Over the Transom: Another Nurse (not Nurse Claire) waxing poetic on the “Faggot Factories”, aka “schools”

Over the transom from a high-level male nurse. MALE nurse. Not all male nurses are homosexual, folks. In fact, nursing was founded as a male vocation.

“COVID is second on my “most concerning issues” list. This whole transgender thing is out of control with child mutilation being encouraged and concealed. If COVID shut down the schools again, the only good thing would be that kids would have a small reprieve from the constant exposure to faggotry and mutilation.

Public schools are faggot factories where kids are sometimes living secret lives unbeknownst to their parents.

The peer pressure to accept these groups has gone too far. At (redacted) vs (redacted) High School football game there was a black male cheerleader, hair dyed flamboyantly, cheering and prancing around. It wasn’t even about the cheerleaders anymore. This one faggot literally took center stage. The females were there to support him. What a backwards upside down world we live in. Tik tok, Twitter, Instagram…. Would an EMP and war be so bad?”


St. Camillus de Lellis, founder of modern nursing, pray for us and for all nurses, and for an increase in nursing vocations, especially among faithful Catholic men. Because God knows we are going to need them.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.