Barnhardt Podcast #189: What Did Noah Know?

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode Nurse Claire joins us to discuss the science-free zone at the FDA, the ban on over-the-counter vitamin D-3 in Canada, mono-gastric omnivores (and the Senators who act like them), and generally watch in amazement as the acceleration of the collapse on all fronts accelerates around us. Of course we’ve been promised that when these things come to pass that we should be encouraged because our salvation is close at hand!

Dear Listeners,

On Friday’s episode #189 of the Barnhardt Podcast, I stated that Canada has banned the sale of over the counter vitamin D. I was mistaken: The sale of vitamin D is much more tightly regulated than that of the U.S., as the dose limit is 2500 IUs. Anything over that requires a prescription. My apologies for the erroneous information.

Best regards,

Nurse Claire

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Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.