Mailbag: Ivermectin for breastfeeding moms and tiny people? ABSOLUTELY.


Wondering if you’ve had any anecdotes come in from breastfeeding women using the magic liquid (Ivermectin 1% livestock solution) for the coof. I’d like to dose it for myself but it occurred to me I’ve never read anything on this particular risk profile and of course, as long as the powers that be, are, I never will.

Thanks in advance and God bless all your writing and podcasting efforts,


Dear J-

Here’s a study on Ivermectin being given orally to infants to treat scabies. Verdict: totally safe.



Thank you!!

I ended up dosing 6 out of 7 kids (youngest is only 5 months so I wasn’t sure, I hoped she would get some through my breastmilk), my husband, and I, just as the raging covid headache was settling in on day 2 and the sore throat and fever symptoms were starting in the kids. One daughter (age 9) has allergic asthma and ALWAYS needs oral steroids with respiratory illnesses.

My symptoms were basically gone in under 8 hours, and I discontinued dosing on day 3. Kids all took 2 doses, husband took one. Most symptoms were gone by the next day for the entire family, and our asthma kid had her first respiratory infection in literally years that resolved without steroids.

God bless your diligence in spreading awareness of this drug – my medicine cabinet is stocked for back to school season!

(p.s. We know it was covid bc our entire extended family had it and the vaxxed members are still obediently shoving q-tips in their brains whenever they sneeze.)


Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.