priesthood and the Sacrament of Confession.  

God is the actor. God is the driver. God is the smitten Lover, and we are the quarry.

Are you sure you want to walk away from that because, after a century of attack, foretold and prophesied repeatedly by no less than His Mother, we now have a Church infested with stupid, seemingly faithless men, including an obvious Antipope?  Really?

If that is the case, then I would posit that you erroneously view the Church NOT as the supernatural reality that it is, but instead as one of the following:

-A cult of personality

-An ethnic characteristic

-A point of contract law

-A social and/or social CLASS organization

-A political organization

-A source of entertainment (both in terms of the liturgy AND in terms of intrigue and gossip)

-A business or career

-A hobby akin to being a fan of a sports team

Why do you go to Mass?  Because you “have to”?  To hear “Fr. Jazzhands” sermon?  The music?  To see your friends/clique?  To “be seen” by others, especially singing in the choir, lectoring, and/or distributing Holy Communion?  Because you have been nagged into it by your parents or spouse and you go just to shut them up and keep them off your back?

Let me explain why I go to Mass, and you can take it for what it is worth.  I go to Mass because God Almighty Incarnated, suffered and died for my sins because He loves me and wants me to exist inside of Him for all eternity after I die.  He made me, He made the entire universe, and He established, protects and sustains The Catholic Church and comes down onto the altar at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass so that I can be there with Him at Calvary, and so that, when possible, I can approach Him and take His Physical Substance into my body, not primarily because this is what I want, but because this is what HE WANTS.  

The objective of all of this is me, Ann Elizabeth Andrew Barnhardt, going to heaven.  I go to Mass because He loves me so much that He would suffer the entirety of His Passion for me and me alone AS MANY TIMES AS I ASSIST AT MASS over the entire course of my life.

Given that, the very, very least I can do is show up to Mass, acknowledge what He has done for me and is re-presented for my benefit at Mass, and console My Lord and My God, burning with Love for me personally, with my presence as He dies in agony for me and because of my sins, as completely and utterly incomprehensible as that is.

Now go back and re-read that and substitute YOURSELF.  The read it again and substitute the names of your family members, friends, acquaintances, enemies, and every single human being who ever has, is currently, or ever will exist.

And if the devil thinks that ANYTHING some dimwitted narcissist says or does, even if that dimwitted narcissist is masquerading (badly) as the Pope, is going to drive me away from Our Lord, His Church, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Eucharist, or the Sacrament of Confession, then Old Scratch has another thing coming.

Do you believe these truths, or do you not?  This is the sort.  This is the sift.

As always, I hope this helps someone out there reading.

Why Pope Benedict wrote Summorum Pontificum with the “Extraordinary Form” language. He had a very good reason and knew EXACTLY what he was doing.

Summorum Pontificum is a stop-gap and was only ever intended as such. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together who isn’t addicted to grifting good-hearted and generous Trad Catholics, addicted to benzodiazepines and/or has more faith in Evolution and Martians than Jesus Christ, knows this.

The reason Pope Benedict deployed the “two forms of the same Rite” language, thus “Extraordinary Form” for the August and venerable Rite of Pius V, and “Ordinary Form” for the Novus Ordo, is because if he hadn’t specifically done that, almost every bishop on earth, being almost totally infiltrated by Freemasons, God-hating heretics, apostates, and/or sodomites, would have instantly demanded that every priest offering the Traditional Latin Mass acquire “bi-ritual faculties”. As if they were asking permission to offer the Divine Liturgy in one of the Byzantine Rites – which is a TOTALLY legit permission. I know bi-ritual priests, and there is significant legwork associated with the permission, as there should be so as to avoid every hint of syncretism (mixing the two Rites together).

How would the infiltrator Swishops have used the “bi-ritual faculty” thing to totally forbid and quash the TLM? Probably by giving a Latin grammar exam that Cicero himself couldn’t have passed. “Sorry, you aren’t fluent in Latin, so you can’t offer the Mass in Latin.”

Folks, it would be EASY to formulate an English grammar exam that I would fail spectacularly. Grammar goes deep – far, far beyond the “vulgar” use of any language by its mother-tongue speakers and writers. Latin is no different.

Pope Benedict, knowing exactly the fiends he was totally surrounded by and up against and (in his mind, almost certainly) overwhelmed by, wrote SP so as to cut them off at the pass: “two forms of the Roman Rite, Ordinary and Extraordinary”… therefore NO BI-RITUAL FACULTIES NEEDED.

Then the invalid attempted resignation and the Bergoglian Antipapacy happened.

And let me say this now so you all understand what is happening:

All “Trad Inc.” partisans who are now happily looking forward to the suppression of the TLM when the “reimagining” of Summorum Pontificum by Antipope Bergoglio is released on July 7th (the anniversary of SP being promulgated by Pope Benedict in ARSH 2007) is because… wait for it…

THEY PRIVATELY HATE AND DESPISE LITURGY, ESPECIALLY THE MASS. They want it suppressed so they have another “excuse” to not go to the Foot of the Cross.

One Trad Inc. $20k per month grift-master has totally apostatized, and went to Mass on Easter 2021 only because his wife forced him to go, and he hadn’t been to Mass for the previous 13 months, even though it was available DAILY even though the lockdowns, and hasn’t been since. Pray that his newborn somehow, someway gets baptized, and isn’t used as a tool of rebellion against God by his apostate father.

His psychological puppet-mistress, a self-confessed benzodiazepine-dependent with self-confessed massive psychiatric and preternatural oppressions (i.e. received a Novus Ordo demonic exorcism in the mid-80s) and braggadocious grifter of “gullible dumb-ass Trads” has only attended Mass a few times per YEAR for over a decade, despite claims of being an intimately involved parishioner in Rome, and then, even more unjustly and scandalously, poisoning the reputation of a Benedictine monastery in Europe. This truly wicked harridan tried for years to get me to become an oblate of this excellent Benedictine monastery by saying, “You’re dumb if you actually go to Mass. If you become an oblate, and the oblation thing is all meaningless- all you do is scribble a signature in a book – then you get all the merits of the Monks in their praying of the Office and Mass. And then you don’t have to sit through all of that long, STUPID, BOOOORING liturgy. I’d maybe go to Mass if it weren’t so LONG and BOOORING. But I don’t have to, because I’m an oblate. Oh yeah, you’re stupid if you ACTUALLY GO.”

And THAT, friends, is why I never became an oblate of anything, and probably never will. Even though I know that that woman was in those many repeated diatribes the voice of satan himself, that mind worm poison of “you legally get the merit…” means I’ll never personally become an oblate. Because I want to go. I want to be at the Foot of the Cross. No excuses. No imagined legalistic dispensations. And that’s okay.

Aside: Why am I suddenly craving incredibly delicious BEER??? 🤔

Famous near-daily rants by Trad Inc. grifter “thought leaders” in private social media groups and in person:

LET THE ROMAN RITE be totally suppressed! Good! Break Romanism! Break Latinism! Break the Papacy! Catholicism has become IDOLATRY in and of itself! Evolution and UFOs are reality. Catholicism has no future. We were all victimized by a cult! Ratzinger can go to hell! He abandoned us just like my Boomer dad! The sooner these dumb-ass Trads are broken of their idolatry to the Mass and the Papacy, the better! Where’s my whiskey? Where’s my Xanax! Where’s my video game controller? Wait- I’m gonna yell at the dumb-asses and demand they give me money. Can you believe these maroons? Just yell at them and they give you THOUSANDS of dollars!

Pope Benedict tried to make Summorum Pontificum as well-defended as possible by deploying the “two forms of the same Rite” language.

But now, it’s up to others to step up. From Cardinal Princes to unlettered laynothings. This is total war, and total war requires EVERYONE to stand and fight. And die. Isn’t it funny how the grifters suddenly embrace the “hermitage” when shit gets real. Sadly, these psychos are so devoid of self awareness that they think no one sees straight through them.

I’ll see you all on the battlefield, and in front of the Tabernacle, where we are all brought together – Remnant Church Militant, Church Suffering, and Church Triumphant.

The Feast of the Visitation and the False Virtue of “Moderation”


Ah, the Visitation.  Such an important event, and so overlooked.  The Visitation was the event wherein The Blessed Virgin Mary, carrying Our Lord in her womb, went on a road trip to visit her elderly cousin Elizabeth, who was six months farther along than Mary, carrying John the Baptist – see Luke 1:39-56.

1.  The Visitation is the Second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, and the fruit of this mystery is LOVE OF NEIGHBOR, or CHARITY, which is, of course the highest of the Theological Virtues.  Our Lady, and all those who are truly charitable, are happy helpers.  HAPPY. HELPERS.  In fact… “The Blessed Virgin Mary is far more eager now than then to promote the happiness and console the sorrows of those who fly to her for succor.”

2.   As we know, The Blessed Virgin was Immaculately Conceived without the stain of Original Sin as Our Lord reached back through time from the Cross of Calvary and specially saved her, His mother, from being stained by Original Sin from the moment of her conception.  But did you know that John the Baptist was cleansed of his Original Sin at the Visitation?  Look at the image above.  On the left is The Blessed Virgin with Our Lord in her tummy, and Elizabeth and John the Baptist are on the right.  Our Lord is blessing John the Baptist and thus cleansing him of Original Sin as a third trimester baby.  See how Baby John the Baptist is bowing to Our Lord?  Isn’t that sweet?  Aw.

3.  Our Lord said of John the Baptist, “…there hath not risen among them that are born of women a greater than John the Baptist”.  Let me remind one and all that John the Baptist was considered to be crazypants, and completely “immoderate” in his rhetoric.  Let me remind one and all that John the Baptist’s earthly life ended in a dank, nasty prison cell, face-in-the-dirt, hands bound behind him, as he was held by his scruff like an animal having his head sawed off for “speaking truth to power”, specifically about the sanctity of marriage.

It is a near-universal opinion today that “moderation” in rhetoric, in action and even in belief is the one and only acceptable path forward.  If the enemies of Christ say that 2+2=8, then we MUST be prepared to tolerate and even re-order ourselves and our engagement with the world to the position that 2+2=6, because that is MODERATE – splitting the difference between the Truth and the lie.  And what happens when the enemies of Christ declare that 2+2=1,000,000?  Well, then WE must be prepared to MODERATE our rhetoric, actions and beliefs relative to THAT lie, and take up the thoroughly “moderate” position that 2+2=500,000. Staunchly, and even INTRANSIGENTLY insisting that 2+2=4 will only cause people to hate you, think that you are a loon, and eventually get you killed.

Oh, and “moderation” will also hand satan the victory on a silver platter, but hey, at least people will “like” you.

So which would you prefer: handing satan victory on a silver platter, or handing Christ victory in the form of your severed head on a silver platter?  John the Baptist, the greatest man born of women, cleansed of Original Sin by Our Lord at the Visitation, chose to put his severed head on the silver platter rather than “moderate”.

St. John the Baptist, pray for us that we may be saved from argumentum ad temperantiam.

Salome with the Head of John the Baptist, Titian, ARSH 1515

Salome with the Head of John the Baptist, Titian, ARSH 1515

If you haven’t read Fr. Z’s post on the Bergoglian Antipapacy, and the Munus-Ministerium distinction, you should.

It’s a long piece, but very much worth the time. Here’s one of several punchlines, emphases mine:

“Let’s play the mind exercise out a little more and hack through some of the issues which I have heard raised by, for example, Ann Barnhardt, who is without question of the mind that Benedict is still Pope and Francis is a usurper antipope.  Along with Ann is a smart fellow with well-articulated arguments, Edward Mazza.

I’ll try to spin out what they have been discussing.  I hope I don’t put my foot wrong and mischaracterize their positions.  I’m happy to be corrected.

It seems that… in their view…

Benedict did NOT legitimately resign, because the language he used at the time he announced his resignation is confused. The confused language suggests that Benedict intended to resign the active dimension of his role, his ministerium (for example, doing stuff as Bishop of Rome and doing stuff as Pope to the larger world). However, he did not intend to resign his munus as Vicar of Christ.  Much turns on the technical term munus.

The fact is that munus and ministerium do not mean the same thing, though they are often bound together.  For example, one carries out a certain ministry in the Church because he holds an office, a munus.  Canon law says that the Pope has to resign the munus.  

Canon 332 §2: Si contingat ut Romanus Pontifex muneri suo renuntiet, ad validitatem requiritur ut renuntiatio libere fiat et rite manifestetur, non vero ut a quopiam acceptetur.  … If it should come to pass that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and that it be properly manifested, but not that it is accepted by anyone.

But Benedict said in his resignation:

Quapropter bene conscius ponderis huius actus plena libertate declaro me ministerio Episcopi Romae, Successoris Sancti Petri, mihi per manus Cardinalium die 19 aprilis MMV commisso renuntiare ita ut a die 28 februarii MMXIII, hora 20, sedes Romae, sedes Sancti Petri vacet et Conclave ad eligendum novum Summum Pontificem ab his quibus competit convocandum esse.…  For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.

Words have meanings.   It is not right simply to conflate munus and ministerium as if they are interchangeable.  They are closely tied to each other but they are not synonyms.  Not even close.”

Not. Even. Close.

Fr. Z later says:


If a Pope doesn’t resign willingly, the resignation is invalid.

If the Pope has in mind some sort of project papacy – like bifurcate it – and that project is in fact impossible, then the Pope is in substantial error and the resignation is invalid.

Can. 188 – A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

Either way, duress or error, Benedict would still be Pope in the sense of being Vicar of Christ, for sure, and perhaps also of Bishop of Rome.”


And as we are all getting a good, hard lesson in, the greatest act of violence one can do to the Papacy is not to deny that it exists, but rather to call a man who is not Peter, “Peter”.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, the one and only living Vicar of Christ since April ARSH 2005, whether he likes it or not, the Papacy, and the Church Militant, infiltrated, occupied, and in terrifyingly visible eclipse.

July: Month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Most Precious Blood of Life Eternal, price of sinful man’s redemption, by whose saving streams the thirst of souls is quenched, and their stains are washed away, Thou Who dost plead the cause of man before the throne of infinite mercy, from the depths of my heart I adore Thee and desire, as much as lies in my power, to make atonement for the injuries and insults that are constantly offered Thee by mankind, and especially by those who rashly dare to blaspheme Thee. Who will not bless and praise this Blood of infinite value? Whose soul would not be inspired with love for Jesus Who shed It all for us? What would be my fate, had I not been redeemed by this Divine Blood? And what drew Thee from the veins of my Savior even to the last drop? It was love! O boundless love, which has given us this saving balm! O priceless balm, welling from the fount of immeasurable love! Grant that all hearts and tongues may praise Thee, magnify Thee, and give Thee thanks, now and throughout all ages. Amen.

St. Gaspar del Bufalo, pray for us.

Most Precious Blood of Jesus, have mercy on us.