Eyewitness testimony: Pope Benedict is perfectly mentally lucid

I had a face-to-face conversation yesterday with a person who had an audience with Pope Benedict XVI in Rome less than two weeks ago.

Pope Benedict is completely mentally lucid and sharp, and speaks and moves between multiple languages (that my contact eyewitnessed) with complete facility.

Pope Benedict, like almost all people over the age of 90, is thin. Almost no one weighs more at age 92 than at age 78.

+Gänswein was NOT present.

So, all claims that Pope Benedict is either senile or suffering from dementia are 100% incorrect.

I was shown a picture of the Holy Father taken by my contact, and it looked very much like the picture below. This picture is NOT from my contact, it is just very similar.

Pray for Pope Benedict, the one and only living Pope, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.