FORTY YEARS APOSTATE. A new record for this space?

This note came attached to a “recurring donation profile setup” notification today.

It was by the grace of Blessed Mother Mary and your website that I returned to the Catholic Church after 40 years of apostasy. I originally came to your site for the investment information a while ago but stayed for the Catholic education. I have learned so much and am truly blessed to be a member of a nearby FSSP parish. Now I am praying for my other family members and children to revert/convert also.

Not 40 years of lukewarmness, backsliding, or even slumming with Protestants. Forty years of APOSTASY. As in a total denial of Christ. Now, back home, as simple as one good confession. Our Lord makes it so easy. Only WE make it hard.

Please, say a Hail Mary with a “St. Monica, pray for us” for the re-conversion of this person’s family, and if you can spare the 30 seconds, another for the FSSP priests and the parish where this person is.

THIS is why we get up, brush and floss the choppers, iron today’s dress, put on the tasteful ladylike war paint, put on a beautiful helmet-hat, go to Mass/Adoration, keep the house clean and ready for company, and do what we do. THAT IS the ARMOR of GOD, and THIS IS THE WAR. It has already started, and will never end until Our Lord returns in glory. Every day is a battle for souls.

Strive to be the kind of person that when you wake up the in morning, satan and the demons collectively groan, “Oh, shit. She’s up.” That’s the goal for those of us laynothings in the Church Militant. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.