Stunning: 2020 Election Coup and 2013 Papacy Coup use EXACTLY the same Luciferian tactics to demoralize and quash resistance

From The Remnant Newspaper.  Has Michael Matt seen the light?

The psychological tactics used by “controlled opposition” partisans in both of the Freemasonic-NewWorldOrder coups of this decade, the ARSH 2013 attempted coup in the Vatican and installation of a Luciferian Antipope AND the ARSH 2020 US election coup, are EXACTLY the same. These psychological tactics are deployed by the so-called “political right”, and the “Trad Inc.” and Novu$ Ordo contingents, but their objective in both cases is to SUPPRESS ALL RESISTANCE and maintain the $tatu$ quo. Let’s take a look:

 Trad Inc. & Novus Ordo “conservative” Catholics with regards to Pope Benedict’s invalid resignation and the Bergoglian Antipapacy:

“It’s hopeless.  Give up.  There’s nothing anyone can do. No one is interested in your infantile fantasies.”

“NeverTrump Conservatives” with regards to the Stolen election of 2020:

“It’s hopeless.  Give up.  There’s nothing anyone can do. No one is interested in your infantile fantasies.”

This is called “Blackpilling”: trying to demoralize and sow despair among your “own side”, trying to convince them that resistance is futile and the Truth is irrelevant and impotent in and of itself.

Trad Inc. & Novus Ordo “conservative” Catholics with regards to Pope Benedict’s invalid resignation and the Bergoglian Antipapacy:

“Universal Peaceful Acceptance! If the College of Cardinals says Bergoglio is Pope, then it is INFALLIBLE DOGMATIC FACT! The College of Cardinals bestows the Papacy!”

“NeverTrump Conservatives” with regards to the Stolen election of 2020:

“The Media called it!  If the Media calls a winner in a Presidential election, then there can be no further debate! It is the Media’s JOB to call election winners!”

Universal Peaceful Acceptance of a papal election contains in EVERY definition of it the required antecedent of LEGALITY and LEGITIMACY. Universal Peaceful Acceptance has zero bearing on ILLEGAL, INVALID conclaves, as the case of Antipope Anacletus II clearly shows.  Error has no rights, and Truth is not a democracy.  Lies and crimes can not be made “true and legal” by a consensus, or even a total unanimity of men.

The Media has absolutely NOTHING to do with declaring a winner of any election.  That is up to the various legal bodies to do.  Petitioning for the redress of grievances, in this case election fraud, is not only enshrined in the Constitution, it is a foundational concept of Law.  Error has no rights, therefore the right of redress in the face of error and/or falsehood is a Divinely Ordained human right.

Trad Inc. & Novus Ordo “conservative” Catholics with regards to Pope Benedict’s invalid resignation and the Bergoglian Antipapacy:

Ban and censor all mention of even the possibility of Pope Benedict’s putative resignation being invalid. Establish echo chambers and try to convince the masses that NO ONE is asking the same questions or holding the same positions that they do – that they are alone and isolated. Most Trad Inc websites have “Ann Barnhardt” set as a censor-and-ban term in their comment boxes.  Moderators delete and ban any comments that bring up even the possibility of Pope Benedict’s resignation being invalid, and Bergoglio being an Antipope.

“NeverTrump Conservatives” with regards to the Stolen election of 2020:

Ban and censor all mention of even the possibility of the 2020 Presidential election being tampered with. Establish echo chambers and try to convince the masses that NO ONE is asking the same questions or holding the same positions that they do – that they are alone and isolated.  Banning and censoring election news by Google, FaceBook, Twitter, etc.

Trad Inc. & Novus Ordo “conservative” Catholics with regards to Pope Benedict’s invalid resignation and the Bergoglian Antipapacy:

Refuse to engage the dataset.  Claim that there is “no evidence” by categorically refusing to engage in any way ANY of the MOUNTAIN of evidence, because “I can tell you right now it is garbage – the rantings of the mentally ill. I don’t NEED to look at it.”

“NeverTrump Conservatives” with regards to the Stolen election of 2020:

Refuse to engage the dataset.  Claim that there is “no evidence” by categorically refusing to engage in any way ANY of the MOUNTAINS of evidence, because “I can tell you right now it is garbage – the rantings of the mentally ill.  Okay, we don’t need to see this…” (Neil Cavuto cutting away from a Trump campaign presser.) 

Trad Inc. & Novus Ordo “conservative” Catholics with regards to Pope Benedict’s invalid resignation and the Bergoglian Antipapacy:

Claim that Canon Law is irrelevant, even with regards to purely juridical acts that are explicitly bounded by Canon Law, Natural Law and Divine Law, that the Papacy is simultaneously over and above the Law, and totally meaningless hierarchically, theologically, and morally, and that the College of Cardinals is the super-dogmatic body that both gives and takes the Papacy infallibly, irrespective of any Canon Law or defined dogma which explicitly refutes this heresy (Pastor Aeternus, Vatican I).

“NeverTrump Conservatives” with regards to the Stolen election of 2020:

Claim that all statutes, Federal, State and Local are irrelevant, and that once the news Media calls a winner, THAT is the whole of the law.

Trad Inc. & Novus Ordo “conservative” Catholics with regards to Pope Benedict’s invalid resignation and the Bergoglian Antipapacy:

“Just wait for the next ‘conclave’.  Popes come and go.  You just don’t understand history. Everything Bergoglio does can be undone by a future Pope.”

“NeverTrump Conservatives” with regards to the Stolen election of 2020:

Just wait until the 2022 midterms and the 2024 Presidential election.  Then we’ll show ’em!

In terms of the “next conclave”, IF Antipope Bergoglio dies or “resigns” before Pope Benedict XVI dies or resigns validly, any conclave called will ALSO BE INVALID because the See would still occupied by Pope Benedict, as it has been since April of ARSH 2005.  Further, if Antipope Bergoglio continues to be falsely called a “Pope”, his every word and deed will be used by satan and his minions, and even just ignorant, sinful men to justify every lie, perversion, blasphemy and sin.  The rape of Bride of Christ by Antipope Bergoglio will continue uninterrupted for decades or centuries so long as Antipope Bergoglio is falsely called “Pope”.  Meanwhile, Trad Inc and “conservative” Novus Ordo Catholic entities will continue their massive grift and fundraising.  I eyewitnessed many conversations by very well-known Trad Inc players gleefully celebrating the advent of “Francis” as being “great for business”, “the best thing that ever happened to us” and “there has to be a helluva lot of money to be made off of this” because “the Rubes will throw money at you – all you have to do is yell at them.  And then when they give you money, yell at them again and tell them it wasn’t enough… and sure as shit, they’ll give you more! Stupid Rubes….”

Kick the can down the road.  Let future generations deal with it and clean up the mess….

The “just wait until the next election” has been the mantra of the controlled opposition grifters on the so-called political “right” for decades.  And yet there has been nothing but an uninterrupted nosedive into the totalitarian Communist overthrow that we are now in the midst of.  “Just wait until the next election” is CLEARLY a con to raise money for the wildly corrupt political machine.  Political fundraising is more lucrative when cast as coming from an “underdog” position. “Conservatism” has no actual desire to conserve anything, only to grift and share power as the Overton window shifts left without interruption.

Kick the can down the road.  Let future generations deal with it and clean up the mess….

Trad Inc. & Novus Ordo “conservative” Catholics with regards to Pope Benedict’s invalid resignation and the Bergoglian Antipapacy:

Relentless use of Alinsky Tactics (name-calling, slander, calumny campaigns, polarization), projection and gaslighting, doxxing, both threatened and executed, culminating in accusations of dangerous mental illness meriting forcible detention.

“NeverTrump Conservatives” with regards to the Stolen election of 2020:

Relentless use of Alinsky Tactics (name-calling, slander, calumny campaigns, polarization), projection and gaslighting, doxxing, both threatened and executed, culminating in accusations of dangerous mental illness meriting forcible detention.

For those of you here reading for the secular political content, you may not appreciate the inside baseball of what is going on amongst Catholics.  I have been publicly laying out the evidentiary and legal case that Pope Benedict’s attempted resignation was totally invalid for over four years.  I have been attacked by a clique of TRADITIONAL CATHOLICS (whom I severed all ties with due to their blasphemous and larcenous private conduct and jaw-droppingly th-ordid th-ocial th-ircle years ago) with exactly the same tactics we see being deployed by the Deep State and Media with regards to people questioning the 2020 election.  The Alinsky name-calling is textbook projection, accusing one’s enemy of EXACTLY the Alinskyite’s own crimes and sins: Cluster-B personality disorder/pathological narcissism, “crazy”, mentally ill, “indocile”, schismatic (Trad Inc partisans now actively preach against the Papacy as an office, deny Vatican I, and encourage people to go to the schismatic Eastern Orthodox), sedevacatist (Trad Inc partisans now declare the See to be vacant due to Bergoglio’s heresy – and remember, my position is that the SEE IS OCCUPIED BY POPE BENEDICT – this is quite possibly the most egregious example of projection ever seen in the public sphere), “Protestant” (from people who all day every day preach that the Papacy must be RESISTED – again, the projection meter pegs and the spring breaks), and of an “infantile refusal to deal with reality”, “idolater” (any acknowledgement of the supernatural negative protection of the Vicar of Christ guaranteed by Our Lord Himself is now called “idolatry” by Trad Inc partisans, which means that EVERY Catholic, Saint, Doctor and Father of the Church has confessed a creed and lived a faith that was a mortal sin against the First Commandment.  Only hopeless Uber-gamma social media and Hollywood TV and movie and video game addicts parked on Twitter 20 hours per day raging at strangers, who confess hatred of the Rosary, some of whom have not attended Mass since early March, have the TRUE, DEEP KNOWLEDGE, or GNOSIS, of what REAL Catholicism is….)

Because events in the Church are running several years ahead of secular events while in a near-perfect parallel, a deeply troubled Trad Inc partisan recently wistfully pined to establish a crowd-funding project to pay for me to be forcibly “brought in” and detained and “tested” for psychiatric illness.  DISREGARD THIS AS MERE EFFEMINATE UBER-GAMMA FIT-THROWING AT YOUR OWN PERIL.  Accusations of “mental illness” are a TEXTBOOK Communist tactic, because there is no objective test for any mental or spiritual state – these are totally SUBJECTIVE measures, and thus require only that the “tester” be bought off OR ideologically invested in declaring the subject “crazy”.  Remember, the left today believes that anyone to the right of Mao Zedong is a “Nazi” that is a danger to society, and “mentally deranged”.  Events are so far progressed in the Church/Antichurch, that the process of declaring people who merely question Pope Benedict’s attempted resignation are being openly threatened with KIDNAP AND INSTITUTIONALIZATION is already in progress.

It bears mentioning that this exact dynamic is ALSO happening with the CoronaScam – those who so much as question anything to do with the ScamDemic are being called “mentally ill” and calls are being made for forcibly detain and remove children from the homes of people who dare question the religion of Covidism.

In terms of the 2020 Presidential election, it is exactly the same dynamics.  Trump voters are called “fascists”, violent, seditionists, revolutionaries, and “crazy conspiracy theorists”.  Failure to accept Biden as the winner is openly cited as proof of “mental illness” and of “not living in reality”.  Politicians or ANYONE who dare fail to show public allegiance to the left and the BLM/Antifa/musloid/LGBT Schutzstaffel are doxxed, and “put on lists”.

I am reminded of a skit from a British TV show many years ago in which a Nazi officer points out to his superior that they have skulls on their hats, and asks the obvious question, “Are WE the Baddies?”

Trad Inc partisans who intransigently insist that “Francis is Pope” and attack with truly diabolical vigor ANYONE who DARE question the events of February ARSH 2013 and Pope Benedict’s obviously coerced and substantially erroneous partial resignation echo and support in EVERY WAY the agenda of Freemasonry since its establishment in London in ARSH 1717.  Demythologize and attempt to destroy the Papacy.  In doing so, deny Christ’s Divinity, and the Church itself.  Sow doubt and confusion.  Stir up division.  Foment despair.  Incite hatred – by any means necessary, including fully-cognizant lying and calumny. Openly declare God to be “a jerk”, the Church to be “not what I signed up for”, and type and publish the words, “I hate the Rosary”.

Meanwhile, Never Trump “Republicans” and the effeminately whipped remnants of the MAGA movement are now telling themselves and others that the pedophile rapist and likely incestuous traitor and seditionist who has been proven to be running a massive bribery racket with the Chinese as his main clients, and is also rapidly dying of dementia, is somehow INEVITABLE.  Just wait for 2022 and 2024….

Two coups.  Seven years apart. Parallel in every way.

Check your hats, kids.  I think you might find a skull or two. Or a compass and square….

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.