More F-U Bill and Melinda Gates: Vac-tattoo Mark of the Beast already developed at MIT, paid for by the Gates Foundation

MIT researchers have now developed a novel way to record a patient’s vaccination history: storing the data in a pattern of dye, invisible to the naked eye, that is delivered under the skin at the same time as the vaccine. The research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute […]

#TOLDYA: Bill Gates already announcing Mark of the Beast “Digital Certificate” of “vaccination”

Via Lew Rockwell. Reddit question: What changes are we going to have to make to how businesses operate to maintain our economy while providing social distancing? Bill Gates’ answer: The question of which businesses should keep going is tricky. Certainly food supply and the health system. We still need water, electricity and the internet. Supply […]

Deacon Nick Donnelly points decisively to the Coercion Clause (by the CIA) of Canon 188 invalidating the attempted resignation, and the installation of Bergoglio as Antipope.

And yes, I agree that unless the Bergoglian Antipapacy is called out, the CIA has the “successor” lined up. Why would they NOT? What I now think Joseph Ratzinger was forced to resign by Obama/CIA Bergoglio was the globalist/Deep State operative prepared since at least 2005 The 2013 Conclave was rigged by cardinal operatives on […]

Eleven years ago today Pope Benedict rained a deluge of Substantial Error down upon 200,000 people in St. Peter’s Square and all the world. Bonus: Another Dr. Mazza home run interview video

Subtitle: THEY TALK BUT DO NOTHING. I was struck by the Gospel reading this morning for the Tuesday in the Second Week of Lent. It’s a wonderfully scathing indictment of the pathological inaction of the men of the post-Christian West, from Cardinal Princes of the Church all the way down to mere peasants who can’t […]

How today’s ancient Mass of the Chair of St. Peter smacks down HARD the Trad Inc. “The Papacy is an Inflated Albatross of Papolatry that must be scaled down to a meaningless figurehead position” Freemasonic bilge.

Today is the very ancient Feast of the Chair of St. Peter – a particular joy and consolation given recent events and the current vacancy of the Chair since Pope Benedict’s death 383 days ago. I was especially struck by the Gradual of the Mass, which, it certainly seems to me, crushes to a fine […]

The Dogmatic Definition of Papal Infallibility at Vatican I was one of the most profound gifts of loving protection God has ever given to His Holy Church. Beware ANYONE who dares to call God’s gift a curse, or a mistake.

(A repost from two years ago. This can never be repeated enough. It is precisely the absolute authority and universal jurisdiction of the Papacy that we need, in FULL manifestation, potency and unapologetically virile exercise. In short, we need a saintly “Pope Pitbull I.” -AB ‘23) All of the “Fwanciss is deffinetwee Pope, shut up, […]

St. Rose of Lima

St. Rose of Lima, Claudio Coello (ARSH 1642-1693) We read that her confessor offered himself to go to the missions, but he feared because of the dangers it would entail. After consulting the saint [Rose] he heard these words: “Go Father, and do not fear. Leave all to labor for the conversion of the infidel, and […]