Laboravi clamans…

1.)  I start writing, and while I certainly could comment on everything, I simply have no drive to do so.  I warned and warned, screamed and screamed.  It’s too late now.

I wrote a piece for nearly four years ago titled, “We the Stupid”.  And people are STILL convinced, after all of this, that their government is legitimate, and that this can all be undone and fixed peacefully, through elections and the extant paradigm.  It can’t.  Someone told me just a few weeks ago that “there isn’t going to be any war, and you are crazy to think that there will be.”  And you know, he may be right.  War involves fighting.  At this point, I don’t think there will be any real resistance.  And I’m not just saying that as some sort of reverse psychology trick in order to get people riled up.  This culture, even the “good” part, is so far gone and so effeminate (more on this below), that it is incapable of even the most mild act of resistance or self-defense.

This is what I wrote four years ago.

Finally, I do not understand how it can possibly be that conservative writers are still addressing Obama as if he is actually trying to help the economy, but his well-intentioned policies are failing.

Obama is the enemy. Obama is a Marxist-Communist usurper and puppet front for a cabal of Marxist-Communists who are actively trying to destroy the United States of America. Everything they have done, are doing, and will do has the single goal of collapsing and destroying the U.S. economy, military, constitutional government and culture. What part of “Marxist Revolution” do you not understand?

The Obama regime is not a failure. The Obama regime is not incompetent. The Obama regime has achieved more in two and a half years than anyone could have possibly foreseen. It has debased the currency by 50% of the GDP and guaranteed that our economy will collapse. It has looted the Treasury for more than the size of a top-ten economy and embezzled that wealth into the hands of their fellow Marxists in preparation for the final collapse of the United States. It has ground the economy of the United States to a screeching halt. It has destabilized the entire Muslim world and ensured that there will be a nuclear war centered around Israel within the decade.

The Obama regime has no interest whatsoever in “stimulus” or “getting folks back to work.” How can you not understand this? How can we possibly win this war if we refuse to come to terms with the fact that we are, in fact, fighting a war?

God save the United States of America, because the people are far too stupid to do it themselves.

2.  I want to make a distinction between effeminacy and, for the sake of clarity, “swishing faggotry”.  Most men today are still, in fact, heterosexual.  But they are extremely effeminate.  Whilst being sexually oriented towards heteronormative acts (simply put, they “like girls”), their mode of being, of addressing the world, is almost completely feminized.  When confronted with a problem, their method of dealing with it is to first DENY THAT THE PROBLEM EXISTS.  Eyes down.  Look away.  DON’T TALK ABOUT IT.  Pretend nothing is wrong, and eventually the problem will either go away, fix itself, or someone else (namely “a man”), will solve the problem for us, out of sight, and then we won’t ever actually have to deal with it.  This is how females are generally wired, because women are physically weaker than men, and the best way for a woman to keep from getting raped and murdered is to AVOID combat situations in the first place.  This is what today’s post-Christian western man has been trained to do and be since infancy.

The other profoundly feminine mode of avoidance is something I observe on a near-daily basis.  It is the strategy that says, “Let’s wait to do anything until it is too late to do anything.  Then it won’t be our fault, because it will have been too late to do anything.”  This is such transparent cowardice, but oh, so attractive to the effeminized men of today.  It is painted not as the abject cowardice and impotence that it is, but rather as “prudence”.  It is now believed that the prudent man is not the man who discerns and does the right, but rather the man who does NOTHING.

I am reminded of Bonhoeffer’s quote: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

No, the hallmark gesture of today’s effeminized man is not the limp wrist and swishing hips of the “faggot”.  The hallmark gesture of today’s effeminized post-Christian western man is the SHRUGGING OF THE SHOULDERS.  Devoid of virility, devoid of potency, and at its core, devoid of CHARITY, today’s man, when confronted with evil, turns his head away to the side, shrugs his shoulders, and bleats out his twin mottoes:



And so, many people look at the oligarch class, these nefarious characters infecting every corner of society, from the halls of academia, to the corporate boardrooms, to the halls of government, to the halls of the Church, and they see, generally, drooling imbeciles.  And they then think that surely these drooling imbeciles will do themselves in – all we need do is wait for them to trip over their own thingamajigs and beat themselves.  But that isn’t going to happen.  They will continue to roll.  They will continue to march down the field, because not only are we not mounting an effective defense – MUCH LESS any sort of counter-offense, WE AREN’T EVEN FIELDING A TEAM.

If two teams are playing, and one team is the “NFL Dream Team of All Time” and the other team is comprised of a blind, mentally retarded three year old, the blind, mentally retarded three year old, ALONE, can beat the NFL Dream Team of All Time IF the Dream Team never comes out of the locker room.  The blind, retarded three year old can literally run up and down the gridiron, scoring at will, so long as the Dream Team remains in the locker room, watching the blind, mentally retarded three year old cross the goal line time after time, shrugging their shoulders, declaring, “There’s nothing we can do about it.  Whatever.  It’s not my problem.”

And what is never shown on camera or discussed is the “coach” (satan) and “assistant coaches” (demons) on the sidelines, coaxing and calling the mentally retarded three year old down the field to uncontested score after uncontested score.

3.  Attende, Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi….

Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee.

Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee.

To Thee, highest King,
Redeemer of all,
do we lift up our eyes
in weeping:
Hear, O Christ, the prayers
of your servants.

Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee.

Right hand of the Father,
way of salvation,
gate of heaven,
wash away our
stains of sin.

Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee.

We beseech Thee, God,
in Thy great majesty:
Hear our groans
with Thy holy ears:
calmly forgive
our crimes.

Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee.

To Thee we confess
our sins admitted
with a contrite heart
We reveal the things hidden:
By Thy kindness, O Redeemer,
overlook them.

Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee.

The Innocent, seized,
not refusing to be led;
condemned by false witnesses
because of impious men
O Christ, keep safe those
whom Thou hast redeemed.

Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, because we have sinned against Thee.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.