Monthly Archives: November 2020

Oh, THIS promises to be VERY interesting: Mazza Advent Mini-course: “Advent of Christ vs Advent of Antichrist”

Be there, or be square, folks.

Dr. Mazza’s ongoing courses are GOLD.

But the (fast) upcoming Advent season and minicourse will obviously be a barn-burner. Advent isn’t “yay Christmas shopping season!” Advent is all about the End of the World. Antichrist. So… yeah…. Kinda… relevant.

Enrollment and payment functionality is HERE at Dr. Mazza’s site. And I have to say that I have been VERY impressed with the overall “online class” paradigm. The technology is good, and it WORKS. I usually attend Dr. Mazza’s classes in real time on my phone, with full functionality. The format is two simultaneous screens; Dr. Mazza and his PowerPoint. It’s very slick.

Children should have in-person instruction as a rule, but for adult learning, I think this technology is excellent.

Dr. Mazza’s Advent mini course “Advent of Christ vs Advent of Antichrist” is $99 with enrollment before November 14th, with the four classes beginning November 29th. With full payment of Dr. Mazza’s courses comes access to video archives of the class sessions for those who have to miss in real-time, or for review.


“Because his religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God, he will deceive even the elect. He will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content.” Servant of God Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Luca Signorelli, Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist (detail), ARSH 1499-1502, fresco, Chapel of San Brizio, Duomo, Orvieto, Italy

Updated: Prediction for ARSH 2021: Young, healthy adults lining up for state-provided euthanasia. All 100% according to plan. They want us dead and in hell forever.

UPDATE: After HOURS of not being able to tell, we finally figured out that the Klaus Schwab account below is a parody account of the real Klaus Schwab.

Folks, the number one cause of death among men under 50 in the UK today is not cancer, not car accident, not war and CERTAINLY not any bee-ess fake pandemic. It is SUICIDE. The suicide rate in the UK has increased by a factor of TEN this year.

All. According. To. Plan.

Now, here is the head of the “World Economic Forum”, you would know it by the location of their annual summit in Davos, Switzerland, who is a top darling of Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch, openly declaring that permanent global imprisonment is great because it keeps young people from meeting and breeding.

Now think about this. If their intention is to EVER return to non-lockdown, this sentiment makes no sense, because people would presumably go right back to meeting and marrying and breeding, yes? This joy at young people not being able to meet and eventually reproduce clearly communicates that the intention, which anyone with two brain cells to rub together has seen since February, is that this CoronaScam/fake pandemic is to be PERMANENT.

Here are two fawning letters posted on the Antichurch’s website and signed by Antipope Bergoglio to Klaus Schwab and his luciferian WEF on the occasions of their Davos summits, to which the Antichurch sends a delegation. In retrospect it is now obvious that these Davos meetings were planning sessions for the CoronaScam and subsequent totalitarianism that we are now under.

ARSH 2018

ARSH 2020

Looking at Schwab’s open Twitter feed in just the past week is a stunning lesson in the open boldness of luciferianism today. There is only one word for the following: EVIL. And remember, the Antichurch occupying the Vatican LOVES this monster:

Next, here is another darling of Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch, whom we all remember from the Obama years, Ezekiel Emmanuel, who is already planning his office space in a “Biden” White House as Biden’s top “CoronaVirus adviser”, openly declaring that human life should be terminated due to uselessness at age 75.

Like I said, the objective is to not only reduce the human population by 90%, but because Satan is the ultimate driver in this, they want people to be guaranteed to be damned to hell, to freely choose suicide, which is the most fool-proof way to absolutely guarantee that a person will be damned; their final act the freely-chosen and planned total rejection of God and His gratuitous gift of life itself, the most unnatural act in human existence.

This is a VERY compelling indicator that we are, in fact, in the End Times. Satan has been satisfied up until now with human death that didn’t guarantee damnation, such as deaths in wars or actual plagues. In fact, such paradigms actually have a tendency to elevate men in virtue, and ultimately sanctity.

Satan is done with that. He has now pivoted to only being satisfied with death that yields damnation. Mass suicide. Descent into despair, depression, pathological indifference and self-purgation of love (Diabolical Narcissism), and then… suicide. Express train to hell. The cattle cars are in place, and have started to make their runs.

And in case you haven’t cottoned to it yet, all of Antipope Bergoglio’s ranting about ALL WAR being immoral and “inadmissible” is totally designed to not just protect his luciferian comrades, but to induce hopelessness and DESPAIR.

The satanic puppet Antipope Bergoglio wants to convince men that to die fighting back in a just war of defense against his NewWorldOrder is morally wrong and damnable, but to die by suicide is morally neutral, or even virtuous as it “saves the planet” and frees up resources.

So sodomite male nurses can choreograph stripper dance numbers for the girls working EMPTY hospital wards and post them on social media to rapturous applause.

Meanwhile, men are convinced that they have absolutely no future of any kind: familial, vocational, recreational, or eternal. They are told, and believe, that the world would be better off without them. And Antipope Bergoglio assures them that the worst that can happen is that their souls are snuffed out of existence. Instantly. Painlessly. Lights out.

Pray for Pope Benedict, the one and only living Vicar of Christ since ARSH 2005, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church, in eclipse, but still the Spotless and Indefectible Bride and Body of Christ, outside of which there is no salvation.

Repost by Request: Canon Law 1339 and 1340 Explain Pope Benedict’s Actions Vis-a-vis McCarrick – You Canon Law Guys REALLY Need To Get On This

(I originally penned and posted this in September of ARSH 2018.)

Vatican Website Link Here



Can. 1339 §1. An ordinary, personally or through another, can warn a person who is in the proximate occasion of committing a delict or upon whom, after investigation, grave suspicion of having committed a delict has fallen.

§2. He can also rebuke a person whose behavior causes scandal or a grave disturbance of order, in a manner accommodated to the special conditions of the person and the deed.

§3. The warning or rebuke must always be established at least by some document which is to be kept in the secret archive of the curia.

Can. 1340 §1. A penance, which can be imposed in the external forum, is the performance of some work of religion, piety, or charity.

§2. A public penance is never to be imposed for an occult transgression.

§3. According to his own prudent judgment, an ordinary can add penances to the penal remedy of warning or rebuke.

With regards to 1340.2, an “occult transgression” means a transgression not publicly known.  This provision exists as a sort of “innocent until proven guilty in a canonical court” protection of the accused.  We are all familiar with this important aspect of jurisprudence. It seems likely that Pope Benedict XVI knew, or was at least afraid that he could not get a conviction against McCarrick, precisely because of the law of OMERTÁ that reigns among the sodomitical coven that has infiltrated Holy Mother Church, ESPECIALLY inside the Vatican.

With regards to 1339.3, this explains why all communications “downstream” of Pope Benedict were likely done verbally (with +Viganò being first among them as the Nuncio to the United States).  Canon Law, which Pope Benedict knew and followed assiduously, clearly says that the written documentation of such a rebuke would have been drafted and deposited in the Secret Archives, presumably in the Curia in Rome, and from THERE, all transmission would have been verbal, precisely because 1340.2 states that those penances imposed on someone not yet tried and convicted in court had to remain confidential.

THIS, folks, is a perfectly plausible response to the tendentious argument that McCarrick openly celebrating Mass and otherwise appearing in public somehow suggests that there were no warnings, rebukes, or penances imposed upon him by Pope Benedict XVI.  There were, but McCarrick, knowing that the Rule of Law provided for a presumption of innocence and due process, AND McCarrick knowing that he would be protected and enabled by all of the other sodomite bishops and Cardinals, FLAUNTED and OPENLY DISOBEYED the sanctions made by Pope Benedict because he knew he could get away with it, and stick it to his enemy Ratzinger at the same time.

McCarrick Report covers up Teddy’s expulsion from Xavier high school and sodomitical activity

Over the transom from Susan Matthiesen…

Dear Ann,

Please know that on PAGE 15 of the MCCARRICK REPORT they are covering up his teenage homosexual activities. Since the report starts off at the beginning with cover-ups and lies, why would anyone believe the rest of the report?

The first sentence of the second paragraph on page 15 says that McCarrick graduated from Fordham Prep in 1949. From the first sentence in the first paragraph mentioning that he was born in 1930 to the first sentence in the second paragraph saying that he graduated from Fordham prep in 1949, the report mentions NOTHING about his tumultuous years at XAVIER HIGH SCHOOL in NYC.

Below is the timeline for McCarrick’s teenage years at Xavier, the year and a half between Xavier and Fordham Prep, and his three missing years out of public view by the age of 20 when he was more than likely being groomed for the sodomite priesthood by Cardinal “Nellie” Spellman’s homosexual network. Where was “Teddy” and what was he doing those the 16 months between Xavier and Fordham Prep?

Also, note the wording in my article of the paragraph for the dates May 1946 – September 1947. “Missing for 16 months with undisclosed whereabouts” were the exact words that a friend who entered Xavier the same year that McCarrick did wrote to me. I accused Taylor Marshall of plagiarism. He wrote his book INFILTRATION by looking everything up on the internet then copying and pasting and on page 122 (I think) of his book he used my timeline and the EXACT SAME words of my friend – “undisclosed whereabouts” – except Marshall said “whereabouts undisclosed.” I didn’t even think of that wording – my friend did – which is why I know that Taylor Marshall was using my timeline.

At any rate, no one paid attention to what seems to be so obvious – which is that, given the academic rigor of both Xavier and Fordham Prep in those days, “Teddy” would never have gotten into Fordham Prep after truancy, poor grades and being expelled from Xavier. But Cardinal Spellman definitely could get him in. After “Teddy” entered Fordham Prep he zoomed to the top of his class and earned 4 superiors his senior year. Some turnaround from 16 months before when he was expelled from Xavier.

A year ago or so I contacted George Neumayr and he agreed with me. I asked him if he could somehow get Xavier to let him see their archives for the year McCarrick had been expelled – school year of 1945-46 but nothing ever came of it.

I still have the page copied from Fordham Prep’s website before they removed it saying that McCarrick had been Fordham Prep’s “Whiz Kid” of 1949.

Just thought you should know all this …which was figured out by my friends when they read somewhere that McCarrick had graduated from Fordham Prep in 1949. They knew that both they and McCarrick had entered Xavier in the same year (Sept 1944) and that they had graduated from Xavier in May of 1948….while McCarrick graduated from FP in May 1949. McCarrick himself says he was EXPELLED from Xavier.

Please read the comments after the post. I posted three of these articles on McCarrick but got criticized for it being gossip and not factual. Well, it IS factual. Every bit of it.

Susan Matthiesen


The embargo was lifted 41 minutes ago. So I’m just reading it now too. Remember, these people are all lying psychopaths.

What I can say now, and have been saying for years: Faggots will be the death of us all.

Pray for Pope Benedict, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church, the Indefectible Body and Bride of Jesus Christ, God Incarnate.

The McCarrick Report. Link Open To All.

It is 461 Pages. They’re trying to bury it in volume. Don’t let them get away with it.

Aping the sacrament of Holy Matrimony by presiding over sacrilegious, blasphemous, satanic sodomite faux-weddings is grave mortal sin and latae sententiae excommunication. And I’m sure Biden received sacramental Communion on Sunday.

Satanic. Absolutely satanic.

The only question is, and I’m being totally serious, is Biden so far gone cognitively that he is unable to repent. Does he even remember these satanic ceremonies that he presided over?

The first is from ARSH 2016. This satanic rite was performed inside the Vice Presidential residence. The second satanic ceremony was in ARSH 2017.

IF Biden is installed in the White House, the White House will be used for public satanic rites – sodomitical “weddings” – immediately and consistently, with Biden “presiding”. If that doesn’t constitute a total conquering of the former US by satan, I have no idea what would.

Aaaaand like clockwork…

Yes, they think you’re either too stupid to catch on, or too effeminate to do anything about it.

Largest crime against humanity ever, by orders of magnitude.

Biden extra-legally anointed, miracle cure for the common cold discovered!

My prediction? If Trump gets any traction in the vote counting effort, there will be a “new pandemic”. Scamdemic 2.0. Carried and spread by sparrows. Or maybe by clouds. Or light. Death rays from the moon. Or from the star Proxima Centauri.

Because the first time worked like a charm. Complete with Dr. McCoy working tirelessly in Pfizer’s labs to develop a “vaccine”.

Uh huh. Right. You betcha.

This was lame the first 50 times I saw it when it was called, “the plot of every other episode of Star Trek.”