Mailbag: It Isn’t Just Antipope Bergoglio That Denies Christ’s Divinity….


Thank you for providing us with the most current and accurate reporting on the latest scandal surrounding Bergoglio. In your latest translation of Scalfari’s article, something jumped out at me that brought me chills. If you look at the first sentence, and remove the parenthetical statements that somewhat cloud its meaning, readers are left with:

Whoever has had the luck of meeting him and speaking to him knows that Pope Francis (sic) conceives Christ as Jesus of Nazareth, man, not God incarnate.”

Scalfari reveals that he’s not the only one that knows this is Bergoglio’s POV on Christ’s divinity! How high and how deep does the apostasy go within the hierarchy of the church?!

Keep fighting the good fight. You and others are the modern “voice crying out in the desert.”

God bless,


This astute point leads us directly back to an essay that I first wrote in ARSH 2014 that has become one of the most heavily cited, referenced and syndicated pieces I have ever written. It is the infamous “They don’t actually believe any of that Catholicism bullshit” essay. Here is an excerpt. Remember, this was written in May ARSH 2014.

Now, you can squirm and call me uncharitable all you like, but deep down you know just as well as I do that if you were able to corner the vast majority of these people at a cocktail party where they would open up to you honestly, OF COURSE they don’t believe in the Divinity of Christ. OF COURSE they don’t believe in the concept of sin, much less Original Sin, and certainly not in any sort of judgment by a personal deity, much less the ridiculous fictions of hell or damnation. OF COURSE they don’t believe in the Mass as The Holy and August Sacrifice of Calvary Made Present, and CERTAINLY not in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. I mean, come on, this is all a bunch of medieval bullshit that a bunch superstitious neanderthals used to oppress and control each other up until we “sang a newchurch into being” in 1965 after Saint Second Vatican Council incarnated in the hearts of men on October 11, 1962, and then ascended on December 8, 1965, thus liberating modern man from nineteen centuries of monumentally embarrassing and oppressive crackpot voodoo bullshit.

It doesn’t matter what the Mass was like before, and it doesn’t matter what the Fathers and Saints taught before, because MANKIND ITSELF was different, and not just different but INFERIOR. Thus everything “old” is just a bunch of bullshit, and everything “new” is good, and thus the Church must also be new, and thus different. None of that ridiculous old bullshit can possibly speak to the new, superior modern man, who, being liberated from nineteen centuries of bullshit, can now “encounter” Christ and “dialogue” with “him” as an equal – because “he” IS AN EQUAL.

Anyone who takes any interest at all in any of that archaic nonsense must then, by definition, be of sub-standard intelligence at best, and TOTALLY UNCOOL at worst. You don’t want to be UNCOOL, do you? You don’t want to be THROWN OUT OF SEMINARY, do you? You don’t want to be disdained and sneered at and mocked behind your back by your professors, superiors and peers, do you? You don’t want to be exiled to some *gasp* RURAL parish, do you? You don’t want to be demoted from being Chief Justice of the Vatican Supreme Court to a purely ceremonial position as the Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, do you? You don’t want people to think that you ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT BULLSHIT, right?

Modern man, having moved beyond and having been liberated from the bullshit, can now act as his own arbiter of truth, conceptualizing the notions of good and evil within himself, and truth, goodness and beauty are now negotiable and dynamic. Modern man need not rely upon or even be informed by strict, rigid, antiquated, superstitious teaching (the bullshit), but now, in his superiority, can confidently rely on how things make him FEEL, and thus liberate himself and others from the bullshit, and thus stop obsessing over minutiae and trivia, and start worrying about the things that really matter: giving the state the power to redistribute wealth and incur incalculable debt so that unlimited amounts of free shit can be “given” to “poor people”, thus eliminating material inequality which is the root of social evil, and, of course, climate change. And also maintaining the cash flow from the church tax in Germany.

The concepts of “mercy” and “charity” must be redefined as “PERMISSIVENESS born from INDIFFERENCE” according to the new order – the exact opposite of their antiquated and oppressive pre-St. Vatican II bullshit meanings.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the eyes of these people there is today only one sin, and that sin is actually believing what the Catholic Church teaches. It embarrasses them. It embarrasses them to the point of rage.

In like manner also the chief priests, with the scribes and ancients, mocking, said: He saved others; Himself He cannot save. If He be the king of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose….

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.