I offer the TLM (Traditional Latin Mass) publicly every weekday, with a few exceptions. I will commit to Tuesday mornings at 0830 EST.As you know, the Canon allows for ‘N and N’ at the Memento for the living, so I think it would be appropriate to name you and your benefactors each Tuesday.
I am committing to this because I have been given a mighty weapon in the war that is not against flesh and blood, and therefore I also have a grave responsibility to wield it in the day of battle. I am determined to stand my ground at the foot of Calvary and there – at the Altar – fight with Him, suffer with Him and die with Him (God helping me). Ann, the crucifixion approaches, and the perplexing desolation of Psalm 21 awaits the broken Body of Christ, especially every Alter Christus.
Note also that I am committing to offering the TLM for you and your benefactors in partial return for your having taught me to ‘put my elbows down’. You know, the one about… (Why Priests Can Only Ever Be Men).
“See” you next Tuesday.
So there you go. Every Tuesday at 0830 Eastern, the Holy and August Sacrifice of the Mass in the Venerable Gregorian Rite will be offered for you, my Benefactors.