Stupendous news! Another priest reader, this priest being a scholar in Europe, has started commemorating Barnhardt Benefactors and Supporters DAILY, so we are now up to a minimum of TWO, and often-times THREE Masses per day offered for the salvation of your souls and your intentions. And remember, once you’re on “the list”, you will never be removed, even if you decide at some later date that you hate me. (Me an’ God, we’ve got an arrangement.)
Tying up money with anything having to do with the One True Faith is super-dangerous territory. Satan uses money, perhaps even more than sex, to leverage and compromise people. The vice of effeminacy, that is the reluctance to do anything that might reduce one’s personal comfort or pleasure in life, is CLEARLY joined at the hip to love of money. The near-total silence we hear with regards to the Bergoglian Antipapacy is mostly a function of money-based effeminacy: fear that confronting Antipope Bergoglio will result in a loss of monetary income (blegging, subscriptions, grants, fellowships, book deals, salaried positions under the aegis of the Church, etc.) OR loss of non-monetary wealth, meaning career tracks, perks, and general “high living” perks such as luxury real estate lodgings that many Bishops and Cardinals especially are completely addicted to.
As a person coming off of worldly success (I pushed the pencil on the question not long ago, and I estimate my current annual gross income to be less than SIX PERCENT of my peak a decade ago – and yet, oddly enough, my quality of life is through the roof – funny that!), it is especially painful to live on other people’s money, essentially. Not long after I put a PayPal button up (PayPal lasted as a viable option for just over a year – thank goodness) I was shocked to hear other people who also lived on their PayPal button talk about their donors in contemptuous terms (they called their donors “the rubes”), and the sickening sense of entitlement they openly displayed. I resolved immediately to take steps to somehow, some way, do SOMETHING for my benefactors, and to hopefully keep myself from being destroyed by my own foray into the morally dangerous waters of, gulp, “professional Catholicism”. Shudder.
There is nothing I can write or say that could ever be anything more than Epsilon compared to the literal INFINITUDE of ONE MASS offered for the salvation of the souls of my Benefactors and Supporters. Which means that there can also never be enough Masses offered! We are now at two or three per day, every day. THIS is the true consolation. Since I have always been a very firm believer in the notion that simply doing the right thing is not in any way heroic or deserving of any sort of reward or remuneration, I am constantly aware that EVERY PENNY that comes to me from donors is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT GRATUITOUS on the part of the donor. What better return can I make than the act of INFINITE GRATUITOUS LOVE ITSELF, the Sacrifice of Calvary?
It is an honor and a pleasure to be alive in these days, and to be able to fight for the One True Faith, Holy Mother Church, the Papacy, and the Roman Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger.
It is a CATEGORICAL JOY to be able to have the Holy Sacrifice offered multiple times per day, every day, for you. Thank you for the privilege.
In a related vein, I received this very moving email on Saturday:
Dear Ann,
Today was the funeral of Mr. T., he was 94 years old. He was very dedicated to his wife and the Church. We would often at times discuss your pieces. He saw the devastation that happened in the past 50 years and more. How ironic that today is the anniversary of the Novus Ordo. His Funeral Requiem Mass was the second traditional Mass held at our parish in the past 50+ years! My mother’s Funeral Requiem was the first a few months ago. I am thankful for your prayers for her and the Masses offered each day that you arranged. Mr. T. would pray in Adoration for sometimes eight hours per day even in his 90s! He usually prayed 16 Rosaries per day! I am sure that the Masses you arranged and all the prayers Mr. T. has offered up will, through the intersession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, help many that we cannot see in this mortal life. I have enclosed photos of the effect of the physical changes in ONE year in the 1960s at our Parish. Mr. T. helped pay for much of what was lost to be restored, but his prayers were the most important gift. God bless you for all you do-Before the Asteroid….