#Toldya: Tucho Fernandez, satanic monster faggot, writer of homoerotic grooming poetry book, will be given a Cardinalatial Red Hat on September 30th by Antipope Bergoglio

Pope St. Pius V would have laicized Tucho Fernandez, notorious open sodomite, and handed him over to secular authorities for trial and public execution.

Antipope Bergoglio, probable False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, is trying to trick the world into thinking that Tucho is a Cardinal Prince of the Church, and head of the Office of the Doctrine of the Faith. But anyone with a modicum of Catholic sense can observe the obvious: Fernández is a purely malicious infiltrator who has as much authority in the Catholic Church as the Dread Strumpet Madonna Ciccone. Both are evil apostate perverts in league with Satan and the demons. It’s OBVIOUS.

Methinks Antipope Bergoglio has overplayed his hand, as evil always does, as he shambles toward his death and judgment.

Apparently Tucho reads the Trad American blogs, so I’d just like to remind him of the fact that his crimes are capital according to both the Natural and Divine Law, and are Capital under secular codes when secular states acknowledge Jesus Christ as Sovereign King. I’ll address him directly in Spanish:

TUCHO: tus delitos son capitales según la Ley Natural y Divina, y son Capitales bajo los códigos seculares cuando los estados seculares reconocen a Jesucristo como Rey Soberano.

Arrepiéntete, o pasarás la eternidad en el infierno.

This is why Tucho Fernandez, Jorge Bergoglio, and all of the sodomite infiltrators of Holy Mother Church hate God, and are on a mission to destroy The Church from within. Because they know that God will never, ever ratify their sickening, perverted lusts, and so they are on a mission to hurt God by destroying as many human souls as they can – they want to drag as many people as possible into hell with them. It’s pure spite and hatred of God Himself that drives these vomitous wretches.

Keep repeating this over and over until you get it:

Jorge Bergoglio is an Antipope who is the public front of the Antichurch. Pope Benedict never validly resigned, therefore Bergoglio has NEVER been the Pope, and as a public apostate from the Catholic Faith, never could be the Pope. Antipope Bergoglio never “lost the Office of the Papacy”, because he NEVER HELD IT. There WAS NO CONCLAVE in March of ARSH 2013. You can only lose what you have previously possessed.

As Fr. Linus Clovis has so brilliantly said: The Church and the Antichurch today occupy the same liturgical, sacramental and juridical space. But the Antichurch is ascendant, and is pushing the True Church further and further into terrifyingly visible eclipse. We’re not at totality yet, but we’re sprinting towards it.

But always remember what happens AFTER totality….


Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.