Typical Malignant Narcissist Hypocrite: Bergoglio is Against War (Unless It's War Initiated by Fascist Generals Attacking Peaceful Islanders by Surprise In Order to Play Into Nationalistic Prejudices)

(I’m shamelessly lifting on this piece from Mr. Spalding over at MahoundsParadise.  He wrote a post on this very thing in August, but after Francid’s verbal diarrhea on Wednesday condemning ALL war, including just war of DEFENSE, I just had to bring this back to the fore.) Jorge Bergoglio is very simply a bad, bad […]

Yes, Dears, Francis is a PERONIST-FASCIST…

The was a full piece in the Washington Post yesterday titled, “You can’t understand Pope Francis without Juan Perón — and Evita”. Um.  Yeah.  Been SCREECHING the fact that he is a dirty, dirty thug Peronist-Fascist since, um, oh, A FEW HOURS AFTER HE WAS ELECTED.  But I’m not bitter or frustrated or anything.  Nope. […]

Deep, heaving sigh………..

1.  One really doesn’t feel like being amusing or witty when passenger jets at cruising altitude are being shot out of the sky with SAMs, Christian genocides are the order of the day, one’s homeland is physically dissolving, the Vicar of Jesus Christ has no desire to convert anyone, and World War III appears to […]

More Objective Reality

From 2011, Pope Francis, then Cardinal Bergoglio, celebrating a “youth Mass” complete with puppets. This is just about as bad as it gets, folks. The consecrations are at the 5:30 and 6:15 marks. No genuflection. In fact not a single person there on the altar, such as it is, genuflects, much less kneels, except the […]