1. Salmagundi is a type of salad that contains a little bit of everything.
2. I have added several more essays to the “The One About…” page, including the one about Sharia Finance, the one about Jesus and Guns and the one about Jesus Christ: Economist. I’ll try to get some more up today.
3. Yes, I saw that the Obama regime is threatening to arrest any priest chaplain who says Mass. Obviously, every Catholic priest chaplain should IMMEDIATLY go offer the August and Unbloody Holy Sacrifice in the most public way possible every single day and then force the Obama regime to either arrest them and physically drag them off the altar or sit down and shut up. Fix bayonets and CHARGE! No army ever won a war by cowering in fear.
4. Speaking of which, here is a great reader comment on the “’78 Chryslers and Prayer” piece:
At the end of your “Mopar vs GM, Prayer” you added an addendum about the contemptative/cloistered orders. This thought did occur to me when you mentioned that prayer isn’t the purpose, but I’ve read just enough about the lives of cloistered Saints to realize that your analogy fits them even better than us in the secular world. Prayer is their fuel too, but the work they are doing is more sublime and more direct than what we do. Being a military nerd and member of the Church Militant, I have taken to calling the cloistered religious the Heavy Artillery of the Church Militant. Just look at the life of the Little Flower (St. Therese of Lisieux): her spiritual combat on behalf of missionaries was like a thousand howitzers “softening up” an enemy formation before sending in the infantry to finish the job — only more so. Just as every Mass is a bending of space and time which summarizes all time and brings us into physical contact with Christ crucified on Calvary, so the cloistered religious, behind the walls of their monastery, do direct combat with satan and his minion without the constraints of physical space getting in their way. There have been dramatic examples of this in history — like Blessed Mary Agreda** — but before reading your addendum I thought it was even more the case for the religious.
And what happens to a military ground force when it loses artillery or air support — or worse yet, those assets target them instead of the enemy? That’s what we’re seeing in the Church with the loss of the monks and nuns and the perversion of the few that remain.
And now our commander-in-chief is ordering us to discard our weapons and stop fighting with our enemies…. I think the minor chastisement is upon us.

A ten quintillion Hungarian Pengo note circa 1946. Guys, the U.S. economy and debt bubble is far, far worse than anything that was going on in Hungary. The only difference is the fact that the reality of the Hungarian situation was acknowledged by the market – because that is what people USED to do: acknowledge reality.