Barnhardt Estate Sale: Hot Beverage Mugs – Trench Mouth Included FREE!

The Estate Liquidation Elves in Colorado report that they wanna get my junk cleared out… er, excuse me, that they are ready to sell the hot beverage mugs!  Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.

**All buyers from Ann Barnhardt’s eBay account go straight to the top of some FEDGOV list somewhere.  Guaranteed.  So you’ll have that going for you, which is nice.

My eBay handle is 720ann.


This Buy-It-Now sale is for one random hot beverage mug from the Ann Barnhardt estate.  Each mug has been thoroughly imbued with Ann Barnhardt’s slobber, cooties and possibly trench mouth (aka Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis).  Not liable for loss of teeth or any other manifestation of cranial rot resulting from the use of these mugs.  Buy-It-Now price is $75 for ONE RANDOM MUG.  Some are ceramic, some are glass.  When you receive yours, it will be a surprise – just like Christmas except with trench mouth.  Free shipping within the U.S.  Ann Barnhardt prays daily for her benefactors and receives Holy Communion for them not infrequently.
Mmmm.  Is that nutmeg? No!  It's trench mouth.  The trench mouth makes it good....

Mmmm. Is that nutmeg?
No! It’s trench mouth. The trench mouth makes it good….

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.