Notes and Updates: Petition Number 7, Polish Mystics, and Lessons in Phlebotomy

A.) My liturgical schedule is thus far essentially uninterrupted.  I hear Mass daily, and take all of you that can’t even get inside a church with me.  For many years now, my seventh petition in my after-Mass prayers has been the following:

“The Church Militant IS visible.  May I always be able to clearly see and recognize the True Church on earth, and may I always remain within easy walking distance of daily Tridentine Mass, or Divine Liturgy, until my death.”

Petition Number Seven, even though it is being continuously answered in real time, has no expiration date apart from death.

B.) Yes, we mis-spoke in Episode #105 of the Barnhardt Podcast about blood types.  Type O is the universal donor.  Type AB is the universal recipient.  All of the relics and miraculous samples Our Lord’s Blood are type AB.  I reckon this might be because type AB is so relatively rare that it speaks to the veracity of the Shroud of Turin, etc. for them all to show a blood type that is quite rare.  Considering that no one even knew about blood types until the past century, the notion that forgers could match blood types on these various relics and miraculous items is simply impossible.

C.). One of the things that is continually surprising with regards to this website and the Barnhardt Podcast is the reminder of the SIZE of the audience.  I mean this in the sense that whenever SuperNerd or I put out a request for information, expertise in a certain technical area, an answer usually comes within 24 hours.  In this case, the search for the obscure Polish Mystic who wrote on Our Lord’s pain at casual, unthinking, unprepared Sacramental Communions.  The source link is HERE.  The mystic’s name is Alicja Lenczewska.  I REALLY love the focus on ingratitude.  Ingratitude and incessant complaining is a textbook trait of diabolical narcissists – those who have purged themselves of love.  This is a very good read, indeed, and, considering who the source very well could be….

Beware of a thoughtless and indifferent receiving of Me in Holy Communion. This is a great sin and profanation of my Love and my Gift born in the Blood of Golgotha.

My Child, how much I must hide Myself so as not to burn your soul with the fire of My Love and kill your body with the might of My fatherly tenderness. But I love so much and want to be loved.

Beware of a thoughtless and indifferent receiving of Me in Holy Communion. This is a great sin and profanation of My Love and my Gift born in the Blood of Golgotha.
Do not care about the priest who offers my Sacrifice. Do not observe him, do not evaluate him. Do not choose the Sacrifice offered by your favorite priest. Do not go there for him. Come only for Me – for making a gift of yourself on the altar and accepting My gift in Communion.

Abide with Me and be tender. Compensate for the coldness of my chosen ones. I suffer humiliation when my chosen ones touch Me with a hardened heart, celebrating the Sacrifice of the Mass. Compensate Me for their cold and empty spirit that they approach Me with. Serve Me the sweet chalice of your love to salve the taste of vinegar cupped with bitterness, which many make Me drink.

I thirst for the love of my children and I keep crying from the table of sacrifice: I thirst. I thirst for your hearts to fill them with My Love. I thirst for pure hearts so that only My Love is within them.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.