How to respond to defenders of gay kiddie porn on ABC

So I tweeted yesterday the story about the basic cable channel ABC Family (nice Orwellian name there, eh?) showing 13 year old boys kissing “romantically”.  The tweet was picked up by pro-sodomite sites, and I received a plethora of tweets from poor, blind, morally degraded people attacking me as a hypocrite and a hater, blah blah blah.  Many said, “If the scene was between a boy and a girl, you wouldn’t call it porn, hypocrite!”

That is exactly correct.  Because, for example, the “first kiss” scene from “The Wonder Years” between Kevin and Winnie, who I think were also 13, is not pornographic.  In fact, here it is:

So what is the distinction?  It is so simple, and the fact that people today are incapable of seeing the distinction automatically is a testament to how far gone we are, how blind we are.

All sodomitical acts, including “romantic” kissing between two people of the same sex, ARE OBSCENE BY THEIR VERY NATURE.  Sodomy and all acts that point toward sodomy are, by definition, OBSCENE.

Pornography is the depiction of obscenity.  Therefore, all depictions of same-sex “romantic” kissing, touching, even aggressive flirting are pornographic because they are depicting an obscenity.  

This is why, after the war, there must be the re-establishment and enforcement of anti-obscenity laws which punish those who produce or traffic in sodomitical and otherwise obscene media.  Exposing people, especially children, to obscenity, desensitizes them to the horror of it, and once desensitized, there is no longer an internal drive to defend against it.

So, tell me.  Have YOU canceled your cable or satellite feed yet?  Or are you still paying the enemies of Christ to pump their agitporn into not only your home, but the homes of your neighbors and their children?

Let us end with the words of Our Lord to Saint Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Universal Church:

“They not only fail from resisting this frailty [of fallen human nature] . . . but do even worse as they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid, having dimmed the light of their understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but displeases even the demons themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords. For Me, this sin against nature is so abominable that, for it alone, five cities were submersed, by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear them. . . . It is disagreeable to the demons, not because evil displeases them and they find pleasure in good, but because their nature is angelic and thus is repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed. It is true that it is the demon who hits the sinner with the poisoned arrow of lust, but when a man carries out such a sinful act, the demon leaves.”
–Saint Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Universal Church, quoting Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ  

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.