New Ann Interview w/ Elijah

We’re basically just doing one of these per month, now to catch up on current events.  We talk about the ObamaCare website intentional failure, the complicity of the Catholic bishops in the ObamaCare fraud, a few different topics.  It’s pretty good – for a chick.  I acquired a headset with a microphone so the audio quality is greatly improved.  I’m still a shrill, shrieking harridan, but I’m a shrill, shrieking harridan with much more low-end bass and less high-end tweet.  It helps.

BTW, someone reminded me of the Big Lebowski Dude and how White Russians were referred to as “Caucasians”, so pour yourself up a Caucasian (or four) and enjoy 44 minutes of browbeating.  Za Vas!

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.