Breaking Blockbuster: Prima Facie Evidence that Francis is, in fact, Antipope

I just had a conversation with someone a few hours ago about how incredibly dark these days are, and how A.) we should implore our Blessed Lord to arise from His slumber on the fantail of the boat and save us from these heretical/apostate jackals and B.) how Our Lord will surely give His Remnant Church a “trail of breadcrumbs” so that we can know where we need to be and where His Church is so that we can stay close to Him.

And… it’s happening.

Here’s the deal.  In order for a pope to be validly elected, there can be NO vote canvassing or .  It is an automatic excommunicable offense. This law was reinforced MIGHTILY in ARSH 1996 by none other than Pope St. John Paul II.  Here is the text from Universi Dominici Gregis:

The Cardinal electors shall further abstain from any form of pact, agreement, promise or other commitment of any kind which could oblige them to give or deny their vote to a person or persons. If this were in fact done, even under oath, I decree that such a commitment shall be null and void and that no one shall be bound to observe it; and I hereby impose the penalty of excommunication latae sententiae upon those who violate this prohibition. It is not my intention however to forbid, during the period in which the See is vacant, the exchange of views concerning the election.
I likewise forbid the Cardinals before the election to enter into any stipulations, committing themselves of common accord to a certain course of action should one of them be elevated to the Pontificate. These promises too, should any in fact be made, even under oath, I also declare null and void.
With the same insistence shown by my Predecessors, I earnestly exhort the Cardinal electors not to allow themselves to be guided, in choosing the Pope, by friendship or aversion, or to be influenced by favour or personal relationships towards anyone, or to be constrained by the interference of persons in authority or by pressure groups, by the suggestions of the mass media, or by force, fear or the pursuit of popularity. Rather, having before their eyes solely the glory of God and the good of the Church, and having prayed for divine assistance, they shall give their vote to the person, even outside the College of Cardinals, who in their judgment is most suited to govern the universal Church in a fruitful and beneficial way.

So, all of the Cardinals who canvassed, and, presuming he was aware of it and consented to it, the man that they were canvassing for, would all be automatically excommunicated PRIOR TO THE CONCLAVE EVEN BEGINNING.

So what is the blockbuster news? Sodomite and pedophile lover Cardinal Danneels of Belgium has just stated ON VIDEO at a launch event for his fully-authorized biography that he openly admits to being a member of a “mafiaclub” – HIS WORD – formed to act against Pope Benedict XVI, that specifically canvassed and organized Bergoglio’s election. This is being reported in the English language sphere by the excellent and reliable journalist Edward Pentin.

Further, in this AUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY, Danneels, who can only be described as an enthusiastic supporter of horrific sexual perversion and the slaughter of pre-born children, admits that the election of Bergoglio was organized YEARS in advance by the so-called “San Gallo Mafiaclub” for the express purpose of pushing through a hyper-radical and utterly heretical “reform” agenda centered around the ratification of perverted sex acts.

Citation from an Italian newspaper here.  You can run it through googletranslate. has all manner of reportage on the truly despicable Danneels.  You can start here, in which there is an audio recording of Danneels telling a boy to keep his mouth shut about being raped by a bishop – who also happened to be the boy’s uncle.  Yeah. This Danneels is a real piece of shit.

Bergoglio has also HANDPICKED Danneels to be the NUMBER TWO MAN at the upcoming Synod on the Family, which is expected to drive the Church into schism.

And it all stands to reason.  As we have discussed here over the last 2.5 years, Bergoglio is a thug, and the Church is pretty much completely infiltrated with people who DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE ANY OF IT.  So, why would a power and earthly glory-hungry thug like Bergoglio, or a bunch of filthy, child-raping fags WHO DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN ANY OF IT be even the tiniest bit affected by the Law of the Church?  It’s a PUNCHLINE to them.  Why would we think that these people are internally constrained in any way for fear of a paradigm in which they DO NOT BELIEVE???

This effeminate, pollyanna worldview can no longer be defended.  It’s just stupid. This has been prophesied by none other than THE MOTHER OF GOD, and frankly, how could one NOT want for this nightmare to be somehow thwarted? Is normalcy bias so strong that the systematic destruction of western civilization and the Church has to be not just ACCEPTED, but defended as NOMINAL?

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.

Christ, have mercy on us.




Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.