Zay’ve gott eine kleine liszte, I’m on eine kleine liszte!

So, it’s official.  I have been declared “a danger to children” by none other than the government of Krautistan, er, I mean Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, and thus added to an official government censorship list kept and maintained by the German government.  Apparently my great and terrible crime is “discrimination against groups of people”.  Well, no one can say the Hermanns aren’t the global authority on “discrimination against groups of people”, amirite?  So, it is also against German law to discriminate against, say, heterosexual, white, Catholic males with above-average I.Q.’s?  This Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz is pretty much the same thing as what the satanic Southern Poverty Law Center is doing, except the Germans are far enough along the road (back) to totalitarianism that their SPLC-equivalent is a bonafide government entity.

And also remember… it’s für die Kinder.

Now, I still have work to do, because the list that has been added to is a voluntary list that people subscribe to… for now.  But, we all know that this kind of thing will become mandatory very shortly…für die Kinder. But they haven’t gone full-Argentinian-uncle-who-emigrated-to-Buenos Aires-in-early-1945… yet.

Obviously, it was morally incumbent upon me to post a video of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “I’ve Got a Little List” at the end of this post, but never in my wildest, wildest dreams could I have anticipated finding THIS gem, which is clearly the BEST version of “I’ve Got a Little List” ever performed.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you “The Lord High Slapper Downer”.  Enjoy.

…she never would be missed. She never would be missed…
They’ve got her on The List….

Here is the full email exchange between SuperNerd and OpenDNS. The first message is at the bottom, the last message at the top.  Seriously folks, this should help give you an idea of what is coming soon to a theater near you.

Michael Co Michael Coleman (OpenDNS)

Feb 26, 10:06 PST


OpenDNS does not manage this list, but we do give our users the opportunity to block this particular category as it is a prerequisite for doing business in Germany. It is legitimate, and you will need to contact the Germany authorities to request to have it removed.

At this point I will be tentatively marking the ticket as solved, but if you have any further questions please feel free to reply to this email and it will re-open the discussion.

Best regards,

Michael Coleman
Customer Support Engineer – Team Lead (US West)
OpenDNS, Inc.

SuperNerd SuperNerd Media

Feb 26, 09:26 PST

A quick Google search? Are you saying OpenDNS is using a list for blocking purposes about which you don’t have contact information? How can you even verify the block list in qustion originated with the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien (yes, I know perfectly well how to use Google) and not some group of cultrual marxists pretending to be a respectable and authorized entity of the German government? This is why I asked YOU for contact information; as a professional and responsible organization you should be able to provide me with a streamlined means of contesting the absurd inculsion of my client’s site on this list.

Of course, if your web filtering scheme is more political than professional then I’ll just continue my inquest via Google.

Michael Co Michael Coleman (OpenDNS)

Feb 26, 09:21 PST

A quick search on Google resulted in this:

It looks like you can contact them from there.

Best regards,

Michael Coleman
Customer Support Engineer – Team Lead (US West)
OpenDNS, Inc.

SuperNerd SuperNerd Media

Feb 26, 09:17 PST

Please send me more information about this list and contact info for the people who maintain the list.

Thank you.

Michael Co Michael Coleman (OpenDNS)

Feb 26, 09:13 PST


Thanks for contacting us. This domain is part of the German Youth Protection domain list which is cultivated and maintained by the German government. You would need to contact the entity within the German Government who maintains the German Youth Protection domain list to have it reviewed/removed.

This domain was blocked on the network displayed in your screenshot as they have decided to block domains on the German Youth Protection list. Cisco Umbrella/OpenDNS does not maintain these blocks lists and would be unable to assist.

Let us know if you have any additional questions.

Best regards,

Michael Coleman
Customer Support Engineer – Team Lead (US West)
OpenDNS, Inc.

SuperNerd SuperNerd Media

Feb 22, 20:27 PST

My company manages the website and I have been informed by a fan of the site that this website is being blocked by OpenDNS. Per information on your website — — I’m emailing to inquire why this is. Please let me know as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.