Compelling testimony of a cancer surgeon on Ivermectin curing stage 4 cancers.

Ivermectin is not just an antiparasitic. It is also an antiviral, an anti-inflammatory, AND an anti-tumoric. With basically zero side effects (temporary mild wonky vision at high dosage levels is as bad as it gets) , and dirt cheap to produce. And BigPharma has known this for decades.

Listen carefully to what she says about her patient driving to Tennessee, paying cash for Ivermectin at a pharmacy, and the Ivermectin then immediately showing up in his chart.

THAT is why I still strongly advocate taking the livestock injectable form orally by drinking it. His oncologists clearly wanted him to die, refusing to entertain ANY treatment- hospice only.

Also note that this doctor proves her moral sanity by saying exactly what I have been saying for years now about Ivermectin: IT CAN’T HURT. If something can’t hurt, why in the world wouldn’t you at least be open to trying, much less violently opposed to trying? The abject refusal to try something that was known to be completely safe was irrefutable proof all during the CoronaScam that these people’s intentions were evil and nefarious. They wanted people dead, whether it be for Malthusian reasons, ideological-political reasons, financial reasons, or a combination of all three. Ivermectin’s power to heal is almost secondary to its power to expose the Luciferian agenda.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.