Alfie Evans, Italian Citizen As of This Afternoon, Video – Amazing

This video is just a few hours old.  This is the child that the satanic, murderous National Health Service of the U.K. promised to execute today. FULL REPORTAGE HERE.

Incredible developments here.  The Italian State has gotten its act together, and made Alfie Evans an Italian Citizen this afternoon.  So now, Alfie is an Italian National being held by the NHS, and now The Italian State is formally requesting that Alfie be released so that he can be repatriated to his new homeland so that he can be diagnosed and treated – AND, wait for it, the Italians are threatening to level MURDER CHARGES against anyone complicit in Alfie’s execution.

Wow.  Glimmers of Christian Culture still visible in Italy. We’re in full-blown miracle territory here, I think.

Keep praying, folks!!

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.