Mailbag: Dona Nobis Pacem

(The Truth, even when horrific, brings peace, because Jesus Christ IS the Truth. This letter, just over the transom, exemplifies this.)

Dear Ann,

Thank you for the reminder to speak with our friends and family about the anti-papacy of Jorge Bergoglio. I have been a little on the timid side with this topic. I am very outspoken on other topics such as anti-abortion, communism but with this one I am reluctant.

So tonight, I called a friend to convey birthday wishes and well, we were having a grand ol’ chat… and so I sprung it on her… and with a sigh of relief she was so grateful for the direction to your blog and Bp Gracida’s blog. It ended up being a great birthday gift for her. My friend is a very faithful Catholic (in our 20’s when most others were off, she was remained steady) but she just didn’t know what to make of what is going on with this Anti-pope Bergoglio. I was so happy to give her this boost and on her birthday no less… (also the anniversary of Michael Davies death). 

Thanks again.

Keep up the good work.

God Bless,


Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.