Hugh Hefner Died a Faggot. Big TOLDYA about how all sexual perversion is a downward spiral derivative of Diabolical Narcissism


The founder of Playboy, Hugh Hefner, died recently, and I came across something that needs to be publicized far and wide.  The sodomiticalists, with faggot priests like James Martin (for whom we just finished a Novena) are pushing hard the notion that sexual perversion is an inborn trait akin to race. Nothing could be farther from the truth.  In fact, a video of Martin claiming that there are Saints in heaven who are sex perverts, is Martin’s new line.

Let’s quickly look at the “gay saints in heaven” lie.  Sexual perversion – ALL sexual perversion, from heterosexuals with perverse fetishes all the way to child rapists, necrophiliacs and bestialists – is a derivative of Diabolical Narcissism.  The freely chosen purging of love, and thus the objectification of other human beings as purely sources of narcissistic satisfaction, or “supply”, is the prerequisite for sexual perversion. Note the key concept here – THE FREELY CHOSEN PURGING OF CHARITY FROM THE SOUL.

Now, given this, how could a saint, and remember a saint is a person who has achieved the Beatific Vision, be in any way in a state of rejecting charity, which is what “gay” means by definition?  Every person in heaven is a saint, and every person now in Purgatory is a future saint who is still being purged of all attachment to sin.  The Beatific Vision, and the Communion of Saints which exists completely inside the Beatific Vision (aka heaven) is, in simple terms, PURE CHARITY, because God Himself is pure, infinite Charity. Now, we know that psychosexual perversion requires a free choice to not love, so, it is therefore impossible for anyone still attached to the sickening, revolting sins of Sodom to retain that pathology AND enjoy the Beatific Vision.  Could there be and are there people who have repented of sexual sins, including the nauseating, wretched sins of Sodom, reverted to the One True Faith, died fully confessed, contrite and in a state of grace, and gone on to achieve the Beatific Vision?  Of course that is possible. No sin is so great that Christ’s death on the Cross is insufficient to cleanse us from it. But the person MUST repent and be contrite – they must acknowledge that their sins are, in fact, sins, and they MUST ask Christ’s forgiveness.  Is it then possible, as James Martin is telling people, for a person to die pridefully wallowing in the sins of Sodom, self-purged of love, and achieve the Beatific Vision? No. No repentance, no mercy. A person cannot receive the mercy and compassion of Christ if they enjoy and relish in their sin, think it is “good”, and have no desire to change.

So, back to Hefner.  I came across a link to a piece written in ARSH 2003 – fourteen years ago – when Hefner was already in his late 70s. In it, one of Hefner’s “girlfriends” reveals that Hefner already in the early 2000s had descended into faggotry.  This is COMPLETELY unsurprising once one understands the dynamics of Diabolical Narcissism with regards to sexual perversion.  Here is the quote paraphrasing the “girlfriend”, Sandy Bentley:

Flanked by the twins in matching hot-pink cowboy hats [Sandy and Mandy Bentley], Hefner swaggeringly maintained the facade of a relationship, gushing about the power of Viagra. (The heterosexual icon, Sandy had told Yagalla, had trouble finding satisfaction through intercourse; instead, he liked the girls to pleasure each other while he masturbated and watched gay porn.)

Sexual perversion is a freely-chosen downward spiral, that anyone can descend into. Men who descend into the Diabolically Narcissistic world of pornography and promiscuous heterosexual sex start out as completely heterosexual, and before long become desensitized to women, even perverse sodomitical acts on women such as anal sex, and move into faggot porn in order to become aroused.  Most of the male gay porn consumed today is consumed by “straight” men who have maxed-out on heterosexual porn.  The next step after the male gay porn no longer arouses them is child porn and bestiality.

Hefner wasn’t a faggot to start out with. That’s the point: NO ONE IS A FAG TO START OUT WITH.  No one is “born gay” any more than someone is born addicted to gambling or plastic surgery. Hefner was not only straight, but the great “heterosexual icon”. Hefner, completely unsurprisingly, purged of all love by his own free choice, eventually descended into faggotry and could only be aroused by faggotry because sexual perversion is, by definition, a descent, very much like drug addiction. Pretty soon, the weed just isn’t enough, and then the oxycontin isn’t enough, and then the heroin isn’t enough…. Pretty soon the penny slots aren’t enough, and then the $100 per hand blackjack isn’t enough….  Pretty soon the Botox isn’t enough, then the liposuction isn’t enough, then the fake lips, boobs and butt aren’t enough….

So why are there people who begin manifesting sexual perversion at an early age? Because their free choice to purge themselves of love began earlier, and was more rapid, such as with people who are sexually abused and purge themselves of love as a so-called “defense mechanism”.  The most pathological cases are people who were deified as children, literally told by their parents or teachers that they were super-human, exclusively superior, over and above other people, and thus the deified child freely chooses to not love because to do so would be “beneath them”, and would expose them as being… merely human.  This toxic pathology when mixed with the hormones of puberty can easily turn into sodomitical lusts, and as our culture collapses and children are being deified AS POLICY (special snowflakes) and taught sexual perversion AS POLICY, the incidence of sexual perversion in the young will only increase parabolically from here.

Hefner is a pathetic, yet extremely instructive example.  When these questions come up, make sure that Hefner is cited as a prime example of the “descent into sexual perversion” that is the byproduct of Diabolical Narcissism, to which any human being is potentially susceptible. Because in the end, the only way this sad, loveless man could derive any genital sensation was from faggotry – even with multiple willing “Playboy Bunnies” mere feet away.

The Law is a gift from God to all of us, and the 6th Commandment is a precious gift that our Loving God gave us to help prevent us from falling into lives of misery, self-destruction and eternal damnation.

I have restrained my feet from every evil way: that I may keep Thy words. I have not declined from Thy judgments, because Thou hast set me a law.  How sweet are Thy words to my palate! more than honey to my mouth. By Thy commandments I have had understanding: therefore have I hated every way of iniquity. Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my paths.
Psalm 118: 101-105



Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.