In this episode we discuss details and aspects of the Armed Aussie who assaulted two Mosques in New Zealand, reprising the theme that fighting back against an attacker is the best way to survive (even if an edged weapon is all you’ve got in a gunfight). We also talk about Barbara Streisand’s defense of pedophilia; even though she’s walking it back in the media it’s possible her first statement was her true outlook on the matter.

Ann Barnhardt, as depicted by the Southern Poverty Law Center
Links, reading, and YouTube:
- The Case forWatching the NZ Video
- Denninger on the NZ Shooter
- Hard Truths About Civilian Combat Tactics (cross-posted)
- (YouTube) Man chased the Mosque shooter with the shooter’s own gun
- “Jihad: Works Both Ways”
- Barbara Streisand: “Michael Jackson had needs… it didn’t kill them.”
- Portrait of Ann by the Southern Poverty Law Center
- The One About: Your Pinch of Incense to Al Gore
- The Souls of the Damned Fall into Hell like Snowflakes in a blizard
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